blob: 8fe2c912777163a4168c57e01d1e7039c21987fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
bbpb ""
gpb ""
rdbpb ""
var nProc = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) * 4
const resultDBHost = ""
const crBuildBucketHost = ""
const gitilesHost = ""
type LUCIClient struct {
HTTPClient *http.Client
GitilesClient gpb.GitilesClient
BuildsClient bbpb.BuildsClient
BuildersClient bbpb.BuildersClient
ResultDBClient rdbpb.ResultDBClient
func NewLUCIClient() *LUCIClient {
c := new(http.Client)
gitilesClient, err := gitiles.NewRESTClient(c, gitilesHost, false)
if err != nil {
buildsClient := bbpb.NewBuildsPRPCClient(&prpc.Client{
C: c,
Host: crBuildBucketHost,
buildersClient := bbpb.NewBuildersPRPCClient(&prpc.Client{
C: c,
Host: crBuildBucketHost,
resultDBClient := rdbpb.NewResultDBPRPCClient(&prpc.Client{
C: c,
Host: resultDBHost,
return &LUCIClient{
HTTPClient: c,
GitilesClient: gitilesClient,
BuildsClient: buildsClient,
BuildersClient: buildersClient,
ResultDBClient: resultDBClient,
type BuilderConfigProperties struct {
Repo string `json:"project, omitempty"`
GoBranch string `json:"go_branch, omitempty"`
Target struct {
GOARCH string `json:"goarch, omitempty"`
GOOS string `json:"goos, omitempty"`
} `json:"target"`
type Builder struct {
Name string
type BuildResult struct {
ID int64
Status bbpb.Status
Commit string // commit hash
Time time.Time // commit time
GoCommit string // for subrepo build, go commit hash
BuildTime time.Time // build end time
Builder string
InvocationID string // ResultDB invocation ID
LogURL string // textual log of the whole run
LogText string
StepLogURL string // textual log of the (last) failed step, if any
StepLogText string
Failures []*Failure
type Commit struct {
Hash string
Time time.Time
type Project struct {
Repo string
GoBranch string
type Dashboard struct {
Builders []Builder
Commits []Commit
Results [][]*BuildResult // indexed by builder, then by commit
type Failure struct {
TestID string
Status rdbpb.TestStatus
LogURL string
LogText string
// Get the list of commits
func (c *LUCIClient) ListCommits(ctx context.Context, repo, gobranch string, since time.Time) []Commit {
log.Println("ListCommits", repo, gobranch)
branch := "master"
if repo == "go" {
branch = gobranch
var commits []Commit
var pageToken string
resp, err := c.GitilesClient.Log(ctx, &gpb.LogRequest{
Project: repo,
Committish: "refs/heads/" + branch,
PageSize: 1000,
PageToken: pageToken,
if err != nil {
for _, c := range resp.GetLog() {
commitTime := c.GetCommitter().GetTime().AsTime()
if commitTime.Before(since) {
goto done
commits = append(commits, Commit{
Hash: c.GetId(),
Time: commitTime,
if resp.GetNextPageToken() != "" {
pageToken = resp.GetNextPageToken()
goto nextPage
return commits
// Get the list of builders, on the given repo and gobranch.
// If repo and gobranch are empty, list all builders.
