blob: 680878ead00366d6feeaf450a86e8a3eed7833a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package relui
import (
func TestNonDistpack(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("minor", func(t *testing.T) {
testRelease(t, "go1.20", 20, "go1.20.1", task.KindCurrentMinor)
func TestRelease(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("beta", func(t *testing.T) {
testRelease(t, "go1.20", 21, "go1.21beta1", task.KindBeta)
t.Run("rc", func(t *testing.T) {
testRelease(t, "go1.20", 21, "go1.21rc1", task.KindRC)
t.Run("major", func(t *testing.T) {
testRelease(t, "go1.20", 21, "go1.21.0", task.KindMajor)
func TestSecurity(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
testSecurity(t, true)
t.Run("failure", func(t *testing.T) {
testSecurity(t, false)
const fakeGo = `#!/bin/bash -eu
case "$1" in
ls go.mod go.sum >/dev/null
for i in "${@:2}"; do
echo -e "// pretend we've upgraded to $i" >> go.mod
echo "$i h1:asdasd" | tr '@' ' ' >> go.sum
ls go.mod go.sum >/dev/null
echo "tidied!" >> go.mod
mkdir -p internal/imports
cd internal/imports && echo "package imports" >> zstdlib.go
echo unexpected command $@
exit 1
type releaseTestDeps struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
buildlets *task.FakeBuildlets
goRepo *task.FakeRepo
gerrit *reviewerCheckGerrit
versionTasks *task.VersionTasks
buildTasks *BuildReleaseTasks
milestoneTasks *task.MilestoneTasks
publishedFiles map[string]*task.WebsiteFile
func newReleaseTestDeps(t *testing.T, previousTag, wantVersion string) *releaseTestDeps {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
t.Skip("Requires bash shell scripting support.")
task.AwaitDivisor, workflow.MaxRetries = 100, 1
t.Cleanup(func() { task.AwaitDivisor, workflow.MaxRetries = 1, 3 })
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Set up a server that will be used to serve inputs to the build.
bootstrapServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(serveBootstrap))
fakeBuildlets := task.NewFakeBuildlets(t, bootstrapServer.URL, map[string]string{
"pkgbuild": `#!/bin/bash -eu
case "$@" in
"--identifier=org.golang.go --version ` + wantVersion + ` --scripts=pkg-scripts --root=pkg-root pkg-intermediate/org.golang.go.pkg")
# We're doing an intermediate step in building a PKG.
echo "I'm an intermediate PKG!" > "$6"
tar -cz -C pkg-root . >> "$6"
echo "unexpected command $@"
exit 1
"productbuild": `#!/bin/bash -eu
case "$@" in
"--distribution=pkg-distribution --resources=pkg-resources --package-path=pkg-intermediate pkg-out/` + wantVersion + `.pkg")
# We're building a PKG.
ls pkg-distribution pkg-resources/bg-light.png pkg-resources/bg-dark.png >/dev/null
cat pkg-intermediate/* | head -n 1 | sed "s/an intermediate PKG/a PKG/" > "$4"
cat pkg-intermediate/* | tail -n +2 >> "$4"
echo "unexpected command $@"
exit 1
"pkgutil": `#!/bin/bash -eu
case "$@" in
"--expand-full go.pkg pkg-expanded")
# We're expanding a PKG.
mkdir -p "$3/org.golang.go.pkg/Payload/usr/local/go"
tail -n +2 "$2" | tar -xz -C "$3/org.golang.go.pkg/Payload"
echo "unexpected command $@"
exit 1
// Set up the fake CDN publishing process.
servingDir := t.TempDir()
dlDir := t.TempDir()
dlServer := httptest.NewServer(http.FileServer(http.FS(os.DirFS(dlDir))))
go fakeCDNLoad(ctx, t, servingDir, dlDir)
// Set up the fake website to publish to.
