| darwin-arm64-11 at fd2ac5ef968545e8283e32160fe69a9de1e98842 |
| |
| :: Running /tmp/buildlet/go/src/make.bash with args ["/tmp/buildlet/go/src/make.bash"] and env ["TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal" "SHELL=/bin/zsh" "TERM=xterm-256color" "TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=440" "TERM_SESSION_ID=A8ECBED7-700A-45EA-B7CD-4C11F66CC14C" "USER=gopher" "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.S4BT2N0B0s/Listeners" "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" "LaunchInstanceID=FA07DEC0-308C-413E-A8A8-185E891A1DAE" "__CFBundleIdentifier=com.apple.Terminal" "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" "XPC_FLAGS=0x0" "XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0" "SHLVL=2" "HOME=/Users/gopher" "LOGNAME=gopher" "SECURITYSESSIONID=186a4" "_=/Users/gopher/go/bin/buildlet" "WORKDIR=/tmp/buildlet" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/buildlet/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=darwin-arm64-11" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/tmp/buildlet/tmp" "GOCACHE=/tmp/buildlet/gocache" "PWD=/tmp/buildlet/go/src"] in dir /tmp/buildlet/go/src |
| |
| Building Go cmd/dist using /tmp/buildlet/go1.4. (go1.17.13 darwin/arm64) |
| Building Go toolchain1 using /tmp/buildlet/go1.4. |
| Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. |
| Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. |
| Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. |
| Building packages and commands for darwin/arm64. |
| --- |
| Installed Go for darwin/arm64 in /tmp/buildlet/go |
| Installed commands in /tmp/buildlet/go/bin |
| |
| ##### Test execution environment. |
| # GOARCH: arm64 |
| # CPU: |
| # GOOS: darwin |
| # OS Version: Darwin 20.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Tue Feb 22 21:10:42 PST 2022; root:xnu-7195.141.26~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64 |
| |
| ##### Testing packages. |
| ok archive/tar 0.087s |
| ok archive/zip 0.168s |
| ok bufio 0.090s |
| ok bytes 0.854s |
| ok compress/bzip2 0.132s |
| ok compress/flate 0.267s |
| ok compress/gzip 1.222s |
| ok compress/lzw 0.134s |
| ok compress/zlib 0.253s |
| ok container/heap 0.070s |
| ok container/list 0.140s |
| ok container/ring 0.109s |
| ok context 0.081s |
| ok crypto 0.072s |
| ok crypto/aes 0.075s |
| ok crypto/cipher 0.059s |
| ok crypto/des 0.084s |
| ok crypto/dsa 0.078s |
| ok crypto/ecdh 0.094s |
| ok crypto/ecdsa 0.065s |
| ok crypto/ed25519 0.131s |
| ok crypto/elliptic 0.080s |
| ok crypto/hmac 0.072s |
| ok crypto/internal/alias 0.057s |
| ok crypto/internal/boring 0.056s |
| ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 0.114s |
| ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 1.712s |
| ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 1.904s |
| ok crypto/internal/nistec 0.401s |
| ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 0.075s [no tests to run] |
| ok crypto/md5 0.080s |
| ok crypto/rand 0.134s |
| ok crypto/rc4 0.080s |
| ok crypto/rsa 0.104s |
| ok crypto/sha1 0.074s |
| ok crypto/sha256 0.061s |
| ok crypto/sha512 0.082s |
| ok crypto/subtle 0.129s |
| ok crypto/tls 0.279s |
| ok crypto/x509 0.214s |
| ok database/sql 0.339s |
| ok database/sql/driver 0.101s |
| ok debug/buildinfo 0.078s |
| ok debug/dwarf 0.064s |
| ok debug/elf 0.069s |
| ok debug/gosym 0.098s |
| ok debug/macho 0.072s |
| ok debug/pe 0.124s |
| ok debug/plan9obj 0.071s |
| ok embed 0.126s [no tests to run] |
| ok embed/internal/embedtest 0.114s |
| ok encoding/ascii85 0.074s |
| ok encoding/asn1 0.073s |
| ok encoding/base32 0.074s |
| ok encoding/base64 0.073s |
| ok encoding/binary 0.074s |
| ok encoding/csv 0.075s |
| ok encoding/gob 0.096s |
| ok encoding/hex 0.084s |
| ok encoding/json 0.140s |
| ok encoding/pem 0.281s |
| ok encoding/xml 0.113s |
| ok errors 0.077s |
| ok expvar 0.090s |
| ok flag 0.099s |
| ok fmt 0.113s |
| ok go/ast 0.077s |
| ok go/build 0.620s |
| ok go/build/constraint 0.078s |
| ok go/constant 0.122s |
| ok go/doc 0.134s |
| ok go/doc/comment 0.365s |
| ok go/format 0.075s |
| ok go/importer 0.117s |
| ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.121s |
| ok go/internal/gcimporter 4.302s |
| ok go/internal/srcimporter 4.570s |
| ok go/parser 0.136s |
| ok go/printer 0.153s |
| ok go/scanner 0.072s |
| ok go/token 0.078s |
| ok go/types 3.096s |
| ok hash 0.073s |
| ok hash/adler32 0.117s |
| ok hash/crc32 0.058s |
| ok hash/crc64 0.072s |
| ok hash/fnv 0.106s |
| ok hash/maphash 0.105s |
| ok html 0.115s |
| ok html/template 0.093s |
| ok image 0.077s |
| ok image/color 0.077s |
| ok image/draw 0.089s |
| ok image/gif 7.436s |
| ok image/jpeg 1.379s |
| ok image/png 0.216s |
| ok index/suffixarray 0.146s |
| ok internal/abi 0.092s |
| ok internal/buildcfg 0.072s |
| ok internal/cpu 0.074s |
| ok internal/dag 0.118s |
| ok internal/diff 0.072s |
| ok internal/fmtsort 0.069s |
| ok internal/fuzz 0.084s |
| ok internal/godebug 0.123s |
| ok internal/intern 0.488s |
| ok internal/itoa 0.079s |
| ok internal/poll 0.089s |
| ok internal/profile 0.074s |
| ok internal/reflectlite 0.090s |
| ok internal/saferio 0.102s |
| ok internal/singleflight 0.144s |
| ok internal/testenv 0.101s |
| ok internal/trace 0.105s |
| ok internal/unsafeheader 0.073s |
| ok internal/xcoff 0.071s |
| ok io 0.102s |
| ok io/fs 0.217s |
| ok io/ioutil 0.119s |
| ok log 0.147s |
| ok log/syslog 1.351s |
| ok math 0.075s |
| ok math/big 0.502s |
| ok math/bits 0.071s |
| ok math/cmplx 0.081s |
| ok math/rand 0.168s |
| ok mime 0.079s |
| ok mime/multipart 0.163s |
| ok mime/quotedprintable 0.074s |
| panic: test timed out after 3m0s |
| |
| goroutine 1188 [running]: |
| panic({0x10288ec00, 0x1400005d8c0}) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/panic.go:987 +0x3c8 fp=0x14000056f80 sp=0x14000056ec0 pc=0x102659008 |
| testing.(*M).startAlarm.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:2064 +0x88 fp=0x14000056fd0 sp=0x14000056f80 pc=0x1026fed28 |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000056fd0 sp=0x14000056fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by time.goFunc |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/time/sleep.go:176 +0x38 |
