blob: f68c7a082fd11e2eaba15e190ec58906ba4cd018 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dashboard
import (
func TestOSARCHAccessors(t *testing.T) {
valid := func(s string) bool { return s != "" && !strings.Contains(s, "-") }
for _, conf := range Builders {
os := conf.GOOS()
arch := conf.GOARCH()
osArch := os + "-" + arch
if !valid(os) || !valid(arch) || !(conf.Name == osArch || strings.HasPrefix(conf.Name, osArch+"-")) {
t.Errorf("OS+ARCH(%q) = %q, %q; invalid", conf.Name, os, arch)
func TestDistTestsExecTimeout(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
c *BuildConfig
want time.Duration
env: []string{},
testHostConf: &HostConfig{},
20 * time.Minute,
env: []string{"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2"},
testHostConf: &HostConfig{},
40 * time.Minute,
env: []string{},
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
env: []string{"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=3"},
60 * time.Minute,
// BuildConfig's env takes precedence:
env: []string{"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2"},
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
env: []string{"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=3"},
40 * time.Minute,
for i, tt := range tests {
got := tt.c.DistTestsExecTimeout(nil)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("%d. got %v; want %v", i, got, tt.want)
// TestTrybots tests that a given repo & its branch yields the provided complete
// set of builders. See also: TestPostSubmit, which tests only post-submit
// builders, and TestBuilderConfig, which tests both trybots and post-submit
// builders, both at arbitrary branches.
func TestTrybots(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
repo string // "go", "net", etc
branch string // of repo
want []string
repo: "go",
branch: "master",
want: []string{
repo: "go",
branch: "dev.typeparams",
want: []string{
repo: "go",
branch: "release-branch.go1.17",
want: []string{
// Include longtest builders on Go repo release branches. See issue 37827.
repo: "go",
branch: "release-branch.go1.16",
want: []string{
// Include longtest builders on Go repo release branches. See issue 37827.
repo: "mobile",
branch: "master",
want: []string{
repo: "sys",
branch: "master",
want: []string{
repo: "exp",
branch: "master",
want: []string{
for i, tt := range tests {
if tt.branch == "" || tt.repo == "" {
t.Errorf("incomplete test entry %d", i)
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.repo, tt.branch), func(t *testing.T) {
goBranch := tt.branch // hard-code the common case for now
got := TryBuildersForProject(tt.repo, tt.branch, goBranch)
checkBuildersForProject(t, got, tt.want)
func checkBuildersForProject(t *testing.T, gotBuilders []*BuildConfig, want []string) {
var got []string
for _, bc := range gotBuilders {
got = append(got, bc.Name)
m := map[string]bool{}
for _, b := range want {
m[b] = true
for _, b := range got {
if _, ok := m[b]; !ok {
t.Errorf("got unexpected %q", b)
delete(m, b)
for b := range m {
t.Errorf("missing expected %q", b)
// TestPostSubmit tests that a given repo & its branch yields the provided
// complete set of post-submit builders. See also: TestTrybots, which tests only
// trybots, and TestBuilderConfig, which tests both trybots and post-submit
// builders, both at arbitrary branches.
func TestPostSubmit(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
repo string // "go", "net", etc
branch string // of repo
want []string
repo: "vulndb",
branch: "master",
want: []string{
for i, tt := range tests {
if tt.branch == "" || tt.repo == "" {
t.Fatalf("incomplete test entry %d", i)
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.repo, tt.branch), func(t *testing.T) {
goBranch := tt.branch // hard-code the common case for now
got := buildersForProject(tt.repo, tt.branch, goBranch, (*BuildConfig).BuildsRepoPostSubmit)
checkBuildersForProject(t, got, tt.want)
// TestBuilderConfig tests whether a given builder and repo at different branches is
// completely disabled ("none"),
// a TryBot and a post-submit builder ("both"), or
// a post-submit only builder ("onlyPost").
