blob: 45fcb80d2a0cfab7da91ededb94603e3034f1c3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.13
// +build linux darwin
// The coordinator runs the majority of the Go build system.
// It is responsible for finding build work and executing it,
// reporting the results to for public display.
// For an overview of the Go build system, see the README at
// the root of the x/build repo.
package main // import ""
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
grpc ""
revdialv2 ""
perfstorage ""
const (
// eventDone is a build event name meaning the build was
// completed (either successfully or with remote errors).
// Notably, it is NOT included for network/communication
// errors.
eventDone = "done"
// eventSkipBuildMissingDep is a build event name meaning
// the builder type is not applicable to the commit being
// tested because the commit lacks a necessary dependency
// in its git history.
eventSkipBuildMissingDep = "skipped_build_missing_dep"
var (
processStartTime = time.Now()
processID = "P" + randHex(9)
var sched = NewScheduler()
var Version string // set by linker -X
// devPause is a debug option to pause for 5 minutes after the build
// finishes before destroying buildlets.
const devPause = false
// stagingTryWork is a debug option to enable or disable running
// trybot work in staging.
// If enabled, only open CLs containing "DO NOT SUBMIT" and "STAGING"
// in their commit message (in addition to being marked Run-TryBot+1)
// will be run.
const stagingTryWork = true
var (
masterKeyFile = flag.String("masterkey", "", "Path to builder master key. Else fetched using GCE project attribute 'builder-master-key'.")
mode = flag.String("mode", "", "Valid modes are 'dev', 'prod', or '' for auto-detect. dev means localhost development, not be confused with staging on go-dashboard-dev, which is still the 'prod' mode.")
buildEnvName = flag.String("env", "", "The build environment configuration to use. Not required if running on GCE.")
devEnableGCE = flag.Bool("dev_gce", false, "Whether or not to enable the GCE pool when in dev mode. The pool is enabled by default in prod mode.")
shouldRunBench = flag.Bool("run_bench", false, "Whether or not to run benchmarks on trybot commits. Override by GCE project attribute 'farmer-run-bench'.")
perfServer = flag.String("perf_server", "", "Upload benchmark results to `server`. Overrides buildenv default for testing.")
// statusMu,,
// (Other locks, such as the remoteBuildlet mutex should
// not be used along with other locks)
var (
statusMu sync.Mutex // guards the following four structures; see LOCK ORDER comment above
status = map[buildgo.BuilderRev]*buildStatus{}
statusDone []*buildStatus // finished recently, capped to maxStatusDone
tries = map[tryKey]*trySet{} // trybot builds
tryList []tryKey
var maintnerClient apipb.MaintnerServiceClient
const (
maxStatusDone = 30
// vmDeleteTimeout and podDeleteTimeout is how long before we delete a VM.
// In practice this need only be as long as the slowest
// builder (plan9 currently), because on startup this program
// already deletes all buildlets it doesn't know about
// (i.e. ones from a previous instance of the coordinator).
vmDeleteTimeout = 45 * time.Minute
podDeleteTimeout = 45 * time.Minute
// Fake keys signed by a fake CA.
// These are used in localhost dev mode. (Not to be confused with the
// staging "dev" instance under GCE project "go-dashboard-dev")
var testFiles = map[string]string{
"farmer-cert.pem": build.DevCoordinatorCA,
"farmer-key.pem": build.DevCoordinatorKey,
func listenAndServeTLS() {
addr := ":443"
if *mode == "dev" {
addr = "localhost:8119"
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("net.Listen(%s): %v", addr, err)
func serveTLS(ln net.Listener) {
config := &tls.Config{
NextProtos: []string{"http/1.1"},
if autocertManager != nil {
config.GetCertificate = autocertManager.GetCertificate
} else {
certPEM, err := readGCSFile("farmer-cert.pem")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("cannot load TLS cert, skipping https: %v", err)
keyPEM, err := readGCSFile("farmer-key.pem")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("cannot load TLS key, skipping https: %v", err)
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPEM, keyPEM)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("bad TLS cert: %v", err)
config.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
server := &http.Server{
Addr: ln.Addr().String(),
Handler: httpRouter{},
tlsLn := tls.NewListener(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)}, config)
log.Printf("Coordinator serving on: %v", tlsLn.Addr())
if err := server.Serve(tlsLn); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("serve https: %v", err)
type tcpKeepAliveListener struct {
func (ln tcpKeepAliveListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) {
tc, err := ln.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil {
tc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute)
return tc, nil
// httpRouter is the coordinator's mux, routing traffic to one of
// three locations:
// 1) a buildlet, from gomote clients (if X-Buildlet-Proxy is set)
// 2) our module proxy cache on GKE (if X-Proxy-Service == module-cache)
// 3) traffic to the coordinator itself (the default)
type httpRouter struct{}
func (httpRouter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Header.Get("X-Buildlet-Proxy") != "" {
requireBuildletProxyAuth(http.HandlerFunc(proxyBuildletHTTP)).ServeHTTP(w, r)
http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(w, r)
type loggerFunc func(event string, optText ...string)
func (fn loggerFunc) LogEventTime(event string, optText ...string) {
fn(event, optText...)
func (fn loggerFunc) CreateSpan(event string, optText ...string) spanlog.Span {
return createSpan(fn, event, optText...)
// autocertManager is non-nil if LetsEncrypt is in use.
var autocertManager *autocert.Manager
func main() {
if Version == "" && *mode == "dev" {
Version = "dev"
log.Printf("coordinator version %q starting", Version)
err := initGCE()
if err != nil {
if *mode == "" {
*mode = "dev"
log.Printf("VM support disabled due to error initializing GCE: %v", err)
} else {
if *mode == "" {
*mode = "prod"
if bucket := buildEnv.AutoCertCacheBucket; bucket != "" {
if storageClient == nil {
log.Fatalf("expected storage client to be non-nil")
autocertManager = &autocert.Manager{
Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS,
HostPolicy: func(_ context.Context, host string) error {
if !strings.HasSuffix(host, "") {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus host %q", host)
return nil
Cache: autocertcache.NewGoogleCloudStorageCache(storageClient, bucket),
// TODO(evanbrown: disable kubePool if init fails)
err = initKube()
if err != nil {
kubeErr = err
log.Printf("Kube support disabled due to error initializing Kubernetes: %v", err)
go updateInstanceRecord()
switch *mode {
case "dev", "prod":
log.Printf("Running in %s mode", *mode)
log.Fatalf("Unknown mode: %q", *mode)
cc, err := grpc.NewClient(http.DefaultClient, "")
if err != nil {
maintnerClient = apipb.NewMaintnerServiceClient(cc)
http.HandleFunc("/", handleStatus)
http.HandleFunc("/debug/goroutines", handleDebugGoroutines)
http.HandleFunc("/debug/watcher/", handleDebugWatcher)
http.HandleFunc("/builders", handleBuilders)
http.HandleFunc("/temporarylogs", handleLogs)
http.HandleFunc("/reverse", handleReverse)
http.Handle("/revdial", revdialv2.ConnHandler())
http.HandleFunc("/style.css", handleStyleCSS)
http.HandleFunc("/try", serveTryStatus(false))
http.HandleFunc("/try.json", serveTryStatus(true))
http.HandleFunc("/status/reverse.json", reversePool.ServeReverseStatusJSON)
http.HandleFunc("/status/post-submit-active.json", handlePostSubmitActiveJSON)
http.Handle("/buildlet/create", requireBuildletProxyAuth(http.HandlerFunc(handleBuildletCreate)))
http.Handle("/buildlet/list", requireBuildletProxyAuth(http.HandlerFunc(handleBuildletList)))
go func() {
if *mode == "dev" {
var handler http.Handler = httpToHTTPSRedirector{}
if autocertManager != nil {
handler = autocertManager.HTTPHandler(handler)
err := http.ListenAndServe(":80", handler)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("http.ListenAndServe:80: %v", err)
if *mode == "dev" {
// TODO(crawshaw): do more in dev mode
} else {
go gcePool.cleanUpOldVMs()
if kubeErr == nil {
go kubePool.cleanUpOldPodsLoop(context.Background())
if inStaging {
dashboard.Builders = stagingClusterBuilders()
go listenAndServeInternalModuleProxy()
go findWorkLoop()
go findTryWorkLoop()
go reportMetrics(context.Background())
// TODO(cmang): gccgo will need its own findWorkLoop
go listenAndServeTLS()
go listenAndServeSSH() // ssh proxy to remote buildlets; remote.go
select {}
// ignoreAllNewWork, when true, prevents addWork from doing anything.
// It's sometimes set in staging mode when people are debugging
// certain paths.
var ignoreAllNewWork bool
// addWorkTestHook is optionally set by tests.
var addWorkTestHook func(buildgo.BuilderRev, *commitDetail)
type commitDetail struct {
// CommitTime is the greater of 1 or 2 possible git committer
// times: the commit time of the associated BuilderRev.Rev
// (for the BuilderRev also passed to addWorkDetail) or
// BuilderRev.SubRev (if not empty).
CommitTime string // in time.RFC3339 format
Branch string
func addWork(work buildgo.BuilderRev) {
addWorkDetail(work, nil)
// addWorkDetail adds some work to (maybe) do, if it's not already
// enqueued and the builders are configured to run the given repo. The
// detail argument is optional and used for scheduling. It's currently
// only used for post-submit builds.
func addWorkDetail(work buildgo.BuilderRev, detail *commitDetail) {
if f := addWorkTestHook; f != nil {
f(work, detail)
if ignoreAllNewWork || isBuilding(work) {
if !mayBuildRev(work) {
if inStaging {
if _, ok := dashboard.Builders[work.Name]; ok && logCantBuildStaging.Allow() {
log.Printf("may not build %v; skipping", work)
st, err := newBuild(work, detail)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Bad build work params %v: %v", work, err)
// httpToHTTPSRedirector redirects all requests from http to https.
type httpToHTTPSRedirector struct{}
func (httpToHTTPSRedirector) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
u := *req.URL
u.Scheme = "https"
u.Host = req.Host
http.Redirect(w, req, u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// watcherProxy is the proxy which forwards from
// to the gitmirror kubernetes service (git
// cache+sync).
// This is used for /debug/watcher/<reponame> status pages, which are
// served at the same URL paths for both the host
// and the internal backend. (The name "watcher" is old; it's now called
// "gitmirror" but the URL path remains for now.)
var watcherProxy *httputil.ReverseProxy
func init() {
u, err := url.Parse("http://gitmirror/") // unused hostname
if err != nil {
watcherProxy = httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(u)
watcherProxy.Transport = &http.Transport{
IdleConnTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
return goKubeClient.DialServicePort(ctx, "gitmirror", "")
func handleDebugWatcher(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
watcherProxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func stagingClusterBuilders() map[string]*dashboard.BuildConfig {
m := map[string]*dashboard.BuildConfig{}
for _, name := range []string{
} {
if c, ok := dashboard.Builders[name]; ok {
m[name] = c
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown builder %q", name))
// Also permit all the reverse buildlets:
for name, bc := range dashboard.Builders {
if bc.IsReverse() {
m[name] = bc
return m
func numCurrentBuilds() int {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
return len(status)
func isBuilding(work buildgo.BuilderRev) bool {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
_, building := status[work]
return building
var (
logUnknownBuilder = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(5*time.Second), 2)
logCantBuildStaging = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(1*time.Second), 2)
// mayBuildRev reports whether the build type & revision should be started.
// It returns true if it's not already building, and if a reverse buildlet is
// required, if an appropriate machine is registered.
func mayBuildRev(rev buildgo.BuilderRev) bool {
if isBuilding(rev) {
return false
if rev.SubName != "" {
// Don't build repos we don't know about,
// so importPathOfRepo won't panic later.
if r, ok := repos.ByGerritProject[rev.SubName]; !ok || r.ImportPath == "" || !r.CoordinatorCanBuild {
return false
buildConf, ok := dashboard.Builders[rev.Name]
if !ok {
if logUnknownBuilder.Allow() {
log.Printf("unknown builder %q", rev.Name)
return false
if buildEnv.MaxBuilds > 0 && numCurrentBuilds() >= buildEnv.MaxBuilds {
return false
if buildConf.IsReverse() && !reversePool.CanBuild(buildConf.HostType) {
return false
return true
func setStatus(work buildgo.BuilderRev, st *buildStatus) {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
// TODO: panic if status[work] already exists. audit all callers.
// For instance, what if a trybot is running, and then the CL is merged
// and the findWork goroutine picks it up and it has the same commit,
// because it didn't need to be rebased in Gerrit's cherrypick?
