cmd/relui: join communication tasks in main release workflows

The next step after joining the announcement mail and tweet tasks
is to append them to the end of the main existing release workflows.

This removes the need for the human release coordinator to manually
enter the Version (and, for minor releases, Secondary Version)
parameters, since that information is already automatically computed
as part of those workflows, and can be passed along.

Since the website update is not yet integrated into the release flow,
and as an initial safety check, add another "Wait to Announce" step
that must be approved by the release coordinator, before relui proceeds
to announce a recently published Go release.

This change adds, but doesn't yet enable, this functionality; it's
currently gated on the mergeCommTasksIntoReleaseWorkflows constant.

For golang/go#53537.

Change-Id: Id9046ae3de52da5ba49e4bcecda2ca427fd0e51c
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
Reviewed-by: Carlos Amedee <>
Run-TryBot: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
Auto-Submit: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
diff --git a/cmd/relui/main.go b/cmd/relui/main.go
index 2e4800c..78d8167 100644
--- a/cmd/relui/main.go
+++ b/cmd/relui/main.go
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 		RepoOwner: "golang",
 		RepoName:  "go",
-	relui.RegisterReleaseWorkflows(dh, buildTasks, milestoneTasks, versionTasks)
+	relui.RegisterReleaseWorkflows(dh, buildTasks, milestoneTasks, versionTasks, annMail, extCfg)
 	w := relui.NewWorker(dh, db, relui.NewPGListener(db))
 	go w.Run(ctx)
diff --git a/internal/relui/buildrelease_test.go b/internal/relui/buildrelease_test.go
index c86ef6f..abecee1 100644
--- a/internal/relui/buildrelease_test.go
+++ b/internal/relui/buildrelease_test.go
@@ -127,9 +127,11 @@
 	wd := workflow.New()
-	if err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(buildTasks, milestoneTasks, versionTasks, wd, "go1.18", kind); err != nil {
+	v, err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(buildTasks, milestoneTasks, versionTasks, wd, "go1.18", kind)
+	if err != nil {
+	wd.Output("Published Go version", v)
 	w, err := workflow.Start(wd, map[string]interface{}{
 		"Targets to skip testing (or 'all') (optional)": []string(nil),
diff --git a/internal/relui/workflows.go b/internal/relui/workflows.go
index aab04c0..e937f65 100644
--- a/internal/relui/workflows.go
+++ b/internal/relui/workflows.go
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@
 // RegisterMailDLCLDefinition registers a workflow definition for mailing a CL
 // onto h.
+// This is superseded by RegisterReleaseWorkflows and will be removed
+// after some time, when we confirm there's no need for separate workflows.
 func RegisterMailDLCLDefinition(h *DefinitionHolder, tasks *task.VersionTasks) {
 	versions := workflow.Parameter{
 		Name:          "Versions",
@@ -102,6 +105,9 @@
 // RegisterCommunicationDefinitions registers workflow definitions
 // involving mailing announcements and posting tweets onto h.
+// This is superseded by RegisterReleaseWorkflows and will be removed
+// after some time, when we confirm there's no need for separate workflows.
 func RegisterCommunicationDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, tasks task.AnnounceMailTasks, e task.ExternalConfig) {
 	version := workflow.Parameter{
 		Name: "Version",
@@ -109,7 +115,103 @@
 The version string must use the same format as Go tags.`,
-	securitySummary := workflow.Parameter{
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		minorVersion := version
+		minorVersion.Example = "go1.18.2"
+		v1 := wd.Parameter(minorVersion)
+		v2 := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{
+			Name:    "Secondary Version",
+			Doc:     `Secondary Version is an older Go version that was also released.`,
+			Example: "go1.17.10",
+		})
+		securitySummary := wd.Parameter(securitySummaryParameter)
+		securityFixes := wd.Parameter(securityFixesParameter)
+		names := wd.Parameter(releaseCoordinatorNames)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2 string, sec, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Names: names})
+		}, v1, v2, securityFixes, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, e)
+		}, v1, v2, securitySummary, announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-minor", wd)
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		betaVersion := version
+		betaVersion.Example = "go1.19beta1"
+		v := wd.Parameter(betaVersion)
+		names := wd.Parameter(releaseCoordinatorNames)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+		}, v, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, e)
+		}, v, announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-beta", wd)
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		rcVersion := version
+		rcVersion.Example = "go1.19rc1"
+		v := wd.Parameter(rcVersion)
+		names := wd.Parameter(releaseCoordinatorNames)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+		}, v, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, e)
+		}, v, announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-rc", wd)
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		majorVersion := version
+		majorVersion.Example = "go1.19"
+		v := wd.Parameter(majorVersion)
+		names := wd.Parameter(releaseCoordinatorNames)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+		}, v, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v}, e)
+		}, v)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-major", wd)
+	}
+// Release parameter definitions.
