blob: ffbdc89310760064476f3aef3956cc68b0ea84ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
import "";
package maintpb;
message Mutation {
GithubIssueMutation github_issue = 1; // issue-specific changes
GithubMutation github = 3; // labels, milestones (not issue-specific)
GitMutation git = 2;
message GithubMutation {
string owner = 1; // "golang"
string repo = 2; // "go"
// Updated labels. (All must have id set at least)
repeated GithubLabel labels = 3;
// Updated milestones. (All must have id set at least)
repeated GithubMilestone milestones = 4;
message GithubIssueMutation {
string owner = 1; // "golang"
string repo = 2; // "go"
int32 number = 3; // 1, 2, 3... (not the ID)
// not_exist is set true if the issue has been found to not exist.
// If true, the owner/repo/number fields above must still be set.
// If a future issue mutation for the same number arrives without
// not_exist set, then the issue comes back to life.
bool not_exist = 13;
int64 id = 12; // unique across all repos
GithubUser user = 4; // only set for new/updated issues, not new comments
repeated GithubUser assignees = 10; // who the issue is assigned to
repeated int64 deleted_assignees = 11; // IDs of users to delete from the assignee list
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 5; // only needed on new issues
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated = 6; // only set on updated issue text
string body = 7; // for new or updated issue text (top post, which isn't a comment)
string title = 9; // issue title
bool no_milestone = 15; // true unsets any previously-set milestone; false ignored.
// When setting a milestone, only the milestone_id must be set.
// TODO: allow num or title to be used if Github only returns those? So far unneeded.
// The num and title, if non-zero, are treated as if they were a GithubMutation.Milestone update.
int64 milestone_id = 16; // sets milestone to this milestone id (e.g. 2386495, global?)
int64 milestone_num = 17; // sets milestone to this milestone number (e.g. 2, per-repo)
string milestone_title = 18;
BoolChange closed = 19;
BoolChange locked = 25;
google.protobuf.Timestamp closed_at = 21;
GithubUser closed_by = 22;
repeated int64 remove_label = 23; // label IDs to remove
repeated GithubLabel add_label = 24;
repeated GithubIssueCommentMutation comment = 8;
GithubIssueSyncStatus comment_status = 14;
repeated GithubIssueEvent event = 26; // new events to add
GithubIssueSyncStatus event_status = 27;
// BoolChange represents a change to a boolean value.
message BoolChange {
bool val = 1;
message GithubLabel {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message GithubMilestone {
int64 id = 1; // required
// Following only need to be non-zero on changes:
string title = 2;
BoolChange closed = 3;
int64 number = 4;
// See
// for some info.
message GithubIssueEvent {
// Required:
int64 id = 1;
// event_type can be one of "assigned", "unassigned", "labeled",
// "unlabeled", "opened", "edited", "milestoned", "demilestoned",
// "closed", "reopened", "referenced", "renamed" or anything else
// that Github adds in the future.
string event_type = 2;
int64 actor_id = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 4; // time of the event
// label is populated for "labeled" and "unlabeled" events.
// The label will usually not have an ID, due to Github's API
// not returning one.
GithubLabel label = 5;
// milestone is populated for "milestoned" and "demilestoned" events.
// The label will usually not have an ID, due to Github's API
// not returning one.
GithubMilestone milestone = 6;
// For "assigned", "unassigned":
int64 assignee_id = 7; // always same as actor_id it seems? Github API doesn't say.
int64 assigner_id = 8;
// For "referenced", "closed":
GithubCommit commit = 9;
// For "renamed" events:
string rename_from = 11;
string rename_to = 12;
// other_json is usually empty. If Github adds event types or fields
// in the future, this captures those added fields. If non-empty it
// will be a JSON object with the fields that weren't understood.
bytes other_json = 10;
message GithubCommit {
string owner = 1; // "golang"
string repo = 2; // "go"
string commit_id = 3; // "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33"
// GithubIssueSyncStatus notes where syncing is at for comments
// on an issue,
// This mutation type is only made at/after the same top-level mutation
// which created the corresponding comments.
message GithubIssueSyncStatus {
// server_date is the "Date" response header from Github for the
// final HTTP response.
google.protobuf.Timestamp server_date = 1;
message GithubIssueCommentMutation {
int64 id = 1;
GithubUser user = 2; // not present in edits later
string body = 3; // may not be present in edits later (if only reactions changed? TODO: investigate)
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 4; // not present in edits later
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated = 5;
message GithubUser {
int64 id = 1;
string login = 2;
message GitMutation {
GitRepo repo = 1;
// commit adds a commit, or adds new information to a commit if fields
// are added in the future.
GitCommit commit = 2;
// GitRepo identifies a git repo being mutated.
message GitRepo {
// If go_repo is set, it identifies a<go_repo> repo.
string go_repo = 1;
// TODO: and github repos later.
message GitCommit {
string sha1 = 1; // the full lowercase 40-hex-byte sha1 sum
// raw is the "git cat-file commit $sha1" output.
bytes raw = 2;
GitDiffTree diff_tree = 3;
// git diff-tree --numstat oldtree newtree
message GitDiffTree {
repeated GitDiffTreeFile file = 1;
// GitDiffTreeFile represents one line of `git diff-tree --numstat` output.
message GitDiffTreeFile {
string file = 1;
int64 added = 2;
int64 deleted = 3;
bool binary = 4;