blob: b525b69fa4f44cf66f0352efe17519811b60c619 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package dashboard contains shared configuration and logic used by various
// pieces of the Go continuous build system.
package dashboard
import (
// Builders are the different build configurations.
// The keys are like "darwin-amd64" or "linux-386-387".
// This map should not be modified by other packages.
// Initialization happens below, via calls to addBuilder.
var Builders = map[string]BuildConfig{}
// Hosts contains the names and configs of all the types of
// buildlets. They can be VMs, containers, or dedicated machines.
var Hosts = map[string]*HostConfig{
"host-linux-kubestd": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Debian Jessie, our standard Linux container image.",
ContainerImage: "linux-x86-std-kube:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
SSHUsername: "root",
"host-linux-armhf-cross": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Debian Jessie with armhf cross-compiler, built from env/crosscompile/linux-armhf-jessie",
ContainerImage: "linux-armhf-jessie:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
"host-linux-armel-cross": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Debian Jessie with armel cross-compiler, from env/crosscompile/linux-armel-stretch",
ContainerImage: "linux-armel-stretch:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
"host-linux-amd64-localdev": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 0,
Notes: "for localhost development of buildlets/gomote/coordinator only",
SSHUsername: os.Getenv("USER"),
"host-nacl-arm-davecheney": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
Notes: "Raspberry Pi 3",
OwnerGithub: "davecheney",
"host-nacl-kube": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Container with Native Client binaries.",
ContainerImage: "linux-x86-nacl:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
"host-s390x-cross-kube": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Container with s390x cross-compiler.",
ContainerImage: "linux-s390x-stretch:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
"host-linux-x86-alpine": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Alpine container",
ContainerImage: "linux-x86-alpine:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64-static",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/lib/go"},
"host-linux-clang": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Container with clang.",
ContainerImage: "linux-x86-clang:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
"host-linux-sid": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Debian sid, updated occasionally.",
ContainerImage: "linux-x86-sid:latest",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.linux-amd64",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4"},
"host-linux-arm-scaleway": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
HermeticReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 50,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-arm", "linux-arm-arm5"},
SSHUsername: "root",
"host-linux-arm5spacemonkey": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 3,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-arm-arm5spacemonkey"},
OwnerGithub: "zeebo",
"host-openbsd-amd64-60": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "openbsd-amd64-60",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.openbsd-amd64",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-openbsd-amd64-60.tar.gz",
Notes: "OpenBSD 6.0; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/openbsd-amd64",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-openbsd-386-60": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "openbsd-386-60",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.openbsd-386",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-openbsd-386-60.tar.gz",
Notes: "OpenBSD 6.0; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/openbsd-386",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-openbsd-amd64-62": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "openbsd-amd64-62",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.openbsd-amd64",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-openbsd-amd64-60.tar.gz",
Notes: "OpenBSD 6.2; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/openbsd-amd64",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-openbsd-386-62": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "openbsd-386-62-a",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.openbsd-386",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-openbsd-386-60.tar.gz",
Notes: "OpenBSD 6.2; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/openbsd-386",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-freebsd-93-gce": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-gce93",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.freebsd-amd64",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/go1.4-freebsd-amd64.tar.gz",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-freebsd-10_3": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-103-b",
Notes: "FreeBSD 10.3; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/freebsd-amd64",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.freebsd-amd64", // TODO(bradfitz): why was this http instead of https?
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/go1.4-freebsd-amd64.tar.gz",
env: []string{"CC=clang"},
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-freebsd-11_1": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "freebsd-amd64-111-b",
Notes: "FreeBSD 11.1; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/freebsd-amd64",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.freebsd-amd64", // TODO(bradfitz): why was this http instead of https?
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/go1.4-freebsd-amd64.tar.gz",
env: []string{"CC=clang"},
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-netbsd-amd64-8_0": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "netbsd-amd64-8-0-2018q1",
Notes: "NetBSD 8.0RC1; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/netbsd-amd64",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.netbsd-amd64",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-netbsd-amd64-2da6b33.tar.gz",
SSHUsername: "root",
// Note: the netbsd-386 host hangs during the ../test phase of all.bash,
// so we don't use this for now. (See the netbsd-386-8 BuildConfig below.)
