blob: 3cb5492703eaad5a7460e25581fbe0c47433da1a [file] [log] [blame]
To create a fresh builder host: (should only be needed once)
Create a new Scaleway server with type "Docker 1.5" (second tab).
Make a tmpfs:
# echo "tmpfs /tmpfs tmpfs" >> /etc/fstab
# mkdir /tmpfs
Make a 2GB swap file:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap count=2097152 obs=1024
# mkswap /swap
# chmod 0600 /swap
# echo "/swap none swap loop 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Should see swaps in "cat /proc/swaps" and tmpfs in "cat /proc/mounts" now.
* Copy the contents of this directory to the server.
* Go into that directory and:
# docker build -t buildlet .
Add to /etc/rc.local:
(mkdir -p /tmpfs/buildertmp && docker run -e BUILDKEY_ARM=xxx -e BUILDKEY_ARM5=xxx -v=/tmpfs/buildertmp:/tmp --restart=always -d --name=buildlet buildlet) &
sleep 5
.. before the exit 0
Power it down (with ARCHIVE),
Snapshot the disk.
Start a bunch of them. (see