blob: ad4524b5be574d804e5120ddd34ed36ba94b362b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type builderType struct {
Name string
IsReverse bool
ExpectNum int
func builders() (bt []builderType) {
type builderInfo struct {
HostType string
type hostInfo struct {
IsReverse bool
ExpectNum int
ContainerImage string
VMImage string
// resj is the response JSON from the builders.
var resj struct {
Builders map[string]builderInfo
Hosts map[string]hostInfo
res, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
log.Fatalf("fetching builder types: %s", res.Status)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resj); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("decoding builder types: %v", err)
for b, bi := range resj.Builders {
if strings.HasPrefix(b, "misc-compile") {
hi, ok := resj.Hosts[bi.HostType]
if !ok {
if !hi.IsReverse && hi.ContainerImage == "" && hi.VMImage == "" {
bt = append(bt, builderType{
Name: b,
IsReverse: hi.IsReverse,
ExpectNum: hi.ExpectNum,
sort.Slice(bt, func(i, j int) bool {
return bt[i].Name < bt[j].Name
func swarmingBuilders() ([]string, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
client := gomoteServerClient(ctx)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
resp, err := client.ListSwarmingBuilders(ctx, &protos.ListSwarmingBuildersRequest{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve swarming builders: %s", err)
return resp.Builders, nil
func create(args []string) error {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("create", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.Usage = func() {
log.Print("create usage: gomote create [create-opts] <type>")
log.Print("If there's a valid group specified, new instances are")
log.Print("automatically added to the group. If the group in")
log.Print("$GOMOTE_GROUP doesn't exist, and there's no other group")
log.Print("specified, it will be created and new instances will be")
log.Print("added to that group.")
log.Print("Run 'gomote create -list' to see a list of valid builder")
if luciDisabled() {
log.Print("\nValid types:")
for _, bt := range builders() {
var warn string
if bt.IsReverse {
if bt.ExpectNum > 0 {
warn = fmt.Sprintf(" [limited capacity: %d machines]", bt.ExpectNum)
} else {
warn = " [limited capacity]"
log.Printf(" * %s%s\n", bt.Name, warn)
var listBuilders bool
fs.BoolVar(&listBuilders, "list", false, "list builder types and exit")
var cfg createConfig
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.printStatus, "status", true, "print regular status updates while waiting")
fs.IntVar(&cfg.count, "count", 1, "number of instances to create")
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.setup, "setup", false, "set up the instance by pushing GOROOT and building the Go toolchain")
fs.StringVar(&cfg.newGroup, "new-group", "", "also create a new group and add the new instances to it")
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.useGolangbuild, "use-golangbuild", true, "disable the installation of build dependencies installed by golangbuild")
if listBuilders {
swarmingBuilders, err := swarmingBuilders()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, builder := range swarmingBuilders {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, builder)
return nil
if fs.NArg() != 1 {
builderType := fs.Arg(0)
_, err := createInstances(context.Background(), builderType, &cfg)
return err
type createConfig struct {
printStatus bool
count int
setup bool
newGroup string
useGolangbuild bool
func createInstances(ctx context.Context, builderType string, cfg *createConfig) ([]string, error) {
var groupMu sync.Mutex
group := activeGroup
var err error
if cfg.newGroup != "" {
group, err = doCreateGroup(cfg.newGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if group == nil && os.Getenv("GOMOTE_GROUP") != "" {
group, err = doCreateGroup(os.Getenv("GOMOTE_GROUP"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var instancesMu sync.Mutex
var instances []string
var tmpOutDir string
var tmpOutDirOnce sync.Once
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
client := gomoteServerClient(ctx)
for i := 0; i < cfg.count; i++ {
i := i
eg.Go(func() error {
start := time.Now()
var exp []string
if !cfg.useGolangbuild {
exp = append(exp, "disable-golang-build")
stream, err := client.CreateInstance(ctx, &protos.CreateInstanceRequest{BuilderType: builderType, ExperimentOption: exp})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create buildlet: %w", err)
var inst string
for {
update, err := stream.Recv()
switch {
case err == io.EOF:
break updateLoop
case err != nil:
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create buildlet (%d): %w", i+1, err)
case update.GetStatus() != protos.CreateInstanceResponse_COMPLETE && cfg.printStatus:
log.Printf("still creating %s (%d) after %v; %d requests ahead of you\n", builderType, i+1, time.Since(start).Round(time.Second), update.GetWaitersAhead())
case update.GetStatus() == protos.CreateInstanceResponse_COMPLETE:
inst = update.GetInstance().GetGomoteId()
instances = append(instances, inst)
if group != nil {
group.Instances = append(group.Instances, inst)
if !cfg.setup {
return nil
// -setup is set, so push GOROOT and run make.bash.
tmpOutDirOnce.Do(func() {
tmpOutDir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "gomote")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a temporary directory for setup output: %w", err)
// Push GOROOT.
detailedProgress := cfg.count == 1
goroot, err := getGOROOT()
if err != nil {
return err
if !detailedProgress {
log.Printf("Pushing GOROOT %q to %q...\n", goroot, inst)
if err := doPush(ctx, inst, goroot, false, detailedProgress); err != nil {
return err
// Run make.bash or make.bat.
cmd := "go/src/make.bash"
if strings.Contains(builderType, "windows") {
cmd = "go/src/make.bat"
// Create a file to write output to so it doesn't get lost.
outf, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(tmpOutDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.stdout", inst)))
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
log.Printf("Wrote results from %q to %q.\n", inst, outf.Name())
log.Printf("Streaming results from %q to %q...\n", inst, outf.Name())
// If this is the only command running, print to stdout too, for convenience and
// backwards compatibility.
outputs := []io.Writer{outf}
if detailedProgress {
outputs = append(outputs, os.Stdout)
} else {
log.Printf("Running %q on %q...\n", cmd, inst)
return doRun(ctx, inst, cmd, []string{}, runWriters(outputs...))
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if group != nil {
if err := storeGroup(group); err != nil {
return nil, err
return instances, nil