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/stats/svg serves various graphs of issue statistics. Some of the supported query parameters are:
<li><code>xscale=log</code> - log scale</li>
<li><code>xscale=lin</code> - linear scale.</li>
<li><code>x{min,max}</code> - set min and max for scale. Only take effect if xscale is also supplied.</li>
<li><code>y{scale,min,max}</code> - same as x* but for y axis</li>
<li><code>pivot</code> - predefined graphs
<li><code>pivot=opencount</code> - plot number of open issues over time. With <code>group=release</code> plots the number of open issues by release over time.</li>
<li>Unspecified - plot number of issues by bucket
<li><code>filter=open</code> - only open issues</li>
<li><code>filter=closed</code> - only closed issues</li>
<li><code>column</code> - column to bucket issues by
<li><code>column={Created,Closed,Updated}{,Day,Week,Month,Year}</code> - time, day, week, month, or year the issue was created, closed, or updated</li>
<li><code>column=UpdateAge</code> - time since issue was last updated</li>
<li><code>agg</code> - how to aggregate issues
<li><code>agg=count</code> or unspecified - count of issues for each distinct value of <code>column</code></li>
<li><code>agg=ecdf</code> - CDF of values</li>
<li><code>agg=bin</code> - automatically chosen histogram bins</li>
<li><code>agg=density</code> - best fit PDF of values</li>
<li><code>agg=percentile</code> - plots percentiles of a second column (currently hardcoded to <code>Open</code>), over a moving window (defaulting to 30 days)
<li><code>window=24h</code> - time.Duration over which to window percentiles</li>