func TestBuilderConfig(t *testing.T) {
// want is a bitmask of 4 different things to assert are wanted:
// - being a post-submit builder
// - NOT being a post-submit builder
// - being a trybot builder
// - NOT being a post-submit builder
// Note: a builder cannot be configured as a TryBot without also being a post-submit builder.
type want uint8
const (
isTrybot want = 1 << iota
isBuilder // post-submit
notBuilder // not post-submit
// Available combinations:
none = notTrybot + notBuilder
both = isTrybot + isBuilder
onlyPost = notTrybot + isBuilder
type builderAndRepo struct {
testName string
builder string
repo string
branch string
goBranch string
// builder may end in "@go1.N" or "@1.N" (as alias for "@release-branch.go1.N") or "@branch-name".
// repo (other than "go") may end in "@go1.N" or "@1.N" (as alias for "@release-branch.go1.N").
b := func(builder, repo string) builderAndRepo {
br := builderAndRepo{
testName: builder + "," + repo,
builder: builder,
goBranch: "master",
repo: repo,
branch: "master",
if strings.Contains(builder, "@") {
f := strings.SplitN(builder, "@", 2)
br.builder = f[0]
br.goBranch = f[1]
if strings.Contains(repo, "@") {
f := strings.SplitN(repo, "@", 2)
br.repo = f[0]
br.branch = f[1]
if br.repo == "go" {
panic(fmt.Errorf(`b(%q, %q): for "go" repo, must use the @%s suffix on the builder, not on the repo`, builder, repo, br.branch))
expandBranch := func(s *string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(*s, "go1.") {
*s = "release-branch." + *s
} else if strings.HasPrefix(*s, "1.") {
*s = "release-branch.go" + *s
if br.repo == "go" {
br.branch = br.goBranch
return br
tests := []struct {
br builderAndRepo
want want // none, both, or onlyPost.
{b("linux-amd64", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "net"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "sys"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "website"), both},
// Don't test all subrepos on all the builders.
{b("linux-amd64-ssacheck", "net"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-ssacheck@go1.18", "net"), none},
{b("linux-386-softfloat", "crypto"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-386-softfloat@go1.18", "crypto"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-386-softfloat@go1.17", "crypto"), onlyPost},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "go"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "mobile"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "crypto"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "net"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "sync"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "sys"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "text"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "time"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "tools"), both},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "website"), none},
{b("android-386-emu", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("android-386-emu", "mobile"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64", "net"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "net@1.12"), both},
{b("linux-amd64@go1.12", "net@1.12"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "net@1.11"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "net@1.11"), both},
{b("linux-amd64", "net@1.10"), none}, // too old
{b("linux-amd64@go1.10", "net"), none}, // too old
{b("linux-amd64@go1.12", "net@1.12"), both},
{b("linux-mips64le-mengzhuo", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-mips64le-mengzhuo", "sys"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-mips64le-mengzhuo", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-loong64-3a5000", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-loong64-3a5000", "sys"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-loong64-3a5000", "net"), onlyPost},
// OpenBSD.