// Could we then have two running with the same key?
status[work] = st
func markDone(work buildgo.BuilderRev) {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
st, ok := status[work]
if !ok {
delete(status, work)
if len(statusDone) == maxStatusDone {
copy(statusDone, statusDone[1:])
statusDone = statusDone[:len(statusDone)-1]
statusDone = append(statusDone, st)
// statusPtrStr disambiguates which status to return if there are
// multiple in the history (e.g. recent failures where the build
// didn't finish for reasons outside of all.bash failing)
func getStatus(work buildgo.BuilderRev, statusPtrStr string) *buildStatus {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
match := func(st *buildStatus) bool {
return statusPtrStr == "" || fmt.Sprintf("%p", st) == statusPtrStr
if st, ok := status[work]; ok && match(st) {
return st
for _, st := range statusDone {
if st.BuilderRev == work && match(st) {
return st
for k, ts := range tries {
if k.Commit == work.Rev {
for _, st := range ts.builds {
if st.BuilderRev == work && match(st) {
return st
return nil
// cancelOnePostSubmitBuildWithHostType tries to cancel one
// post-submit (non trybot) build with the provided host type and
// reports whether it did so.
// It currently selects the one that's been running the least amount
// of time, but that's not guaranteed.
func cancelOnePostSubmitBuildWithHostType(hostType string) bool {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
var best *buildStatus
for _, st := range status {
if st.isTry() || st.conf.HostType != hostType {
if best == nil || st.startTime.After(best.startTime) {
best = st
if best != nil {
go best.cancelBuild()
return best != nil
type byAge []*buildStatus
func (s byAge) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byAge) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].startTime.Before(s[j].startTime) }
func (s byAge) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func serveTryStatus(json bool) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ts := trySetOfCommitPrefix(r.FormValue("commit"))
var tss trySetState
if ts != nil {
tss = ts.trySetState.clone()
if json {
serveTryStatusJSON(w, r, ts, tss)
serveTryStatusHTML(w, ts, tss)
// tss is a clone that does not require ts' lock.
func serveTryStatusJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ts *trySet, tss trySetState) {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {
// This is likely a pre-flight CORS request.
var resp struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
Payload interface{} `json:"payload,omitempty"`
if ts == nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
resp.Error = "TryBot result not found (already done, invalid, or not yet discovered from Gerrit). Check Gerrit for results."
if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(resp); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
type litebuild struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"`
Done bool `json:"done"`
Succeeded bool `json:"succeeded"`
var result struct {
ChangeID string `json:"changeId"`
Commit string `json:"commit"`
Builds []litebuild `json:"builds"`
result.Commit = ts.Commit
result.ChangeID = ts.ChangeID
for _, bs := range tss.builds {
var lb litebuild
lb.Name = bs.Name
lb.StartTime = bs.startTime
if !bs.done.IsZero() {
lb.Done = true
lb.Succeeded = bs.succeeded
result.Builds = append(result.Builds, lb)
resp.Success = true
resp.Payload = result
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(resp); err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not encode JSON response: %v", err)
http.Error(w, "error encoding JSON", http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// Styles unique to the trybot status page.
const tryStatusCSS = `
p {
line-height: 1.15em;
table {
font-size: 11pt;
.nobr {
white-space: nowrap;
// tss is a clone that does not require ts' lock.
func serveTryStatusHTML(w http.ResponseWriter, ts *trySet, tss trySetState) {
if ts == nil {
http.Error(w, "TryBot result not found (already done, invalid, or not yet discovered from Gerrit). Check Gerrit for results.", http.StatusNotFound)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
buf.WriteString("<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>trybot status</title>")
buf.WriteString(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"/>`)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "[<a href='/'>homepage</a>] &gt; %s\n", ts.ChangeID)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<h1>Trybot Status</h1>")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<p>Change-ID: <a href=''>%s</a><br />\n", ts.ChangeID, ts.ChangeID)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "Commit: <a href=''>%s</a></p>\n", ts.Commit, ts.Commit)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<p>Builds remaining: %d</p>\n", tss.remain)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<h4>Builds</h4>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<table cellpadding=5 border=0>\n")
for _, bs := range tss.builds {
var status string
if !bs.done.IsZero() {
if bs.succeeded {
status = "pass"
} else {
status = "<b>FAIL</b>"
} else {
status = fmt.Sprintf("<i>running</i> %s", time.Since(bs.startTime).Round(time.Second))
if u := bs.logURL; u != "" {
status = fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%s">%s</a>`, html.EscapeString(u), status)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<tr><td class=\"nobr\">&#8226; %s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
html.EscapeString(bs.NameAndBranch()), status)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "</table>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<h4>Full Detail</h4><table cellpadding=5 border=1>\n")
for _, bs := range tss.builds {
status := "<i>(running)</i>"
if !bs.done.IsZero() {
if bs.succeeded {
status = "pass"
} else {
status = "<b>FAIL</b>"
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<tr valign=top><td align=left>%s</td><td align=center>%s</td><td><pre>%s</pre></td></tr>\n",
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "</table>")
func trySetOfCommitPrefix(commitPrefix string) *trySet {
if commitPrefix == "" {
return nil
defer statusMu.Unlock()
for k, ts := range tries {
if strings.HasPrefix(k.Commit, commitPrefix) {
return ts
return nil
func handleLogs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
br := buildgo.BuilderRev{
Name: r.FormValue("name"),
Rev: r.FormValue("rev"),
SubName: r.FormValue("subName"), // may be empty
SubRev: r.FormValue("subRev"), // may be empty
st := getStatus(br, r.FormValue("st"))
if st == nil {
http.NotFound(w, r)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
w.Header().Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
writeStatusHeader(w, st)
nostream := r.FormValue("nostream") != ""
if nostream || !st.isRunning() {
if nostream {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\n(live streaming disabled; reload manually to see status)\n")
if !st.hasEvent("make_and_test") && !st.hasEvent("make_cross_compile_kube") {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\n(buildlet still starting; no live streaming. reload manually to see status)\n")
output := st.output.Reader()
go func() {
buf := make([]byte, 65536)
for {
n, err := output.Read(buf)
if _, err2 := w.Write(buf[:n]); err2 != nil {
if err != nil {
func handleDebugGoroutines(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
buf := make([]byte, 1<<20)
buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, true)]
func writeStatusHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, st *buildStatus) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " builder: %s\n", st.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " rev: %s\n", st.Rev)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " buildlet: %s\n", st.bc)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " started: %v\n", st.startTime)
done := !st.done.IsZero()
if done {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ended: %v\n", st.done)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " success: %v\n", st.succeeded)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " status: still running\n")
if len( > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "\nEvents:\n")
st.writeEventsLocked(w, false, 0)
io.WriteString(w, "\nBuild log:\n")
// workaroundFlush is an unnecessary flush to work around a bug in Chrome.
// See for the details.
// In summary: a couple unnecessary chunk flushes bypass the content type
// sniffing which happen (even if unused?), even if you set nosniff as we do
// in func handleLogs.
func workaroundFlush(w http.ResponseWriter) {
// findWorkLoop polls looking for
// new post-submit work for the main dashboard. It does not support
// gccgo. This is separate from trybots, which populates its work from
// findTryWorkLoop.
func findWorkLoop() {
// Useful for debugging a single run:
if inStaging && false {
const debugSubrepo = false
if debugSubrepo {
Name: "linux-arm",
Rev: "c9778ec302b2e0e0d6027e1e0fca892e428d9657",
SubName: "tools",
SubRev: "ac303766f5f240c1796eeea3dc9bf34f1261aa35",
const debugArm = false
if debugArm {
for !reversePool.CanBuild("host-linux-arm") {
log.Printf("waiting for ARM to register.")
log.Printf("ARM machine(s) registered.")
addWork(buildgo.BuilderRev{Name: "linux-arm", Rev: "3129c67db76bc8ee13a1edc38a6c25f9eddcbc6c"})
} else {
addWork(buildgo.BuilderRev{Name: "linux-amd64", Rev: "9b16b9c7f95562bb290f5015324a345be855894d"})
addWork(buildgo.BuilderRev{Name: "linux-amd64-sid", Rev: "9b16b9c7f95562bb290f5015324a345be855894d"})
addWork(buildgo.BuilderRev{Name: "linux-amd64-clang", Rev: "9b16b9c7f95562bb290f5015324a345be855894d"})
ignoreAllNewWork = true
// TODO: remove this hard-coded 15 second ticker and instead
// do some new streaming gRPC call to maintnerd to subscribe
// to new commits.
ticker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second)
// We wait for the ticker first, before looking for work, to
// give findTryWork a head start. Because try work is more
// important and the scheduler can't (yet?) preempt an
// existing post-submit build to take it over for a trybot, we
// want to make sure that reverse buildlets get assigned to
// trybots/slowbots first on start-up.
for range ticker.C {
if err := findWork(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to find new work: %v", err)
// findWork polls the dashboard once to find
// post-submit work to do. It's called in a loop by findWorkLoop.
func findWork() error {
var bs types.BuildStatus
if err := dash("GET", "", url.Values{
"mode": {"json"},
"branch": {"mixed"},
}, nil, &bs); err != nil {
return err
knownToDashboard := map[string]bool{} // keys are builder
for _, b := range bs.Builders {
knownToDashboard[b] = true
var goRevisions []string // revisions of repo "go", branch "master" revisions
seenSubrepo := make(map[string]bool)
commitTime := make(map[string]string) // git rev => "2019-11-20T22:54:54Z" (time.RFC3339 from's JSON)
commitBranch := make(map[string]string) // git rev => "master"
add := func(br buildgo.BuilderRev) {
rev := br.Rev
ct := commitTime[br.Rev]
if br.SubRev != "" {
rev = br.SubRev
if t := commitTime[rev]; t > ct {
ct = t
addWorkDetail(br, &commitDetail{
CommitTime: ct,
Branch: commitBranch[rev],
for _, br := range bs.Revisions {
if r, ok := repos.ByGerritProject[br.Repo]; !ok || !r.CoordinatorCanBuild {
if br.Repo == "grpc-review" {
// Skip the grpc repo. It's only for reviews
// for now (using LetsUseGerrit).
commitTime[br.Revision] = br.Date
commitBranch[br.Revision] = br.Branch
awaitSnapshot := false
if br.Repo == "go" {
if br.Branch == "master" {
goRevisions = append(goRevisions, br.Revision)
} else {
// If this is the first time we've seen this sub-repo
// in this loop, then br.GoRevision is the go repo
// HEAD. To save resources, we only build subrepos
// against HEAD once we have a snapshot.
// The next time we see this sub-repo in this loop, the
// GoRevision is one of the release branches, for which
// we may not have a snapshot (if the release was made
// a long time before this builder came up), so skip
// the snapshot check.
awaitSnapshot = !seenSubrepo[br.Repo]
seenSubrepo[br.Repo] = true
if len(br.Results) != len(bs.Builders) {
return errors.New("bogus JSON response from dashboard: results is too long.")
for i, res := range br.Results {
if res != "" {
// It's either "ok" or a failure URL.
builder := bs.Builders[i]
builderInfo, ok := dashboard.Builders[builder]
if !ok {
// Not managed by the coordinator.
if !builderInfo.BuildsRepoPostSubmit(br.Repo, br.Branch, br.GoBranch) {
var rev buildgo.BuilderRev
if br.Repo == "go" {
rev = buildgo.BuilderRev{
Name: builder,
Rev: br.Revision,
} else {
rev = buildgo.BuilderRev{
Name: builder,
Rev: br.GoRevision,
SubName: br.Repo,
SubRev: br.Revision,
if awaitSnapshot &&
// If this is a builder that snapshots after
// make.bash but the snapshot doesn't yet exist,
// then skip. But some builders on slow networks
// don't snapshot, so don't wait for them. They'll
// need to run make.bash first for x/ repos tests.
!builderInfo.SkipSnapshot && !rev.SnapshotExists(context.TODO(), buildEnv) {
// And to bootstrap new builders, see if we have any builders
// that the dashboard doesn't know about.
for b, builderInfo := range dashboard.Builders {
if knownToDashboard[b] ||
!builderInfo.BuildsRepoPostSubmit("go", "master", "master") {
for _, rev := range goRevisions {
add(buildgo.BuilderRev{Name: b, Rev: rev})
return nil
// findTryWorkLoop is a goroutine which loops periodically and queries
// Gerrit for TryBot work.
func findTryWorkLoop() {
if errTryDeps != nil {
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
for {
if err := findTryWork(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to find trybot work: %v", err)
func findTryWork() error {
if inStaging && !stagingTryWork {
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second) // should be milliseconds
defer cancel()
tryRes, err := maintnerClient.GoFindTryWork(ctx, &apipb.GoFindTryWorkRequest{ForStaging: inStaging})
if err != nil {
return err
now := time.Now()
defer statusMu.Unlock()
tryList = tryList[:0]
for _, work := range tryRes.Waiting {
if work.ChangeId == "" || work.Commit == "" {
log.Printf("Warning: skipping incomplete %#v", work)
if r, ok := repos.ByGerritProject[work.Project]; !ok || !r.CoordinatorCanBuild {
key := tryWorkItemKey(work)
tryList = append(tryList, key)
if ts, ok := tries[key]; ok {
// already in progress
ts.wantedAsOf = now
} else {
ts := newTrySet(work)
ts.wantedAsOf = now
tries[key] = ts
for k, ts := range tries {
if ts.wantedAsOf != now {
delete(tries, k)
go ts.cancelBuilds()
return nil
type tryKey struct {
Project string // "go", "net", etc
Branch string // master
ChangeID string // I1a27695838409259d1586a0adfa9f92bccf7ceba
Commit string // ecf3dffc81dc21408fb02159af352651882a8383
// ChangeTriple returns the Gerrit (project, branch, change-ID) triple
// uniquely identifying this change. Several Gerrit APIs require this
// form of if there are multiple changes with the same Change-ID.
func (k *tryKey) ChangeTriple() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s~%s~%s", k.Project, k.Branch, k.ChangeID)
// trySet is a the state of a set of builds of different
// configurations, all for the same (Change-ID, Commit) pair. The
// sets which are still wanted (not already submitted or canceled) are
// stored in the global 'tries' map.
type trySet struct {
// immutable
tryID string // "T" + 9 random hex
slowBots []*dashboard.BuildConfig // any opt-in slower builders to run in a trybot run
xrepos []*buildStatus // any opt-in x/ repo builds to run in a trybot run
// wantedAsOf is guarded by statusMu and is used by
// findTryWork. It records the last time this tryKey was still
// wanted.
wantedAsOf time.Time
// mu guards the following fields.