| |
| goroutine 1 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000054a08?, 0x102629578?, 0x18?, 0x4a?, 0x1026312cc?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000054990 sp=0x14000054970 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x14000170fc0, 0x14000054a9f, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000054a20 sp=0x14000054990 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x14000114f90?, 0x1?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000054a50 sp=0x14000054a20 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Run(0x14000104b60, {0x10281ea8e?, 0x198171adf6e933?}, 0x1028d5a70) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1522 +0x314 fp=0x14000054af0 sp=0x14000054a50 pc=0x1026fc214 |
| testing.runTests.func1(0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1874 +0x48 fp=0x14000054b40 sp=0x14000054af0 pc=0x1026fde48 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000104b60, 0x14000054c58) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000054b90 sp=0x14000054b40 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.runTests(0x14000136280?, {0x102a27060, 0xf7, 0xf7}, {0x4?, 0x10281b245?, 0x102a2aa60?}) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1872 +0x3e0 fp=0x14000054c80 sp=0x14000054b90 pc=0x1026fdd30 |
| testing.(*M).Run(0x14000136280) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1754 +0x4f0 fp=0x14000054e80 sp=0x14000054c80 pc=0x1026fcb20 |
| net.TestMain(0x140000466c8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/main_test.go:52 +0x2c fp=0x14000054eb0 sp=0x14000054e80 pc=0x1027bf26c |
| main.main() |
| _testmain.go:639 +0x1d4 fp=0x14000054f70 sp=0x14000054eb0 pc=0x1028182c4 |
| runtime.main() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250 +0x248 fp=0x14000054fd0 sp=0x14000054f70 pc=0x10265b9a8 |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000054fd0 sp=0x14000054fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| |
| goroutine 2 [force gc (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000046fa0 sp=0x14000046f80 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.goparkunlock(...) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:369 |
| runtime.forcegchelper() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:302 +0xb8 fp=0x14000046fd0 sp=0x14000046fa0 pc=0x10265bc08 |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000046fd0 sp=0x14000046fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.init.5 |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:290 +0x24 |
| |
| goroutine 18 [GC sweep wait]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x1?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000042770 sp=0x14000042750 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.goparkunlock(...) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:369 |
| runtime.bgsweep(0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:298 +0x10c fp=0x140000427b0 sp=0x14000042770 pc=0x1026474fc |
| runtime.gcenable.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x28 fp=0x140000427d0 sp=0x140000427b0 pc=0x10263c248 |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140000427d0 sp=0x140000427d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcenable |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x74 |
| |
| goroutine 19 [sleep]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000012050?, 0x19819bdc5387ad?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x1028d5f88?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000042f00 sp=0x14000042ee0 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.goparkunlock(...) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:369 |
| runtime.(*scavengerState).sleep(0x102a2aae0, 0x40aca80000000000) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:468 +0x134 fp=0x14000042f80 sp=0x14000042f00 pc=0x102645644 |
| runtime.bgscavenge(0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:626 +0x9c fp=0x14000042fb0 sp=0x14000042f80 pc=0x102645a3c |
| runtime.gcenable.func2() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0x28 fp=0x14000042fd0 sp=0x14000042fb0 pc=0x10263c1e8 |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000042fd0 sp=0x14000042fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcenable |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0xb8 |
| |
| goroutine 34 [finalizer wait]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x140000465a8?, 0x102631118?, 0x60?, 0x5?, 0x102b5ca90?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000046580 sp=0x14000046560 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.goparkunlock(...) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:369 |
| runtime.runfinq() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:186 +0x120 fp=0x140000467d0 sp=0x14000046580 pc=0x10263b3c0 |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140000467d0 sp=0x140000467d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.createfing |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:163 +0x84 |
| |
