all: replace "gcloud docker" with "docker"

From the "gcloud docker" output:

WARNING: `gcloud docker` will not be supported for Docker client
versions above 18.03. Please use `gcloud auth configure-docker` to
configure `docker` to use `gcloud` as a credential helper, then use
`docker` as you would for non-GCR registries.

Not adding "gcloud auth configure-docker" to the Makefiles as it spams
and there are implicit required authentication steps already anyway.

Change-Id: I5bd1177e82d30a6590126a307bee01d0acee9d6a
Reviewed-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
diff --git a/cmd/coordinator/Makefile b/cmd/coordinator/Makefile
index ebd471c..244d0aa 100644
--- a/cmd/coordinator/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/coordinator/Makefile
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-staging
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl set image deployment/coordinator-deployment coordinator=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
diff --git a/cmd/gerritbot/Makefile b/cmd/gerritbot/Makefile
index 19dd2dc..c90a05b 100644
--- a/cmd/gerritbot/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/gerritbot/Makefile
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-staging
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl set image deployment/gerritbot-deployment gerritbot=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
diff --git a/cmd/gitmirror/Makefile b/cmd/gitmirror/Makefile
index ef0c8ed..0cd48e2 100644
--- a/cmd/gitmirror/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/gitmirror/Makefile
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-staging
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl rolling-update gitmirror-rc --image=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
diff --git a/cmd/gopherbot/Makefile b/cmd/gopherbot/Makefile
index d66aa8c..ceba95e 100644
--- a/cmd/gopherbot/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/gopherbot/Makefile
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
 push-prod: docker-image
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-image
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl set image deployment/gopherbot-deployment gopherbot=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
diff --git a/cmd/pubsubhelper/Makefile b/cmd/pubsubhelper/Makefile
index 6672cca..eedb425 100644
--- a/cmd/pubsubhelper/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/pubsubhelper/Makefile
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-staging
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl set image deployment/pubsubhelper-deployment pubsubhelper=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
diff --git a/cmd/scaleway/Makefile b/cmd/scaleway/Makefile
index 2707e27..758bc44 100644
--- a/cmd/scaleway/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/scaleway/Makefile
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
 	docker build --force-rm .
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push$(VERSION)
+	docker push$(VERSION)
 push-dev: docker-dev
-	gcloud docker -- push
+	docker push
 .PHONY: clean
diff --git a/devapp/Makefile b/devapp/Makefile
index fc84884..845db6c 100644
--- a/devapp/Makefile
+++ b/devapp/Makefile
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-staging
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl set image deployment/devapp-deployment devapp=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
diff --git a/env/crosscompile/linux-armel-stretch/Makefile b/env/crosscompile/linux-armel-stretch/Makefile
index e9dfbc3..cfdb256 100644
--- a/env/crosscompile/linux-armel-stretch/Makefile
+++ b/env/crosscompile/linux-armel-stretch/Makefile
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/env/crosscompile/linux-armhf-jessie/Makefile b/env/crosscompile/linux-armhf-jessie/Makefile
index e9dfbc3..cfdb256 100644
--- a/env/crosscompile/linux-armhf-jessie/Makefile
+++ b/env/crosscompile/linux-armhf-jessie/Makefile
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/env/crosscompile/linux-s390x-stretch/Makefile b/env/crosscompile/linux-s390x-stretch/Makefile
index e9dfbc3..cfdb256 100644
--- a/env/crosscompile/linux-s390x-stretch/Makefile
+++ b/env/crosscompile/linux-s390x-stretch/Makefile
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/env/linux-x86-alpine/Makefile b/env/linux-x86-alpine/Makefile
index 022acf7..dc5b3cb 100644
--- a/env/linux-x86-alpine/Makefile
+++ b/env/linux-x86-alpine/Makefile
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/env/linux-x86-clang/Makefile b/env/linux-x86-clang/Makefile
index c64abed..575bc5b 100644
--- a/env/linux-x86-clang/Makefile
+++ b/env/linux-x86-clang/Makefile
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/env/linux-x86-nacl/Makefile b/env/linux-x86-nacl/Makefile
index de04425..e6ff2a2 100644
--- a/env/linux-x86-nacl/Makefile
+++ b/env/linux-x86-nacl/Makefile
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	sed 's|{{REPO}}|'"$(STAGING_REPO)"'|g' Dockerfile > Dockerfile.make
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest -f Dockerfile.make .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 	rm Dockerfile.make
 prod: Dockerfile
 	sed 's|{{REPO}}|'"$(PROD_REPO)"'|g' Dockerfile > Dockerfile.make
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest -f Dockerfile.make .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 	rm Dockerfile.make
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@
 dev: Dockerfile
 	sed 's|{{REPO}}|'"$(REPO)"'|g' Dockerfile > Dockerfile.make
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest -f Dockerfile.make .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 	rm Dockerfile.make
diff --git a/env/linux-x86-sid/Makefile b/env/linux-x86-sid/Makefile
index ca58e0e..607eafb 100644
--- a/env/linux-x86-sid/Makefile
+++ b/env/linux-x86-sid/Makefile
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # using this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/env/linux-x86-std-kube/Makefile b/env/linux-x86-std-kube/Makefile
index c64abed..575bc5b 100644
--- a/env/linux-x86-std-kube/Makefile
+++ b/env/linux-x86-std-kube/Makefile
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
 staging: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(STAGING_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 prod: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(PROD_REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
 # You must provide a REPO=your-repo-name arg when you make
 # this target. REPO is the name of the Docker repository
 # that will be prefixed to the name of the image being built.
 dev: Dockerfile
 	docker build -t $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest .
-	gcloud docker -- push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
+	docker push $(REPO)/$(IMAGE_NAME):latest
diff --git a/maintner/maintnerd/Makefile b/maintner/maintnerd/Makefile
index 194f258..daf8e97 100644
--- a/maintner/maintnerd/Makefile
+++ b/maintner/maintnerd/Makefile
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 push-prod: docker-prod
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)
 push-staging: docker-staging
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(MUTABLE_VERSION)
-	gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
+	docker push $(IMAGE_STAGING):$(VERSION)
 deploy-prod: push-prod
 	kubectl set image deployment/maintnerd-deployment maintnerd=$(IMAGE_PROD):$(VERSION)