blob: d4b6655378f84190cf0d942beb0b2313036daf31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// An Issue is a single GitHub issue in the Test Flakes project:
// a plain github.Issue plus our associated data.
type Issue struct {
ScriptText string // extracted watchflakes script
Script *script.Script // compiled script
// initialized by readComments
Stale bool // issue comments may be stale
Comments []*github.IssueComment // all issue comments
NewBody bool // issue body (containing script) is newer than last watchflakes comment
Mentions map[string]bool // log URLs that have already been posted in watchflakes comments
// what to send back to the issue
Error string // error message (markdown) to post back to issue
Post []*FailurePost // failures to post back to issue
func (i *Issue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i.Number) }
var (
gh *github.Client
repo *github.Repo
labels map[string]*github.Label
testFlakes *github.Project
var scriptRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(^( {4}|\t)#!watchflakes\n((( {4}|\t).*)?\n)+|^\x60{3}\n#!watchflakes\n(([^\x60].*)?\n)+\x60{3}\n)`)
// readIssues reads the GitHub issues in the Test Flakes project.
// It also sets up the repo, labels, and testFlakes variables for
// use by other functions below.
func readIssues(old []*Issue) ([]*Issue, error) {
var err error
gh, err = github.Dial("gopherbot")
if err != nil {
gh, err = github.Dial("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find repo.
r, err := gh.Repo("golang", "go")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repo = r
// Find labels.
list, err := gh.SearchLabels("golang", "go", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
labels = make(map[string]*github.Label)
for _, label := range list {
labels[label.Name] = label
// Find Test Flakes project.
ps, err := gh.Projects("golang", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, p := range ps {
if p.Title == "Test Flakes" {
testFlakes = p
if testFlakes == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find Test Flakes project")
cache := make(map[int]*Issue)
for _, issue := range old {
cache[issue.Number] = issue
// Read all issues in Test Flakes.
var issues []*Issue
items, err := gh.ProjectItems(testFlakes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, item := range items {
if item.Issue != nil {
issue := &Issue{Issue: item.Issue, NewBody: true, Stale: true}
if c := cache[item.Issue.Number]; c != nil {
// Carry conservative NewBody, Mentions data forward
// to avoid round trips about things we already know.
if c.Issue.LastEditedAt.Equal(item.Issue.LastEditedAt) {
issue.NewBody = c.NewBody
issue.Mentions = c.Mentions
issues = append(issues, issue)
sort.Slice(issues, func(i, j int) bool {
return issues[i].Number < issues[j].Number
return issues, nil
// findScripts finds the scripts in the issues,
// initializing issue.Script and .ScriptText or else .Error
// in each issue.
func findScripts(issues []*Issue) {
for _, issue := range issues {
var noScriptError = `
Sorry, but I can't find a watchflakes script at the start of the issue description.
See for details.
var parseScriptError = `
Sorry, but there were parse errors in the watch flakes script.
The script I found was:
And the problems were:
See for details.
// findScript finds the script in issue and parses it.
// If the script is not found or has any parse errors,
// issue.Error is filled in.
// Otherwise issue.ScriptText and issue.Script are filled in.
func findScript(issue *Issue) {
// Extract ```-fenced or indented code block at start of issue description (body).
body := strings.ReplaceAll(issue.Body, "\r\n", "\n")
lines := strings.SplitAfter(body, "\n")
for len(lines) > 0 && strings.TrimSpace(lines[0]) == "" {
lines = lines[1:]
text := ""
if len(lines) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(lines[0], "```") {
marker := lines[0]
n := 0
for n < len(marker) && marker[n] == '`' {
marker = marker[:n]
i := 1
for i := 1; i < len(lines); i++ {
if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], marker) && strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimLeft(lines[i], "`")) == "" {
text = strings.Join(lines[1:i], "")
if i < len(lines) {
} else if strings.HasPrefix(lines[0], "\t") || strings.HasPrefix(lines[0], " ") {
i := 1
for i < len(lines) && (strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "\t") || strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], " ")) {
text = strings.Join(lines[:i], "")
// Must start with #!watchflakes so we're sure it is for us.
hdr, _, _ := strings.Cut(text, "\n")
hdr = strings.TrimSpace(hdr)
if hdr != "#!watchflakes" {
issue.Error = noScriptError
// Parse script.
issue.ScriptText = text
s, errs := script.Parse("script", text, fields)
if len(errs) > 0 {
var errtext strings.Builder
for _, err := range errs {
issue.Error = fmt.Sprintf(parseScriptError, indent("\t", text), indent("\t", errtext.String()))
issue.Script = s
func postIssueErrors(issues []*Issue) []error {
var errors []error
for _, issue := range issues {
if issue.Error != "" && issue.NewBody {
if issue.NewBody {
fmt.Printf(" - #%d script error\n", issue.Number)
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", indent(spaces[:7], issue.Error))
if *post {
if err := postComment(issue, issue.Error); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
issue.NewBody = false
return errors
// updateText returns the text for the GitHub update on issue.
func updateText(issue *Issue) string {
if len(issue.Post) == 0 {
return ""
var b strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "Found new dashboard test flakes for:\n\n%s", indent(spaces[:4], issue.ScriptText))
for _, f := range issue.Post {
_ = f
return b.String()
// reportNew creates and returns a new issue for reporting the failure.