+var (
+	securitySummaryParameter = workflow.Parameter{
 		Name: "Security Summary (optional)",
 		Doc: `Security Summary is an optional sentence describing security fixes included in this release.
@@ -122,7 +224,8 @@
 • "Includes a security fix for the Wasm port (CVE-2021-38297)."
 • "Includes security fixes for encoding/pem (CVE-2022-24675), crypto/elliptic (CVE-2022-28327), crypto/x509 (CVE-2022-27536)."`,
-	securityFixes := workflow.Parameter{
+	securityFixesParameter = workflow.Parameter{
 		Name:          "Security Fixes (optional)",
 		ParameterType: workflow.SliceLong,
 		Doc: `Security Fixes is a list of descriptions, one for each distinct security fix included in this release, in Markdown format.
@@ -158,111 +261,20 @@
 This is CVE-2022-24675 and Go issue`,
-	names := workflow.Parameter{
-		Name:          "Names (optional)",
+	releaseCoordinatorNames = workflow.Parameter{
+		Name:          "Release Coordinator Names (optional)",
 		ParameterType: workflow.SliceShort,
-		Doc: `Names is an optional list of release coordinator names to include in the sign-off message.
+		Doc: `Release Coordinator Names is an optional list of release coordinator names to include in the sign-off message.
 It shows up in the announcement mail.`,
-	{
-		wd := workflow.New()
-		minorVersion := version
-		minorVersion.Example = "go1.18.2"
-		v1 := wd.Parameter(minorVersion)
-		v2 := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{
-			Name:    "Secondary Version",
-			Doc:     `Secondary Version is an older Go version that was also released.`,
-			Example: "go1.17.10",
-		})
-		securitySummary := wd.Parameter(securitySummary)
-		securityFixes := wd.Parameter(securityFixes)
-		names := wd.Parameter(names)
-		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2 string, sec, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
-			return tasks.AnnounceMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Names: names})
-		}, v1, v2, securityFixes, names)
-		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
-		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
-			return task.TweetMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, e)
-		}, v1, v2, securitySummary, announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
-		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-minor", wd)
-	}
-	{
-		wd := workflow.New()
-		betaVersion := version
-		betaVersion.Example = "go1.19beta1"
-		v := wd.Parameter(betaVersion)
-		names := wd.Parameter(names)
-		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
-			return tasks.AnnounceBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
-		}, v, names)
-		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
-		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
-			return task.TweetBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, e)
-		}, v, announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
-		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-beta", wd)
-	}
-	{
-		wd := workflow.New()
-		rcVersion := version
-		rcVersion.Example = "go1.19rc1"
-		v := wd.Parameter(rcVersion)
-		names := wd.Parameter(names)
-		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
-			return tasks.AnnounceRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
-		}, v, names)
-		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
-		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
-			return task.TweetRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, e)
-		}, v, announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
-		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-rc", wd)
-	}
-	{
-		wd := workflow.New()
-		majorVersion := version
-		majorVersion.Example = "go1.19"
-		v := wd.Parameter(majorVersion)
-		names := wd.Parameter(names)
-		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
-			return tasks.AnnounceMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
-		}, v, names)
-		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
-		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string) (string, error) {
-			return task.TweetMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v}, e)
-		}, v)
-		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
-		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
-		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-major", wd)
-	}
 // RegisterAnnounceMailOnlyDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving announcing
 // onto h.