{b("openbsd-amd64-68@go1.16", "go"), both},
{b("openbsd-amd64-68@go1.15", "go"), both},
{b("openbsd-amd64-68@go1.14", "go"), both},
// FreeBSD 13.0
{b("freebsd-amd64-13_0", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-13_0", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-13_0", "mobile"), none},
{b("freebsd-386-13_0", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-13_0", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-13_0", "mobile"), none},
// FreeBSD 12.3
{b("freebsd-amd64-12_3", "go"), both},
{b("freebsd-amd64-12_3", "net"), both},
{b("freebsd-amd64-12_3", "mobile"), none},
{b("freebsd-386-12_3", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-12_3", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-12_3", "mobile"), none},
// FreeBSD 11.4
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_4@go1.16", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_4@go1.16", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_4@go1.16", "sys"), both},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_4", "go"), none},
{b("freebsd-386-11_4@go1.17", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-11_4@go1.17", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-11_4@go1.17", "sys"), both},
{b("freebsd-386-11_4", "go"), none},
// FreeBSD 11.2
// See
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_2@go1.15", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_2@go1.15", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_2@go1.15", "sys"), both},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_2", "go"), none},
{b("freebsd-386-11_2@go1.16", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-11_2@go1.16", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-386-11_2@go1.16", "sys"), both},
{b("freebsd-386-11_2", "go"), none},
// NetBSD
{b("netbsd-amd64-9_0", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("netbsd-amd64-9_0", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("netbsd-amd64-9_0", "sys"), both},
{b("netbsd-386-9_0", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("netbsd-386-9_0", "net"), onlyPost},
// AIX starts at Go 1.12
{b("aix-ppc64", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("aix-ppc64", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("aix-ppc64", "mobile"), none},
{b("aix-ppc64", "exp"), none},
{b("aix-ppc64", "term"), onlyPost},
{b("aix-ppc64@go1.15", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("aix-ppc64@go1.15", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("aix-ppc64@go1.15", "mobile"), none},
{b("aix-ppc64@go1.16", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("aix-ppc64@go1.16", "mobile"), none},
{b("", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64-nocgo", "mobile"), none},
// Virtual mobiledevices
{b("ios-arm64-corellium", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("android-arm64-corellium", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("android-arm-corellium", "go"), onlyPost},
// Mobile builders that run with GOOS=linux/ios and have
// a device attached.
{b("linux-amd64-androidemu", "mobile"), both},
// But the emulators run all:
{b("android-amd64-emu", "mobile"), both},
{b("android-386-emu", "mobile"), onlyPost},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "net"), both},
{b("android-386-emu", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "go"), both},
{b("android-386-emu", "go"), onlyPost},
// Only test tip for js/wasm, and only for some repos:
{b("js-wasm", "go"), both},
{b("js-wasm", "arch"), onlyPost},
{b("js-wasm", "crypto"), onlyPost},
{b("js-wasm", "sys"), onlyPost},
{b("js-wasm", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("js-wasm@go1.12", "net"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "benchmarks"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "debug"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "mobile"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "perf"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "talks"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "tools"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "tour"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "website"), none},
// Race builders. Linux for all, GCE buidlers for
// post-submit, and only post-submit for "go" for
// Darwin (limited resources).
{b("linux-amd64-race", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-race", "net"), both},
{b("windows-amd64-race", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("windows-amd64-race", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-race", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("freebsd-amd64-race", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-race", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-race", "net"), none},
// Long test.
{b("linux-amd64-longtest", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64-longtest", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64-longtest@go1.14", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-longtest@go1.14", "net"), none},
{b("windows-amd64-longtest", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("windows-amd64-longtest@go1.14", "go"), both},
{b("windows-amd64-longtest", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("windows-amd64-longtest", "exp"), onlyPost},
{b("windows-amd64-longtest", "mobile"), none},
{b("linux-386-longtest", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-386-longtest", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-386-longtest", "exp"), none},
{b("linux-386-longtest", "mobile"), none},
// Experimental exp repo runs in very few places.
{b("linux-amd64", "exp"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-race", "exp"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-longtest", "exp"), onlyPost},
{b("windows-386-2008", "exp"), both},
{b("windows-amd64-2016", "exp"), both},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_14", "exp"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_15", "exp"), onlyPost},
// ... but not on most others:
{b("darwin-amd64-10_12", "exp"), none},
{b("freebsd-386-11_4", "exp"), none},
{b("freebsd-386-12_3", "exp"), none},
{b("freebsd-amd64-11_4", "exp"), none},
{b("freebsd-amd64-12_3", "exp"), none},
{b("openbsd-amd64-68", "exp"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "exp"), none},
// exp is experimental; it doesn't test against release branches.
{b("linux-amd64@go1.12", "exp"), none},
// the build repo is only really useful for linux-amd64 (where we run it),
// and darwin-amd64 and perhaps windows-amd64 (for stuff like gomote).