// See LOCK ORDER comment above.
mu sync.Mutex
canceled bool // try run is no longer wanted and its builds were canceled
errMsg bytes.Buffer
type trySetState struct {
remain int
failed []string // builder names, with optional " ($branch)" suffix
builds []*buildStatus
benchResults []string // builder names, with optional " ($branch)" suffix
func (ts trySetState) clone() trySetState {
return trySetState{
remain: ts.remain,
failed: append([]string(nil), ts.failed...),
builds: append([]*buildStatus(nil), ts.builds...),
benchResults: append([]string(nil), ts.benchResults...),
var errHeadUnknown = errors.New("Cannot create trybot set without a known Go head (transient error)")
func tryWorkItemKey(work *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem) tryKey {
return tryKey{
Project: work.Project,
Branch: work.Branch,
ChangeID: work.ChangeId,
Commit: work.Commit,
var testingKnobSkipBuilds bool
// newTrySet creates a new trySet group of builders for a given
// work item, the (Project, Branch, Change-ID, Commit) tuple.
// It also starts goroutines for each build.
// Must hold statusMu.
func newTrySet(work *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem) *trySet {
key := tryWorkItemKey(work)
goBranch := key.Branch // assume same as repo's branch for now
builders := dashboard.TryBuildersForProject(key.Project, key.Branch, goBranch)
slowBots := slowBotsFromComments(work, builders)
builders = append(builders, slowBots...)
log.Printf("Starting new trybot set for %v", key)
ts := &trySet{
tryKey: key,
tryID: "T" + randHex(9),
trySetState: trySetState{
builds: make([]*buildStatus, 0, len(builders)),
slowBots: slowBots,
// Defensive check that the input is well-formed.
// Each GoCommit should have a GoBranch and a GoVersion.
// There should always be at least one GoVersion.
if len(work.GoBranch) < len(work.GoCommit) {
log.Printf("WARNING: len(GoBranch) of %d != len(GoCommit) of %d", len(work.GoBranch), len(work.GoCommit))
work.GoCommit = work.GoCommit[:len(work.GoBranch)]
if len(work.GoVersion) < len(work.GoCommit) {
log.Printf("WARNING: len(GoVersion) of %d != len(GoCommit) of %d", len(work.GoVersion), len(work.GoCommit))
work.GoCommit = work.GoCommit[:len(work.GoVersion)]
if len(work.GoVersion) == 0 {
log.Print("WARNING: len(GoVersion) is zero, want at least one")
work.GoVersion = []*apipb.MajorMinor{{}}
// GoCommit is non-empty for x/* repos (aka "subrepos"). It
// is the Go revision to use to build & test the x/* repo
// with. The first element is the master branch. We test the
// master branch against all the normal builders configured to
// do subrepos. Any GoCommit values past the first are for older
// release branches, but we use a limited subset of builders for those.
var goRev string
for i, branch := range work.GoBranch {
if branch == work.Branch {
goRev = work.GoCommit[i]
addBuilderToSet := func(bs *buildStatus, brev buildgo.BuilderRev) {
bs.trySet = ts
status[brev] = bs
idx := len(ts.builds)
ts.builds = append(ts.builds, bs)
if testingKnobSkipBuilds {
go bs.start() // acquires statusMu itself, so in a goroutine
go ts.awaitTryBuild(idx, bs, brev)
if !testingKnobSkipBuilds {
go ts.notifyStarting()
for _, bconf := range builders {
goVersion := types.MajorMinor{int(work.GoVersion[0].Major), int(work.GoVersion[0].Minor)}
if goVersion.Less(bconf.MinimumGoVersion) {
brev := tryKeyToBuilderRev(bconf.Name, key, goRev)
bs, err := newBuild(brev, noCommitDetail)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't create build for %q: %v", brev, err)
addBuilderToSet(bs, brev)
// For subrepos on the "master" branch, test against prior releases of Go too.
if key.Project != "go" && key.Branch == "master" {
// linuxBuilder is the standard builder we run for when testing x/* repos against
// the past two Go releases.
linuxBuilder := dashboard.Builders["linux-amd64"]
// If there's more than one GoCommit, that means this is an x/* repo
// and we're testing against previous releases of Go.
for i, goRev := range work.GoCommit {
if i == 0 {
// Skip the i==0 element, which is handled above.
branch := work.GoBranch[i]
if !linuxBuilder.BuildsRepoTryBot(key.Project, "master", branch) {
goVersion := types.MajorMinor{int(work.GoVersion[i].Major), int(work.GoVersion[i].Minor)}
if goVersion.Less(linuxBuilder.MinimumGoVersion) {
brev := tryKeyToBuilderRev(linuxBuilder.Name, key, goRev)
bs, err := newBuild(brev, noCommitDetail)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't create build for %q: %v", brev, err)
bs.goBranch = branch
addBuilderToSet(bs, brev)
// For the Go project on the "master" branch,
// use the TRY= syntax to test against x repos.
if branch := key.Branch; key.Project == "go" && branch == "master" {
// linuxBuilder is the standard builder as it is the fastest and least expensive.
linuxBuilder := dashboard.Builders["linux-amd64"]
addXrepo := func(project string) *buildStatus {
if !linuxBuilder.BuildsRepoTryBot(project, branch, branch) {
return nil
rev, err := getRepoHead(project)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't determine repo head for %q: %v", project, err)
return nil
brev := buildgo.BuilderRev{
Name: linuxBuilder.Name,
Rev: work.Commit,
SubName: project,
SubRev: rev,
bs, err := newBuild(brev, noCommitDetail)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't create x/%s trybot build for go/master commit %s: %v", project, rev, err)
return nil
addBuilderToSet(bs, brev)
return bs
// First, add the opt-in x repos.
xrepos := xReposFromComments(work)
for project := range xrepos {
if bs := addXrepo(project); bs != nil {
ts.xrepos = append(ts.xrepos, bs)
// Always include x/tools. See
// Do not add it to the trySet's list of opt-in x repos, however.
if !xrepos["tools"] {
return ts
// Note: called in some paths where statusMu is held; do not make RPCs.
func tryKeyToBuilderRev(builder string, key tryKey, goRev string) buildgo.BuilderRev {
// This function is called from within newTrySet, holding statusMu, s
if key.Project == "go" {
return buildgo.BuilderRev{
Name: builder,
Rev: key.Commit,
return buildgo.BuilderRev{
Name: builder,
Rev: goRev,
SubName: key.Project,
SubRev: key.Commit,
// state returns a copy of the trySet's state.
func (ts *trySet) state() trySetState {
return ts.trySetState.clone()
// notifyStarting runs in its own goroutine and posts to Gerrit that
// the trybots have started on the user's CL with a link of where to watch.
func (ts *trySet) notifyStarting() {
name := "TryBots"
if len(ts.slowBots) > 0 {
name = "SlowBots"
msg := name + " beginning. Status page:" + ts.Commit[:8]
ctx := context.Background()
if ci, err := gerritClient.GetChangeDetail(ctx, ts.ChangeTriple()); err == nil {
if len(ci.Messages) == 0 {
log.Printf("No Gerrit comments retrieved on %v", ts.ChangeTriple())
for _, cmi := range ci.Messages {
if strings.Contains(cmi.Message, msg) {
// Dup. Don't spam.
} else {
log.Printf("Error getting Gerrit comments on %s: %v", ts.ChangeTriple(), err)
// Ignore error. This isn't critical.
gerritClient.SetReview(ctx, ts.ChangeTriple(), ts.Commit, gerrit.ReviewInput{Message: msg})
// awaitTryBuild runs in its own goroutine and waits for a build in a
// trySet to complete.
// If the build fails without getting to the end, it sleeps and
// reschedules it, as long as it's still wanted.
func (ts *trySet) awaitTryBuild(idx int, bs *buildStatus, brev buildgo.BuilderRev) {
for {
for {
timeout := time.NewTimer(10 * time.Minute)
select {
case <-bs.ctx.Done():
break WaitCh
case <-timeout.C:
if !ts.wanted() {
// Build was canceled.
if bs.hasEvent(eventDone) || bs.hasEvent(eventSkipBuildMissingDep) {
// TODO(bradfitz): rethink this logic. we should only
// start a new build if the old one appears dead or
// hung.
old := bs
// Sleep a bit and retry.
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
if !ts.wanted() {
bs, _ = newBuild(brev, noCommitDetail)
bs.trySet = ts
bs.goBranch = old.goBranch
go bs.start()
ts.builds[idx] = bs
// wanted reports whether this trySet is still active.
// If the commmit has been submitted, or change abandoned, or the
// checkbox unchecked, wanted returns false.
func (ts *trySet) wanted() bool {
defer statusMu.Unlock()
_, ok := tries[ts.tryKey]
return ok
// cancelBuilds run in its own goroutine and cancels this trySet's
// currently-active builds because they're no longer wanted.
func (ts *trySet) cancelBuilds() {
// Only cancel the builds once. And note that they're canceled so we
// can avoid spamming Gerrit later if they come back as failed.
if ts.canceled {
ts.canceled = true
for _, bs := range ts.builds {
go bs.cancelBuild()
func (ts *trySet) noteBuildComplete(bs *buildStatus) {
var (
succeeded = bs.succeeded
buildLog = bs.output.String()
hasBenchResults = bs.hasBenchResults
if hasBenchResults {
ts.benchResults = append(ts.benchResults, bs.NameAndBranch())
remain := ts.remain
if !succeeded {
ts.failed = append(ts.failed, bs.NameAndBranch())
numFail := len(ts.failed)
benchResults := append([]string(nil), ts.benchResults...)
canceled := ts.canceled
if canceled {
// Be quiet and don't spam Gerrit.
const failureFooter = "Consult to see whether they are new failures. Keep in mind that TryBots currently test *exactly* your git commit, without rebasing. If your commit's git parent is old, the failure might've already been fixed."
s1 := sha1.New()
io.WriteString(s1, buildLog)
objName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s_%x.log", bs.Rev[:8], bs.Name, s1.Sum(nil)[:4])
wr, logURL := newBuildLogBlob(objName)
if _, err := io.WriteString(wr, buildLog); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to write to GCS: %v", err)
if err := wr.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to write to GCS: %v", err)
bs.logURL = logURL
if !succeeded {
fmt.Fprintf(&ts.errMsg, "Failed on %s: %s\n", bs.NameAndBranch(), logURL)
if numFail == 1 && remain > 0 {
if err := gerritClient.SetReview(context.Background(), ts.ChangeTriple(), ts.Commit, gerrit.ReviewInput{
Message: fmt.Sprintf(
"Build is still in progress...\n"+
"This change failed on %s:\n"+
"See %s\n\n"+
"Other builds still in progress; subsequent failure notices suppressed until final report. "+failureFooter,
bs.NameAndBranch(), logURL),
}); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to call Gerrit: %v", err)
if remain == 0 {
name := "TryBots"
if len(ts.slowBots) > 0 {
name = "SlowBots"
var buf bytes.Buffer
var score int
if numFail == 0 {
score = 1
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s are happy.\n", name)
} else if numFail > 0 {
score = -1
errMsg := ts.errMsg.String()
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d of %d %s failed:\n%s\n"+failureFooter,
numFail, len(ts.builds), name, errMsg)
if len(ts.slowBots) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Extra slowbot builds that ran:\n")
for _, c := range ts.slowBots {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "* %s\n", c.Name)
if len(ts.xrepos) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Also tested the following repos:\n")
for _, st := range ts.xrepos {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "* %s\n", st.NameAndBranch())
// TODO: provide a link in the final report that links to a permanent summary page
// of which builds ran, and for how long.
if len(benchResults) > 0 {
// TODO: restore this functionality
// msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nBenchmark results are available at:\n",, ts.tryID)
if err := gerritClient.SetReview(context.Background(), ts.ChangeTriple(), ts.Commit, gerrit.ReviewInput{
Message: buf.String(),
Labels: map[string]int{
"TryBot-Result": score,
}); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to call Gerrit: %v", err)
type eventTimeLogger interface {
LogEventTime(event string, optText ...string)
// logger is the logging interface used within the coordinator.