-// This is superseded by RegisterCommunicationDefinitions and will be removed
+// This is superseded by RegisterReleaseWorkflows and will be removed
 // after some time, when we confirm there's no need for separate workflows.
 func RegisterAnnounceMailOnlyDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, tasks task.AnnounceMailTasks) {
 	version := workflow.Parameter{
@@ -367,7 +379,7 @@
 // RegisterTweetOnlyDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving tweeting
 // onto h, using e for the external service configuration.
-// This is superseded by RegisterCommunicationDefinitions and will be removed
+// This is superseded by RegisterReleaseWorkflows and will be removed
 // after some time, when we confirm there's no need for separate workflows.
 func RegisterTweetOnlyDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, e task.ExternalConfig) {
 	version := workflow.Parameter{
@@ -537,13 +549,59 @@
-func RegisterReleaseWorkflows(h *DefinitionHolder, build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks) error {
+// TODO( Flip to true.
+const mergeCommTasksIntoReleaseWorkflows = false
+// RegisterReleaseWorkflows registers workflows for issuing Go releases.
+func RegisterReleaseWorkflows(h *DefinitionHolder, build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, comm task.AnnounceMailTasks, extCfg task.ExternalConfig) error {
 	createSingle := func(name, major string, kind task.ReleaseKind) error {
 		wd := workflow.New()
-		err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd, major, kind)
+		var names workflow.Value
+		if mergeCommTasksIntoReleaseWorkflows {
+			names = wd.Parameter(releaseCoordinatorNames)
+		}
+		versionPublished, err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd, major, kind)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
+		if mergeCommTasksIntoReleaseWorkflows {
+			const announceAndTweet = "Wait to Announce"
+			okayToAnnounceAndTweet := wd.Action(announceAndTweet, build.ApproveActionFunc(announceAndTweet), versionPublished)
+			// Announce that a new Go release has been published.
+			sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+				switch kind {
+				case task.KindMajor:
+					return comm.AnnounceMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+				case task.KindRC:
+					return comm.AnnounceRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+				case task.KindBeta:
+					return comm.AnnounceBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+				default:
+					return task.SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown release kind %v", kind)
+				}
+			}, versionPublished, names, okayToAnnounceAndTweet)
+			announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", comm.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+			tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
+				switch kind {
+				case task.KindMajor:
+					return task.TweetMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v}, extCfg)
+				case task.KindRC:
+					return task.TweetRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, extCfg)
+				case task.KindBeta:
+					return task.TweetBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, extCfg)
+				default:
+					return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown release kind %v", kind)
+				}
+			}, versionPublished, announcementURL, okayToAnnounceAndTweet)
+			wd.Output("Announcement URL", announcementURL)
+			wd.Output("Tweet URL", tweetURL)
+		}
 		h.RegisterDefinition(name, wd)
 		return nil
@@ -556,7 +614,7 @@
 	if err := createSingle("Go 1.19 next beta", "go1.19", task.KindBeta); err != nil {
 		return err
-	wd, err := createMinorReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, "go1.17", "go1.18")
+	wd, err := createMinorReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, comm, extCfg, "go1.17", "go1.18")
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -564,18 +622,49 @@
 	return nil
-func createMinorReleaseWorkflow(build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, prev, current string) (*workflow.Definition, error) {
+func createMinorReleaseWorkflow(build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, comm task.AnnounceMailTasks, extCfg task.ExternalConfig, prev, current string) (*workflow.Definition, error) {
 	wd := workflow.New()
-	if err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd.Sub(current), current, task.KindCurrentMinor); err != nil {
+	var securitySummary, securityFixes, names workflow.Value
+	if mergeCommTasksIntoReleaseWorkflows {
+		securitySummary = wd.Parameter(securitySummaryParameter)
+		securityFixes = wd.Parameter(securityFixesParameter)
+		names = wd.Parameter(releaseCoordinatorNames)
+	}
+	v1Published, err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd.Sub(current), current, task.KindCurrentMinor)
+	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	if err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd.Sub(prev), prev, task.KindPrevMinor); err != nil {
+	v2Published, err := addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build, milestone, version, wd.Sub(prev), prev, task.KindPrevMinor)
+	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
+	if mergeCommTasksIntoReleaseWorkflows {
+		const announceAndTweet = "Wait to Announce"
+		okayToAnnounceAndTweet := wd.Action(announceAndTweet, build.ApproveActionFunc(announceAndTweet), wd.Slice(v1Published, v2Published))
+		// Announce that a new Go release has been published.