| goroutine 27 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x19819b76ad5e02?, 0x3?, 0x3?, 0x3e?, 0x10281ab00?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140002aaf40 sp=0x140002aaf20 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x140002aafd0 sp=0x140002aaf40 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002aafd0 sp=0x140002aafd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 574 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x1400017b538?, 0x14000094000?, 0x0?, 0x86?, 0x1400017b558?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x1400017b4e0 sp=0x1400017b4c0 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x1400017b570 sp=0x1400017b4e0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1026fb4a3?, 0x1029c8600?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x1400017b5a0 sp=0x1400017b570 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a2680) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x1400017b610 sp=0x1400017b5a0 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestLookupGmailTXT(0x140005a2680) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/lookup_test.go:218 +0x28 fp=0x1400017b760 sp=0x1400017b610 pc=0x1027b5e18 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a2680, 0x1028d58b8) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x1400017b7b0 sp=0x1400017b760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x1400017b7d0 sp=0x1400017b7b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x1400017b7d0 sp=0x1400017b7d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 803 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000044608?, 0x14000094000?, 0xe?, 0xc6?, 0x14000044628?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140000445b0 sp=0x14000044590 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000044640 sp=0x140000445b0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1026fb4a3?, 0x1029c8600?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000044670 sp=0x14000044640 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000249d40) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x140000446e0 sp=0x14000044670 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestPacketConnClose(0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:267 +0x20 fp=0x14000044760 sp=0x140000446e0 pc=0x1027c7f40 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000249d40, 0x1028d59c8) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140000447b0 sp=0x14000044760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140000447d0 sp=0x140000447b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140000447d0 sp=0x140000447d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 64 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x3?, 0x0?, 0x60?, 0xe3?, 0x10288b301?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x1400023af40 sp=0x1400023af20 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x1400023afd0 sp=0x1400023af40 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x1400023afd0 sp=0x1400023afd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 63 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x140002aef58?, 0x102a2aa60?, 0xa8?, 0xef?, 0x1026fc201?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140002aef40 sp=0x140002aef20 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x140002aefd0 sp=0x140002aef40 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002aefd0 sp=0x140002aefd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 572 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x10?, 0x14000094000?, 0x78?, 0x31?, 0x14000176dd8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000176d60 sp=0x14000176d40 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000176df0 sp=0x14000176d60 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028cea60?, 0x140001180a0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000176e20 sp=0x14000176df0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000083d40) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000176e90 sp=0x14000176e20 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestLookupGmailMX(0x14000083d40) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/lookup_test.go:123 +0x24 fp=0x14000176f60 sp=0x14000176e90 pc=0x1027b57b4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000083d40, 0x1028d58a8) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000176fb0 sp=0x14000176f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000176fd0 sp=0x14000176fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000176fd0 sp=0x14000176fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 1205 [sleep]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x19819b96bab60b?, 0x14000018c91?, 0x1?, 0x0?, 0x102890880?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000057d10 sp=0x14000057cf0 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| time.Sleep(0xfe502a) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/time.go:195 +0x118 fp=0x14000057d50 sp=0x14000057d10 pc=0x1026895e8 |
| net.TestReadFromTimeout(0x140005a3860) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/timeout_test.go:448 +0x564 fp=0x14000057f60 sp=0x14000057d50 pc=0x1027e4fd4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a3860, 0x1028d5a70) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000057fb0 sp=0x14000057f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000057fd0 sp=0x14000057fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000057fd0 sp=0x14000057fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 1204 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000238518?, 0x14000094000?, 0xe0?, 0x3e?, 0x14000238538?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140002384c0 sp=0x140002384a0 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000238550 sp=0x140002384c0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x102a03ee0?, 0x10277986c?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000238580 sp=0x14000238550 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a36c0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x140002385f0 sp=0x14000238580 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestReadTimeoutMustNotReturn(0x140005a36c0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/timeout_test.go:340 +0x38 fp=0x14000238760 sp=0x140002385f0 pc=0x1027e42f8 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a36c0, 0x1028d5a88) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140002387b0 sp=0x14000238760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140002387d0 sp=0x140002387b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002387d0 sp=0x140002387d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 802 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x80?, 0x14000094000?, 0x2d?, 0x20?, 0x14000043e18?