blob: da9bece31a0ba6c11261e9de493474a5a093fbf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
bbpb ""
rdbpb ""
sauth ""
func repro(args []string) error {
if luciDisabled() {
return fmt.Errorf("repro subcommand is only available for LUCI builds")
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("repro", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.Usage = func() {
log.Print("repro usage: gomote repro [repro-opts] <build ID>")
log.Print("If there's a valid group specified, new instances are")
log.Print("automatically added to the group. If the group in")
log.Print("$GOMOTE_GROUP doesn't exist, and there's no other group")
log.Print("specified, it will be created and new instances will be")
log.Print("added to that group.")
var cfg createConfig
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.printStatus, "status", true, "print regular status updates while waiting")
fs.IntVar(&cfg.count, "count", 1, "number of instances to create")
fs.StringVar(&cfg.newGroup, "new-group", "", "also create a new group and add the new instances to it")
cfg.useGolangbuild = true
login := flag.Bool("login", false, "include interactive login to LUCI")
if fs.NArg() != 1 {
// Parse as a uint even though we'll end up converting to int64 -- negative build IDs are not valid.
buildID, err := strconv.ParseUint(fs.Arg(0), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing build ID: %v", err)
ctx := context.Background()
auth := createLUCIAuthenticator(ctx)
if *login {
if err := auth.Login(); err != nil {
return err
hc, err := auth.Client()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating HTTP client: %w", err)
bc := bbpb.NewBuildsPRPCClient(&prpc.Client{
C: hc,
Host: chromeinfra.BuildbucketHost,
Options: prpc.DefaultOptions(),
build, err := bc.GetBuild(ctx, &bbpb.GetBuildRequest{
Id: int64(buildID),
Mask: &bbpb.BuildMask{
Fields: &fieldmaskpb.FieldMask{
Paths: []string{
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting build info for %d: %w", buildID, err)
if build.Builder.Project != "golang" {
return fmt.Errorf("build ID is not for a go build: found builder %s", build.Builder.Builder)
// Figure out the builder type and the build ID we'll use for GOMOTE_REPRO.
// This is a bit complex because we want to be able to support users just picking any Go build and
// plugging them into this tool. This means we should do the right thing whether or not they're looking
// at a worker build or a coordinator build or something else.
gomoteBuilderType := build.Builder.Builder // Builder type to pass to createInstances. May not be build.Builder.
gomoteReproID := int64(buildID) // Build ID to be passed to GOMOTE_REPRO. May not be build.Id or buildID
if strings.HasSuffix(build.Builder.Bucket, "-workers") {
// This is a worker builder. We'll use this for GOMOTE_REPRO, but we need the parent builder to pass to createInstances to get the right gomote.
// createInstances for example expects a coordinator builder
coordBuild, err := bc.GetBuild(ctx, &bbpb.GetBuildRequest{Id: build.AncestorIds[len(build.AncestorIds)-1] /* immediate parent */})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting build info for parent build %d: %w", buildID, err)
if coordBuild.Builder.Project != "go" {
return fmt.Errorf("parent build for worker build unexpectedly not for the go project: for %q project instead", coordBuild.Builder.Project)
gomoteBuilderType = coordBuild.Builder.Builder
} else {
// This may be a coordinator builder. Let's check, and if so, fetch one of its children as the poster-child for GOMOTE_REPRO.
props := build.Input.Properties.AsMap()
value, ok := props["mode"]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected mode property on build %d but did not find one; try updating gomote?", buildID)
mode, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected mode property on build %d to have type float64, but it did not: found %T; try updating gomote?", buildID, value)
if int(mode) == 1 /*MODE_COORDINATOR*/ {
log.Print("Detected coordinator-mode builder; fetching child builds to use to initialize gomote.")
resp, err := bc.SearchBuilds(ctx, &bbpb.SearchBuildsRequest{Predicate: &bbpb.BuildPredicate{ChildOf: int64(buildID)}})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fetching children of %d: %v", buildID, err)
if len(resp.Builds) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("found no children of %d: if the build is still in progress, try running this command again in a minute or two", buildID)
// Take any child build.
gomoteReproID = resp.Builds[0].Id
log.Printf("Selected build %d to initialize the gomote.", gomoteReproID)
log.Printf("Creating %d instance(s) of type %s...", cfg.count, gomoteBuilderType)
instances, err := createInstances(ctx, gomoteBuilderType, &cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("Initializing %d instance(s) with environment of %d...", len(instances), gomoteReproID)
if err := initReproInstances(ctx, instances, gomoteReproID); err != nil {
return err
return printTestCommands(ctx, hc, build)
func initReproInstances(ctx context.Context, instances []string, reproBuildID int64) error {
var tmpOutDir string
var tmpOutDirOnce sync.Once
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, inst := range instances {
inst := inst
eg.Go(func() error {
var err error
tmpOutDirOnce.Do(func() {
tmpOutDir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "gomote")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a temporary directory for setup output: %w", err)
// Create a file to write output to so it doesn't get lost.