// No need for any other operating systems to use it.
{b("linux-amd64", "build"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-longtest", "build"), onlyPost},
{b("windows-amd64-2016", "build"), both},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_12", "build"), none},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_14", "build"), none},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_15", "build"), onlyPost},
{b("openbsd-amd64-68", "build"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-fedora", "build"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-clang", "build"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-sid", "build"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-bullseye", "build"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-nocgo", "build"), none},
{b("linux-386-longtest", "build"), none},
{b("js-wasm", "build"), none},
{b("android-386-emu", "build"), none},
{b("android-amd64-emu", "build"), none},
// Only use latest macOS for subrepos, and only amd64:
{b("darwin-amd64-10_12@go1.16", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_12", "net"), none},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_14", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_15", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_14", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_12", "go"), none},
{b("darwin-amd64-10_12@go1.16", "go"), onlyPost},
// plan9 only lived at master. We didn't support any past releases.
// But it's off for now as it's always failing.
{b("plan9-386", "go"), none}, // temporarily disabled
{b("plan9-386", "net"), none}, // temporarily disabled
{b("plan9-386", "exp"), none},
{b("plan9-386", "mobile"), none},
{b("plan9-386@go1.12", "go"), none},
{b("plan9-386@go1.12", "net"), none},
{b("plan9-amd64-0intro", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("plan9-amd64-0intro", "exp"), none},
{b("plan9-amd64-0intro", "mobile"), none},
{b("plan9-amd64-0intro@go1.12", "go"), none},
{b("plan9-amd64-0intro", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("plan9-amd64-0intro@go1.12", "net"), none},
{b("plan9-arm", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("plan9-arm", "exp"), none},
{b("plan9-arm", "mobile"), none},
{b("plan9-arm@go1.12", "go"), none},
{b("plan9-arm", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("plan9-arm@go1.12", "net"), none},
{b("dragonfly-amd64", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("dragonfly-amd64", "net"), onlyPost},
{b("dragonfly-amd64@go1.18", "net"), onlyPost}, // Dragonfly ABI changes supported by Go 1.14+
{b("dragonfly-amd64@go1.18", "go"), onlyPost}, // Dragonfly ABI changes supported by Go 1.14+
{b("linux-amd64-staticlockranking", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64-staticlockranking@go1.18", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64-staticlockranking@go1.17", "go"), onlyPost},
{b("linux-amd64-staticlockranking", "net"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-unified", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-unified", "tools"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-unified", "net"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-unified@dev.typeparams", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-unified@dev.typeparams", "tools"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-unified@dev.typeparams", "net"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-nounified", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-nounified", "tools"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-nounified", "net"), none},
{b("linux-amd64-nounified@dev.typeparams", "go"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-nounified@dev.typeparams", "tools"), both},
{b("linux-amd64-nounified@dev.typeparams", "net"), none},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Require a want value that asserts both dimensions: try or not, post or not.
switch tt.want {
case none, both, onlyPost:
// OK.
t.Fatalf("tt.want must be one of: none, both, or onlyPost")
bc, ok := Builders[]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("unknown builder %q",
gotPost := bc.BuildsRepoPostSubmit(,,
if tt.want&isBuilder != 0 && !gotPost {
t.Errorf("not a post-submit builder, but expected")
if tt.want&notBuilder != 0 && gotPost {
t.Errorf("unexpectedly a post-submit builder")
gotTry := bc.BuildsRepoTryBot(,,
if tt.want&isTrybot != 0 && !gotTry {
t.Errorf("not trybot, but expected")
if tt.want&notTrybot != 0 && gotTry {
t.Errorf("unexpectedly a trybot")
if t.Failed() {
t.Logf("For: %+v",
func TestHostConfigsAllUsed(t *testing.T) {
knownUnused := map[string]bool{
// Currently host-linux-armhf-cross and host-linux-armel-cross aren't
// referenced, but the coordinator hard-codes them, so don't make
// these two an error for now.