var filesMu sync.Mutex
files := map[string]*task.WebsiteFile{}
publishFile := func(f *task.WebsiteFile) error {
defer filesMu.Unlock()
files[strings.TrimPrefix(f.Filename, wantVersion+".")] = f
return nil
goRepo := task.NewFakeRepo(t, "go")
base := goRepo.Commit(goFiles)
goRepo.Tag(previousTag, base)
dlRepo := task.NewFakeRepo(t, "dl")
toolsRepo := task.NewFakeRepo(t, "tools")
toolsRepo1 := toolsRepo.Commit(map[string]string{
"go.mod": "module\n",
"go.sum": "\n",
"internal/imports/mkstdlib.go": "package imports\nconst C=1",
toolsRepo.Tag("master", toolsRepo1)
fakeGerrit := task.NewFakeGerrit(t, goRepo, dlRepo, toolsRepo)
gerrit := &reviewerCheckGerrit{FakeGerrit: fakeGerrit}
goServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
task.ServeTarball("dl/go1.19.linux-amd64.tar.gz", map[string]string{
"go/bin/go": fakeGo,
}, w, r)
versionTasks := &task.VersionTasks{
Gerrit: gerrit,
GerritURL: fakeGerrit.GerritURL(),
GoProject: "go",
CreateBuildlet: fakeBuildlets.CreateBuildlet,
LatestGoBinaries: func(context.Context) (string, error) {
return goServer.URL + "/dl/go1.19.linux-amd64.tar.gz", nil
milestoneTasks := &task.MilestoneTasks{
Client: fakeGitHub{},
RepoOwner: "golang",
RepoName: "go",
ApproveAction: func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext) error {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected approval request for %q", ctx.TaskName)
buildTasks := &BuildReleaseTasks{
GerritClient: gerrit,
GerritHTTPClient: http.DefaultClient,
GerritURL: fakeGerrit.GerritURL() + "/go",
GCSClient: nil,
ScratchURL: "file://" + filepath.ToSlash(t.TempDir()),
ServingURL: "file://" + filepath.ToSlash(servingDir),
CreateBuildlet: fakeBuildlets.CreateBuildlet,
SignService: task.NewFakeSignService(t),
DownloadURL: dlServer.URL,
ProxyPrefix: dlServer.URL,
PublishFile: publishFile,
ApproveAction: func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext) error {
if strings.Contains(ctx.TaskName, "Release Coordinator Approval") {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected approval request for %q", ctx.TaskName)
// Cleanups are called in reverse order, and we need to cancel the context
// before the temp dirs are deleted.
return &releaseTestDeps{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
buildlets: fakeBuildlets,
goRepo: goRepo,
gerrit: gerrit,
versionTasks: versionTasks,
buildTasks: buildTasks,
milestoneTasks: milestoneTasks,
publishedFiles: files,
func testRelease(t *testing.T, prevTag string, major int, wantVersion string, kind task.ReleaseKind) {
deps := newReleaseTestDeps(t, prevTag, wantVersion)
wd := workflow.New()
deps.gerrit.wantReviewers = []string{"heschi", "dmitshur"}
v := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(deps.buildTasks, deps.milestoneTasks, deps.versionTasks, wd, major, kind, workflow.Const(deps.gerrit.wantReviewers))
workflow.Output(wd, "Published Go version", v)
w, err := workflow.Start(wd, map[string]interface{}{
"Targets to skip testing (or 'all') (optional)": []string{"js-wasm"},
"Ref from the private repository to build from (optional)": "",
if err != nil {
outputs, err := w.Run(deps.ctx, &verboseListener{t: t, onStall: deps.cancel})
if err != nil {
// Create a complete list of expected published files.