outf, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(tmpOutDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.stdout", inst)))
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
log.Printf("Wrote results from %q to %q.", inst, outf.Name())
log.Printf("Streaming results from %q to %q...", inst, outf.Name())
// If this is the only command running, print to stdout too, for convenience and
// backwards compatibility.
outputs := []io.Writer{outf}
if len(instances) > 1 {
// Emit detailed progress.
outputs = append(outputs, os.Stdout)
} else {
log.Printf("Initializing gomote %q...", inst)
return doRun(
runSystem(true), // Run in the work directory.
runEnv([]string{fmt.Sprintf("GOMOTE_REPRO=%d", reproBuildID), "GOMOTE_SETUP="}),
return eg.Wait()
func printTestCommands(ctx context.Context, hc *http.Client, build *bbpb.Build) error {
// Figure out what project this build is for.
props := build.Input.Properties.AsMap()
projValue, ok := props["project"]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected project property on build %d but did not find one; try updating gomote?", build.Id)
project, ok := projValue.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected project property on build %d to have type string, but it did not: found %v; try updating gomote?", build.Id, projValue)
log.Printf("Fetching test results for %d", build.Id)
rc := rdbpb.NewResultDBClient(&prpc.Client{
C: hc,
Host: chromeinfra.ResultDBHost,
req := &rdbpb.QueryTestResultsRequest{
Invocations: []string{build.Infra.Resultdb.Invocation},
Predicate: &rdbpb.TestResultPredicate{
TestIdRegexp: ".*",
Expectancy: rdbpb.TestResultPredicate_VARIANTS_WITH_UNEXPECTED_RESULTS,
resp, err := rc.QueryTestResults(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("querying test results: %v", err)
if len(resp.TestResults) > 0 {
log.Printf("Found failed tests. Commands to reproduce:")
var unknownTests []string
var packageFailures []string
specialPackages := make(map[string]struct{})
var benchmarks []test
var tests []test
for _, result := range resp.TestResults {
if result.TestId == "make.bash" {
log.Printf("$ gomote run go/src/make.bash")
// Try to split by ".Test".
var bench bool
i := strings.Index(result.TestId, ".Test")
if i < 0 {
// That didn't work. Try to split by ".Benchmark".
i := strings.Index(result.TestId, ".Benchmark")
if i < 0 {
// Assume the TestId is a package, for a package-level failure.
packageFailures = append(packageFailures, result.TestId)
bench = true
t := test{
pkg: result.TestId[:i],
name: result.TestId[i+1:],
// Look for special packages. These need to be invoked via dist.
if strings.IndexByte(t.pkg, ':') >= 0 {
if project == "go" {
specialPackages[t.pkg] = struct{}{}
} else {
// We are almost definitely unable to run this test -- something went very wrong.
unknownTests = append(unknownTests, result.TestId)
if rest, ok := strings.CutPrefix(t.pkg, ""); ok {
if strings.HasPrefix(rest, project) {
t.path = "./x_" + rest
} else {
// We are almsot definitely unable to run this test -- something went very wrong.
unknownTests = append(unknownTests, result.TestId)
if bench {
benchmarks = append(benchmarks, t)
} else {
tests = append(tests, t)
for _, t := range tests {
log.Printf("$ gomote run -dir %s goroot/bin/go test -run='%s' .", t.pkgPath(), t.regexp())
for _, t := range benchmarks {
log.Printf("$ gomote run -dir %s goroot/bin/go test -run='^$' -bench='%s' .", t.pkgPath(), t.regexp())
for _, pkg := range specialPackages {
log.Printf("$ gomote run -dir ./goroot goroot/bin/go tool dist test %s", pkg)
for _, pkg := range packageFailures {
log.Printf("Note: Found package-level test failure for %s.", pkg)
for _, name := range unknownTests {
log.Printf("Note: Unable to parse name of failed test %s.", name)
return nil
type test struct {
pkg string
name string
path string // Relative to workdir.
func (t test) pkgPath() string {
if t.path != "" {
return t.path
return t.pkg
// regexp returns a regexp matching this test's name, suitable for passing to -run and -bench.
func (t test) regexp() string {
cmps := strings.Split(, "/")
for i, c := range cmps {
cmps[i] = "^" + c + "$"
return strings.Join(cmps, "/")
func createLUCIAuthenticator(ctx context.Context) *auth.Authenticator {
authOpts := chromeinfra.SetDefaultAuthOptions(auth.Options{
Scopes: append([]string{
}, sauth.CloudOAuthScopes...),
return auth.NewAuthenticator(ctx, auth.SilentLogin, authOpts)