"host-netbsd-386-8_0": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "netbsd-386-8-0-2018q1",
Notes: "NetBSD 8.0RC1; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/netbsd-386",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.netbsd-386",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-netbsd-386-0b3b511.tar.gz",
SSHUsername: "root",
"host-dragonfly-amd64-tdfbsd": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"dragonfly-amd64"},
OwnerGithub: "tdfbsd",
"host-freebsd-arm-paulzhol": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
Notes: "Cubiboard2 1Gb RAM dual-core Cortex-A7 (Allwinner A20), FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE",
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/home/paulzhol/go1.4"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"freebsd-arm-paulzhol"},
OwnerGithub: "paulzhol",
"host-plan9-arm-0intro": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
Notes: "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Plan 9 from Bell Labs",
OwnerGithub: "0intro",
"host-plan9-amd64-0intro": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
OwnerGithub: "0intro",
"host-plan9-386-gce": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "plan9-386-v5",
Notes: "Plan 9 from 0intro; GCE VM is built from script in build/env/plan9-386",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/buildlet.plan9-386",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/gobootstrap-plan9-386.tar.gz",
// We *were* using n1-standard-1 because Plan 9 can only
// reliably use a single CPU. Using 2 or 4 and we see
// test failures. See:
// n1-standard-1 has 3.6 GB of memory which WAS (see below)
// overkill (userspace probably only sees 2GB anyway),
// but it's the cheapest option. And plenty to keep
// our ~250 MB of inputs+outputs in its ramfs.
// But the docs says "For the n1 series of machine
// types, a virtual CPU is implemented as a single
// hyperthread on a 2.6GHz Intel Sandy Bridge Xeon or
// Intel Ivy Bridge Xeon (or newer) processor. This
// means that the n1-standard-2 machine type will see
// a whole physical core."
// ... so we used n1-highcpu-2 (1.80 RAM, still
// plenty), just so we can get 1 whole core for the
// single-core Plan 9. It will see 2 virtual cores and
// only use 1, but we hope that 1 will be more powerful
// and we'll stop timing out on tests.
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
env: []string{"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2"},
"host-windows-amd64-2008": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "windows-amd64-server-2008r2-v5",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/go1.4-windows-amd64.tar.gz",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-windows-amd64-2012": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "windows-amd64-server-2012r2-v5",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/go1.4-windows-amd64.tar.gz",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-windows-amd64-2016": &HostConfig{
VMImage: "windows-amd64-server-2016-v5",
machineType: "n1-highcpu-4",
buildletURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/",
goBootstrapURLTmpl: "$BUCKET/go1.4-windows-amd64.tar.gz",
SSHUsername: "gopher",
"host-darwin-10_8": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 0,
Notes: "MacStadium OS X 10.8 VM under VMWare ESXi",
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"darwin-amd64-10_8"},
SSHUsername: "gopher",
HermeticReverse: false, // TODO: make it so, like 10.12
"host-darwin-10_10": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
Notes: "MacStadium OS X 10.10 VM under VMWare ESXi",
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"darwin-amd64-10_10"},
SSHUsername: "gopher",
HermeticReverse: false, // TODO: make it so, like 10.12
"host-darwin-10_11": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 17,
Notes: "MacStadium OS X 10.11 VM under VMWare ESXi",
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"darwin-amd64-10_11"},
SSHUsername: "gopher",
HermeticReverse: false, // TODO: make it so, like 10.12
"host-darwin-10_12": &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 2,
Notes: "MacStadium OS X 10.12 VM under VMWare ESXi",
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"darwin-amd64-10_12"},
SSHUsername: "gopher",
HermeticReverse: true, // we destroy the VM when done & let cmd/makemac recreate
"host-linux-s390x": &HostConfig{
Notes: "run by IBM",
OwnerGithub: "mundaym",
IsReverse: true,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/var/buildlet/go-linux-s390x-bootstrap"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-s390x-ibm"},
"host-linux-ppc64-osu": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Debian jessie; run by Go team on",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 5,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go-bootstrap"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-ppc64-buildlet"},
SSHUsername: "debian",
HermeticReverse: false, // TODO: use rundockerbuildlet like arm64
"host-linux-ppc64le-osu": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Debian jessie; run by Go team on",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 5,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go-bootstrap"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-ppc64le-buildlet"},
SSHUsername: "debian",
HermeticReverse: false, // TODO: use rundockerbuildlet like arm64
"host-linux-arm64-linaro": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Ubuntu xenial; run by Go team, from linaro",
IsReverse: true,
HermeticReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 5,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go-bootstrap"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-arm64-buildlet"},
SSHUsername: "root",
"host-linux-arm64-packet": &HostConfig{
Notes: "On 96 core host (Xenial) in Docker containers (Jessie); run by Go team. See x/build/env/linux-arm64/packet",
IsReverse: true,
HermeticReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 20,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go-bootstrap"},
SSHUsername: "root",
"host-solaris-amd64": &HostConfig{