wantPublishedFiles := map[string]string{
wantVersion + ".src.tar.gz": "source",
for _, t := range releasetargets.TargetsForGo1Point(major) {
switch t.GOOS {
case "darwin":
wantPublishedFiles[wantVersion+"."+t.Name+".tar.gz"] = "archive"
wantPublishedFiles[wantVersion+"."+t.Name+".pkg"] = "installer"
case "windows":
wantPublishedFiles[wantVersion+"."+t.Name+".zip"] = "archive"
wantPublishedFiles[wantVersion+"."+t.Name+".msi"] = "installer"
wantPublishedFiles[wantVersion+"."+t.Name+".tar.gz"] = "archive"
dlURL, files := deps.buildTasks.DownloadURL, deps.publishedFiles
for _, f := range deps.publishedFiles {
wantKind, ok := wantPublishedFiles[f.Filename]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("got unexpected published file %q", f.Filename)
} else if got, want := f.Kind, wantKind; got != want {
t.Errorf("file %s has unexpected kind: got %q, want %q", f.Filename, got, want)
delete(wantPublishedFiles, f.Filename)
checkFile(t, dlURL, files, strings.TrimPrefix(f.Filename, wantVersion+"."), f, func(t *testing.T, b []byte) {
if got, want := len(b), int(f.Size); got != want {
t.Errorf("%s size mismatch with metadata: %v != %v", f.Filename, got, want)
if got, want := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256(b)), f.ChecksumSHA256; got != want {
t.Errorf("%s sha256 mismatch with metadata: %q != %q", f.Filename, got, want)
if got, want := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256(b)), string(fetch(t, dlURL+"/"+f.Filename+".sha256")); got != want {
t.Errorf("%s sha256 mismatch with .sha256 file: %q != %q", f.Filename, got, want)
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Filename, ".tar.gz") {
if got, want := string(fetch(t, dlURL+"/"+f.Filename+".asc")), fmt.Sprintf("I'm a GPG signature for %x!", sha256.Sum256(b)); got != want {
t.Errorf("%v doesn't have the expected GPG signature: got %s, want %s", f.Filename, got, want)
if len(wantPublishedFiles) != 0 {
t.Errorf("missing %d published files: %v", len(wantPublishedFiles), wantPublishedFiles)
versionFile := outputs["VERSION file"].(string)
if !strings.Contains(versionFile, wantVersion) {
t.Errorf("version file should contain %q, got %q", wantVersion, versionFile)
checkTGZ(t, dlURL, files, "src.tar.gz", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "",
Arch: "",
Kind: "source",
}, map[string]string{
"go/VERSION": versionFile,
"go/src/make.bash": makeScript,
checkContents(t, dlURL, files, "windows-amd64.msi", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "windows",
Arch: "amd64",
Kind: "installer",
}, "I'm an MSI!\n-signed <Windows>")
checkTGZ(t, dlURL, files, "linux-amd64.tar.gz", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "linux",
Arch: "amd64",
Kind: "archive",
}, map[string]string{
"go/VERSION": versionFile,
"go/tool/something_orother/compile": "",
checkZip(t, dlURL, files, "", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "windows",
Arch: "amd64",
Kind: "archive",
}, map[string]string{
"go/VERSION": versionFile,
"go/tool/something_orother/compile": "",
checkTGZ(t, dlURL, files, "linux-armv6l.tar.gz", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "linux",
Arch: "armv6l",
Kind: "archive",
}, map[string]string{
"go/VERSION": versionFile,
"go/tool/something_orother/compile": "",
checkContents(t, dlURL, files, "darwin-amd64.pkg", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "darwin",
Arch: "amd64",
Kind: "installer",
}, "I'm a PKG! -signed <macOS>")
modVer := "v0.0.1-" + wantVersion + ".darwin-amd64"
checkContents(t, dlURL, nil, modVer+".mod", nil, "module")
checkContents(t, dlURL, nil, modVer+".info", nil, fmt.Sprintf(`"Version":"%v"`, modVer))
checkZip(t, dlURL, nil, modVer+".zip", nil, map[string]string{
"" + modVer + "/bin/go": "-signed <macOS>",
head, err := deps.gerrit.ReadBranchHead(deps.ctx, "dl", "master")
if err != nil {
content, err := deps.gerrit.ReadFile(deps.ctx, "dl", head, wantVersion+"/main.go")
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(string(content), fmt.Sprintf("version.Run(%q)", wantVersion)) {
t.Errorf("unexpected dl content: %v", content)
tag, err := deps.gerrit.GetTag(deps.ctx, "go", wantVersion)
if err != nil {
if kind != task.KindBeta {
version, err := deps.gerrit.ReadFile(deps.ctx, "go", tag.Revision, "VERSION")
if err != nil {
if string(version) != versionFile {
t.Errorf("VERSION file is %q, expected %q", version, versionFile)
func testSecurity(t *testing.T, mergeFixes bool) {
deps := newReleaseTestDeps(t, "go1.17", "go1.18rc1")
// Set up the fake merge process. Once we stop to ask for approval, commit
// the fix to the public server.