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000043da0 sp=0x14000043d80 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000043e30 sp=0x14000043da0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028cea60?, 0x1400014ce00?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000043e60 sp=0x14000043e30 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000249ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000043ed0 sp=0x14000043e60 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestListenerClose(0x14000249380?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:229 +0x24 fp=0x14000043f60 sp=0x14000043ed0 pc=0x1027c7b04 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000249ba0, 0x1028d5870) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000043fb0 sp=0x14000043f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000043fd0 sp=0x14000043fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000043fd0 sp=0x14000043fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 769 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x140001785f8?, 0x14000094000?, 0x2d?, 0x20?, 0x14000178618?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140001785a0 sp=0x14000178580 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000178630 sp=0x140001785a0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028b2dc0?, 0x14000198900?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000178660 sp=0x14000178630 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000249a00) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x140001786d0 sp=0x14000178660 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestConnClose(0x102a60d80?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:187 +0x24 fp=0x14000178760 sp=0x140001786d0 pc=0x1027c7304 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000249a00, 0x1028d54f0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140001787b0 sp=0x14000178760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140001787d0 sp=0x140001787b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140001787d0 sp=0x140001787d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 768 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000174df8?, 0x14000094000?, 0x2d?, 0x20?, 0x14000174e18?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000174da0 sp=0x14000174d80 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000174e30 sp=0x14000174da0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x14000174e78?, 0x140001988f8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000174e60 sp=0x14000174e30 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000249860) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000174ed0 sp=0x14000174e60 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestCloseWrite(0x14000249860) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:79 +0x24 fp=0x14000174f60 sp=0x14000174ed0 pc=0x1027c6454 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000249860, 0x1028d54b0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000174fb0 sp=0x14000174f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000174fd0 sp=0x14000174fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000174fd0 sp=0x14000174fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 65 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x19819b76af0b5f?, 0x140000980a0?, 0x18?, 0x14?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x1400023b740 sp=0x1400023b720 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x1400023b7d0 sp=0x1400023b740 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x1400023b7d0 sp=0x1400023b7d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 767 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000048df8?, 0x14000094000?, 0x2d?, 0x20?, 0x14000048e18?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000048da0 sp=0x14000048d80 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000048e30 sp=0x14000048da0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x14000198440?, 0x140001988f0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000048e60 sp=0x14000048e30 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140002496c0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000048ed0 sp=0x14000048e60 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestCloseRead(0x14000249520?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:25 +0x24 fp=0x14000048f60 sp=0x14000048ed0 pc=0x1027c5bc4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140002496c0, 0x1028d5490) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000048fb0 sp=0x14000048f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000048fd0 sp=0x14000048fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000048fd0 sp=0x14000048fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 201 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x1400011c008?, 0x102818ae9?, 0x2?, 0x0?, 0x10281ab00?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000175740 sp=0x14000175720 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x140001757d0 sp=0x14000175740 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140001757d0 sp=0x140001757d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 90 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x1400023cf40 sp=0x1400023cf20 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x1400023cfd0 sp=0x1400023cf40 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x1400023cfd0 sp=0x1400023cfd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 202 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x19819b76aef660?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140002ab740 sp=0x140002ab720 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x140002ab7d0 sp=0x140002ab740 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002ab7d0 sp=0x140002ab7d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 203 [GC worker (idle)]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x19819b687144d9?, 0x1?, 0x5f?, 0xf8?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140002abf40 sp=0x140002abf20 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1234 +0xec fp=0x140002abfd0 sp=0x140002abf40 pc=0x10263df3c |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002abfd0 sp=0x140002abfd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1158 +0x28 |
