dashboard: remove wikofever physical Android builders

We have the Corellium virtual devices for arm, arm64.

Updates golang/go#31722

Change-Id: I1c0c345a1c464a47adebc2610b09bcdc28fde221
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/build/+/176621
Run-TryBot: Elias Naur <mail@eliasnaur.com>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <gobot@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@golang.org>
diff --git a/dashboard/builders.go b/dashboard/builders.go
index ec87f42..988c08c 100644
--- a/dashboard/builders.go
+++ b/dashboard/builders.go
@@ -506,17 +506,6 @@
 		ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-mips64le"},
-	"host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android": &HostConfig{
-		Notes:       "Mac Mini hosted by Elias Naur, running the android reverse buildlet",
-		OwnerGithub: "eliasnaur",
-		IsReverse:   true,
-		ExpectNum:   1,
-		env: []string{
-			"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go-bootstrap",
-			"GOHOSTARCH=amd64",
-			"GOOS=android",
-		},
-	},
 	"host-darwin-amd64-zenly-ios": &HostConfig{
 		Notes:       "MacBook Pro hosted by Zenly, running the ios reverse buildlet",
 		OwnerGithub: "znly",
@@ -1991,47 +1980,6 @@
-		Name:     "darwin-amd64-wikofever",
-		HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
-		Notes:    "Same as android-arm*-wikofever but without GOOS set, for running x/mobile tests.",
-		buildsRepo: func(repo, branch, goBranch string) bool {
-			return repo == "mobile" && branch == "master" && goBranch == "master"
-		},
-		env: []string{
-			"CGO_ENABLED=1",
-		},
-	})
-	addBuilder(BuildConfig{
-		Name:     "android-arm-wikofever",
-		HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
-		Notes:    "Android Wiko Fever phone running Android 6.0, via a Mac Mini",
-		buildsRepo: func(repo, branch, goBranch string) bool {
-			return repo == "go" && branch == "master" && goBranch == "master"
-		},
-		env: []string{
-			"GOARCH=arm",
-			"GOOS=android",
-			"GOHOSTARCH=amd64",
-			"GOHOSTOS=darwin",
-			"CGO_ENABLED=1",
-		},
-	})
-	addBuilder(BuildConfig{
-		Name:     "android-arm64-wikofever",
-		HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
-		Notes:    "Android Wiko Fever phone running Android 6.0, via a Mac Mini",
-		buildsRepo: func(repo, branch, goBranch string) bool {
-			return repo == "go" && branch == "master" && goBranch == "master"
-		},
-		env: []string{
-			"GOARCH=arm64",
-			"GOOS=android",
-			"GOHOSTARCH=amd64",
-			"GOHOSTOS=darwin",
-			"CGO_ENABLED=1",
-		},
-	})
-	addBuilder(BuildConfig{
 		Name:     "android-386-emu",
 		HostType: "host-android-amd64-emu", // same amd64 host is used for 386 builder
 		Notes:    "Android emulator on GCE",
diff --git a/dashboard/builders_test.go b/dashboard/builders_test.go
index 1168a6c..29ab3ac 100644
--- a/dashboard/builders_test.go
+++ b/dashboard/builders_test.go
@@ -357,32 +357,14 @@
 		{b("linux-amd64-nocgo", "mobile"), none},
-		// The physical ARM Androids only runs "go":
-		// They run on GOOS=android mode which is not
-		// interesting for x/mobile. The interesting tests run
-		// on the darwin-amd64-wikofever below where
-		// GOOS=darwin.
-		{b("android-arm-wikofever", "go"), isBuilder},
-		{b("android-arm-wikofever", "mobile"), notBuilder},
-		{b("android-arm64-wikofever", "go"), isBuilder},
-		{b("android-arm64-wikofever", "mobile"), notBuilder},
-		{b("android-arm64-wikofever", "net"), notBuilder},
 		// Virtual mobiledevices
 		{b("darwin-arm64-corellium", "go"), isBuilder},
 		{b("android-arm64-corellium", "go"), isBuilder},
 		{b("android-arm-corellium", "go"), isBuilder},
-		// A GOOS=darwin variant of the physical ARM Androids
-		// runs x/mobile and nothing else:
-		{b("darwin-amd64-wikofever", "mobile"), isBuilder},
-		{b("darwin-amd64-wikofever", "go"), notBuilder},
-		{b("darwin-amd64-wikofever", "net"), notBuilder},
 		// Mobile builders that run with GOOS=linux/darwin and have
 		// a device attached.
 		{b("linux-amd64-androidemu", "mobile"), both},
-		{b("darwin-amd64-wikofever", "mobile"), onlyPost},
 		// But the emulators run all:
 		{b("android-amd64-emu", "mobile"), isBuilder},