"host-linux-armhf-cross": true,
"host-linux-armel-cross": true,
"host-linux-x86-alpine": true, // TODO( Fix the Alpine builder, or remove it.
used := make(map[string]bool)
for _, conf := range Builders {
used[conf.HostType] = true
for hostType := range Hosts {
if !used[hostType] && !knownUnused[hostType] {
t.Errorf("host type %q is not referenced from any build config", hostType)
if used[hostType] && knownUnused[hostType] {
t.Errorf("host type %q should not be listed in knownUnused since it's in use", hostType)
// Test that all specified builder owners are non-nil.
func TestBuilderOwners(t *testing.T) {
for host, config := range Hosts {
for i, p := range config.Owners {
if p == nil {
t.Errorf("dashboard.Hosts[%q].Owners[%d] is nil, want non-nil", host, i)
// tests that goBranch is optional for repo == "go"
func TestBuildsRepoAtAllImplicitGoBranch(t *testing.T) {
builder := Builders["android-amd64-emu"]
got := builder.buildsRepoAtAll("go", "master", "")
if !got {
t.Error("got = false; want true")
func TestShouldRunDistTest(t *testing.T) {
type buildMode int
const (
tryMode buildMode = 0
postSubmit buildMode = 1
tests := []struct {
builder string
test string
mode buildMode
want bool
{"linux-amd64", "api", postSubmit, true},
{"linux-amd64", "api", tryMode, true},
{"freebsd-amd64-12_3", "api", postSubmit, true}, // freebsd-amd64-12_3 uses fasterTrybots policy, should still build.
{"freebsd-amd64-12_3", "api", tryMode, false}, // freebsd-amd64-12_3 uses fasterTrybots policy, should skip in try mode.
{"linux-amd64", "reboot", tryMode, true},
{"linux-amd64-race", "reboot", tryMode, false},
{"darwin-amd64-10_12", "test:foo", postSubmit, false},
{"darwin-amd64-10_14", "test:foo", postSubmit, false},
{"darwin-amd64-10_14", "reboot", postSubmit, false},
{"darwin-amd64-10_14", "api", postSubmit, false},
{"darwin-amd64-10_14", "codewalk", postSubmit, false},
{"darwin-amd64-10_15", "test:foo", postSubmit, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
bc, ok := Builders[tt.builder]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("unknown builder %q", tt.builder)
isTry := tt.mode == tryMode
if isTry && !bc.BuildsRepoTryBot("go", "master", "master") {
t.Errorf("builder %q is not a trybot, so can't run test %q in try mode", tt.builder, tt.test)
got := bc.ShouldRunDistTest(tt.test, isTry)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("%q.ShouldRunDistTest(%q, try %v) = %v; want %v", tt.builder, tt.test, isTry, got, tt.want)
func TestSlowBotAliases(t *testing.T) {
for term, name := range slowBotAliases {
if name == "" {
// Empty string means known missing builder.
if _, ok := Builders[name]; !ok {
t.Errorf("slowbot term %q references unknown builder %q", term, name)
out, err := exec.Command(filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "bin", "go"), "tool", "dist", "list").Output()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("dist list: %v", err)
ports := strings.Fields(string(out))
done := map[string]bool{}
var add bytes.Buffer
check := func(term string, isArch bool) {
if done[term] {
done[term] = true
_, isBuilderName := Builders[term]
_, hasAlias := slowBotAliases[term]
if !isBuilderName && !hasAlias {
prefix := term
if isArch {
prefix = "linux-" + term
var matches []string
for name := range Builders {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
matches = append(matches, name)
t.Errorf("term %q has no match in slowBotAliases", term)
if len(matches) == 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&add, "%q: %q,\n", term, matches[0])
} else if len(matches) > 1 {
t.Errorf("maybe add: %q: %q, (matches=%q)", term, matches[len(matches)-1], matches)
for _, port := range ports {
slash := strings.IndexByte(port, '/')
if slash == -1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected port %q", port)
goos, goarch := port[:slash], port[slash+1:]
check(goos+"-"+goarch, false)
check(goos, false)
check(goarch, true)
if add.Len() > 0 {
t.Errorf("Missing items from slowBotAliases:\n%s", add.String())
func TestCrossCompileConfigs(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that Builders.CrossCompileConfig have valid host types.