| |
| goroutine 571 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000175d68?, 0x14000094000?, 0x7?, 0xd?, 0x14000175d88?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000175d10 sp=0x14000175cf0 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000175da0 sp=0x14000175d10 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028cea60?, 0x0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000175dd0 sp=0x14000175da0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000083ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000175e40 sp=0x14000175dd0 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestLookupGoogleSRV(0x14000083ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/lookup_test.go:74 +0x28 fp=0x14000175f60 sp=0x14000175e40 pc=0x1027b5408 |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000083ba0, 0x1028d58d8) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000175fb0 sp=0x14000175f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000175fd0 sp=0x14000175fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000175fd0 sp=0x14000175fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 573 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x20?, 0x14000094000?, 0xb8?, 0xc5?, 0x140000455d8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000045560 sp=0x14000045540 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x140000455f0 sp=0x14000045560 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028cea60?, 0x1400005c190?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000045620 sp=0x140000455f0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a2000) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000045690 sp=0x14000045620 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestLookupGmailNS(0x140005a2000) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/lookup_test.go:169 +0x24 fp=0x14000045760 sp=0x14000045690 pc=0x1027b5ae4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a2000, 0x1028d58b0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140000457b0 sp=0x14000045760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140000457d0 sp=0x140000457b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140000457d0 sp=0x140000457d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 1168 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x1400055d588?, 0x14000094000?, 0xa0?, 0x2e?, 0x1400055d5a8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x1400055d530 sp=0x1400055d510 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x1400055d5c0 sp=0x1400055d530 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1026fb4a3?, 0x1029c8600?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x1400055d5f0 sp=0x1400055d5c0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a3040) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x1400055d660 sp=0x1400055d5f0 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestAcceptTimeoutMustReturn(0x140005a3040) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/timeout_test.go:193 +0x34 fp=0x1400055d760 sp=0x1400055d660 pc=0x1027e30c4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a3040, 0x1028d53e8) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x1400055d7b0 sp=0x1400055d760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x1400055d7d0 sp=0x1400055d7b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x1400055d7d0 sp=0x1400055d7d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 747 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x40?, 0x14000094000?, 0x0?, 0xe0?, 0x14000179e18?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000179da0 sp=0x14000179d80 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000179e30 sp=0x14000179da0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028cea60?, 0x1400028a0a0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000179e60 sp=0x14000179e30 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a31e0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000179ed0 sp=0x14000179e60 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestLookupHostCancel(0x140005a31e0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/lookup_test.go:973 +0x3c fp=0x14000179f60 sp=0x14000179ed0 pc=0x1027bab3c |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a31e0, 0x1028d58e0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x14000179fb0 sp=0x14000179f60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x14000179fd0 sp=0x14000179fb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x14000179fd0 sp=0x14000179fd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 1175 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x140002ade08?, 0x14000094000?, 0x38?, 0xde?, 0x140002ade28?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140002addb0 sp=0x140002add90 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x140002ade40 sp=0x140002addb0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0xf?, 0x102696780?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x140002ade70 sp=0x140002ade40 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x14000003ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x140002adee0 sp=0x140002ade70 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestTCPSpuriousConnSetupCompletionWithCancel(0x14000003ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/tcpsock_unix_test.go:86 +0x5c fp=0x140002adf60 sp=0x140002adee0 pc=0x1027e182c |