Notes: "run by Go team on Joyent, on a SmartOS 'infrastructure container'",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 5,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/root/go-solaris-amd64-bootstrap"},
ReverseAliases: []string{"solaris-amd64-smartosbuildlet"},
"host-solaris-oracle-amd64-oraclerel": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Oracle Solaris amd64 Release System",
Owner: "",
OwnerGithub: "binarycrusader",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/opt/golang/go-solaris-amd64-bootstrap"},
"host-solaris-oracle-shawn": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Oracle Solaris amd64 Development System",
Owner: "",
OwnerGithub: "binarycrusader",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/opt/golang/go-solaris-amd64-bootstrap"},
"host-linux-mips": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Run by Brendan Kirby,",
OwnerGithub: "MIPSbkirby",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-mips"},
"host-linux-mipsle": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Run by Brendan Kirby,",
OwnerGithub: "MIPSbkirby",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-mipsle"},
"host-linux-mips64": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Run by Brendan Kirby,",
OwnerGithub: "MIPSbkirby",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-mips64"},
"host-linux-mips64le": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Run by Brendan Kirby,",
OwnerGithub: "MIPSbkirby",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{
ReverseAliases: []string{"linux-mips64le"},
"host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Mac Mini hosted by Elias Naur, running the android reverse buildlet",
OwnerGithub: "eliasnaur",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{
"host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-ios": &HostConfig{
Notes: "Mac Mini hosted by Elias Naur, running the ios reverse buildlet",
OwnerGithub: "eliasnaur",
IsReverse: true,
ExpectNum: 1,
env: []string{
func init() {
for key, c := range Hosts {
if key == "" {
panic("empty string key in Hosts")
if c.HostType == "" {
c.HostType = key
if c.HostType != key {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("HostType %q != key %q", c.HostType, key))
nSet := 0
if c.VMImage != "" {
if c.ContainerImage != "" {
if c.IsReverse {
if nSet != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("exactly one of VMImage, ContainerImage, IsReverse must be set for host %q; got %v", key, nSet))
if c.buildletURLTmpl == "" && (c.VMImage != "" || c.ContainerImage != "") {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing buildletURLTmpl for host type %q", key))
// A HostConfig describes the available ways to obtain buildlets of
// different types. Some host configs can server multiple
// builders. For example, a host config of "host-linux-kubestd" can
// serve linux-amd64, linux-amd64-race, linux-386, linux-386-387, etc.
type HostConfig struct {
// HostType is the unique name of this host config. It is also
// the key in the Hosts map.
HostType string
// buildletURLTmpl is the URL "template" ($BUCKET is auto-expanded)
// for the URL to the buildlet binary.
// This field is required for VM and Container builders. It's not
// needed for reverse buildlets because in that case, the buildlets
// are already running and their stage0 should know how to update it
// it automatically.
buildletURLTmpl string
// Exactly 1 of these must be set:
VMImage string // e.g. "openbsd-amd64-60"
ContainerImage string // e.g. "linux-buildlet-std:latest" (suffix after "<PROJ>/")
IsReverse bool // if true, only use the reverse buildlet pool
// GCE options, if VMImage != ""
machineType string // optional GCE instance type
RegularDisk bool // if true, use spinning disk instead of SSD
// ReverseOptions:
ExpectNum int // expected number of reverse buildlets of this type
HermeticReverse bool // whether reverse buildlet has fresh env per conn
// Optional base env. GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP should go here if the buildlet
// has Go 1.4+ baked in somewhere.
env []string
// These template URLs may contain $BUCKET which is expanded to the
// relevant Cloud Storage bucket as specified by the build environment.
goBootstrapURLTmpl string // optional URL to a built Go 1.4+ tar.gz
Owner string // optional email of owner; "", empty means golang-dev
OwnerGithub string // optional GitHub username of owner
Notes string // notes for humans
SSHUsername string // username to ssh as, empty means not supported
// ReverseAliases lists alternate names for this buildlet
// config, for older clients doing a reverse dial into the
// coordinator from outside. This prevents us from updating
// 75+ dedicated machines/VMs atomically, switching them to
// the new "host-*" names.
// This is only applicable if IsReverse.
ReverseAliases []string
// A BuildConfig describes how to run a builder.
type BuildConfig struct {
// Name is the unique name of the builder, in the form of
// "GOOS-GOARCH" or "GOOS-GOARCH-suffix". For example,
// "darwin-386", "linux-386-387", "linux-amd64-race". Some
// suffixes are well-known and carry special meaning, such as
// "-race".
Name string
// HostType is the required key into the Hosts map, describing
// the type of host this build will run on.
// For example, "host-linux-kubestd".
HostType string
Notes string // notes for humans
TryBot bool // be a trybot
TryOnly bool // only used for trybots, and not regular builds
CompileOnly bool // if true, compile tests, but don't run them
FlakyNet bool // network tests are flaky (try anyway, but ignore some failures)
// MaxAtOnce optionally specifies a cap of how many builds of
// this type can run at once. Zero means unlimited. This is a
// temporary measure until the build scheduler
// ( is done, at which point this field
// should be deleted.
MaxAtOnce int
// SkipSnapshot, if true, means to not fetch a tarball
// snapshot of the world post-make.bash from the buildlet (and
// thus to not write it to Google Cloud Storage). This is
// incompatible with sharded tests, and should only be used
// for very slow builders or networks, unable to transfer
// the tarball in under ~5 minutes.
SkipSnapshot bool
// RunBench causes the coordinator to run benchmarks on this buildlet type.