// It can both log a message at a point in time, as well
// as log a span (something having a start and end time, as well as
// a final success status).
type logger interface {
eventTimeLogger // point in time
spanlog.Logger // action spanning time
// buildletTimeoutOpt is a context.Value key for BuildletPool.GetBuildlet.
type buildletTimeoutOpt struct{} // context Value key; value is time.Duration
type BuildletPool interface {
// GetBuildlet returns a new buildlet client.
// The hostType is the key into the dashboard.Hosts
// map (such as "host-linux-jessie"), NOT the buidler type
// ("linux-386").
// Users of GetBuildlet must both call Client.Close when done
// with the client as well as cancel the provided Context.
// The ctx may have context values of type buildletTimeoutOpt
// and highPriorityOpt.
GetBuildlet(ctx context.Context, hostType string, lg logger) (*buildlet.Client, error)
String() string // TODO(bradfitz): more status stuff
// getBuildlets creates up to n buildlets and sends them on the returned channel
// before closing the channel.
func getBuildlets(ctx context.Context, n int, schedTmpl *SchedItem, lg logger) <-chan *buildlet.Client {
ch := make(chan *buildlet.Client) // NOT buffered
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func(i int) {
defer wg.Done()
sp := lg.CreateSpan("get_helper", fmt.Sprintf("helper %d/%d", i+1, n))
schedItem := *schedTmpl // copy; GetBuildlet takes ownership
schedItem.IsHelper = i > 0
bc, err := sched.GetBuildlet(ctx, &schedItem)
if err != nil {
if err != context.Canceled {
log.Printf("failed to get a %s buildlet: %v", schedItem.HostType, err)
lg.LogEventTime("empty_helper_ready", bc.Name())
select {
case ch <- bc:
case <-ctx.Done():
lg.LogEventTime("helper_killed_before_use", bc.Name())
go func() {
return ch
var testPoolHook func(*dashboard.HostConfig) BuildletPool
func poolForConf(conf *dashboard.HostConfig) BuildletPool {
if testPoolHook != nil {
return testPoolHook(conf)
if conf == nil {
panic("nil conf")
switch {
case conf.IsVM():
return gcePool
case conf.IsContainer():
if buildEnv.PreferContainersOnCOS || kubeErr != nil {
return gcePool // it also knows how to do containers.
} else {
return kubePool
case conf.IsReverse:
return reversePool
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no buildlet pool for host type %q", conf.HostType))
// noCommitDetail is just a nice name for nil at call sites.
var noCommitDetail *commitDetail = nil
// newBuild constructs a new *buildStatus from rev and an optional detail.
// If detail is nil, the scheduler just has less information to work with.
func newBuild(rev buildgo.BuilderRev, detail *commitDetail) (*buildStatus, error) {
// Note: can't acquire statusMu in newBuild, as this is called
// from findTryWork -> newTrySet, which holds statusMu.
conf, ok := dashboard.Builders[rev.Name]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown builder type %q", rev.Name)
if rev.Rev == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("required field Rev is empty; got %+v", rev)
var branch string
var commitTime time.Time
if detail != nil {
branch = detail.Branch
if detail.CommitTime != "" {
var err error
commitTime, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, detail.CommitTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid commit time %q, for %+v: %err", detail.CommitTime, rev, err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &buildStatus{
buildID: "B" + randHex(9),
BuilderRev: rev,
conf: conf,
startTime: time.Now(),
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
commitTime: commitTime,
branch: branch,
}, nil
// start starts the build in a new goroutine.
// The buildStatus's context is closed when the build is complete,
// successfully or not.
func (st *buildStatus) start() {
setStatus(st.BuilderRev, st)
go func() {
err :=
if err == errSkipBuildDueToDeps {
} else {
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n\nError: %v\n", err)
log.Println(st.BuilderRev, "failed:", err)
st.setDone(err == nil)
func (st *buildStatus) buildletPool() BuildletPool {
return poolForConf(st.conf.HostConfig())
// parentRev returns the parent of this build's commit (but only if this build comes from a trySet).
func (st *buildStatus) parentRev() (pbr buildgo.BuilderRev, err error) {
err = errors.New("TODO: query maintner")
func (st *buildStatus) expectedMakeBashDuration() time.Duration {
// TODO: base this on historical measurements, instead of statically configured.
// TODO: move this to dashboard/builders.go? But once we based on on historical
// measurements, it'll need GCE services (bigtable/bigquery?), so it's probably
// better in this file.
goos, goarch := st.conf.GOOS(), st.conf.GOARCH()
if goos == "linux" {
if goarch == "arm" {
return 4 * time.Minute
return 45 * time.Second
return 60 * time.Second
func (st *buildStatus) expectedBuildletStartDuration() time.Duration {
// TODO: move this to dashboard/builders.go? But once we based on on historical
// measurements, it'll need GCE services (bigtable/bigquery?), so it's probably
// better in this file.
pool := st.buildletPool()
switch pool.(type) {
case *gceBuildletPool:
if strings.HasPrefix(st.Name, "android-") {
// about a minute for buildlet + minute for Android emulator to be usable
return 2 * time.Minute
return time.Minute
case *reverseBuildletPool:
goos, arch := st.conf.GOOS(), st.conf.GOARCH()
if goos == "darwin" {
if arch == "arm" || arch == "arm64" {
// iOS; idle or it's not.
return 0
if arch == "amd64" || arch == "386" {
return 0 // TODO: remove this once we're using VMware
// return 1 * time.Minute // VMware boot of hermetic OS X
if goos == "linux" && arch == "arm" {
// Scaleway. Ready or not.
return 0
return 0
// getHelpersReadySoon waits a bit (as a function of the build
// configuration) and starts getting the buildlets for test sharding
// ready, such that they're ready when make.bash is done. But we don't
// want to start too early, lest we waste idle resources during make.bash.
func (st *buildStatus) getHelpersReadySoon() {
if st.IsSubrepo() || st.conf.NumTestHelpers(st.isTry()) == 0 || st.conf.IsReverse() {
func() {
st.getHelpers() // and ignore the result.
// getHelpers returns a channel of buildlet test helpers, with an item
// sent as they become available. The channel is closed at the end.
func (st *buildStatus) getHelpers() <-chan *buildlet.Client {
return st.helpers
func (st *buildStatus) onceInitHelpersFunc() {
schedTmpl := &SchedItem{
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
HostType: st.conf.HostType,
IsTry: st.isTry(),
CommitTime: st.commitTime,
Branch: st.branch,
st.helpers = getBuildlets(st.ctx, st.conf.NumTestHelpers(st.isTry()), schedTmpl, st)
// useSnapshot reports whether this type of build uses a snapshot of
// make.bash if it exists (anything can SplitMakeRun) and that the
// snapshot exists.
func (st *buildStatus) useSnapshot() bool {
if st.conf.SkipSnapshot {
return false
if st.useSnapshotMemo != nil {
return *st.useSnapshotMemo
b := st.conf.SplitMakeRun() && st.BuilderRev.SnapshotExists(context.TODO(), buildEnv)
st.useSnapshotMemo = &b
return b
func (st *buildStatus) forceSnapshotUsage() {
truth := true
st.useSnapshotMemo = &truth
func (st *buildStatus) getCrossCompileConfig() *dashboard.CrossCompileConfig {
if kubeErr != nil {
return nil
config := st.conf.CrossCompileConfig
if config == nil {
return nil
if config.AlwaysCrossCompile {
return config
if inStaging || st.isTry() {
return config
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) checkDep(ctx context.Context, dep string) (have bool, err error) {
span := st.CreateSpan("ask_maintner_has_ancestor")
defer func() { span.Done(err) }()
tries := 0
for {
res, err := maintnerClient.HasAncestor(ctx, &apipb.HasAncestorRequest{
Commit: st.Rev,
Ancestor: dep,
if err != nil {
if tries == 3 {
return false, err
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if res.UnknownCommit {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
return res.HasAncestor, nil
var errSkipBuildDueToDeps = errors.New("build was skipped due to missing deps")
func (st *buildStatus) getBuildlet() (*buildlet.Client, error) {
schedItem := &SchedItem{
HostType: st.conf.HostType,
IsTry: st.trySet != nil,
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
CommitTime: st.commitTime,
Branch: st.branch,
st.schedItem = schedItem
sp := st.CreateSpan("get_buildlet")
bc, err := sched.GetBuildlet(st.ctx, schedItem)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to get a buildlet: %v", err)
go st.reportErr(err)
return nil, err
atomic.StoreInt32(&st.hasBuildlet, 1)
st.bc = bc
st.LogEventTime("using_buildlet", bc.IPPort())
return bc, nil
func (st *buildStatus) build() error {
if deps := st.conf.GoDeps; len(deps) > 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(st.ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for _, dep := range deps {
has, err := st.checkDep(ctx, dep)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "Error checking whether commit %s includes ancestor %s: %v\n", st.Rev, dep, err)
return err
if !has {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "skipping build; commit %s lacks ancestor %s\n", st.Rev, dep)
return errSkipBuildDueToDeps
sp := st.CreateSpan("checking_for_snapshot")
if inStaging {
err := storageClient.Bucket(buildEnv.SnapBucket).Object(st.SnapshotObjectName()).Delete(context.Background())
st.LogEventTime("deleted_snapshot", fmt.Sprint(err))
snapshotExists := st.useSnapshot()
if config := st.getCrossCompileConfig(); !snapshotExists && config != nil {
if err := st.crossCompileMakeAndSnapshot(config); err != nil {
return err
bc, err := st.getBuildlet()
if err != nil {
return err
defer bc.Close()
if st.useSnapshot() {
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_snapshot_tar")
if err := bc.PutTarFromURL(st.ctx, st.SnapshotURL(buildEnv), "go"); err != nil {
return sp.Done(fmt.Errorf("failed to put snapshot to buildlet: %v", err))
} else {
// Write the Go source and bootstrap tool chain in parallel.
var grp syncutil.Group
if err := grp.Err(); err != nil {
return err
execStartTime := time.Now()
fmt.Fprintf(st, "%s at %v", st.Name, st.Rev)
if st.IsSubrepo() {
fmt.Fprintf(st, " building %v at %v", st.SubName, st.SubRev)
fmt.Fprint(st, "\n\n")
makeTest := st.CreateSpan("make_and_test") // warning: magic event named used by handleLogs
var remoteErr error
if st.conf.SplitMakeRun() {
remoteErr, err = st.runAllSharded()
} else {
remoteErr, err = st.runAllLegacy()
// bc (aka st.bc) may be invalid past this point, so let's
// close it to make sure we we don't accidentally use it.
doneMsg := "all tests passed"
if remoteErr != nil {
doneMsg = "with test failures"
} else if err != nil {
doneMsg = "comm error: " + err.Error()
// If a build fails multiple times due to communication
// problems with the buildlet, assume something's wrong with
// the buildlet or machine and fail the build, rather than
// looping forever. This promotes the err (communication
// error) to a remoteErr (an error that occurred remotely and
// is terminal).
if rerr := st.repeatedCommunicationError(err); rerr != nil {
remoteErr = rerr
err = nil
doneMsg = "communication error to buildlet (promoted to terminal error): " + rerr.Error()
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n%s\n", doneMsg)
if err != nil {
// Return the error *before* we create the magic
// "done" event. (which the try coordinator looks for)
return err
st.LogEventTime(eventDone, doneMsg)
if devPause {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
if st.trySet == nil {
buildLog := st.logs()
if remoteErr != nil {
// If we just have the line-or-so little
// banner at top, that means we didn't get any
// interesting output from the remote side, so
// include the remoteErr text. Otherwise
// assume that remoteErr is redundant with the
// buildlog text itself.
if strings.Count(buildLog, "\n") < 10 {
buildLog += "\n" + remoteErr.Error()
if err := recordResult(st.BuilderRev, remoteErr == nil, buildLog, time.Since(execStartTime)); err != nil {
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Remote error was %q but failed to report it to the dashboard: %v", remoteErr, err)
return fmt.Errorf("Build succeeded but failed to report it to the dashboard: %v", err)
if remoteErr != nil {
return remoteErr
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) HasBuildlet() bool { return atomic.LoadInt32(&st.hasBuildlet) != 0 }
func (st *buildStatus) isTry() bool { return st.trySet != nil }
func (st *buildStatus) isSlowBot() bool {
if st.trySet == nil {
return false
for _, conf := range st.trySet.slowBots {
if st.conf == conf {
return true
return false
func (st *buildStatus) buildRecord() *types.BuildRecord {
rec := &types.BuildRecord{
ID: st.buildID,
ProcessID: processID,
StartTime: st.startTime,
IsTry: st.isTry(),
IsExtra: st.isSlowBot(),
GoRev: st.Rev,
Rev: st.SubRevOrGoRev(),
Repo: st.RepoOrGo(),
Builder: st.Name,
OS: st.conf.GOOS(),
Arch: st.conf.GOARCH(),
// Log whether we used COS, so we can do queries to analyze
// Kubernetes vs COS performance for containers.
if st.conf.IsContainer() && poolForConf(st.conf.HostConfig()) == gcePool {
rec.ContainerHost = "cos"
// TODO: buildlet instance name
if !st.done.IsZero() {
rec.EndTime = st.done
rec.LogURL = st.logURL
rec.Seconds = rec.EndTime.Sub(rec.StartTime).Seconds()
if st.succeeded {
rec.Result = "ok"
} else {
rec.Result = "fail"
return rec
func (st *buildStatus) spanRecord(sp *span, err error) *types.SpanRecord {
rec := &types.SpanRecord{
BuildID: st.buildID,
IsTry: st.isTry(),
GoRev: st.Rev,
Rev: st.SubRevOrGoRev(),
Repo: st.RepoOrGo(),
Builder: st.Name,
OS: st.conf.GOOS(),
Arch: st.conf.GOARCH(),
Event: sp.event,
Detail: sp.optText,
StartTime: sp.start,
EndTime: sp.end,
Seconds: sp.end.Sub(sp.start).Seconds(),
if err != nil {
rec.Error = err.Error()
return rec
// shouldBench returns whether we should attempt to run benchmarks
func (st *buildStatus) shouldBench() bool {
if !*shouldRunBench {
return false
return st.isTry() && !st.IsSubrepo() && st.conf.RunBench
// goBuilder returns a GoBuilder for this buildStatus.
func (st *buildStatus) goBuilder() buildgo.GoBuilder {
return buildgo.GoBuilder{
Logger: st,
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
Conf: st.conf,
Goroot: "go",
// runAllSharded runs make.bash and then shards the test execution.
