blob: ed77e600357e033a75cb7f3ffa2a833a52f75c5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// relui is a web interface for managing the release process of Go.
package main
import (
cloudbuild ""
gomotepb ""
var (
baseURL = flag.String("base-url", "", "Prefix URL for routing and links.")
siteTitle = flag.String("site-title", "Go Releases", "Site title.")
siteHeaderCSS = flag.String("site-header-css", "", "Site header CSS class name. Can be used to pick a look for the header.")
downUp = flag.Bool("migrate-down-up", false, "Run all Up migration steps, then the last down migration step, followed by the final up migration. Exits after completion.")
migrateOnly = flag.Bool("migrate-only", false, "Exit after running migrations. Migrations are run by default.")
pgConnect = flag.String("pg-connect", "", "Postgres connection string or URI. If empty, libpq connection defaults are used.")
scratchFilesBase = flag.String("scratch-files-base", "", "Storage for scratch files. gs://bucket/path or file:///path/to/scratch.")
signedFilesBase = flag.String("signed-files-base", "", "Storage for signed files. gs://bucket/path or file:///path/to/signed.")
servingFilesBase = flag.String("serving-files-base", "", "Storage for serving files. gs://bucket/path or file:///path/to/serving.")
edgeCacheURL = flag.String("edge-cache-url", "", "URL release files appear at when published to the CDN, e.g.")
websiteUploadURL = flag.String("website-upload-url", "", "URL to POST website file data to, e.g.")
cloudBuildProject = flag.String("cloud-build-project", "", "GCP project to run miscellaneous Cloud Build tasks")
cloudBuildAccount = flag.String("cloud-build-account", "", "Service account to run miscellaneous Cloud Build tasks")
swarmingURL = flag.String("swarming-url", "", "Swarming service to use for tasks")
swarmingAccount = flag.String("swarming-account", "", "Service account to use for Swarming tasks")
swarmingPool = flag.String("swarming-pool", "", "Swarming pool to run tasks in")
swarmingRealm = flag.String("swarming-realm", "", "Swarming realm to run tasks in")
func main() {
if err := secret.InitFlagSupport(context.Background()); err != nil {
sendgridAPIKey := secret.Flag("sendgrid-api-key", "SendGrid API key for workflows involving sending email.")
var annMail task.MailHeader
addressVarFlag(&annMail.From, "announce-mail-from", "The From address to use for the (pre-)announcement mail.")
addressVarFlag(&annMail.To, "announce-mail-to", "The To address to use for the (pre-)announcement mail.")
addressListVarFlag(&annMail.BCC, "announce-mail-bcc", "The BCC address list to use for the (pre-)announcement mail.")
var schedMail task.MailHeader
addressVarFlag(&schedMail.From, "schedule-mail-from", "The From address to use for the scheduled workflow failure mail.")
addressVarFlag(&schedMail.To, "schedule-mail-to", "The To address to use for the scheduled workflow failure mail.")
addressListVarFlag(&schedMail.BCC, "schedule-mail-bcc", "The BCC address list to use for the scheduled workflow failure mail.")
var twitterAPI secret.TwitterCredentials
secret.JSONVarFlag(&twitterAPI, "twitter-api-secret", "Twitter API secret to use for workflows involving tweeting.")
masterKey := secret.Flag("builder-master-key", "Builder master key")
githubToken := secret.Flag("github-token", "GitHub API token")
ctx := context.Background()
if err := relui.InitDB(ctx, *pgConnect); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("relui.InitDB() = %v", err)
if *migrateOnly {
if *downUp {
if err := relui.MigrateDB(*pgConnect, true); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("relui.MigrateDB() = %v", err)
// Define the site header and external service configuration.
// The site header communicates to humans what will happen
// when workflows run.