| testing.tRunner(0x14000003ba0, 0x1028d5c20) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140002adfb0 sp=0x140002adf60 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140002adfd0 sp=0x140002adfb0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002adfd0 sp=0x140002adfd0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 808 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x140000485f8?, 0x14000094000?, 0x2d?, 0x20?, 0x14000048618?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x140000485a0 sp=0x14000048580 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000048630 sp=0x140000485a0 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x0?, 0x140001989f0?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000048660 sp=0x14000048630 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140000ea340) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x140000486d0 sp=0x14000048660 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestZeroByteRead(0xf?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:375 +0x24 fp=0x14000048760 sp=0x140000486d0 pc=0x1027c8da4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140000ea340, 0x1028d5d60) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140000487b0 sp=0x14000048760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140000487d0 sp=0x140000487b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140000487d0 sp=0x140000487d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 782 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000179658?, 0x14000094000?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x14000179678?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000179600 sp=0x140001795e0 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x14000179690 sp=0x14000179600 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x10268d960?, 0x14000179708?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x140001796c0 sp=0x14000179690 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a3a00) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000179730 sp=0x140001796c0 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestCloseUnblocksRead(0x1400021c480?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:509 +0x20 fp=0x14000179760 sp=0x14000179730 pc=0x1027ca1c0 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a3a00, 0x1028d54a8) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140001797b0 sp=0x14000179760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140001797d0 sp=0x140001797b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140001797d0 sp=0x140001797d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 783 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x1400023c598?, 0x14000094000?, 0x88?, 0xc5?, 0x1400023c5b8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x1400023c540 sp=0x1400023c520 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x1400023c5d0 sp=0x1400023c540 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028f202d?, 0xf?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x1400023c600 sp=0x1400023c5d0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a3ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x1400023c670 sp=0x1400023c600 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestNotTemporaryRead(0x140005a3ba0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/net_test.go:528 +0x30 fp=0x1400023c760 sp=0x1400023c670 pc=0x1027ca230 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a3ba0, 0x1028d5998) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x1400023c7b0 sp=0x1400023c760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x1400023c7d0 sp=0x1400023c7b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x1400023c7d0 sp=0x1400023c7d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 448 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x14000047598?, 0x14000094000?, 0x0?, 0x28?, 0x140000475b8?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000047540 sp=0x14000047520 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x140000475d0 sp=0x14000047540 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028f202d?, 0xf?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x14000047600 sp=0x140000475d0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140000eaea0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000047670 sp=0x14000047600 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestSendfilePipe(0x140000eaea0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/sendfile_test.go:217 +0x34 fp=0x14000047760 sp=0x14000047670 pc=0x1027d5264 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140000eaea0, 0x1028d5b40) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140000477b0 sp=0x14000047760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140000477d0 sp=0x140000477b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140000477d0 sp=0x140000477d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| |
| goroutine 1169 [chan receive]: |
| runtime.gopark(0x100?, 0x14000094000?, 0xb8?, 0x95?, 0x14000239598?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xe4 fp=0x14000239520 sp=0x14000239500 pc=0x10265bd74 |
| runtime.chanrecv(0x140001001e0, 0x0, 0x1) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x45c fp=0x140002395b0 sp=0x14000239520 pc=0x10262a8fc |
| runtime.chanrecv1(0x1028cea60?, 0x140000ccd00?) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/chan.go:442 +0x14 fp=0x140002395e0 sp=0x140002395b0 pc=0x10262a464 |
| testing.(*T).Parallel(0x140005a3380) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1299 +0x180 fp=0x14000239650 sp=0x140002395e0 pc=0x1026fb370 |
| net.TestAcceptTimeoutMustNotReturn(0x140005a3380) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/timeout_test.go:236 +0x34 fp=0x14000239760 sp=0x14000239650 pc=0x1027e35b4 |
| testing.tRunner(0x140005a3380, 0x1028d53e0) |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1474 +0x10c fp=0x140002397b0 sp=0x14000239760 pc=0x1026fb57c |
| testing.(*T).Run.func1() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x2c fp=0x140002397d0 sp=0x140002397b0 pc=0x1026fc2ac |
| runtime.goexit() |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0x140002397d0 sp=0x140002397d0 pc=0x10268ca14 |
| created by testing.(*T).Run |
| /tmp/buildlet/go/src/testing/testing.go:1521 +0x300 |
| FAIL net 180.093s |
| ok net/http 3.079s |
| ok net/http/cgi 0.514s |
| FAIL |
| go tool dist: Failed: exit status 1 |