// remoteErr and err are as described at the top of this file.
// After runAllSharded returns, the caller must assume that st.bc
// might be invalid (It's possible that only one of the helper
// buildlets survived).
func (st *buildStatus) runAllSharded() (remoteErr, err error) {
if !st.useSnapshot() {
remoteErr, err = st.goBuilder().RunMake(st.ctx, st.bc, st)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("build failed: %v", remoteErr), nil
if st.conf.StopAfterMake {
return nil, nil
if err := st.doSnapshot(st.bc); err != nil {
return nil, err
if st.IsSubrepo() {
remoteErr, err = st.runSubrepoTests()
} else {
remoteErr, err = st.runTests(st.getHelpers())
if err == errBuildletsGone {
// Don't wrap this error. TODO: use xerrors.
return nil, errBuildletsGone
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("runTests: %v", err)
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tests failed: %v", remoteErr), nil
return nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) crossCompileMakeAndSnapshot(config *dashboard.CrossCompileConfig) (err error) {
// TODO: currently we ditch this buildlet when we're done with
// the make.bash & snapshot. For extra speed later, we could
// keep it around and use it to "go test -c" each stdlib
// package's tests, and push the binary to each ARM helper
// machine. That might be too little gain for the complexity,
// though, or slower once we ship everything around.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(st.ctx)
defer cancel()
sp := st.CreateSpan("get_buildlet_cross")
kubeBC, err := sched.GetBuildlet(ctx, &SchedItem{
HostType: config.CompileHostType,
IsTry: st.trySet != nil,
BuilderRev: st.BuilderRev,
CommitTime: st.commitTime,
Branch: st.branch,
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("cross-compile and snapshot: failed to get a buildlet: %v", err)
go st.reportErr(err)
return err
defer kubeBC.Close()
if err := st.writeGoSourceTo(kubeBC); err != nil {
return err
makeSpan := st.CreateSpan("make_cross_compile_kube")
defer func() { makeSpan.Done(err) }()
goos, goarch := st.conf.GOOS(), st.conf.GOARCH()
remoteErr, err := kubeBC.Exec(st.ctx, "/bin/bash", buildlet.ExecOpts{
SystemLevel: true,
Args: []string{
"cd $WORKDIR/go/src && " +
"./make.bash && " +
"cd .. && " +
"mv bin/*_*/* bin && " +
"rmdir bin/*_* && " +
"rm -rf pkg/linux_amd64 pkg/tool/linux_amd64 pkg/bootstrap pkg/obj",
Output: st,
ExtraEnv: []string{
"CC_FOR_TARGET=" + config.CCForTarget,
"GOOS=" + goos,
"GOARCH=" + goarch,
"GOARM=" + config.GOARM, // harmless if GOARCH != "arm"
Debug: true,
if err != nil {
return err
if remoteErr != nil {
// Add the "done" event if make.bash fails, otherwise
// try builders will loop forever:
st.LogEventTime(eventDone, fmt.Sprintf("make.bash failed: %v", remoteErr))
return fmt.Errorf("remote error: %v", remoteErr)
if err := st.doSnapshot(kubeBC); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// runAllLegacy executes all.bash (or .bat, or whatever) in the traditional way.
// remoteErr and err are as described at the top of this file.
// TODO(bradfitz,adg): delete this function when all builders
// can split make & run (and then delete the SplitMakeRun method)
func (st *buildStatus) runAllLegacy() (remoteErr, err error) {
allScript := st.conf.AllScript()
sp := st.CreateSpan("legacy_all_path", allScript)
remoteErr, err = st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, path.Join("go", allScript), buildlet.ExecOpts{
Output: st,
ExtraEnv: st.conf.Env(),
Debug: true,
Args: st.conf.AllScriptArgs(),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("all script failed: %v", remoteErr), nil
return nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) doSnapshot(bc *buildlet.Client) error {
// If we're using a pre-built snapshot, don't make another.
if st.useSnapshot() {
return nil
if st.conf.SkipSnapshot {
return nil
if err := st.cleanForSnapshot(bc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cleanForSnapshot: %v", err)
if err := st.writeSnapshot(bc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writeSnapshot: %v", err)
return nil
func (st *buildStatus) writeGoSource() error {
return st.writeGoSourceTo(st.bc)
func (st *buildStatus) writeGoSourceTo(bc *buildlet.Client) error {
// Write the VERSION file.
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_version_tar")
if err := bc.PutTar(st.ctx, buildgo.VersionTgz(st.Rev), "go"); err != nil {
return sp.Done(fmt.Errorf("writing VERSION tgz: %v", err))
srcTar, err := sourcecache.GetSourceTgz(st, "go", st.Rev)
if err != nil {
return err
sp = st.CreateSpan("write_go_src_tar")
if err := bc.PutTar(st.ctx, srcTar, "go"); err != nil {
return sp.Done(fmt.Errorf("writing tarball from Gerrit: %v", err))
return sp.Done(nil)
func (st *buildStatus) writeBootstrapToolchain() error {
u := st.conf.GoBootstrapURL(buildEnv)
if u == "" {
return nil
const bootstrapDir = "go1.4" // might be newer; name is the default
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_go_bootstrap_tar")
return sp.Done(st.bc.PutTarFromURL(st.ctx, u, bootstrapDir))
func (st *buildStatus) cleanForSnapshot(bc *buildlet.Client) error {
sp := st.CreateSpan("clean_for_snapshot")
return sp.Done(bc.RemoveAll(st.ctx,
func (st *buildStatus) writeSnapshot(bc *buildlet.Client) (err error) {
sp := st.CreateSpan("write_snapshot_to_gcs")
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
// This should happen in 15 seconds or so, but I saw timeouts
// a couple times at 1 minute. Some buildlets might be far
// away on the network, so be more lenient. The timeout mostly
// is here to prevent infinite hangs.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(st.ctx, 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
tsp := st.CreateSpan("fetch_snapshot_reader_from_buildlet")
tgz, err := bc.GetTar(ctx, "go")
if err != nil {
return err
defer tgz.Close()
wr := storageClient.Bucket(buildEnv.SnapBucket).Object(st.SnapshotObjectName()).NewWriter(ctx)
wr.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
wr.ACL = append(wr.ACL, storage.ACLRule{Entity: storage.AllUsers, Role: storage.RoleReader})
if _, err := io.Copy(wr, tgz); err != nil {
st.logf("failed to write snapshot to GCS: %v", err)
return err
return wr.Close()
// reportErr reports an error to Stackdriver.
func (st *buildStatus) reportErr(err error) {
if errorsClient == nil {
// errorsClient is nil in dev environments.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
err = fmt.Errorf("buildID: %v, name: %s, hostType: %s, error: %v", st.buildID, st.conf.Name, st.conf.HostType, err)
errorsClient.ReportSync(ctx, errorreporting.Entry{Error: err})
func (st *buildStatus) distTestList() (names []string, remoteErr, err error) {
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("distTestList, WorkDir: %v", err)
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
args := []string{"tool", "dist", "test", "--no-rebuild", "--list"}
if st.conf.IsRace() {
args = append(args, "--race")
if st.conf.CompileOnly {
args = append(args, "--compile-only")
var buf bytes.Buffer
remoteErr, err = st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Output: &buf,
ExtraEnv: append(st.conf.Env(), "GOROOT="+goroot),
OnStartExec: func() { st.LogEventTime("discovering_tests") },
Path: []string{"$WORKDIR/go/bin", "$PATH"},
Args: args,
if remoteErr != nil {
remoteErr = fmt.Errorf("Remote error: %v, %s", remoteErr, buf.Bytes())
err = nil
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Exec error: %v, %s", err, buf.Bytes())
for _, test := range strings.Fields(buf.String()) {
if !st.conf.ShouldRunDistTest(test, st.isTry()) {
names = append(names, test)
return names, nil, nil
// newTestSet returns a new testSet given the dist test names (strings from "go tool dist test -list")
// and benchmark items.
func (st *buildStatus) newTestSet(testStats *buildstats.TestStats, distTestNames []string, benchmarks []*buildgo.BenchmarkItem) (*testSet, error) {
set := &testSet{
st: st,
testStats: testStats,
for _, name := range distTestNames {
set.items = append(set.items, &testItem{
set: set,
name: name,
duration: testStats.Duration(st.BuilderRev.Name, name),
take: make(chan token, 1),
done: make(chan token),
for _, bench := range benchmarks {
name := "bench:" + bench.Name()
set.items = append(set.items, &testItem{
set: set,
name: name,
bench: bench,
duration: testStats.Duration(st.BuilderRev.Name, name),
take: make(chan token, 1),
done: make(chan token),
return set, nil
func partitionGoTests(testDuration func(string, string) time.Duration, builderName string, tests []string) (sets [][]string) {
var srcTests []string
var cmdTests []string
for _, name := range tests {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "go_test:cmd/") {
cmdTests = append(cmdTests, name)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(name, "go_test:") {
srcTests = append(srcTests, name)
goTests := append(srcTests, cmdTests...)
const sizeThres = 10 * time.Second
var curSet []string
var curDur time.Duration
flush := func() {
if len(curSet) > 0 {
sets = append(sets, curSet)
curSet = nil
curDur = 0
for _, testName := range goTests {
d := testDuration(builderName, testName)
if curDur+d > sizeThres {
flush() // no-op if empty
curSet = append(curSet, testName)
curDur += d
var (
testStats atomic.Value // of *buildstats.TestStats
testStatsLoader singleflight.Group
func getTestStats(sl spanlog.Logger) *buildstats.TestStats {
sp := sl.CreateSpan("get_test_stats")
ts, ok := testStats.Load().(*buildstats.TestStats)
if ok && ts.AsOf.After(time.Now().Add(-1*time.Hour)) {
return ts
v, err, _ := testStatsLoader.Do("", func() (interface{}, error) {
log.Printf("getTestStats: reloading from BigQuery...")
sp := sl.CreateSpan("query_test_stats")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
ts, err := buildstats.QueryTestStats(ctx, buildEnv)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("getTestStats: error: %v", err)
return nil, err
return ts, nil
if err != nil {
return nil
return v.(*buildstats.TestStats)
func (st *buildStatus) runSubrepoTests() (remoteErr, err error) {
st.LogEventTime("fetching_subrepo", st.SubName)
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error discovering workdir for helper %s: %v", st.bc.IPPort(), err)
return nil, err
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
gopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
// Check out the provided sub-repo to the buildlet's workspace.
// Need to do this first, so we can run go env GOMOD in it.
err = buildgo.FetchSubrepo(st.ctx, st, st.bc, st.SubName, st.SubRev)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Determine if we're invoked in module mode.
// If using module mode, the absolute path to the go.mod of the main module.
// If using GOPATH mode, the empty string.
goMod, err := st.goMod(importPathOfRepo(st.SubName), goroot, gopath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine go env GOMOD value: %v", err)
// TODO(dmitshur): For some subrepos, test in both module and GOPATH modes. See
// A goTestRun represents a single invocation of the 'go test' command.
type goTestRun struct {
Dir string // Directory where 'go test' should be executed.
Patterns []string // Import path patterns to provide to 'go test'.
// The default behavior is to test the pattern "{repo}/..."
// in the repository root.
testRuns := []goTestRun{{
Dir: "gopath/src/" + importPathOfRepo(st.SubName),
Patterns: []string{importPathOfRepo(st.SubName) + "/..."},
// The next large step diverges into two code paths,
// one for module mode and another for GOPATH mode.