RunBench bool
// StopAfterMake causes the build to stop after the make
// script completes, returning its result as the result of the
// whole build. It does not run or compile any of the tests,
// nor does it write a snapshot of the world to cloud
// storage. This option is only supported for builders whose
// BuildConfig.SplitMakeRun returns true.
StopAfterMake bool
// InstallRacePackages controls which packages to "go install
// -race <pkgs>" after running make.bash (or equivalent). If
// the builder ends in "-race", the default if non-nil is just
// "std".
InstallRacePackages []string
// GoDeps is a list of of git sha1 commits that must be in the
// commit to be tested's history. If absent, this builder is
// not run for that commit.
GoDeps []string
// ShouldRunDistTest optionally specifies a function which
// controls whether a test (a name from "go tool dist test
// -list") is run. The isTry value is true for trybot runs.
// A few general special cases are handled in
// cmd/coordinator's in buildStatus.shouldSkipTest.
ShouldRunDistTest func(distTestName string, isTry bool) bool
// numTestHelpers is the number of _additional_ buildlets
// past the first one to help out with sharded tests.
// For trybots, the numTryHelpers value is used, unless it's
// zero, in which case numTestHelpers is used.
numTestHelpers int
numTryTestHelpers int // for trybots. if 0, numTesthelpers is used
env []string // extra environment ("key=value") pairs
allScriptArgs []string
func (c *BuildConfig) Env() []string {
env := []string{"GO_BUILDER_NAME=" + c.Name}
if c.FlakyNet {
env = append(env, "GO_BUILDER_FLAKY_NET=1")
env = append(env, c.hostConf().env...)
return append(env, c.env...)
func (c *BuildConfig) IsReverse() bool { return c.hostConf().IsReverse }
func (c *BuildConfig) IsContainer() bool { return c.hostConf().IsContainer() }
func (c *HostConfig) IsContainer() bool { return c.ContainerImage != "" }
func (c *BuildConfig) IsVM() bool { return c.hostConf().IsVM() }
func (c *HostConfig) IsVM() bool { return c.VMImage != "" }
func (c *BuildConfig) GOOS() string { return c.Name[:strings.Index(c.Name, "-")] }
func (c *BuildConfig) GOARCH() string {
arch := c.Name[strings.Index(c.Name, "-")+1:]
i := strings.Index(arch, "-")
if i == -1 {
return arch
return arch[:i]
// FilePathJoin is mostly like filepath.Join (without the cleaning) except
// it uses the path separator of c.GOOS instead of the host system's.
func (c *BuildConfig) FilePathJoin(x ...string) string {
if c.GOOS() == "windows" {
return strings.Join(x, "\\")
return strings.Join(x, "/")
func (c *BuildConfig) hostConf() *HostConfig {
if c, ok := Hosts[c.HostType]; ok {
return c
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing buildlet config for buildlet %q", c.Name))
// BuildletBinaryURL returns the public URL of this builder's buildlet.
func (c *BuildConfig) GoBootstrapURL(e *buildenv.Environment) string {
return strings.Replace(c.hostConf().goBootstrapURLTmpl, "$BUCKET", e.BuildletBucket, 1)
// BuildletBinaryURL returns the public URL of this builder's buildlet.
func (c *HostConfig) BuildletBinaryURL(e *buildenv.Environment) string {
tmpl := c.buildletURLTmpl
return strings.Replace(tmpl, "$BUCKET", e.BuildletBucket, 1)
func (c *BuildConfig) IsRace() bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(c.Name, "-race")
func (c *BuildConfig) GoInstallRacePackages() []string {
if c.InstallRacePackages != nil {
return append([]string(nil), c.InstallRacePackages...)
if c.IsRace() {
return []string{"std"}
return nil
// AllScript returns the relative path to the operating system's script to
// do the build and run its standard set of tests.
// Example values are "src/all.bash", "src/all.bat", "src/all.rc".
func (c *BuildConfig) AllScript() string {
if c.Name == "" {
panic("bogus BuildConfig")
if c.IsRace() {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/race.bat"
return "src/race.bash"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/all.bat"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "plan9-") {
return "src/all.rc"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "nacl-") {
return "src/nacltest.bash"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "android-") {
return "src/androidtest.bash"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "darwin-arm") {
return "src/iostest.bash"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "misc-compile") {
return "src/buildall.bash"
return "src/all.bash"
// SplitMakeRun reports whether the coordinator should first compile
// (using c.MakeScript), then snapshot, then run the tests (ideally
// sharded) using c.RunScript.