func (c *LUCIClient) ListBuilders(ctx context.Context, repo, gobranch string) []Builder {
log.Println("ListBuilders", repo, gobranch)
all := repo == "" && gobranch == ""
var builders []Builder
var pageToken string
resp, err := c.BuildersClient.ListBuilders(ctx, &bbpb.ListBuildersRequest{
Project: "golang",
Bucket: "ci",
PageSize: 1000,
PageToken: pageToken,
if err != nil {
for _, b := range resp.GetBuilders() {
var p BuilderConfigProperties
json.Unmarshal([]byte(b.GetConfig().GetProperties()), &p)
if all || (p.Repo == repo && p.GoBranch == gobranch) {
builders = append(builders, Builder{b.GetId().GetBuilder(), &p})
if resp.GetNextPageToken() != "" {
pageToken = resp.GetNextPageToken()
goto nextPage
slices.SortFunc(builders, func(a, b Builder) int {
return strings.Compare(a.Name, b.Name)
return builders
func (c *LUCIClient) ListBoards(ctx context.Context) []*Dashboard {
builders := c.ListBuilders(ctx, "", "")
repoMap := make(map[Project]bool)
for _, b := range builders {
repoMap[Project{b.Repo, b.GoBranch}] = true
boards := make([]*Dashboard, 0, len(repoMap))
for p := range repoMap {
d := &Dashboard{Project: p}
boards = append(boards, d)
slices.SortFunc(boards, func(d1, d2 *Dashboard) int {
if d1.Repo != d2.Repo {
// put main repo first
if d1.Repo == "go" {
return -1
if d2.Repo == "go" {
return 1
return strings.Compare(d1.Repo, d2.Repo)
return strings.Compare(d1.GoBranch, d2.GoBranch)
return boards
// Get builds from one builder.
func (c *LUCIClient) GetBuilds(ctx context.Context, builder string, since time.Time) []*bbpb.Build {
log.Println("GetBuilds", builder)
pred := &bbpb.BuildPredicate{
Builder: &bbpb.BuilderID{Project: "golang", Bucket: "ci", Builder: builder},
CreateTime: &bbpb.TimeRange{StartTime: timestamppb.New(since)},
mask, err := fieldmaskpb.New((*bbpb.Build)(nil), "id", "builder", "output", "status", "steps", "infra", "end_time")
if err != nil {
var builds []*bbpb.Build
var pageToken string
resp, err := c.BuildsClient.SearchBuilds(ctx, &bbpb.SearchBuildsRequest{
Predicate: pred,
Mask: &bbpb.BuildMask{Fields: mask},
PageSize: 1000,
PageToken: pageToken,
if err != nil {
builds = append(builds, resp.GetBuilds()...)
if resp.GetNextPageToken() != "" {
pageToken = resp.GetNextPageToken()
goto nextPage
return builds
// Read the build dashboard dash, fill in the content.
func (c *LUCIClient) ReadBoard(ctx context.Context, dash *Dashboard, since time.Time) {
log.Println("ReadBoard", dash.Repo, dash.GoBranch)
dash.Commits = c.ListCommits(ctx, dash.Repo, dash.GoBranch, since)
dash.Builders = c.ListBuilders(ctx, dash.Repo, dash.GoBranch)
dashMap := make([]map[string]*BuildResult, len(dash.Builders)) // indexed by builder, then keyed by commit hash
// Get builds from builders.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sem := make(chan int, nProc)
for i, builder := range dash.Builders {
buildMap := make(map[string]*BuildResult)
dashMap[i] = buildMap
sem <- 1
go func(builder Builder) {
defer func() { wg.Done(); <-sem }()
bName := builder.Name
builds := c.GetBuilds(ctx, bName, since)
for _, b := range builds {
id := b.GetId()
var commit, goCommit string
prop := b.GetOutput().GetProperties().GetFields()
for _, s := range prop["sources"].GetListValue().GetValues() {
x := s.GetStructValue().GetFields()["gitilesCommit"].GetStructValue().GetFields()
c := x["id"].GetStringValue()
switch repo := x["project"].GetStringValue(); repo {
case dash.Repo:
commit = c
case "go":
goCommit = c
log.Fatalf("repo mismatch: %s %s %s", repo, dash.Repo, buildURL(id))
if commit == "" {
switch b.GetStatus() {
case bbpb.Status_SUCCESS, bbpb.Status_FAILURE:
log.Fatalf("empty commit: %s", buildURL(id))
// unfinished build, or infra failure, ignore
buildTime := b.GetEndTime().AsTime()
if r0 := buildMap[commit]; r0 != nil {
// A build already exists for the same builder and commit.