// Keep these appropriately in sync.
siteHeader := relui.SiteHeader{
Title: *siteTitle,
CSSClass: *siteHeaderCSS,
creds, err := google.FindDefaultCredentials(ctx, gerrit.OAuth2Scopes...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("reading GCP credentials: %v", err)
gerritClient := &task.RealGerritClient{
Client: gerrit.NewClient("", gerrit.OAuth2Auth(creds.TokenSource)),
mailFunc := task.NewSendGridMailClient(*sendgridAPIKey).SendMail
commTasks := task.CommunicationTasks{
AnnounceMailTasks: task.AnnounceMailTasks{
SendMail: mailFunc,
AnnounceMailHeader: annMail,
TweetTasks: task.TweetTasks{
TwitterClient: task.NewTwitterClient(twitterAPI),
dh := relui.NewDefinitionHolder()
userPassAuth := buildlet.UserPass{
Username: "user-relui",
Password: key(*masterKey, "user-relui"),
cc, err := iapclient.GRPCClient(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to coordinator: %v", err)
coordinator := &buildlet.GRPCCoordinatorClient{
Client: gomotepb.NewGomoteServiceClient(cc),
if _, err := coordinator.Client.Authenticate(ctx, &gomotepb.AuthenticateRequest{}); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Broken coordinator client: %v", err)
gcsClient, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to GCS: %v", err)
cbClient, err := cloudbuild.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to Cloud Build: %v", err)
cloudBuildClient := &task.RealCloudBuildClient{
BuildClient: cbClient,
StorageClient: gcsClient,
ScriptProject: *cloudBuildProject,
ScriptAccount: *cloudBuildAccount,
ScratchURL: *scratchFilesBase + "/build-outputs",
swarmingClient, err := swarming.NewClient(ctx, swarming.ClientOptions{
ServiceURL: *swarmingURL,
Auth: auth.Options{
GCEAllowAsDefault: true,
if err != nil {
var dbPool db.PGDBTX
dbPool, err = pgxpool.Connect(ctx, *pgConnect)
if err != nil {
defer dbPool.Close()
dbPool = &relui.MetricsDB{dbPool}
var gr *metrics.MonitoredResource
if metadata.OnGCE() {
gr, err = metrics.GKEResource("relui-deployment")
if err != nil {
log.Println("metrics.GKEResource:", err)
ms, err := metrics.NewService(gr, relui.Views)
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to initialize metrics:", err)
} else {
defer ms.Stop()
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(grpc.UnaryInterceptor(access.RequireIAPAuthUnaryInterceptor(access.IAPSkipAudienceValidation)),
signServer := sign.NewServer()
protos.RegisterReleaseServiceServer(grpcServer, signServer)
buildTasks := &relui.BuildReleaseTasks{
GerritClient: gerritClient,
GerritHTTPClient: oauth2.NewClient(ctx, creds.TokenSource),
GerritURL: "",
PrivateGerritURL: "",
CreateBuildlet: coordinator.CreateBuildlet,
SignService: signServer,
GCSClient: gcsClient,
ScratchFS: &task.ScratchFS{
BaseURL: *scratchFilesBase,
GCS: gcsClient,
SignedURL: *signedFilesBase,
ServingURL: *servingFilesBase,
DownloadURL: *edgeCacheURL,
ProxyPrefix: "",
CloudBuildClient: cloudBuildClient,
SwarmingClient: &task.RealSwarmingClient{
SwarmingClient: swarmingClient,
ServiceAccount: *swarmingAccount,
Realm: *swarmingRealm,
Pool: *swarmingPool,
GoogleDockerBuildProject: "symbolic-datum-552",
GoogleDockerBuildTrigger: "golang-publish-internal-boringcrypto",
PublishFile: func(f task.WebsiteFile) error {
return publishFile(*websiteUploadURL, userPassAuth, f)
ApproveAction: relui.ApproveActionDep(dbPool),
githubHTTPClient := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: *githubToken}))
milestoneTasks := &task.MilestoneTasks{
Client: &task.GitHubClient{
V3: github.NewClient(githubHTTPClient),
V4: githubv4.NewClient(githubHTTPClient),
RepoOwner: "golang",
RepoName: "go",
ApproveAction: relui.ApproveActionDep(dbPool),
versionTasks := &task.VersionTasks{
Gerrit: gerritClient,
CloudBuild: cloudBuildClient,
GoProject: "go",
if err := relui.RegisterReleaseWorkflows(ctx, dh, buildTasks, milestoneTasks, versionTasks, commTasks); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("RegisterReleaseWorkflows: %v", err)
ignoreProjects := map[string]bool{}
for p, r := range repos.ByGerritProject {
ignoreProjects[p] = !r.ShowOnDashboard()
ignoreProjects["vuln"] = true // x/vuln only has manual tagging for now. See issue 59686.