// Eventually this function should always return true (and then be deleted)
// but for now we've only set up the scripts and verified that the main
// configurations work.
func (c *BuildConfig) SplitMakeRun() bool {
switch c.AllScript() {
case "src/all.bash", "src/all.bat",
"src/race.bash", "src/race.bat",
// These we've verified to work.
return true
// TODO(bradfitz): make androidtest.bash and iotest.bash work
// too. And buildall.bash should really just be N small
// container jobs instead of a "buildall.bash". Then we can
// delete this whole method.
return false
func (c *BuildConfig) BuildSubrepos() bool {
if !c.SplitMakeRun() {
return false
// TODO(adg,bradfitz): expand this as required
switch c.Name {
case "darwin-amd64-10_11",
// TODO: add darwin-amd64-10_12 when we have a build scheduler
"freebsd-386-10_3", "freebsd-amd64-10_3",
"freebsd-386-11_1", "freebsd-amd64-11_1",
"linux-386", "linux-amd64", "linux-amd64-nocgo",
"openbsd-386-60", "openbsd-amd64-60",
"openbsd-386-62", "openbsd-amd64-62",
"windows-amd64-2016", "windows-386-2008":
return true
return false
// AllScriptArgs returns the set of arguments that should be passed to the
// all.bash-equivalent script. Usually empty.
func (c *BuildConfig) AllScriptArgs() []string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "darwin-arm") {
return []string{"-restart"}
return append([]string(nil), c.allScriptArgs...)
// MakeScript returns the relative path to the operating system's script to
// do the build.
// Example values are "src/make.bash", "src/make.bat", "src/make.rc".
func (c *BuildConfig) MakeScript() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/make.bat"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "plan9-") {
return "src/make.rc"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "nacl-") {
return "src/naclmake.bash"
return "src/make.bash"
// MakeScriptArgs returns the set of arguments that should be passed to the
// make.bash-equivalent script. Usually empty.
func (c *BuildConfig) MakeScriptArgs() []string {
return c.AllScriptArgs()
// RunScript returns the relative path to the operating system's script to
// run the test suite.
// Example values are "src/run.bash", "src/run.bat", "src/run.rc".
func (c *BuildConfig) RunScript() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "src/run.bat"
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "plan9-") {
return "src/run.rc"
return "src/run.bash"
// RunScriptArgs returns the set of arguments that should be passed to the
// run.bash-equivalent script.
func (c *BuildConfig) RunScriptArgs() []string {
return []string{"--no-rebuild"}
// GorootFinal returns the default install location for
// releases for this platform.
func (c *BuildConfig) GorootFinal() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "windows-") {
return "c:\\go"
return "/usr/local/go"
// MachineType returns the GCE machine type to use for this builder.
func (c *HostConfig) MachineType() string {
if v := c.machineType; v != "" {
return v
if c.IsContainer() {
// Set a higher default machine size for containers,
// so their /workdir tmpfs can be larger. The COS
// image has no swap, so we want to make sure the
// /workdir fits completely in memory.
return "n1-standard-4" // 4 CPUs, 15GB RAM
return "n1-highcpu-2"
// ShortOwner returns a short human-readable owner.
func (c BuildConfig) ShortOwner() string {
owner := c.hostConf().Owner
if owner == "" {
return "go-dev"
return strings.TrimSuffix(owner, "")
// OwnerGithub returns the Github handle of the owner.
func (c BuildConfig) OwnerGithub() string {
return c.hostConf().OwnerGithub
// PoolName returns a short summary of the builder's host type for the
// page.
func (c *HostConfig) PoolName() string {
switch {
case c.IsReverse:
return "Reverse (dedicated machine/VM)"
case c.IsVM():
return "GCE VM"
case c.IsContainer():
return "Container"
panic("unknown builder type")
// IsHermetic reports whether this host config gets a fresh
// environment (including /usr, /var, etc) for each execution. This is
// true for VMs, GKE, and reverse buildlets running their containers
// running in Docker, but false on some reverse buildlets.
func (c *HostConfig) IsHermetic() bool {
switch {
case c.IsReverse:
return c.HermeticReverse
case c.IsVM():
return true
case c.IsContainer():
return true
panic("unknown builder type")
// GCENumCPU reports the number of GCE CPUs this buildlet requires.
func (c *HostConfig) GCENumCPU() int {
t := c.MachineType()
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(t[strings.LastIndex(t, "-")+1:])
return n
func (c *BuildConfig) NumTestHelpers(isTry bool) int {
if isTry && c.numTryTestHelpers != 0 {
return c.numTryTestHelpers
return c.numTestHelpers
func init() {
Name: "freebsd-amd64-gce93",
HostType: "host-freebsd-93-gce",
TryOnly: true, // don't run regular build...
TryBot: false, // .. and don't be a trybot. Only for gomote.