// Each path does the ad-hoc work that is needed to
// prepare for being able to run 'go test' at the end.
if goMod != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "testing in module mode; GOMOD=%s\n\n", goMod)
// No need to place the repo's dependencies into a GOPATH workspace.
// Look for inner modules, in order to test them too. See
repoPath := importPathOfRepo(st.SubName)
sp := st.CreateSpan("listing_subrepo_modules", st.SubName)
err = st.bc.ListDir(st.ctx, "gopath/src/"+repoPath, buildlet.ListDirOpts{Recursive: true}, func(e buildlet.DirEntry) {
goModFile := path.Base(e.Name()) == "go.mod" && !e.IsDir()
if !goModFile {
// Found a go.mod file in a subdirectory, which indicates the root of a module.
modulePath := path.Join(repoPath, path.Dir(e.Name()))
if modulePath == repoPath {
// This is the go.mod file at the repository root.
// It's already a part of testRuns, so skip it.
} else if ignoredByGoTool(modulePath) || isVendored(modulePath) {
// go.mod file is in a directory we're not looking to support, so skip it.
// Add an additional test run entry that will test this entire module.
testRuns = append(testRuns, goTestRun{
Dir: "gopath/src/" + modulePath,
Patterns: []string{modulePath + "/..."},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "testing in GOPATH mode\n\n")
// Place the repo's dependencies into the GOPATH workspace.
if rErr, err := st.fetchDependenciesToGOPATHWorkspace(goroot, gopath); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rErr != nil {
return rErr, nil
// The dashboard offers control over what packages to test in GOPATH mode.
// Compute a list of packages by calling 'go list'. See
repoPath := importPathOfRepo(st.SubName)
var buf bytes.Buffer
sp := st.CreateSpan("listing_subrepo_packages", st.SubName)
rErr, err := st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Output: &buf,
Dir: "gopath/src/" + repoPath,
ExtraEnv: append(st.conf.Env(), "GOROOT="+goroot, "GOPATH="+gopath),
Path: []string{"$WORKDIR/go/bin", "$PATH"},
Args: []string{"list", repoPath + "/..."},
sp.Done(firstNonNil(err, rErr))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("exec go list on buildlet: %v", err)
if rErr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "go list error: %v\noutput:\n%s", rErr, &buf)
return rErr, nil
testRuns[0].Patterns = nil
for _, importPath := range strings.Fields(buf.String()) {
if !st.conf.ShouldTestPackageInGOPATHMode(importPath) {
testRuns[0].Patterns = append(testRuns[0].Patterns, importPath)
// Finally, execute all of the test runs.
// If any fail, keep going so that all test results are included in the output.
sp := st.CreateSpan("running_subrepo_tests", st.SubName)
defer func() { sp.Done(err) }()
env := append(st.conf.Env(),
"GOPROXY="+moduleProxy(), // GKE value but will be ignored/overwritten by reverse buildlets
env = append(env, st.conf.ModulesEnv(st.SubName)...)
args := []string{"test"}
if !st.conf.IsLongTest() {
args = append(args, "-short")
if st.conf.IsRace() {
args = append(args, "-race")
var remoteErrors []error
for _, tr := range testRuns {
rErr, err := st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Debug: true, // make buildlet print extra debug in output for failures
Output: st,
Dir: tr.Dir,
ExtraEnv: env,
Path: []string{"$WORKDIR/go/bin", "$PATH"},
Args: append(args, tr.Patterns...),
if err != nil {
// A network/communication error. Give up here;
// the caller can retry as it sees fit.
return nil, err
} else if rErr != nil {
// An error occurred remotely and is terminal, but we want to
// keep testing other packages and report their failures too,
// rather than stopping short.
remoteErrors = append(remoteErrors, rErr)
if len(remoteErrors) > 0 {
return multiError(remoteErrors), nil
return nil, nil
// goMod determines and reports the value of go env GOMOD
// for the given import path, GOROOT, and GOPATH values.
// It uses module-specific environment variables from st.conf.ModulesEnv.
func (st *buildStatus) goMod(importPath, goroot, gopath string) (string, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
rErr, err := st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Output: &buf,
Dir: "gopath/src/" + importPath,
ExtraEnv: append(append(st.conf.Env(), "GOROOT="+goroot, "GOPATH="+gopath), st.conf.ModulesEnv(st.SubName)...),
Path: []string{"$WORKDIR/go/bin", "$PATH"},
Args: []string{"env", "-json", "GOMOD"},
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("exec go env on buildlet: %v", err)
} else if rErr != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("go env error: %v\noutput:\n%s", rErr, &buf)
var env struct {
GoMod string
err = json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &env)
return env.GoMod, err
// fetchRepoDependenciesToGOPATHWorkspace recursively fetches
// the* dependencies of repo st.SubName
// and places them into the buildlet's GOPATH workspace.
// The st.SubName repo itself must already be there.
// Dependencies are always fetched at master, which
// isn't great but the dashboard data model doesn't
// track* dependencies. For those, we
// require on the code under test to be using Go modules.
func (st *buildStatus) fetchDependenciesToGOPATHWorkspace(goroot, gopath string) (remoteErr, err error) {
fetched := map[string]bool{}
toFetch := []string{st.SubName}
// fetch checks out the provided sub-repo to the buildlet's workspace.
fetch := func(repo, rev string) error {
fetched[repo] = true
return buildgo.FetchSubrepo(st.ctx, st, st.bc, repo, rev)
// findDeps uses 'go list' on the checked out repo to find its
// dependencies, and adds any not-yet-fetched deps to toFetch.
findDeps := func(repo string) (rErr, err error) {
repoPath := importPathOfRepo(repo)
var buf bytes.Buffer
rErr, err = st.bc.Exec(st.ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
Output: &buf,
Dir: "gopath/src/" + repoPath,
ExtraEnv: append(st.conf.Env(), "GOROOT="+goroot, "GOPATH="+gopath),
Path: []string{"$WORKDIR/go/bin", "$PATH"},
Args: []string{"list", "-f", `{{range .Deps}}{{printf "%v\n" .}}{{end}}`, repoPath + "/..."},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("exec go list on buildlet: %v", err)
if rErr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(st, "go list error: %v\noutput:\n%s", rErr, &buf)
return rErr, nil
for _, p := range strings.Fields(buf.String()) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(p, "") ||
p == repoPath || strings.HasPrefix(p, repoPath+"/") {
repo := strings.TrimPrefix(p, "")
if i := strings.Index(repo, "/"); i >= 0 {
repo = repo[:i]
if !fetched[repo] {
toFetch = append(toFetch, repo)
return nil, nil
for i := 0; i < len(toFetch); i++ {
repo := toFetch[i]
if fetched[repo] {
// Fetch the HEAD revision by default.
rev, err := getRepoHead(repo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rev == "" {
rev = "master" // should happen rarely; ok if it does.
if i == 0 {
// The repo under test has already been fetched earlier,
// just need to mark it as fetched.
fetched[repo] = true
} else {
if err := fetch(repo, rev); err != nil {
return nil, err
if rErr, err := findDeps(repo); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if rErr != nil {
// An issue with the package may cause "go list" to
// fail and this is a legimiate build error.
return rErr, nil
return nil, nil
// ignoredByGoTool reports whether the given import path corresponds
// to a directory that would be ignored by the go tool.
// The logic of the go tool for ignoring directories is documented at
// Directory and file names that begin with "." or "_" are ignored
// by the go tool, as are directories named "testdata".
func ignoredByGoTool(importPath string) bool {
for _, el := range strings.Split(importPath, "/") {
if strings.HasPrefix(el, ".") || strings.HasPrefix(el, "_") || el == "testdata" {
return true
return false
// isVendored reports whether the given import path corresponds
// to a Go package that is inside a vendor directory.
// The logic for what is considered a vendor directory is documented at
func isVendored(importPath string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(importPath, "vendor/") ||
strings.Contains(importPath, "/vendor/")
// firstNonNil returns the first non-nil error, or nil otherwise.
func firstNonNil(errs ...error) error {
for _, e := range errs {
if e != nil {
return e
return nil
// multiError is a concatentation of multiple errors.
// There must be one or more errors, and all must be non-nil.
type multiError []error
// Error concatentates all error strings into a single string,
// using a semicolon and space as a separator.
func (m multiError) Error() string {
if len(m) == 1 {
return m[0].Error()
var b strings.Builder
for i, e := range m {
if i != 0 {
b.WriteString("; ")
return b.String()
// moduleProxy returns the GOPROXY environment value to use for module-enabled
// tests.
// We go through an internal ( proxy that then hits
// so we're still able to firewall
// non-internal outbound connections on builder nodes.
// This moduleProxy func in prod mode (when running on GKE) returns an http
// URL to the current GKE pod's IP with a Kubernetes NodePort service
// port that forwards back to the coordinator's 8123. See comment below.
// In localhost dev mode it just returns the value of GOPROXY.
func moduleProxy() string {
// If we're running on localhost, just use the current environment's value.
if buildEnv == nil || !buildEnv.IsProd {
// If empty, use installed VCS tools as usual to fetch modules.
return os.Getenv("GOPROXY")
// We run a NodePort service on each GKE node
// (cmd/coordinator/module-proxy-service.yaml) on port 30157
// that maps back the coordinator's port 8123. (We could round
// robin over all the GKE nodes' IPs if we wanted, but the
// coordinator is running on GKE so our node by definition is
// up, so just use it. It won't be much traffic.)
// TODO: migrate to a GKE internal load balancer with an internal static IP
// once we migrate symbolic-datum-552 off a Legacy VPC network to the modern
// scheme that supports internal static IPs.
return "http://" + gkeNodeIP + ":30157"
// affectedPkgs returns the name of every package affected by this commit.
// The returned list may contain duplicates and is unsorted.
// It is safe to call this on a nil trySet.
func (ts *trySet) affectedPkgs() (pkgs []string) {
// TODO(quentin): Support non-try commits by asking maintnerd for the affected files.
if ts == nil {
// TODO(bradfitz): query maintner for this. Old logic with a *gerrit.ChangeInfo was:
rev :=[]
for p := range rev.Files {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "src/") {
pkg := path.Dir(p[len("src/"):])
if pkg != "" {
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
var errBuildletsGone = errors.New("runTests: dist test failed: all buildlets had network errors or timeouts, yet tests remain")
// runTests is only called for builders which support a split make/run
// (should be everything, at least soon). Currently (2015-05-27) iOS
// and Android and Nacl do not.
// After runTests completes, the caller must assume that st.bc might be invalid
// (It's possible that only one of the helper buildlets survived).
func (st *buildStatus) runTests(helpers <-chan *buildlet.Client) (remoteErr, err error) {
testNames, remoteErr, err := st.distTestList()
if remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("distTestList remote: %v", remoteErr), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("distTestList exec: %v", err)
var benches []*buildgo.BenchmarkItem
if st.shouldBench() {
sp := st.CreateSpan("enumerate_benchmarks")
rev, err := getRepoHead("benchmarks")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rev == "" {
rev = "master" // should happen rarely; ok if it does.
b, err := st.goBuilder().EnumerateBenchmarks(st.ctx, st.bc, rev, st.trySet.affectedPkgs())
if err == nil {
benches = b
testStats := getTestStats(st)
set, err := st.newTestSet(testStats, testNames, benches)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st.LogEventTime("starting_tests", fmt.Sprintf("%d tests", len(set.items)))
startTime := time.Now()
workDir, err := st.bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error discovering workdir for main buildlet, %s: %v", st.bc.Name(), err)
mainBuildletGoroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
mainBuildletGopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
// We use our original buildlet to run the tests in order, to
// make the streaming somewhat smooth and not incredibly
// lumpy. The rest of the buildlets run the largest tests
// first (critical path scheduling).
// The buildletActivity WaitGroup is used to track when all
// the buildlets are dead or done.
var buildletActivity sync.WaitGroup
buildletActivity.Add(2) // one per goroutine below (main + helper launcher goroutine)
go func() {
defer buildletActivity.Done() // for the per-goroutine Add(2) above
for !st.bc.IsBroken() {
tis, ok := set.testsToRunInOrder()
if !ok {
select {
case <-st.ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
st.runTestsOnBuildlet(st.bc, tis, mainBuildletGoroot, mainBuildletGopath)
st.LogEventTime("main_buildlet_broken", st.bc.Name())
go func() {
defer buildletActivity.Done() // for the per-goroutine Add(2) above
for helper := range helpers {
go func(bc *buildlet.Client) {
defer buildletActivity.Done() // for the per-helper Add(1) above
defer st.LogEventTime("closed_helper", bc.Name())
defer bc.Close()
if devPause {
defer time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
defer st.LogEventTime("DEV_HELPER_SLEEP", bc.Name())
st.LogEventTime("got_empty_test_helper", bc.String())
if err := bc.PutTarFromURL(st.ctx, st.SnapshotURL(buildEnv), "go"); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to extract snapshot for helper %s: %v", bc.Name(), err)
workDir, err := bc.WorkDir(st.ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error discovering workdir for helper %s: %v", bc.Name(), err)
st.LogEventTime("test_helper_set_up", bc.Name())
goroot := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "go")
gopath := st.conf.FilePathJoin(workDir, "gopath")
for !bc.IsBroken() {
tis, ok := set.testsToRunBiggestFirst()
if !ok {
st.LogEventTime("no_new_tests_remain", bc.Name())
st.runTestsOnBuildlet(bc, tis, goroot, gopath)
st.LogEventTime("test_helper_is_broken", bc.Name())
// Convert a sync.WaitGroup into a channel.