tagTasks := &task.TagXReposTasks{
IgnoreProjects: ignoreProjects,
Gerrit: gerritClient,
DashboardURL: "",
CloudBuild: cloudBuildClient,
dh.RegisterDefinition("Tag x/ repos", tagTasks.NewDefinition())
dh.RegisterDefinition("Tag a single x/ repo", tagTasks.NewSingleDefinition())
bundleTasks := &task.BundleNSSRootsTask{
Gerrit: gerritClient,
CloudBuild: cloudBuildClient,
dh.RegisterDefinition("Update x/crypto NSS root bundle", bundleTasks.NewDefinition())
tagTelemetryTasks := &task.TagTelemetryTasks{
Gerrit: gerritClient,
CloudBuild: cloudBuildClient,
dh.RegisterDefinition("Tag a new version of x/telemetry/config (if necessary)", tagTelemetryTasks.NewDefinition())
git := &task.Git{}
privateSyncTask := &task.PrivateMasterSyncTask{
Git: git,
PrivateGerritURL: "",
Ref: "public",
dh.RegisterDefinition("Sync go-private master branch with public", privateSyncTask.NewDefinition())
updateProxyTest := &task.UpdateProxyTestRepoTasks{
Git: git,
GerritURL: "",
Branch: "main",
dh.RegisterDefinition("Update mod proxy test case", updateProxyTest.NewDefinition())
var base *url.URL
if *baseURL != "" {
base, err = url.Parse(*baseURL)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("url.Parse(%q) = %v, %v", *baseURL, base, err)
l := &relui.PGListener{
DB: dbPool,
BaseURL: base,
ScheduleFailureMailHeader: schedMail,
SendMail: mailFunc,
w := relui.NewWorker(dh, dbPool, l)
go w.Run(ctx)
if err := w.ResumeAll(ctx); err != nil {
log.Printf("w.ResumeAll() = %v", err)
var h http.Handler = relui.NewServer(dbPool, w, base, siteHeader, ms)
if metadata.OnGCE() {
project, err := metadata.ProjectID()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to read project ID from metadata server")
if project == "symbolic-datum-552" {
h = access.RequireIAPAuthHandler(h, access.IAPSkipAudienceValidation)
log.Fatalln(https.ListenAndServe(ctx, &ochttp.Handler{Handler: GRPCHandler(grpcServer, h)}))
// GRPCHandler creates handler which intercepts requests intended for a GRPC server and directs the calls to the server.
// All other requests are directed toward the passed in handler.
func GRPCHandler(gs *grpc.Server, h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.ProtoMajor == 2 && strings.HasPrefix(r.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "application/grpc") {
gs.ServeHTTP(w, r)
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func key(masterKey, principal string) string {
h := hmac.New(md5.New, []byte(masterKey))
io.WriteString(h, principal)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
func publishFile(uploadURL string, auth buildlet.UserPass, f task.WebsiteFile) error {
req, err := json.Marshal(f)
if err != nil {
return err
u, err := url.Parse(uploadURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid website upload URL %q: %v", *websiteUploadURL, err)
q := u.Query()
q.Set("user", strings.TrimPrefix(auth.Username, "user-"))
q.Set("key", auth.Password)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
resp, err := http.Post(u.String(), "application/json", bytes.NewReader(req))
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
b, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
return fmt.Errorf("upload failed to %q: %v\n%s", uploadURL, resp.Status, b)
return nil
// addressVarFlag defines an address flag with specified name and usage string.
// The argument p points to a mail.Address variable in which to store the value of the flag.
func addressVarFlag(p *mail.Address, name, usage string) {
flag.Func(name, usage, func(s string) error {
a, err := mail.ParseAddress(s)
if err != nil {
return err
*p = *a
return nil
// addressListVarFlag defines an address list flag with specified name and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []mail.Address variable in which to store the value of the flag.
func addressListVarFlag(p *[]mail.Address, name, usage string) {
flag.Func(name, usage, func(s string) error {
as, err := mail.ParseAddressList(s)
if err != nil {
return err
*p = nil // Clear out the list before appending.
for _, a := range as {
*p = append(*p, *a)
return nil