blob: e8695c4454d1bc5e0b87936bd3dc5d8e69657c0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import (
sendgrid ""
sendgridmail ""
goldmarkhtml ""
goldmarktext ""
type ReleaseAnnouncement struct {
// Version is the Go version that has been released.
// The version string must use the same format as Go tags. For example:
// • "go1.17.2" for a minor Go release
// • "go1.18" for a major Go release
// • "go1.18beta1" or "go1.18rc1" for a pre-release
Version string
// SecondaryVersion is an older Go version that was also released.
// This only applies to minor releases. For example, "go1.16.10".
SecondaryVersion string
// Security is a list of descriptions, one for each distinct
// security fix included in this release, in Markdown format.
// The empty list means there are no security fixes included.
// This field applies only to minor releases; it is an error
// to try to use it another release type.
Security []string
// Names is an optional list of release coordinator names to
// include in the sign-off message.
Names []string
// AnnounceMailTasks contains tasks related to the release announcement email.
type AnnounceMailTasks struct {
// SendMail sends an email with the given header and content
// using an externally-provided implementation.
// Email delivery happens asynchronously, so SendMail returns a nil error
// if the transmission was started successfully, but that error value
// doesn't indicate anything about the status of the delivery.
SendMail func(MailHeader, mailContent) error
// AnnounceMailHeader is the header to use for the release announcement email.
AnnounceMailHeader MailHeader
// SentMail represents an email that was sent.
type SentMail struct {
Subject string // Subject of the email. Expected to be unique so it can be used to identify the email.
// AnnounceMinorRelease sends an email announcing a minor Go release to Google Groups.
func (t AnnounceMailTasks) AnnounceMinorRelease(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, r ReleaseAnnouncement) (SentMail, error) {
if err := verifyGoVersions(r.Version, r.SecondaryVersion); err != nil {
return SentMail{}, err
return t.announceRelease(ctx, r)
// AnnounceBetaRelease sends an email announcing a beta Go release to Google Groups.
func (t AnnounceMailTasks) AnnounceBetaRelease(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, r ReleaseAnnouncement) (SentMail, error) {
if r.SecondaryVersion != "" {
return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("got 2 Go versions, want 1")
if err := verifyGoVersions(r.Version); err != nil {
return SentMail{}, err
return t.announceRelease(ctx, r)
// AnnounceRCRelease sends an email announcing a Go release candidate to Google Groups.
func (t AnnounceMailTasks) AnnounceRCRelease(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, r ReleaseAnnouncement) (SentMail, error) {
if r.SecondaryVersion != "" {
return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("got 2 Go versions, want 1")
if err := verifyGoVersions(r.Version); err != nil {
return SentMail{}, err
return t.announceRelease(ctx, r)
// AnnounceMajorRelease sends an email announcing a major Go release to Google Groups.
func (t AnnounceMailTasks) AnnounceMajorRelease(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, r ReleaseAnnouncement) (SentMail, error) {
if r.SecondaryVersion != "" {
return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("got 2 Go versions, want 1")
if err := verifyGoVersions(r.Version); err != nil {
return SentMail{}, err
return t.announceRelease(ctx, r)
// announceRelease sends an email announcing a Go release.
func (t AnnounceMailTasks) announceRelease(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, r ReleaseAnnouncement) (SentMail, error) {
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok && time.Until(deadline) < time.Minute {
return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("insufficient time for announce release task; a minimum of a minute left on context is required")
// Generate the announcement email.
m, err := announcementMail(r)
if err != nil {
return SentMail{}, err
if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
log.Printf("announcement subject: %s\n\n", m.Subject)
log.Printf("announcement body HTML:\n%s\n", m.BodyHTML)
log.Printf("announcement body text:\n%s", m.BodyText)
// Before sending, check to see if this announcement already exists.
if threadURL, err := findGoogleGroupsThread(ctx, m.Subject); err != nil {
// Proceeding would risk sending a duplicate email, so error out instead.
return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("stopping early due to error checking for an existing Google Groups thread: %v", err)
} else if threadURL != "" {
// This should never happen since this task runs once per release.
// It can happen under unusual circumstances, for example if the task crashes after
// mailing but before completion, or if parts of the release workflow are restarted,
// or if a human mails the announcement email manually out of band.
// So if we see that the email exists, consider it as "task completed successfully"
// and pretend we were the ones that sent it, so the high level workflow can keep going.
if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
log.Printf("a Google Groups thread with matching subject %q already exists at %q, so we'll consider that as it being sent successfully", m.Subject, threadURL)
return SentMail{m.Subject}, nil
// Send the announcement email to the destination mailing lists.
if t.SendMail == nil {
return SentMail{Subject: "[dry-run] " + m.Subject}, nil
err = t.SendMail(t.AnnounceMailHeader, m)
if err != nil {
return SentMail{}, err
return SentMail{m.Subject}, nil
// A MailHeader is an email header.
type MailHeader struct {
From mail.Address // An RFC 5322 address. For example, "Barry Gibbs <>".