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "freebsd-amd64-10_3",
HostType: "host-freebsd-10_3",
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "freebsd-amd64-11_1",
HostType: "host-freebsd-11_1",
TryBot: true,
ShouldRunDistTest: fasterTrybots,
numTryTestHelpers: 4,
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "freebsd-amd64-race",
HostType: "host-freebsd-11_1",
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "freebsd-386-10_3",
HostType: "host-freebsd-10_3",
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "freebsd-386-11_1",
HostType: "host-freebsd-11_1",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "linux-386",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
ShouldRunDistTest: fasterTrybots,
TryBot: true,
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
numTestHelpers: 1,
numTryTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "linux-386-387",
Notes: "GO386=387",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386", "GO386=387"},
Name: "linux-amd64",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
TryBot: true,
MaxAtOnce: 3,
numTestHelpers: 1,
numTryTestHelpers: 4,
RunBench: true,
const testAlpine = false // Issue 22689 (hide all red builders), Issue 19938 (get Alpine passing)
if testAlpine {
Name: "linux-amd64-alpine",
HostType: "host-linux-x86-alpine",
// Add the -vetall builder. The builder name suffix "-vetall" is recognized by cmd/dist/test.go
// to only run the "go vet std cmd" test and no others.
Name: "misc-vet-vetall",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
Notes: "Runs vet over the standard library.",
TryBot: true,
numTestHelpers: 5,
addMiscCompile := func(suffix, rx string) {
Name: "misc-compile" + suffix,
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
TryBot: true,
TryOnly: true,
CompileOnly: true,
Notes: "Runs to cross-compile std packages for " + rx + ", but doesn't run any tests.",
allScriptArgs: []string{
// Filtering pattern to buildall.bash:
addMiscCompile("", "^(linux-arm64|nacl-arm|solaris-amd64|darwin-386)$") // 4 ports
addMiscCompile("-mips", "^linux-mips") // 4
addMiscCompile("-ppc", "^linux-ppc64") // 2
addMiscCompile("-plan9", "^plan9-") // 3
addMiscCompile("-freebsd", "^freebsd-") // 3
addMiscCompile("-netbsd", "^netbsd-") // 3
addMiscCompile("-openbsd", "^openbsd-") // 3
Name: "linux-amd64-nocgo",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
MaxAtOnce: 1,
Notes: "cgo disabled",
env: []string{
// This USER=root was required for Docker-based builds but probably isn't required
// in the VM anymore, since the buildlet probably already has this in its environment.
// (It was required because without cgo, it couldn't find the username)
Name: "linux-amd64-noopt",
Notes: "optimizations and inlining disabled",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
env: []string{"GO_GCFLAGS=-N -l"},
MaxAtOnce: 1,
Name: "linux-amd64-ssacheck",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
MaxAtOnce: 1,
TryBot: false, // TODO: add a func to conditionally run this trybot if compiler dirs are touched
CompileOnly: true,
Notes: "SSA internal checks enabled",
env: []string{"GO_GCFLAGS=-d=ssa/check/on,dclstack"},
GoDeps: []string{
"f65abf6ddc8d1f3d403a9195fd74eaffa022b07f", // adds dclstack
Name: "linux-amd64-racecompile",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
TryBot: false, // TODO: add a func to conditionally run this trybot if compiler dirs are touched
MaxAtOnce: 1,
CompileOnly: true,
SkipSnapshot: true,
StopAfterMake: true,
InstallRacePackages: []string{"cmd/compile"},
Notes: "race-enabled cmd/compile",
GoDeps: []string{
"22f1b56dab29d397d2bdbdd603d85e60fb678089", // adds cmd/compile -c; Issue 20222
Name: "linux-amd64-race",
HostType: "host-linux-kubestd",
TryBot: true,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
ShouldRunDistTest: fasterTrybots,
numTestHelpers: 1,
numTryTestHelpers: 5,
Name: "linux-386-clang",
HostType: "host-linux-clang",
MaxAtOnce: 1,
Notes: "Debian jessie + clang 3.9 instead of gcc",
env: []string{"CC=/usr/bin/clang", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
Name: "linux-amd64-clang",
HostType: "host-linux-clang",
MaxAtOnce: 1,
Notes: "Debian jessie + clang 3.9 instead of gcc",
env: []string{"CC=/usr/bin/clang"},
Name: "linux-386-sid",
HostType: "host-linux-sid",
Notes: "Debian sid (unstable)",
MaxAtOnce: 1,
env: []string{"GOHOSTARCH=386"},
Name: "linux-amd64-sid",
HostType: "host-linux-sid",
MaxAtOnce: 1,
Notes: "Debian sid (unstable)",
Name: "linux-arm",
HostType: "host-linux-arm-scaleway",
TryBot: false, // Issue 22748, Issue 22749
FlakyNet: true,
numTestHelpers: 2,
numTryTestHelpers: 7,
Name: "linux-arm-nativemake",
Notes: "runs make.bash on real ARM hardware, but does not run tests",
HostType: "host-linux-arm-scaleway",
StopAfterMake: true,
Name: "linux-arm-arm5spacemonkey",
HostType: "host-linux-arm5spacemonkey",
env: []string{
"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=4", // arm is normally 2; double that.