for name, bc := range Builders {
cc := bc.CrossCompileConfig
if cc == nil {
if _, ok := Hosts[cc.CompileHostType]; !ok {
t.Errorf("unknown host type %q for builder %q", cc.CompileHostType, name)
// TestTryBotsCompileAllPorts verifies that each port (go tool dist list)
// is covered by either a real TryBot or a misc-compile TryBot.
// The special pseudo-port 'linux-arm-arm5' is tested in TestMiscCompileLinuxGOARM5.
func TestTryBotsCompileAllPorts(t *testing.T) {
out, err := exec.Command(filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "bin", "go"), "tool", "dist", "list").Output()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("dist list: %v", err)
ports := strings.Fields(string(out))
// knownMissing tracks Go ports that that are known to be
// completely missing TryBot (pre-submit) test coverage.
// All completed ports should have either a real TryBot or at least a misc-compile TryBot,
// so this map is meant to be used to temporarily fix tests
// when the work of adding a new port is actively underway.
knownMissing := map[string]bool{}
var done = make(map[string]bool)
check := func(goos, goarch string) {
if goos == "android" || goos == "ios" {
// TODO( support
// compilation-only Android and iOS trybots.
// buildall.bash doesn't set the environment
// up enough for e.g. compiling android-386
// from linux-amd64. (Issue #35596 too)
// iOS likely needs to be built on macOS
// with Xcode available.
goosArch := goos + "-" + goarch
if done[goosArch] {
for _, conf := range Builders {
if conf.GOOS() == goos && conf.GOARCH() == goarch &&
conf.BuildsRepoTryBot("go", "master", "master") {
// There's a real TryBot for this GOOS/GOARCH pair.
done[goosArch] = true
if strings.HasPrefix(conf.Name, "misc-compile-") {
re, err := regexp.Compile(conf.allScriptArgs[0])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid misc-compile filtering pattern for builder %q: %q",
conf.Name, conf.allScriptArgs[0])
if re.MatchString(goosArch) {
// There's a misc-compile TryBot for this GOOS/GOARCH pair.
done[goosArch] = true
if knownMissing[goosArch] && done[goosArch] {
// Make it visible when a builder is added but the old
// knownMissing entry isn't removed by failing the test.
t.Errorf("knownMissing[%q] is true, but a corresponding TryBot (real or misc-compile) exists", goosArch)
} else if _, ok := done[goosArch]; !ok && !knownMissing[goosArch] {
t.Errorf("missing real TryBot or misc-compile TryBot for %q", goosArch)
for _, port := range ports {
slash := strings.IndexByte(port, '/')
if slash == -1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected port %q", port)
check(port[:slash], port[slash+1:])
// The 'linux-arm-arm5' pseduo-port is supported by src/buildall.bash
// and tests linux/arm with GOARM=5 set. Since it's not a normal port,
// the TestTryBotsCompileAllPorts wouldn't report if the misc-compile
// TryBot that covers is is accidentally removed. Check it explicitly.
func TestMiscCompileLinuxGOARM5(t *testing.T) {
var ok bool
for _, b := range Builders {
if !strings.HasPrefix(b.Name, "misc-compile-") {
re, err := regexp.Compile(b.allScriptArgs[0])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid misc-compile filtering pattern for builder %q: %q",
b.Name, b.allScriptArgs[0])
if re.MatchString("linux-arm-arm5") {
ok = true
if !ok {
// We get here if the linux-arm-arm5 port is no longer checked by
// a misc-compile TryBot. Report it as a failure in case the coverage
// was removed accidentally (e.g., as part of a refactor).
t.Errorf("no misc-compile TryBot coverage for the special 'linux-arm-arm5' pseudo-port")
// TestExpectedMacstadiumVMCount ensures that only 20 instances of macOS virtual machines
// are expected at MacStadium.