privateRepo := task.NewFakeRepo(t, "go-private")
securityFix := map[string]string{"security.txt": "This file makes us secure"}
privateRef := privateRepo.Commit(securityFix)
privateGerrit := task.NewFakeGerrit(t, privateRepo)
deps.buildTasks.PrivateGerritURL = privateGerrit.GerritURL() + "/go-private"
defaultApprove := deps.buildTasks.ApproveAction
deps.buildTasks.ApproveAction = func(tc *workflow.TaskContext) error {
if mergeFixes {
return defaultApprove(tc)
// Run the release.
wd := workflow.New()
v := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(deps.buildTasks, deps.milestoneTasks, deps.versionTasks, wd, 18, task.KindRC, workflow.Slice[string]())
workflow.Output(wd, "Published Go version", v)
w, err := workflow.Start(wd, map[string]interface{}{
"Targets to skip testing (or 'all') (optional)": []string{"js-wasm"},
"Ref from the private repository to build from (optional)": privateRef,
if err != nil {
if mergeFixes {
_, err = w.Run(deps.ctx, &verboseListener{t: t})
if err != nil {
} else {
runToFailure(t, deps.ctx, w, "Check branch state matches source archive", &verboseListener{t: t})
checkTGZ(t, deps.buildTasks.DownloadURL, deps.publishedFiles, "src.tar.gz", &task.WebsiteFile{
OS: "",
Arch: "",
Kind: "source",
}, map[string]string{
"go/security.txt": "This file makes us secure",
func TestAdvisoryTrybotFail(t *testing.T) {
deps := newReleaseTestDeps(t, "go1.17", "go1.18rc1")
defaultApprove := deps.buildTasks.ApproveAction
approvedTrybots := false
deps.buildTasks.ApproveAction = func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext) error {
if strings.Contains(ctx.TaskName, "Run advisory TryBot") {
approvedTrybots = true
return nil
return defaultApprove(ctx)
// Run the release.
wd := workflow.New()
v := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(deps.buildTasks, deps.milestoneTasks, deps.versionTasks, wd, 18, task.KindRC, workflow.Slice[string]())
workflow.Output(wd, "Published Go version", v)
w, err := workflow.Start(wd, map[string]interface{}{
"Targets to skip testing (or 'all') (optional)": []string(nil),
"Ref from the private repository to build from (optional)": "",
if err != nil {
if _, err := w.Run(deps.ctx, &verboseListener{t: t}); err != nil {
if !approvedTrybots {
t.Errorf("advisory trybots didn't need approval")
// makeScript pretends to be make.bash. It creates a fake go command that
// knows how to fake the commands the release process runs.
const makeScript = `#!/bin/bash -eu
VERSION=$(head -n 1 $GO/VERSION)
if [[ $# >0 && $1 == "-distpack" ]]; then
mkdir -p $GO/pkg/distpack
(cd $GO/.. && find . | xargs touch -t 202301010000 && tar cf $tmp go)
# On macOS, tar -czf puts a timestamp in the gzip header. Do it ourselves with --no-name to suppress it.
gzip --no-name $tmp
mv $tmp.gz $GO/pkg/distpack/$VERSION.src.tar.gz
mkdir -p $GO/bin
cat <<'EOF' >$GO/bin/go
#!/bin/bash -eu
case "$1 $2" in
"run releaselet.go")
# We're building an MSI. The command should be run in the gomote work dir.
ls go/src/make.bash >/dev/null
mkdir msi
echo "I'm an MSI!" > msi/thisisanmsi.msi
"install -race")