// Maybe manually retried, or different go commits on same subrepo commit.
// Pick the one ended at later time.
const printDup = false
if printDup {
fmt.Printf("skip duplicate build: %s %s %d %d\n", bName, shortHash(commit), id, r0.ID)
if buildTime.Before(r0.BuildTime) {
rdb := b.GetInfra().GetResultdb()
if rdb.GetHostname() != resultDBHost {
log.Fatalf("ResultDB host mismatch: %s %s %s", rdb.GetHostname(), resultDBHost, buildURL(id))
if b.GetBuilder().GetBuilder() != bName { // sanity check
log.Fatalf("builder mismatch: %s %s %s", b.GetBuilder().GetBuilder(), bName, buildURL(id))
r := &BuildResult{
ID: id,
Status: b.GetStatus(),
Commit: commit,
GoCommit: goCommit,
BuildTime: buildTime,
Builder: bName,
BuilderConfigProperties: builder.BuilderConfigProperties,
InvocationID: rdb.GetInvocation(),
if r.Status == bbpb.Status_FAILURE {
links := prop["failure"].GetStructValue().GetFields()["links"].GetListValue().GetValues()
for _, l := range links {
m := l.GetStructValue().GetFields()
if strings.Contains(m["name"].GetStringValue(), "(combined output)") {
r.LogURL = m["url"].GetStringValue()
if r.LogURL == "" {
// No log URL, Probably a build failure.
// E.g.
// Use the build's stderr instead.
for _, l := range b.GetOutput().GetLogs() {
if l.GetName() == "stderr" {
r.LogURL = l.GetViewUrl()
// Fetch the stderr of the failed step.
steps := b.GetSteps()
for i := len(steps) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
s := steps[i]
if s.GetStatus() == bbpb.Status_FAILURE {
for _, l := range s.GetLogs() {
if l.GetName() == "stderr" || l.GetName() == "output" {
r.StepLogURL = l.GetViewUrl()
break stepLoop
buildMap[commit] = r
// Gather into dashboard
dash.Results = make([][]*BuildResult, len(dash.Builders))
for i, m := range dashMap {
dash.Results[i] = make([]*BuildResult, len(dash.Commits))
for j, c := range dash.Commits {
r := m[c.Hash]
if r == nil {
r.Time = c.Time // fill in commit time
dash.Results[i][j] = r
func (c *LUCIClient) ReadBoards(ctx context.Context, boards []*Dashboard, since time.Time) {
for _, dash := range boards {
c.ReadBoard(ctx, dash, since)
// For a failed run, get the failed tests and artifacts.
func (c *LUCIClient) GetResultAndArtifacts(ctx context.Context, r *BuildResult) []*Failure {
log.Println("GetResultAndArtifacts", r.Builder, shortHash(r.Commit), r.ID)
req := &rdbpb.QueryTestResultsRequest{
Invocations: []string{r.InvocationID},
Predicate: &rdbpb.TestResultPredicate{Expectancy: rdbpb.TestResultPredicate_VARIANTS_WITH_UNEXPECTED_RESULTS},
PageSize: 1000,
// TODO: paging? Not sure we want to handle more than 1000 failures in a run...
resp, err := c.ResultDBClient.QueryTestResults(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
var failures []*Failure
for _, rr := range resp.GetTestResults() {
testID := rr.GetTestId()
resp, err := c.ResultDBClient.QueryArtifacts(ctx, &rdbpb.QueryArtifactsRequest{
Invocations: []string{r.InvocationID},
Predicate: &rdbpb.ArtifactPredicate{
TestResultPredicate: &rdbpb.TestResultPredicate{
TestIdRegexp: regexp.QuoteMeta(testID),
Expectancy: rdbpb.TestResultPredicate_VARIANTS_WITH_UNEXPECTED_RESULTS,
PageSize: 1000,
if err != nil {
for _, a := range resp.GetArtifacts() {
if a.GetArtifactId() != "output" {
url := a.GetFetchUrl()
f := &Failure{
TestID: testID,
Status: rr.GetStatus(),
LogURL: url,
failures = append(failures, f)
slices.SortFunc(failures, func(f1, f2 *Failure) int {
return strings.Compare(f1.TestID, f2.TestID)
return failures
// split TestID to package and test name.