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2 string, sec, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return comm.AnnounceMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Names: names})
+		}, v1Published, v2Published, securityFixes, names, okayToAnnounceAndTweet)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", comm.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, extCfg)
+		}, v1Published, v2Published, securitySummary, announcementURL, okayToAnnounceAndTweet)
+		wd.Output("Announcement URL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("Tweet URL", tweetURL)
+	}
 	return wd, nil
-func addSingleReleaseWorkflow(build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks, wd *workflow.Definition, major string, kind task.ReleaseKind) error {
+func addSingleReleaseWorkflow(
+	build *BuildReleaseTasks, milestone *task.MilestoneTasks, version *task.VersionTasks,
+	wd *workflow.Definition, major string, kind task.ReleaseKind,
+) (versionPublished workflow.Value, _ error) {
 	skipTests := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{Name: "Targets to skip testing (or 'all') (optional)", ParameterType: workflow.SliceShort})
 	kindVal := wd.Constant(kind)
@@ -600,14 +689,14 @@
 	// Build, test, and sign release.
 	signedAndTestedArtifacts, err := build.addBuildTasks(wd, "go1.19", nextVersion, releaseBase, skipTests, checked)
 	if err != nil {
-		return err
+		return nil, err
-	verifiedName := "Wait for Release Coordinator Approval"
-	verified := wd.Action(verifiedName, build.ApproveActionFunc(verifiedName), signedAndTestedArtifacts)
+	const tagAndPublish = "Wait for Release Coordinator Approval"
+	okayToTagAndPublish := wd.Action(tagAndPublish, build.ApproveActionFunc(tagAndPublish), signedAndTestedArtifacts)
 	// Tag version and upload to CDN/website.
-	uploaded := wd.Action("Upload artifacts to CDN", build.uploadArtifacts, signedAndTestedArtifacts, verified)
+	uploaded := wd.Action("Upload artifacts to CDN", build.uploadArtifacts, signedAndTestedArtifacts, okayToTagAndPublish)
 	tagCommit := releaseBase
 	if branch != "master" {
@@ -618,11 +707,13 @@
 	tagged := wd.Action("Tag version", version.TagRelease, nextVersion, tagCommit, uploaded)
 	pushed := wd.Action("Push issues", milestone.PushIssues, milestones, nextVersion, kindVal, tagged)
-	published := wd.Task("Publish to website", build.publishArtifacts, nextVersion, signedAndTestedArtifacts, pushed)
-	wd.Output("Publish results", published)
-	return nil
+	versionPublished = wd.Task("Publish to website", build.publishArtifacts, nextVersion, signedAndTestedArtifacts, pushed)
+	return versionPublished, nil
+// addBuildTasks registers tasks to build, test, and sign the release onto wd.
+// It returns the output from the last task, a slice of signed and tested artifacts.
 func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) addBuildTasks(wd *workflow.Definition, majorVersion string, version, revision, skipTests workflow.Value, dependency workflow.Dependency) (workflow.Value, error) {
 	targets, ok := releasetargets.TargetsForVersion(majorVersion)
 	if !ok {
@@ -1123,7 +1214,11 @@
 	return nil
-func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) publishArtifacts(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, version string, artifacts []artifact) (string, error) {
+// publishArtifacts publishes artifacts for version (typically so they appear at
+// It returns version, the Go version that has been successfully published.
+// The version string uses the same format as Go tags. For example, "go1.19rc1".
+func (tasks *BuildReleaseTasks) publishArtifacts(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, version string, artifacts []artifact) (publishedVersion string, _ error) {
 	for _, a := range artifacts {
 		f := &WebsiteFile{
 			Filename:       a.Filename,
@@ -1150,7 +1245,10 @@
 			return "", err
-	return fmt.Sprintf("Uploaded %v artifacts for %v", len(artifacts), version), nil
+	if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
+		log.Printf("Published %v artifacts for %v", len(artifacts), version)
+	}
+	return version, nil
 // WebsiteFile represents a file on the downloads page.