ShouldRunDistTest: func(distTest string, isTry bool) bool {
if strings.Contains(distTest, "vendor/") {
// Not worth it. And broken.
return false
if distTest == "api" {
// Broken on this build config (Issue
// 24754), and not worth it on slow
// builder. It's covered by other
// builders anyway.
return false
if strings.HasPrefix(distTest, "test:") {
// Slow, and not worth it on slow builder.
return false
return true
Name: "nacl-386",
HostType: "host-nacl-kube",
TryBot: true,
MaxAtOnce: 2,
numTryTestHelpers: 3,
env: []string{"GOOS=nacl", "GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTOS=linux", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
Name: "nacl-amd64p32",
HostType: "host-nacl-kube",
TryBot: true,
MaxAtOnce: 2,
numTryTestHelpers: 3,
env: []string{"GOOS=nacl", "GOARCH=amd64p32", "GOHOSTOS=linux", "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"},
Name: "openbsd-amd64-60",
HostType: "host-openbsd-amd64-60",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
TryOnly: true, // disabled by default; Go 1.11+ don't support it anymore
TryBot: false,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
numTestHelpers: 2,
numTryTestHelpers: 5,
Name: "openbsd-386-60",
HostType: "host-openbsd-386-60",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
TryOnly: true, // disabled by default; Go 1.11+ don't support it anymore
TryBot: false,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
env: []string{
// cmd/go takes ~192 seconds on openbsd-386
// now, which is over the 180 second default
// dist test timeout. So, bump this builder
// up:
Name: "openbsd-386-62",
HostType: "host-openbsd-386-62",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
env: []string{
// cmd/go takes ~192 seconds on openbsd-386
// now, which is over the 180 second default
// dist test timeout. So, bump this builder
// up:
Name: "openbsd-amd64-62",
HostType: "host-openbsd-amd64-62",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
TryBot: true,
numTestHelpers: 0,
numTryTestHelpers: 5,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
Name: "netbsd-amd64-8_0",
HostType: "host-netbsd-amd64-8_0",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
TryBot: false,
Name: "netbsd-386-8_0",
HostType: "host-netbsd-386-8_0",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
// This builder currently hangs in the “../test” phase of all.bash.
// (
TryOnly: true, // Disable regular builds.
TryBot: false, // Disable trybots.
Name: "plan9-386",
HostType: "host-plan9-386-gce",
numTestHelpers: 1,
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "windows-amd64-2008",
HostType: "host-windows-amd64-2008",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
env: []string{
// cmd/go takes ~188 seconds on windows-amd64
// now, which is over the 180 second default
// dist test timeout. So, bump this builder
// up:
Name: "windows-386-2008",
HostType: "host-windows-amd64-2008",
ShouldRunDistTest: fasterTrybots,
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
MaxAtOnce: 2,
TryBot: true,
numTryTestHelpers: 4,
Name: "windows-amd64-2012",
HostType: "host-windows-amd64-2012",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
env: []string{
// cmd/go takes ~188 seconds on windows-amd64
// now, which is over the 180 second default
// dist test timeout. So, bump this builder
// up:
MaxAtOnce: 2,
Name: "windows-amd64-2016",
HostType: "host-windows-amd64-2016",
ShouldRunDistTest: fasterTrybots,
env: []string{
// cmd/go takes ~188 seconds on windows-amd64
// now, which is over the 180 second default
// dist test timeout. So, bump this builder
// up:
TryBot: true,
numTryTestHelpers: 5,
Name: "windows-amd64-race",
HostType: "host-windows-amd64-2008",
Notes: "Only runs -race tests (./race.bat)",
env: []string{
// cmd/go takes ~188 seconds on windows-amd64
// now, which is over the 180 second default
// dist test timeout. So, bump this builder
// up:
Name: "darwin-amd64-10_8",
HostType: "host-darwin-10_8",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
TryOnly: true, // but not in trybot set, so effectively disabled
TryBot: false,
Name: "darwin-amd64-10_10",
HostType: "host-darwin-10_10",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
Name: "darwin-amd64-10_11",
HostType: "host-darwin-10_11",
TryBot: false, // disabled until Macs fixed;
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
numTryTestHelpers: 3,
Name: "darwin-386-10_11",
HostType: "host-darwin-10_11",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
MaxAtOnce: 1,
env: []string{"GOARCH=386", "GOHOSTARCH=386"},
Name: "darwin-amd64-10_12",
HostType: "host-darwin-10_12",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
Name: "darwin-amd64-race",
HostType: "host-darwin-10_11",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
Name: "darwin-arm-a1428ios",
HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-ios",
Notes: "iPhone 5 (model A1428), via a Mac Mini; owned by elias.naur",