// TODO: remove once the scheduler allocates VMs based on demand
func TestExpectedMacstadiumVMCount(t *testing.T) {
got := 0
for host, config := range Hosts {
if strings.HasPrefix(host, "host-darwin-10_") || strings.HasPrefix(host, "host-darwin-amd64-") {
got += config.ExpectNum
if got != 16 {
t.Fatalf("macstadium host count: got %d; want 16", got)
// Test that we have a longtest builder and
// that its environment configuration is okay.
func TestLongTestBuilder(t *testing.T) {
long, ok := Builders["linux-amd64-longtest"]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("we don't have a linux-amd64-longtest builder anymore, is that intentional?")
if !long.IsLongTest() {
t.Error("the linux-amd64-longtest builder isn't a longtest builder, is that intentional?")
var shortDisabled bool
for _, e := range long.Env() {
if e == "GO_TEST_SHORT=0" {
shortDisabled = true
if !shortDisabled {
t.Error("the linux-amd64-longtest builder doesn't set GO_TEST_SHORT=0, is that intentional?")
func TestHostConfigIsVM(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
config *HostConfig
want bool
desc: "non-ec2-vm",
config: &HostConfig{
VMImage: "image-x",
ContainerImage: "",
isEC2: false,
want: true,
desc: "non-ec2-container",
config: &HostConfig{
VMImage: "",
ContainerImage: "container-image-x",
isEC2: false,
want: false,
desc: "ec2-container",
config: &HostConfig{
VMImage: "image-x",
ContainerImage: "container-image-x",
isEC2: true,
want: false,
desc: "ec2-vm",
config: &HostConfig{
VMImage: "image-x",
ContainerImage: "",
isEC2: true,
want: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf(tc.desc), func(t *testing.T) {
if got := tc.config.IsVM(); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("HostConfig.IsVM() = %t; want %t", got, tc.want)
func TestModulesEnv(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
buildConfig *BuildConfig
repo string
want []string
desc: "ec2-builder-repo-non-go",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: false,
isEC2: true,
repo: "bar",
want: []string{"GOPROXY="},
desc: "reverse-builder-repo-non-go",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
isEC2: false,
repo: "bar",
want: []string{"GOPROXY="},
desc: "reverse-builder-repo-go",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
isEC2: false,
repo: "go",
want: []string{"GOPROXY=off"},
desc: "builder-repo-go",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: false,
isEC2: false,
repo: "go",
want: []string{"GOPROXY=off"},
desc: "builder-repo-go-outbound-network-allowed",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
Name: "test-longtest",
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: false,
isEC2: false,
repo: "go",
want: nil,
desc: "builder-repo-special-case",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: false,
isEC2: false,
repo: "build",
want: []string{"GO111MODULE=on"},
desc: "reverse-builder-repo-special-case",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: true,
isEC2: false,
repo: "build",
want: []string{"GOPROXY=", "GO111MODULE=on"},
desc: "builder-repo-non-special-case",
buildConfig: &BuildConfig{
testHostConf: &HostConfig{
IsReverse: false,
isEC2: false,
repo: "bar",
want: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
got := tc.buildConfig.ModulesEnv(tc.repo)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("BuildConfig.ModulesEnv(%q) mismatch (-want, +got)\n%s", tc.repo, diff)
func TestDefaultPlusExpBuild(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
repo string
want bool
{"exp", true},
{"build", true},
{"anything", true},
{"vulndb", false},
} {
got := defaultPlusExpBuild(tc.repo, "", "")
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("%s: got %t, want %t", tc.repo, got, tc.want)