func splitTestID(testid string) (string, string) {
// TestId is <package path>.<test name>.
// Both package path and test name could contain "." and "/" (due to subtests).
// So looking for "." or "/" are not reliable.
// Tests are always start with ".Test" (or ".Example", ".Benchmark" (do we
// run benchmarks?)). Looking for them instead.
// TODO: handle test flavors (e.g. -cpu=1,2,4, -linkmode=internal, etc.)
for _, sep := range []string{".Test", ".Example", ".Benchmark"} {
pkg, test, ok := strings.Cut(testid, sep)
if ok {
return pkg, sep[1:] + test // add back "Test" prefix (without ".")
return "", testid
func buildURL(buildid int64) string { // keep in sync with buildUrlRE in github.go
return fmt.Sprintf("", buildid)
func shortHash(s string) string {
if len(s) > 8 {
return s[:8]
return s
// FindFailures returns the failures listed in the dashboards.
// The result is sorted by commit date, then repo, then builder.
// Pupulate the failure contents (the .Failures fields) for the
// failures
func (c *LUCIClient) FindFailures(ctx context.Context, boards []*Dashboard) []*BuildResult {
var res []*BuildResult
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sem := make(chan int, nProc)
for _, dash := range boards {
for i, b := range dash.Builders {
for _, r := range dash.Results[i] {
if r == nil {
if r.Builder != b.Name { // sanity check
log.Fatalf("builder mismatch: %s %s", b.Name, r.Builder)
if r.Status == bbpb.Status_FAILURE {
sem <- 1
go func(r *BuildResult) {
defer func() { wg.Done(); <-sem }()
r.Failures = c.GetResultAndArtifacts(ctx, r)
res = append(res, r)
slices.SortFunc(res, func(a, b *BuildResult) int {
if !a.Time.Equal(b.Time) {
return a.Time.Compare(b.Time)
if a.Repo != b.Repo {
return strings.Compare(a.Repo, b.Repo)
if a.Builder != b.Builder {
return strings.Compare(a.Builder, b.Builder)
return strings.Compare(a.Commit, b.Commit)
return res
// Print the dashboard. For each builder, print a list of commits and status.
func PrintDashboard(dash *Dashboard) {
for i, b := range dash.Builders {
for _, r := range dash.Results[i] {
if r == nil {
fmt.Printf("\t%s %v %v\n", shortHash(r.Commit), r.Time, r.Status)
func fetchURL(url string) string {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
return string(body)
func fetchLogsForBuild(r *BuildResult) {
log.Println("fetchLogs", r.Builder, shortHash(r.Commit), r.ID)
if r.LogURL == "" {
fmt.Printf("no log url: %s\n", buildURL(r.ID))
} else {
r.LogText = fetchURL(r.LogURL + "?format=raw")
if r.StepLogURL != "" {
r.StepLogText = fetchURL(r.StepLogURL + "?format=raw")
for _, f := range r.Failures {
if f.LogURL == "" {
fmt.Printf("no log url: %s %s\n", buildURL(r.ID), f.TestID)
} else {
f.LogText = fetchURL(f.LogURL)
func fetchLogs(res []*BuildResult) {
// TODO: caching?
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sem := make(chan int, nProc)
for _, r := range res {
sem <- 1
go func(r *BuildResult) {
defer func() { wg.Done(); <-sem }()