// Aside:!topic/golang-dev/7fjGWuImu5k
buildletsGone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
benchFiles := st.benchFiles()
var lastBanner string
var serialDuration time.Duration
for _, ti := range set.items {
for {
timer := time.NewTimer(30 * time.Second)
select {
case <-ti.done: // wait for success
break AwaitDone
case <-timer.C:
case <-buildletsGone:
return nil, errBuildletsGone
if ti.bench != nil {
for i, s := range ti.bench.Output {
if i < len(benchFiles) {
serialDuration += ti.execDuration
if len(ti.output) > 0 {
banner, out := parseOutputAndBanner(ti.output)
if banner != lastBanner {
lastBanner = banner
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n##### %s\n", banner)
if inStaging {
out = bytes.TrimSuffix(out, nl)
fmt.Fprintf(st, " (shard %s; par=%d)\n", ti.shardIPPort, ti.groupSize)
} else {
if ti.remoteErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dist test failed: %s: %v",, ti.remoteErr), nil
elapsed := time.Since(startTime)
var msg string
if st.conf.NumTestHelpers(st.isTry()) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("took %v; aggregate %v; saved %v", elapsed, serialDuration, serialDuration-elapsed)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("took %v", elapsed)
st.LogEventTime("tests_complete", msg)
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\nAll tests passed.\n")
for _, f := range benchFiles {
if f.out.Len() > 0 {
st.hasBenchResults = true
if st.hasBenchResults {
sp := st.CreateSpan("upload_bench_results")
sp.Done(st.uploadBenchResults(st.ctx, benchFiles))
return nil, nil
func (st *buildStatus) uploadBenchResults(ctx context.Context, files []*benchFile) error {
s := *perfServer
if s == "" {
s = buildEnv.PerfDataURL
client := &perfstorage.Client{BaseURL: s, HTTPClient: oAuthHTTPClient}
u := client.NewUpload(ctx)
for _, b := range files {
w, err := u.CreateFile(
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := b.out.WriteTo(w); err != nil {
return err
status, err := u.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
st.LogEventTime("bench_upload", status.UploadID)
return nil
// TODO: what is a bench file?
type benchFile struct {
name string
out bytes.Buffer
func (st *buildStatus) benchFiles() []*benchFile {
if !st.shouldBench() {
return nil
// TODO: renable benchmarking. Or do it outside of the coordinator, if we end up
// making the coordinator into just a gomote proxy + scheduler.
// Old logic was:
// We know rev and rev.Commit.Parents[0] exist because BenchmarkItem.buildParent has checked.
rev :=[]
ps := rev.PatchSetNumber
benchFiles := []*benchFile{
{name: "orig.txt"},
{name: fmt.Sprintf("ps%d.txt", ps)},
fmt.Fprintf(&benchFiles[0].out, "cl: %d\nps: %d\ntry: %s\nbuildlet: %s\nbranch: %s\nrepo:\n",, ps, st.trySet.tryID,
if inStaging {
benchFiles[0].out.WriteString("staging: true\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&benchFiles[0].out, "commit: %s\n", rev.Commit.Parents[0].CommitID)
fmt.Fprintf(&benchFiles[1].out, "commit: %s\n", st.BuilderRev.Rev)
return benchFiles
return nil
const (
banner = "XXXBANNERXXX:" // flag passed to dist
bannerPrefix = "\n" + banner // with the newline added by dist
var bannerPrefixBytes = []byte(bannerPrefix)
func parseOutputAndBanner(b []byte) (banner string, out []byte) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(b, bannerPrefixBytes) {
b = b[len(bannerPrefixBytes):]
nl := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n')
if nl != -1 {
banner = string(b[:nl])
b = b[nl+1:]
return banner, b
// maxTestExecError is the number of test execution failures at which
// we give up and stop trying and instead permanently fail the test.
// Note that this is not related to whether the test failed remotely,
// but whether we were unable to start or complete watching it run.
// (A communication error)
const maxTestExecErrors = 3
// runTestsOnBuildlet runs tis on bc, using the optional goroot & gopath environment variables.
func (st *buildStatus) runTestsOnBuildlet(bc *buildlet.Client, tis []*testItem, goroot, gopath string) {
names := make([]string, len(tis))
for i, ti := range tis {
names[i] =
if i > 0 && (!strings.HasPrefix(, "go_test:") || !strings.HasPrefix(names[0], "go_test:")) {
panic("only go_test:* tests may be merged")
var spanName string
var detail string
if len(names) == 1 {
spanName = "run_test:" + names[0]
detail = bc.Name()
} else {
spanName = "run_tests_multi"
detail = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", bc.Name(), names)
sp := st.CreateSpan(spanName, detail)
args := []string{"tool", "dist", "test", "--no-rebuild", "--banner=" + banner}
if st.conf.IsRace() {
args = append(args, "--race")
if st.conf.CompileOnly {
args = append(args, "--compile-only")
args = append(args, names...)
var buf bytes.Buffer
t0 := time.Now()
timeout := st.conf.DistTestsExecTimeout(names)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(st.ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
var remoteErr, err error
if ti := tis[0]; ti.bench != nil {
pbr, perr := st.parentRev()
// TODO(quentin): Error if parent commit could not be determined?
if perr == nil {
remoteErr, err = ti.bench.Run(st.ctx, buildEnv, st, st.conf, bc, &buf, []buildgo.BuilderRev{st.BuilderRev, pbr})
} else {
env := append(st.conf.Env(),
env = append(env, st.conf.ModulesEnv("go")...)
remoteErr, err = bc.Exec(ctx, "go/bin/go", buildlet.ExecOpts{
// We set Dir to "." instead of the default ("go/bin") so when the dist tests
// try to run os/exec.Command("go", "test", ...), the LookPath of "go" doesn't
// return "./go.exe" (which exists in the current directory: "go/bin") and then
// fail when dist tries to run the binary in dir "$GOROOT/src", since
// "$GOROOT/src" + "./go.exe" doesn't exist. Perhaps LookPath should return
// an absolute path.
Dir: ".",
Output: &buf, // see "maybe stream lines" TODO below
ExtraEnv: env,
Path: []string{"$WORKDIR/go/bin", "$PATH"},
Args: args,
execDuration := time.Since(t0)
if err != nil {
bc.MarkBroken() // prevents reuse
for _, ti := range tis {
st.logf("Execution error running %s on %s: %v (numFails = %d)",, bc, err, ti.numFail)
if err == buildlet.ErrTimeout {
ti.failf("Test %q ran over %v limit (%v); saw output:\n%s",, timeout, execDuration, buf.Bytes())
} else if ti.numFail >= maxTestExecErrors {
ti.failf("Failed to schedule %q test after %d tries.\n",, maxTestExecErrors)
} else {
out := buf.Bytes()
out = bytes.Replace(out, []byte("\nALL TESTS PASSED (some were excluded)\n"), nil, 1)
out = bytes.Replace(out, []byte("\nALL TESTS PASSED\n"), nil, 1)
for _, ti := range tis {
ti.output = out
ti.remoteErr = remoteErr
ti.execDuration = execDuration
ti.groupSize = len(tis)
ti.shardIPPort = bc.IPPort()
// After the first one, make the rest succeed with no output.
// TODO: maybe stream lines (set Output to a line-reading
// Writer instead of &buf). for now we just wait for them in
// ~10 second batches. Doesn't look as smooth on the output,
// though.
out = nil
remoteErr = nil
execDuration = 0
type testSet struct {
st *buildStatus
items []*testItem
testStats *buildstats.TestStats
mu sync.Mutex
inOrder [][]*testItem
biggestFirst [][]*testItem
// cancelAll cancels all pending tests.
func (s *testSet) cancelAll() {
for _, ti := range s.items {
ti.tryTake() // ignore return value
func (s *testSet) testsToRunInOrder() (chunk []*testItem, ok bool) {
if s.inOrder == nil {
return s.testsFromSlice(s.inOrder)
func (s *testSet) testsToRunBiggestFirst() (chunk []*testItem, ok bool) {
if s.biggestFirst == nil {
return s.testsFromSlice(s.biggestFirst)
func (s *testSet) testsFromSlice(chunkList [][]*testItem) (chunk []*testItem, ok bool) {
for _, candChunk := range chunkList {
for _, ti := range candChunk {
if ti.tryTake() {
chunk = append(chunk, ti)
if len(chunk) > 0 {
return chunk, true
return nil, false
func (s *testSet) initInOrder() {
names := make([]string, len(s.items))
namedItem := map[string]*testItem{}
for i, ti := range s.items {
names[i] =
namedItem[] = ti
// First do the go_test:* ones. partitionGoTests
// only returns those, which are the ones we merge together.
stdSets := partitionGoTests(s.testStats.Duration,, names)
for _, set := range stdSets {
tis := make([]*testItem, len(set))
for i, name := range set {
tis[i] = namedItem[name]
s.inOrder = append(s.inOrder, tis)
// Then do the misc tests, which are always by themselves.
// (No benefit to merging them)
for _, ti := range s.items {
if !strings.HasPrefix(, "go_test:") {
s.inOrder = append(s.inOrder, []*testItem{ti})
func (s *testSet) initBiggestFirst() {
items := append([]*testItem(nil), s.items...)
for _, item := range items {
s.biggestFirst = append(s.biggestFirst, []*testItem{item})
type testItem struct {
set *testSet
name string // "go_test:sort"
duration time.Duration // optional approximate size
bench *buildgo.BenchmarkItem // If populated, this is a benchmark instead of a regular test.
take chan token // buffered size 1: sending takes ownership of rest of fields:
done chan token // closed when done; guards output & failed
numFail int // how many times it's failed to execute
// groupSize is the number of tests which were run together
// along with this one with "go dist test".
// This is 1 for non-std/cmd tests, and usually >1 for std/cmd tests.
groupSize int
shardIPPort string // buildlet's IPPort, for debugging
// the following are only set for the first item in a group:
output []byte
remoteErr error // real test failure (not a communications failure)
execDuration time.Duration // actual time
func (ti *testItem) tryTake() bool {
select {
case ti.take <- token{}:
return true
return false
func (ti *testItem) isDone() bool {
select {
case <-ti.done:
return true
return false
// retry reschedules the test to run again, if a machine died before
// or during execution, so its results aren't yet known.
// The caller must own the 'take' semaphore.
func (ti *testItem) retry() {
// release it to make it available for somebody else to try later:
func (ti *testItem) failf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
ti.output = []byte(msg)
ti.remoteErr = errors.New(msg)
type byTestDuration []*testItem
func (s byTestDuration) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byTestDuration) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].duration < s[j].duration }
func (s byTestDuration) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
type eventAndTime struct {
t time.Time
evt string // "get_source", "make_and_test", "make", etc
text string // optional detail text
// buildStatus is the status of a build.
type buildStatus struct {
// Immutable:
buildID string // "B" + 9 random hex
goBranch string // non-empty for subrepo trybots if not go master branch
conf *dashboard.BuildConfig
startTime time.Time // actually time of newBuild (~same thing)
trySet *trySet // or nil
commitTime time.Time // non-zero for post-submit builders; max of Rev & SubRev's committer time
branch string // non-empty for post-submit work
onceInitHelpers sync.Once // guards call of onceInitHelpersFunc
helpers <-chan *buildlet.Client
ctx context.Context // used to start the build
cancel context.CancelFunc // used to cancel context; for use by setDone only
hasBuildlet int32 // atomic: non-zero if this build has a buildlet; for status.go.
hasBenchResults bool // set by runTests, may only be used when build() returns.
mu sync.Mutex // guards following
canceled bool // whether this build was forcefully canceled, so errors should be ignored
schedItem *SchedItem // for the initial buildlet (ignoring helpers for now)
logURL string // if non-empty, permanent URL of log
bc *buildlet.Client // nil initially, until pool returns one
done time.Time // finished running
succeeded bool // set when done
output livelog.Buffer // stdout and stderr
events []eventAndTime
useSnapshotMemo *bool // if non-nil, memoized result of useSnapshot
func (st *buildStatus) NameAndBranch() string {
result := st.Name
if st.goBranch != "" {
// For the common and currently-only case of
// "release-branch.go1.15" say "linux-amd64 (Go 1.15.x)"
const releasePrefix = "release-branch.go"
if strings.HasPrefix(st.goBranch, releasePrefix) {
result = fmt.Sprintf("%s (Go %s.x)", st.Name, strings.TrimPrefix(st.goBranch, releasePrefix))
} else {
// But if we ever support building other branches,
// fall back to something verbose until we add a
// special case:
result = fmt.Sprintf("%s (go branch %s)", st.Name, st.goBranch)
// For an x repo running on a CL in a different repo,
// add a prefix specifying the name of the x repo.
if st.SubName != "" && st.trySet != nil && st.SubName != st.trySet.Project {
result = "(x/" + st.SubName + ") " + result
return result
// cancelBuild marks a build as no longer wanted, cancels its context,
// and tears down its buildlet.
func (st *buildStatus) cancelBuild() {
if st.canceled {
// Already done. Shouldn't happen currently, but make
// it safe for duplicate calls in the future.
st.canceled = true
// cancel the context, which stops the creation of helper
// buildlets, etc. The context isn't plumbed everywhere yet,
// so we also forcefully close its buildlet out from under it
// to trigger a failure. When we get the failure later, we
// just ignore it (knowing that the canceled bit was set
// true).
bc := st.bc
if bc != nil {
// closing the buildlet may be slow (up to ~10 seconds
// on a wedged buildlet) so run it in its own
// goroutine so we're not holding for too long.
func (st *buildStatus) setDone(succeeded bool) {
if st.canceled {
st.succeeded = succeeded
st.done = time.Now()
func (st *buildStatus) isRunning() bool {
return st.isRunningLocked()
func (st *buildStatus) isRunningLocked() bool { return st.done.IsZero() }
func (st *buildStatus) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Printf("[build %s %s]: %s", st.Name, st.Rev, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// span is an event covering a region of time.