# Installing the race mode stdlib. Doesn't matter where it's run.
mkdir -p $(dirname $0)/../pkg/something_orother/
touch $(dirname $0)/../pkg/something_orother/race.a
echo "unexpected command $@"
exit 1
chmod 0755 $GO/bin/go
cp $GO/bin/go $GO/bin/go.exe
# We don't know what GOOS_GOARCH we're "building" for, write some junk for
# versimilitude.
mkdir -p $GO/tool/something_orother/
touch $GO/tool/something_orother/compile
if [[ $# >0 && $1 == "-distpack" ]]; then
case $GOOS in
# The zip command isn't installed on our buildlets. Python is.
(cd $GO/.. && find . | xargs touch -t 202301010000 && python3 -m zipfile -c $tmp go/)
mv $tmp $GO/pkg/distpack/$VERSION-$GOOS-$
(cd $GO/.. && find . | xargs touch -t 202301010000 && tar cf $tmp go)
# On macOS, tar -czf puts a timestamp in the gzip header. Do it ourselves with --no-name to suppress it.
gzip --no-name $tmp
mv $tmp.gz $GO/pkg/distpack/$VERSION-$GOOS-$GOARCH.tar.gz
echo "module" > $GO/pkg/distpack/$MODVER.mod
echo -e "{\"Version\":\"$MODVER\", \"Timestamp\":\"fake timestamp\"}" > $GO/pkg/distpack/$
MODTMP=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir -p $MODDIR
cp -r $GO $MODDIR
(cd $MODTMP && find . | xargs touch -t 202301010000 && python3 -m zipfile -c $tmp .)
mv $tmp $GO/pkg/distpack/$
// allScript pretends to be all.bash. It is hardcoded to pass.
const allScript = `#!/bin/bash -eu
echo "I'm a test! :D"
if [[ $GO_BUILDER_NAME = "js-wasm" ]]; then
echo "Oh no, WASM is broken"
exit 1
exit 0
var goFiles = map[string]string{
"src/make.bash": makeScript,
"src/make.bat": makeScript,
"src/all.bash": allScript,
"src/all.bat": allScript,
"src/race.bash": allScript,
"src/race.bat": allScript,
func serveBootstrap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
task.ServeTarball("go-builder-data/go", map[string]string{
"bin/go": "I'm a dummy bootstrap go command!",
}, w, r)
func checkFile(t *testing.T, dlURL string, files map[string]*task.WebsiteFile, filename string, meta *task.WebsiteFile, check func(*testing.T, []byte)) {
t.Run(filename, func(t *testing.T) {
resolvedName := filename
if files != nil {
f, ok := files[filename]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("file %q not published", filename)
if diff := cmp.Diff(meta, f, cmpopts.IgnoreFields(task.WebsiteFile{}, "Filename", "Version", "ChecksumSHA256", "Size")); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("file metadata mismatch (-want +got):\n%v", diff)
resolvedName = f.Filename
body := fetch(t, dlURL+"/"+resolvedName)
check(t, body)
func fetch(t *testing.T, url string) []byte {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("getting %v: %v", url, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("getting %v: non-200 OK status code %v", url, resp.Status)
b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("reading %v: %v", url, err)
return b
func checkContents(t *testing.T, dlURL string, files map[string]*task.WebsiteFile, filename string, meta *task.WebsiteFile, contents string) {
checkFile(t, dlURL, files, filename, meta, func(t *testing.T, b []byte) {
if got, want := string(b), contents; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%v contains %q, want %q", filename, got, want)
func checkTGZ(t *testing.T, dlURL string, files map[string]*task.WebsiteFile, filename string, meta *task.WebsiteFile, contents map[string]string) {
checkFile(t, dlURL, files, filename, meta, func(t *testing.T, b []byte) {
gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
tr := tar.NewReader(gzr)
for {
h, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
want, ok := contents[h.Name]
if !ok {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tr)
if err != nil {
delete(contents, h.Name)
if got := string(b); !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%v contains %q, want %q", filename, got, want)
if len(contents) != 0 {
t.Errorf("not all files were found: missing %v", contents)
func checkZip(t *testing.T, dlURL string, files map[string]*task.WebsiteFile, filename string, meta *task.WebsiteFile, contents map[string]string) {
checkFile(t, dlURL, files, filename, meta, func(t *testing.T, b []byte) {
zr, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), int64(len(b)))