// If *post is false, reportNew returns a fake issue with number 0.
func reportNew(fp *FailurePost) (*Issue, error) {
var pattern, title string
if fp.Pkg != "" {
pattern = fmt.Sprintf("pkg == %q && test == %q", fp.Pkg, fp.Test)
test := fp.Test
if test == "" {
test = "unrecognized"
title = shortPkg(fp.Pkg) + ": " + test + " failures"
} else if fp.Test != "" {
pattern = fmt.Sprintf("repo == %q && pkg == %q && test == %q", fp.Repo, "", fp.Test)
title = "build: " + fp.Test + " failures"
} else if fp.IsBuildFailure() {
pattern = fmt.Sprintf("builder == %q && repo == %q && mode == %q", fp.Builder, fp.Repo, "build")
title = "build: build failure on " + fp.Builder
} else {
pattern = fmt.Sprintf("builder == %q && repo == %q && pkg == %q && test == %q", fp.Builder, fp.Repo, "", "")
title = "build: unrecognized failures on " + fp.Builder
var msg strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&msg, "```\n#!watchflakes\ndefault <- %s\n```\n\n", pattern)
fmt.Fprintf(&msg, "Issue created automatically to collect these failures.\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&msg, "Example ([log](%s)):\n\n%s", fp.URL, indent(spaces[:4], fp.Snippet))
// TODO: for a single test failure, add a link to LUCI history page.
fmt.Printf("# new issue: %s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n", title, fp.String(), fp.URL, pattern, fp.Snippet)
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", indent(spaces[:3], msg.String()))
issue := new(Issue)
if *post {
issue.Issue = newIssue(title, msg.String())
} else {
issue.Issue = &github.Issue{Title: title, Body: msg.String()}
if issue.Error != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find script in generated issue:\nBody:\n%s\n\nError:\n%s", issue.Body, issue.Error)
issue.Post = append(issue.Post, fp)
return issue, nil
// signature is the signature we add to the end of every comment or issue body
// we post on GitHub. It links to documentation for users, and it also serves as
// a way to identify the comments that we posted, since watchflakes can be run
// as gopherbot or as an ordinary user.
const signature = "\n\n— [watchflakes](\n"
// keep in sync with buildURL function in luci.go
// An older version reported instead of,
// match them as well.
var buildUrlRE = regexp.MustCompile(`[("'][0-9]+['")]`)
// readComments loads the comments for the given issue,
// setting the Comments, NewBody, and Mentions fields.
func readComments(issue *Issue) {
if issue.Number == 0 || !issue.Stale {
log.Printf("readComments %d", issue.Number)
comments, err := gh.IssueComments(issue.Issue)
if err != nil {
issue.Comments = comments
mtime := issue.LastEditedAt
if mtime.IsZero() {
mtime = issue.CreatedAt
issue.Mentions = make(map[string]bool)
issue.NewBody = true // until proven otherwise
for _, com := range comments {
// Only consider comments we signed.
if !strings.Contains(com.Body, "\n— watchflakes") && !strings.Contains(com.Body, "\n— [watchflakes](") {
if com.CreatedAt.After(issue.LastEditedAt) {
issue.NewBody = false
for _, link := range buildUrlRE.FindAllString(com.Body, -1) {
l := strings.Trim(link, "()\"'")
issue.Mentions[l] = true
// An older version reported instead of,
// match them as well.
issue.Mentions[strings.Replace(l, "", "", 1)] = true
issue.Stale = false
// newIssue creates a new issue with the given title and body,
// setting the NeedsInvestigation label and placing the issue int
// the Test Flakes project.
// It automatically adds signature to the body.
func newIssue(title, body string) *github.Issue {
var args []any
if lab := labels["NeedsInvestigation"]; lab != nil {
args = append(args, lab)
args = append(args, testFlakes)
issue, err := gh.CreateIssue(repo, title, body+signature, args...)
if err != nil {
return issue
// postComment posts a new comment on the issue.
// It automatically adds signature to the comment.
func postComment(issue *Issue, body string) error {
if len(body) > 50000 {
// Apparently GitHub GraphQL API limits comment length to 65536.
body = body[:50000] + "\n</details>\n(... long comment truncated ...)\n"
if issue.Issue.Closed {
reopen := false
for _, p := range issue.Post {
_ = p
if p.Time.After(issue.ClosedAt) {
reopen = true
if reopen {
if err := gh.ReopenIssue(issue.Issue); err != nil {
return err
return gh.AddIssueComment(issue.Issue, body+signature)