env: []string{"GOARCH=arm", "GOIOS_DEVICE_ID=608470ed34dc459328dd4cfa35ca5757b9c65222"},
Name: "darwin-arm64-a1549ios",
HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-ios",
Notes: "iPhone 6 (model A1549), via a Mac Mini; owned by elias.naur",
env: []string{"GOARCH=arm64", "GOIOS_DEVICE_ID=e5d8bf44318afed071f97d479c3e5456be8b8c17"},
Name: "android-arm-wiko-fever",
HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
Notes: "Android Wiko Fever phone running Android 6.0, via a Mac Mini",
env: []string{
"GOANDROID_ADB_FLAGS=-d", // Run on device
Name: "android-arm64-wiko-fever",
HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
Notes: "Android Wiko Fever phone running Android 6.0, via a Mac Mini",
env: []string{
"GOANDROID_ADB_FLAGS=-d", // Run on device
Name: "android-386-emulator",
HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
Notes: "Android emulator, via a Mac Mini",
env: []string{
"GOANDROID_ADB_FLAGS=-e", // Run on emulator
Name: "android-amd64-emulator",
HostType: "host-darwin-amd64-eliasnaur-android",
Notes: "Android emulator, via a Mac Mini",
env: []string{
"GOANDROID_ADB_FLAGS=-e", // Run on emulator
Name: "solaris-amd64-oracledev",
HostType: "host-solaris-oracle-shawn",
Notes: "Oracle Solaris development version",
Name: "solaris-amd64-oraclerel",
HostType: "host-solaris-oracle-amd64-oraclerel",
Notes: "Oracle Solaris release version",
Name: "solaris-amd64-smartosbuildlet",
HostType: "host-solaris-amd64",
Name: "linux-ppc64-buildlet",
HostType: "host-linux-ppc64-osu",
FlakyNet: true,
Name: "linux-ppc64le-buildlet",
HostType: "host-linux-ppc64le-osu",
FlakyNet: true,
Name: "linux-arm64-buildlet",
HostType: "host-linux-arm64-linaro",
FlakyNet: true,
Name: "linux-arm64-packet",
HostType: "host-linux-arm64-packet",
FlakyNet: true, // unknown; just copied from the linaro one
Name: "linux-mips",
HostType: "host-linux-mips",
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "linux-mipsle",
HostType: "host-linux-mipsle",
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "linux-mips64",
HostType: "host-linux-mips64",
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "linux-mips64le",
HostType: "host-linux-mips64le",
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "linux-s390x-ibm",
HostType: "host-linux-s390x",
numTestHelpers: 0,
Name: "linux-s390x-crosscompile",
HostType: "host-s390x-cross-kube",
Notes: "s390x cross-compile builder for releases; doesn't run tests",
CompileOnly: true,
TryOnly: true, // but not in trybot set for now
env: []string{
Name: "linux-amd64-localdev",
HostType: "host-linux-amd64-localdev",
Notes: "for localhost development only",
TryOnly: true,
Name: "dragonfly-amd64",
HostType: "host-dragonfly-amd64-tdfbsd",
ShouldRunDistTest: noTestDir,
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "freebsd-arm-paulzhol",
HostType: "host-freebsd-arm-paulzhol",
SkipSnapshot: true,
env: []string{
Name: "plan9-arm",
HostType: "host-plan9-arm-0intro",
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "nacl-arm",
HostType: "host-nacl-arm-davecheney",
SkipSnapshot: true,
Name: "plan9-amd64-9front",
HostType: "host-plan9-amd64-0intro",
SkipSnapshot: true,
// addBuilder adds c to the Builders map after doing some sanity
// checks.
func addBuilder(c BuildConfig) {
if c.Name == "" {
panic("empty name")
if c.HostType == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing HostType for builder %q", c.Name))
if _, dup := Builders[c.Name]; dup {
panic("dup name " + c.Name)
if _, ok := Hosts[c.HostType]; !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("undefined HostType %q for builder %q", c.HostType, c.Name))
if c.SkipSnapshot && (c.numTestHelpers > 0 || c.numTryTestHelpers > 0) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("config %q's SkipSnapshot is not compatible with sharded test helpers", c.Name))
types := 0
for _, fn := range []func() bool{c.IsReverse, c.IsContainer, c.IsVM} {
if fn() {
if types != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("build config %q host type inconsistent (must be Reverse, Image, or VM)", c.Name))
Builders[c.Name] = c
// TrybotBuilderNames returns the names of the builder configs
// with the TryBot field set true.
func TrybotBuilderNames() []string {
var ret []string
for name, conf := range Builders {
if conf.TryBot {
ret = append(ret, name)
return ret
// fasterTrybots is a ShouldRunDistTest policy function.
// It skips (returns false) the test/ directory tests for trybots.
func fasterTrybots(distTest string, isTry bool) bool {
if isTry && strings.HasPrefix(distTest, "test:") {
return false // skip test
return true
// noTestDir is a ShouldRunDistTest policy function.
// It skips (returns false) the test/ directory tests for all builds.
func noTestDir(distTest string, isTry bool) bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(distTest, "test:") {
return false // skip test
return true