if err != nil {
for _, f := range zr.File {
want, ok := contents[f.Name]
if !ok {
r, err := zr.Open(f.Name)
if err != nil {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
delete(contents, f.Name)
if got := string(b); !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%v contains %q, want %q", filename, got, want)
if len(contents) != 0 {
t.Errorf("not all files were found: missing %v", contents)
type reviewerCheckGerrit struct {
wantReviewers []string
func (g *reviewerCheckGerrit) CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, input gerrit.ChangeInput, reviewers []string, contents map[string]string) (string, error) {
if diff := cmp.Diff(g.wantReviewers, reviewers, cmpopts.EquateEmpty()); diff != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected reviewers for CL: %v", diff)
return g.FakeGerrit.CreateAutoSubmitChange(ctx, input, reviewers, contents)
type fakeGitHub struct{}
func (fakeGitHub) FetchMilestone(_ context.Context, owner, repo, name string, create bool) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
func (fakeGitHub) FetchMilestoneIssues(_ context.Context, owner, repo string, milestoneID int) (map[int]map[string]bool, error) {
return nil, nil
func (fakeGitHub) EditIssue(_ context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int, issue *github.IssueRequest) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error) {
return nil, nil, nil
func (fakeGitHub) EditMilestone(_ context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int, milestone *github.Milestone) (*github.Milestone, *github.Response, error) {
return nil, nil, nil
type verboseListener struct {
t *testing.T
onStall func()
func (l *verboseListener) WorkflowStalled(workflowID uuid.UUID) error {
l.t.Logf("workflow %q: stalled", workflowID.String())
if l.onStall != nil {
return nil
func (l *verboseListener) TaskStateChanged(_ uuid.UUID, _ string, st *workflow.TaskState) error {
switch {
case !st.Finished:
l.t.Logf("task %-10v: started", st.Name)
case st.Error != "":
l.t.Logf("task %-10v: error: %v", st.Name, st.Error)
l.t.Logf("task %-10v: done: %v", st.Name, st.Result)
return nil
func (l *verboseListener) Logger(_ uuid.UUID, task string) workflow.Logger {
return &testLogger{t: l.t, task: task}
type testLogger struct {
t *testing.T
task string
func (l *testLogger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
l.t.Logf("task %-10v: LOG: %s", l.task, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func runToFailure(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, w *workflow.Workflow, task string, wrap workflow.Listener) string {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var message string
listener := &errorListener{
taskName: task,
callback: func(m string) {
message = m
Listener: wrap,
_, err := w.Run(ctx, listener)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("workflow unexpectedly succeeded")
return message
type errorListener struct {
taskName string
callback func(string)
func (l *errorListener) TaskStateChanged(id uuid.UUID, taskID string, st *workflow.TaskState) error {
if st.Name == l.taskName && st.Finished && st.Error != "" {
l.Listener.TaskStateChanged(id, taskID, st)
return nil
func fakeCDNLoad(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, from, to string) {
fromFS, toFS := gcsfs.DirFS(from), gcsfs.DirFS(to)
seen := map[string]bool{}
periodicallyDo(ctx, t, 100*time.Millisecond, func() error {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(fromFS, ".")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, f := range files {
if seen[f.Name()] {
seen[f.Name()] = true
contents, err := fs.ReadFile(fromFS, f.Name())
if err != nil {
return err
if err := gcsfs.WriteFile(toFS, f.Name(), contents); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func periodicallyDo(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, period time.Duration, f func() error) {
var err error
childCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
internal.PeriodicallyDo(childCtx, period, func(_ context.Context, _ time.Time) {
err = f()
if err != nil {
// Suppress errors caused by the test finishing before we notice.
if err != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {