blob: 5786b8dcdaff56cd9d68029d9976adeb598683f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestLabelCommandsFromComments(t *testing.T) {
created := time.Now()
testCases := []struct {
desc string
body string
cmds []labelCommand
"basic add/remove",
"We should fix this issue, but we need help\n\n@gopherbot please add help wanted, needsfix and remove needsinvestigation",
{action: "add", label: "help wanted", created: created},
{action: "add", label: "needsfix", created: created},
{action: "remove", label: "needsinvestigation", created: created},
"no please",
"@gopherbot add NeedsFix",
{action: "add", label: "needsfix", created: created},
"with comma",
"@gopherbot, NeedsFix",
{action: "add", label: "needsfix", created: created},
"with semicolons",
"@gopherbot NeedsFix;help wanted; remove needsinvestigation",
{action: "add", label: "needsfix", created: created},
{action: "add", label: "help wanted", created: created},
{action: "remove", label: "needsinvestigation", created: created},
"case insensitive",
"@gopherbot please add HelP WanteD",
{action: "add", label: "help wanted", created: created},
"fun input",
"@gopherbot please add help wanted,;needsfix;",
{action: "add", label: "help wanted", created: created},
{action: "add", label: "needsfix", created: created},
"with hyphen",
"@gopherbot please add label OS-macOS",
{action: "add", label: "os-macos", created: created},
"unlabel keyword",
"@gopherbot please unlabel needsinvestigation, NeedsDecision",
{action: "remove", label: "needsinvestigation", created: created},
{action: "remove", label: "needsdecision", created: created},
"with label[s] keyword",
"@gopherbot please add label help wanted and remove labels needsinvestigation, NeedsDecision",
{action: "add", label: "help wanted", created: created},
{action: "remove", label: "needsinvestigation", created: created},
{action: "remove", label: "needsdecision", created: created},
"no label commands",
"The cake was a lie",
for _, tc := range testCases {
cmds := labelCommandsFromBody(tc.body, created)
if diff := cmp.Diff(cmds, tc.cmds, cmp.AllowUnexported(labelCommand{})); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: commands differ: (-got +want)\n%s", tc.desc, diff)
func TestLabelMutations(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
cmds []labelCommand
add []string
remove []string
{action: "add", label: "foo"},
{action: "remove", label: "baz"},
"add/remove of same label",
{action: "add", label: "foo"},
{action: "remove", label: "foo"},
{action: "remove", label: "bar"},
{action: "add", label: "bar"},
"deduplication of labels",
{action: "add", label: "foo"},
{action: "add", label: "foo"},
{action: "remove", label: "bar"},
{action: "remove", label: "bar"},
"forbidden actions",
{action: "add", label: "Proposal-Accepted"},
{action: "add", label: "CherryPickApproved"},
{action: "add", label: "cla: yes"},
{action: "remove", label: "Security"},
"can add Security",
{action: "add", label: "Security"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
add, remove := mutationsFromCommands(tc.cmds)
if diff := cmp.Diff(add, tc.add); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: label additions differ: (-got, +want)\n%s", tc.desc, diff)
if diff := cmp.Diff(remove, tc.remove); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: label removals differ: (-got, +want)\n%s", tc.desc, diff)
func TestAddLabels(t *testing.T) {
oldFunc := addLabelsToIssue
defer func() { addLabelsToIssue = oldFunc }()
var added []string
addLabelsToIssue = func(_ context.Context, _ *github.IssuesService, _ int, labels []string) error {
added = labels
return nil
testCases := []struct {
desc string
gi *maintner.GitHubIssue
labels []string
added []string
"basic add",
"some labels already present in maintner",
Labels: map[int64]*maintner.GitHubLabel{
0: &maintner.GitHubLabel{Name: "NeedsDecision"},
[]string{"foo", "NeedsDecision"},
"all labels already present in maintner",
Labels: map[int64]*maintner.GitHubLabel{
0: &maintner.GitHubLabel{Name: "NeedsDecision"},
b := &gopherbot{ghc: github.NewClient(http.DefaultClient)}
for _, tc := range testCases {
// Clear any previous state from stubbed addLabelsToIssue function above
// since some test cases may skip calls to it.
added = nil
if err := b.addLabels(nil,, tc.labels); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: b.addLabels got unexpected error: %v", tc.desc, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(added, tc.added); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: labels added differ: (-got, +want)\n%s", tc.desc, diff)
func TestRemoveLabels(t *testing.T) {
oldLabelsForIssue := labelsForIssue
defer func() { labelsForIssue = oldLabelsForIssue }()
labelsForIssue = func(_ context.Context, _ *github.IssuesService, _ int) ([]string, error) {
return []string{"help wanted", "NeedsFix"}, nil
oldRemoveLabelFromIssue := removeLabelFromIssue
defer func() { removeLabelFromIssue = oldRemoveLabelFromIssue }()
var removed []string
removeLabelFromIssue = func(_ context.Context, _ *github.IssuesService, _ int, label string) error {
removed = append(removed, label)
return nil
testCases := []struct {
desc string
gi *maintner.GitHubIssue
toRemove []string
removed []string
"basic remove",
Labels: map[int64]*maintner.GitHubLabel{
0: &maintner.GitHubLabel{Name: "NeedsFix"},
"label not present in maintner",
"label not present in GitHub",
Labels: map[int64]*maintner.GitHubLabel{
0: &maintner.GitHubLabel{Name: "foo"},
b := &gopherbot{ghc: github.NewClient(http.DefaultClient)}
for _, tc := range testCases {
// Clear any previous state from stubbed removeLabelFromIssue function above
// since some test cases may skip calls to it.
removed = nil
if err := b.removeLabels(nil,, tc.toRemove); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: b.addLabels got unexpected error: %v", tc.desc, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(removed, tc.removed); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: labels removed differ: (-got, +want)\n%s", tc.desc, diff)
func TestHumanReviewersInMetas(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
commitMsg string
hasHuman bool
{`Patch-set: 6
Reviewer: Andrew Bonventre <22285@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
{`Patch-set: 6
CC: Andrew Bonventre <22285@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
{`Patch-set: 6
Reviewer: Gobot Gobot <5976@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
{`Patch-set: 6
Reviewer: Gobot Gobot <5976@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
CC: Andrew Bonventre <22285@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
{`Patch-set: 6
Reviewer: Gobot Gobot <5976@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
Reviewer: Andrew Bonventre <22285@62eb7196-b449-3ce5-99f1-c037f21e1705>
for _, tc := range testCases {
metas := []*maintner.GerritMeta{
{Commit: &maintner.GitCommit{Msg: tc.commitMsg}},
if got, want := humanReviewersInMetas(metas), tc.hasHuman; got != want {
t.Errorf("Unexpected result for meta commit message: got %v; want %v for\n%s", got, want, tc.commitMsg)
func TestMergeOwnersEntries(t *testing.T) {
var (
andybons = owners.Owner{GitHubUsername: "andybons", GerritEmail: ""}
bradfitz = owners.Owner{GitHubUsername: "bradfitz", GerritEmail: ""}
filippo = owners.Owner{GitHubUsername: "filippo", GerritEmail: ""}
testCases := []struct {
desc string
entries []*owners.Entry
result *owners.Entry
"no entries",
"primary merge",
{Primary: []owners.Owner{andybons}},
{Primary: []owners.Owner{bradfitz}},
Primary: []owners.Owner{andybons, bradfitz},
"secondary merge",
{Secondary: []owners.Owner{andybons}},
{Secondary: []owners.Owner{filippo}},
Secondary: []owners.Owner{andybons, filippo},
"promote from secondary to primary",
{Primary: []owners.Owner{andybons, filippo}},
{Secondary: []owners.Owner{filippo}},
Primary: []owners.Owner{andybons, filippo},
cmpFn := func(a, b owners.Owner) bool {
return a.GitHubUsername < b.GitHubUsername
for _, tc := range testCases {
got := mergeOwnersEntries(tc.entries)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, tc.result, cmpopts.SortSlices(cmpFn)); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: final entry results differ: (-got, +want)\n%s", tc.desc, diff)