// A span ultimately ends in an error or success, and will eventually
// be visualized and logged.
type span struct {
event string // event name like "get_foo" or "write_bar"
optText string // optional details for event
start time.Time
end time.Time
el eventTimeLogger // where we log to at the end; TODO: this will change
func createSpan(el eventTimeLogger, event string, optText ...string) *span {
if len(optText) > 1 {
start := time.Now()
var opt string
if len(optText) > 0 {
opt = optText[0]
el.LogEventTime(event, opt)
return &span{
el: el,
event: event,
start: start,
optText: opt,
// Done ends a span.
// It is legal to call Done multiple times. Only the first call
// logs.
// Done always returns its input argument.
func (s *span) Done(err error) error {
if !s.end.IsZero() {
return err
t1 := time.Now()
s.end = t1
td := t1.Sub(s.start)
var text bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&text, "after %s", friendlyDuration(td))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&text, "; err=%v", err)
if s.optText != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&text, "; %v", s.optText)
if st, ok := s.el.(*buildStatus); ok {
putSpanRecord(st.spanRecord(s, err))
s.el.LogEventTime("finish_"+s.event, text.String())
return err
func (st *buildStatus) CreateSpan(event string, optText ...string) spanlog.Span {
return createSpan(st, event, optText...)
func (st *buildStatus) LogEventTime(event string, optText ...string) {
if len(optText) > 1 {
if inStaging {
st.logf("%s %v", event, optText)
var text string
if len(optText) > 0 {
text = optText[0]
} = append(, eventAndTime{
t: time.Now(),
evt: event,
text: text,
func (st *buildStatus) hasEvent(event string) bool {
for _, e := range {
if e.evt == event {
return true
return false
// HTMLStatusLine returns the HTML to show within the <pre> block on
// the main page's list of active builds.
func (st *buildStatus) HTMLStatusLine() template.HTML { return st.htmlStatus(singleLine) }
func (st *buildStatus) HTMLStatusTruncated() template.HTML { return st.htmlStatus(truncated) }
func (st *buildStatus) HTMLStatus() template.HTML { return st.htmlStatus(full) }
func strSliceTo(s string, n int) string {
if len(s) <= n {
return s
return s[:n]
type buildStatusDetail int
const (
singleLine buildStatusDetail = iota
func (st *buildStatus) htmlStatus(detail buildStatusDetail) template.HTML {
if st == nil {
return "[nil]"
urlPrefix := ""
if st.Rev == "" {
log.Printf("warning: st.Rev is empty")
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<a href=''>%s</a> rev <a href='%s%s'>%s</a>",
st.Name, urlPrefix, st.Rev, strSliceTo(st.Rev, 8))
if st.IsSubrepo() {
if st.SubRev == "" {
log.Printf("warning: st.SubRev is empty on subrepo")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " (sub-repo %s rev <a href='%s%s'>%s</a>)",
st.SubName, urlPrefix, st.SubRev, strSliceTo(st.SubRev, 8))
if ts := st.trySet; ts != nil {
if ts.ChangeID == "" {
log.Printf("warning: ts.ChangeID is empty")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " (<a href='/try?commit=%v'>trybot set</a> for <a href=''>%s</a>)",
strSliceTo(ts.Commit, 8),
ts.ChangeTriple(), strSliceTo(ts.ChangeID, 8))
var state string
if st.canceled {
state = "canceled"
} else if st.done.IsZero() {
if st.HasBuildlet() {
state = "running"
} else {
state = "waiting_for_machine"
} else if st.succeeded {
state = "succeeded"
} else {
state = "<font color='#700000'>failed</font>"
if detail > singleLine {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "; <a href='%s'>%s</a>; %s", html.EscapeString(st.logsURLLocked()), state, html.EscapeString(st.bc.String()))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "; <a href='%s'>%s</a>", html.EscapeString(st.logsURLLocked()), state)
t := st.done
if t.IsZero() {
t = st.startTime
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", %v ago", time.Since(t).Round(time.Second))
if detail > singleLine {
lastLines := 0
if detail == truncated {
lastLines = 3
st.writeEventsLocked(&buf, true, lastLines)
return template.HTML(buf.String())
func (st *buildStatus) logsURLLocked() string {
if st.logURL != "" {
return st.logURL
var urlPrefix string
if buildEnv == buildenv.Production {
urlPrefix = ""
} else {
urlPrefix = "http://" + buildEnv.StaticIP
if *mode == "dev" {
urlPrefix = "https://localhost:8119"
u := fmt.Sprintf("%v/temporarylogs?name=%s&rev=%s&st=%p", urlPrefix, st.Name, st.Rev, st)
if st.IsSubrepo() {
u += fmt.Sprintf("&subName=%v&subRev=%v", st.SubName, st.SubRev)
return u
// must be held.
// If numLines is greater than zero, it's the number of final lines to truncate to.
func (st *buildStatus) writeEventsLocked(w io.Writer, htmlMode bool, numLines int) {
startAt := 0
if numLines > 0 {
startAt = len( - numLines
if startAt > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "...\n")
} else {
startAt = 0
for i := startAt; i < len(; i++ {
evt :=[i]
e := evt.evt
text := evt.text
if htmlMode {
if e == "running_exec" {
e = fmt.Sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", html.EscapeString(st.logsURLLocked()), e)
e = "<b>" + e + "</b>"
text = "<i>" + html.EscapeString(text) + "</i>"
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %v %s %s\n", evt.t.Format(time.RFC3339), e, text)
if st.isRunningLocked() && len( > 0 {
lastEvt :=[len(]
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %7s (now)\n", fmt.Sprintf("+%0.1fs", time.Since(lastEvt.t).Seconds()))
func (st *buildStatus) logs() string {
return st.output.String()
func (st *buildStatus) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return st.output.Write(p)
// repeatedCommunicationError takes a buildlet execution error (a
// network/communication error, as opposed to a remote execution that
// ran and had a non-zero exit status and we heard about) and
// conditionally promotes it to a terminal error. If this returns a
// non-nil value, the execErr should be considered terminal with the
// returned error.
func (st *buildStatus) repeatedCommunicationError(execErr error) error {
if execErr == nil {
return nil
// For now, only do this for plan9, which is flaky (Issue 31261)
if strings.HasPrefix(st.Name, "plan9-") && execErr == errBuildletsGone {
// TODO: give it two tries at least later (store state
// somewhere; global map?). But for now we're going to
// only give it one try.
return fmt.Errorf("network error promoted to terminal error: %v", execErr)
return nil
func useGitMirror() bool {
return *mode != "dev"
var nl = []byte("\n")
// getRepoHead returns the commit hash of the latest master HEAD
// for the given repo ("go", "tools", "sys", etc).
func getRepoHead(repo string) (string, error) {
// This gRPC call should only take a couple milliseconds, but set some timeout
// to catch network problems. 5 seconds is overkill.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
res, err := maintnerClient.GetRef(ctx, &apipb.GetRefRequest{
GerritServer: "",
GerritProject: repo,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("looking up ref for %q: %v", repo, err)
if res.Value == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no master ref found for %q", repo)
return res.Value, nil
// newBuildLogBlob creates a new object to record a public build log.
// The objName should be a Google Cloud Storage object name.
// When developing on localhost, the WriteCloser may be of a different type.
func newBuildLogBlob(objName string) (obj io.WriteCloser, url_ string) {
if *mode == "dev" {
// TODO(bradfitz): write to disk or something, or
// something testable. Maybe memory.
return struct {
}, "devmode://build-log/" + objName
if storageClient == nil {
panic("nil storageClient in newFailureBlob")
bucket := buildEnv.LogBucket
wr := storageClient.Bucket(bucket).Object(objName).NewWriter(context.Background())
wr.ContentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
wr.ACL = append(wr.ACL, storage.ACLRule{
Entity: storage.AllUsers,
Role: storage.RoleReader,
return wr, fmt.Sprintf("", bucket, objName)
func randHex(n int) string {
buf := make([]byte, n/2+1)
if _, err := rand.Read(buf); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("randHex: %v", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", buf)[:n]
// importPathOfRepo returns the Go import path corresponding to the
// root of the given non-"go" repo (Gerrit project). Because it's a Go
// import path, it always has forward slashes and no trailing slash.
// For example:
// "net" -> ""
// "crypto" -> ""
// "dl" -> ""
func importPathOfRepo(repo string) string {
r := repos.ByGerritProject[repo]
if r == nil {
// mayBuildRev prevents adding work for repos we don't know about,
// so this shouldn't happen. If it does, a panic will be useful.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("importPathOfRepo(%q) on unknown repo %q", repo, repo))
if r.ImportPath == "" {
// Likewise. This shouldn't happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("importPathOfRepo(%q) doesn't have an ImportPath", repo))
return r.ImportPath
// slowBotsFromComments looks at the TRY= comments from Gerrit (in
// work) and returns any addition slow trybot build configuration that
// should be tested in addition to the ones provided in the existing
// slice.
func slowBotsFromComments(work *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem, existing []*dashboard.BuildConfig) (extraBuilders []*dashboard.BuildConfig) {
have := map[string]bool{}
for _, bc := range existing {
have[bc.Name] = true
tryTerms := latestTryTerms(work)
for _, bc := range dashboard.Builders {
if have[bc.Name] {
for _, term := range tryTerms {
if bc.MatchesSlowBotTerm(term) {
extraBuilders = append(extraBuilders, bc)
sort.Slice(extraBuilders, func(i, j int) bool {
return extraBuilders[i].Name < extraBuilders[j].Name
// xReposFromComments looks at the TRY= comments from Gerrit (in
// work) and returns any additional subrepos that should be tested.
// The TRY= comments are expected to be of the format TRY=x/foo,
// where foo is the name of the subrepo.
func xReposFromComments(work *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem) map[string]bool {
xrepos := map[string]bool{}
for _, term := range latestTryTerms(work) {
if len(term) < len("x/_") || term[:2] != "x/" {
xrepo := term[2:]
xrepos[xrepo] = true
return xrepos
// latestTryTerms returns the terms that follow the TRY= syntax in Gerrit comments.
func latestTryTerms(work *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem) []string {
tryMsg := latestTryMessage(work) // "aix, darwin, linux-386-387, arm64, x/tools"
if tryMsg == "" {
return nil
if len(tryMsg) > 1<<10 { // arbitrary sanity
return nil
return strings.FieldsFunc(tryMsg, func(c rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsNumber(c) && c != '-' && c != '_' && c != '/'
func latestTryMessage(work *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem) string {
// Prioritize exact version matches first
for i := len(work.TryMessage) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
m := work.TryMessage[i]
if m.Version == work.Version {
return m.Message
// Otherwise the latest message at all
for i := len(work.TryMessage) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
m := work.TryMessage[i]
if m.Message != "" {
return m.Message
return ""
// handlePostSubmitActiveJSON serves JSON with the the info for which builds
// are currently building. The dashboard renders these as little
// blue gophers that link to the each build's status.
// TODO: this a transitional step on our way towards merging into
// this codebase; see
func handlePostSubmitActiveJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
func activePostSubmitBuilds() []types.ActivePostSubmitBuild {
var ret []types.ActivePostSubmitBuild
defer statusMu.Unlock()
for _, st := range status {
if st.isTry() || !st.HasBuildlet() {
logsURL := st.logsURLLocked()
var commit, goCommit string
if st.IsSubrepo() {
commit, goCommit = st.SubRev, st.Rev
} else {
commit = st.Rev
ret = append(ret, types.ActivePostSubmitBuild{
StatusURL: logsURL,
Builder: st.Name,
Commit: commit,
GoCommit: goCommit,
return ret