blob: 70d946085b06c126c36b01c1161b302d705cbd73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code is copied from cmd/go/internal/gover.
// TODO: remove this when updated to go1.22 which
// includes the go/version package.
package task
// CompareGoVersions returns -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether
// x < y, x == y, or x > y, interpreted as toolchain versions.
// The versions x and y must begin with a "go" prefix: "go1.21" not "1.21".
// Malformed versions compare less than well-formed versions and equal to each other.
// The language version "go1.21" compares less than the release candidate and eventual releases "go1.21rc1" and "go1.21.0".
func CompareGoVersions(x, y string) int {
vx := parse(x)
vy := parse(y)
if c := cmpInt(vx.major, vy.major); c != 0 {
return c
if c := cmpInt(vx.minor, vy.minor); c != 0 {
return c
if c := cmpInt(vx.patch, vy.patch); c != 0 {
return c
if vx.kind != vy.kind {
if vx.kind < vy.kind {
return -1
return +1
if c := cmpInt(vx.pre, vy.pre); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
// IsValid reports whether the version x is valid.
func IsValid(x string) bool {
return parse(x) != goVersion{}
// parse parses the Go version string x into a version.
// It returns the zero version if x is malformed.
func parse(x string) goVersion {
var v goVersion
// Parse major version.
if len(x) < 2 || x[:2] != "go" {
return goVersion{}
x = x[2:]
var ok bool
v.major, x, ok = cutInt(x)
if !ok {
return goVersion{}
if x == "" {
// Interpret "1" as "1.0.0".
v.minor = "0"
v.patch = "0"
return v
// Parse . before minor version.
if x[0] != '.' {
return goVersion{}
// Parse minor version.
v.minor, x, ok = cutInt(x[1:])
if !ok {
return goVersion{}
if x == "" {
// Patch missing is same as "0" for older versions.
// Starting in Go 1.21, patch missing is different from explicit .0.
if cmpInt(v.minor, "21") < 0 {
v.patch = "0"
return v
// Parse patch if present.
if x[0] == '.' {
v.patch, x, ok = cutInt(x[1:])
if !ok || x != "" {
// Note that we are disallowing prereleases (alpha, beta, rc) for patch releases here (x != "").
// Allowing them would be a bit confusing because we already have:
// 1.21 < 1.21rc1
// But a prerelease of a patch would have the opposite effect:
// 1.21.3rc1 < 1.21.3
// We've never needed them before, so let's not start now.
return goVersion{}
return v
// Parse prerelease.
i := 0
for i < len(x) && (x[i] < '0' || '9' < x[i]) {
if x[i] < 'a' || 'z' < x[i] {
return goVersion{}
if i == 0 {
return goVersion{}
v.kind, x = x[:i], x[i:]
if x == "" {
return v
v.pre, x, ok = cutInt(x)
if !ok || x != "" {
return goVersion{}
return v
// cutInt scans the leading decimal number at the start of x to an integer
// and returns that value and the rest of the string.
func cutInt(x string) (n, rest string, ok bool) {
i := 0
for i < len(x) && '0' <= x[i] && x[i] <= '9' {
if i == 0 || x[0] == '0' && i != 1 {
return "", "", false
return x[:i], x[i:], true
// cmpInt returns cmp.Compare(x, y) interpreting x and y as decimal numbers.
// (Copied from's compareInt.)
func cmpInt(x, y string) int {
if x == y {
return 0
if len(x) < len(y) {
return -1
if len(x) > len(y) {
return +1
if x < y {
return -1
} else {
return +1
// A goVersion is a parsed Go version: major[.minor[.patch]][kind[pre]]
// The numbers are the original decimal strings to avoid integer overflows
// and since there is very little actual math. (Probably overflow doesn't matter in practice,
// but at the time this code was written, there was an existing test that used
// go1.99999999999, which does not fit in an int on 32-bit platforms.
// The "big decimal" representation avoids the problem entirely.)
type goVersion struct {
major string // decimal
minor string // decimal or ""
patch string // decimal or ""
kind string // "", "alpha", "beta", "rc"
pre string // decimal or ""