To mail.Address
BCC []mail.Address
// A mailContent holds the content of an email.
type mailContent struct {
Subject string
BodyHTML string
BodyText string
// announcementMail generates the announcement email for release r.
func announcementMail(r ReleaseAnnouncement) (mailContent, error) {
// Pick a template name for this type of release.
var name string
if i := strings.Index(r.Version, "beta"); i != -1 { // A beta release.
name = ""
} else if i := strings.Index(r.Version, "rc"); i != -1 { // Release Candidate.
name = ""
} else if strings.Count(r.Version, ".") == 1 { // Major release like "go1.X".
name = ""
} else if strings.Count(r.Version, ".") == 2 { // Minor release like "go1.X.Y".
name = ""
} else {
return mailContent{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown version format: %q", r.Version)
if len(r.Security) > 0 && name != "" {
// The Security field isn't supported in templates other than minor,
// so report an error instead of silently dropping it.
// Note: Maybe in the future we'd want to consider support for including sentences like
// "This beta release includes the same security fixes as in Go X.Y.Z and Go A.B.C.",
// but we'll have a better idea after these initial templates get more practical use.
return mailContent{}, fmt.Errorf("email template %q doesn't support the Security field; this field can only be used in minor releases", name)
// Render the announcement email template.
// It'll produce a valid message with a MIME header and a body, so parse it as such.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := announceTmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, name, r); err != nil {
return mailContent{}, err
m, err := mail.ReadMessage(&buf)
if err != nil {
return mailContent{}, fmt.Errorf(`email template must be formatted like a mail message, but reading it failed: %v`, err)
// Get the email subject (it's a plain string, no further processing needed).
if _, ok := m.Header["Subject"]; !ok {
return mailContent{}, fmt.Errorf(`email template must have a "Subject" key in its MIME header, but it's not found`)
} else if n := len(m.Header["Subject"]); n != 1 {
return mailContent{}, fmt.Errorf(`email template must have a single "Subject" value in its MIME header, but have %d values`, n)
subject := m.Header.Get("Subject")
// Render the email body, in Markdown format at this point, to HTML and plain text.
html, text, err := renderMarkdown(m.Body)
if err != nil {
return mailContent{}, err
return mailContent{subject, html, text}, nil
// announceTmpl holds templates for Go release announcement emails.
// Each email template starts with a MIME-style header with a Subject key,
// and the rest of it is Markdown for the email body.
var announceTmpl = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"join": func(s []string) string {
switch len(s) {
case 0:
return ""
case 1:
return s[0]
case 2:
return s[0] + " and " + s[1]
return strings.Join(s[:len(s)-1], ", ") + ", and " + s[len(s)-1]
"indent": func(s string) string { return "\t" + strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\n", "\n\t") },
// subjectPrefix returns the email subject prefix for release r, if any.
"subjectPrefix": func(r ReleaseAnnouncement) string {
switch {
case len(r.Security) > 0:
// Include a security prefix as documented at
// > The best way to receive security announcements is to subscribe to the golang-announce mailing list.
// > Any messages pertaining to a security issue will be prefixed with [security].
return "[security]"
return ""
// short and helpers below manipulate valid Go version strings
// for the current needs of the announcement templates.
"short": func(v string) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(v, "go") },
// major extracts the major part of a valid Go version.
// For example, major("go1.18.4") == "1.18".
"major": func(v string) (string, error) {
x, ok := version.Go1PointX(v)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("internal error: version.Go1PointX(%q) is not ok", v)
return fmt.Sprintf("1.%d", x), nil
// build extracts the pre-release build number of a valid Go version.
// For example, build("go1.19beta2") == "2".
"build": func(v string) (string, error) {
if i := strings.Index(v, "beta"); i != -1 {
return v[i+len("beta"):], nil
} else if i := strings.Index(v, "rc"); i != -1 {
return v[i+len("rc"):], nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("internal error: unhandled pre-release Go version %q", v)
}).ParseFS(tmplDir, "template/announce-*.md"))
//go:embed template
var tmplDir embed.FS
type realSendGridMailClient struct {
sg *sendgrid.Client
// NewSendGridMailClient creates a SendGrid mail client
// authenticated with the given API key.
func NewSendGridMailClient(sendgridAPIKey string) realSendGridMailClient {
return realSendGridMailClient{sg: sendgrid.NewSendClient(sendgridAPIKey)}
// SendMail sends an email by making an authenticated request to the SendGrid API.
func (c realSendGridMailClient) SendMail(h MailHeader, m mailContent) error {
from, to := sendgridmail.Email(h.From), sendgridmail.Email(h.To)
req := sendgridmail.NewSingleEmail(&from, m.Subject, &to, m.BodyText, m.BodyHTML)
if len(req.Personalizations) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: len(req.Personalizations) is %d, want 1", len(req.Personalizations))
for _, bcc := range h.BCC {
bcc := sendgridmail.Email(bcc)
no := false
req.TrackingSettings = &sendgridmail.TrackingSettings{
ClickTracking: &sendgridmail.ClickTrackingSetting{Enable: &no},
OpenTracking: &sendgridmail.OpenTrackingSetting{Enable: &no},
SubscriptionTracking: &sendgridmail.SubscriptionTrackingSetting{Enable: &no},
resp, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
} else if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusAccepted {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status %d %s, want 202 Accepted; body = %s", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode), resp.Body)
return nil
// AwaitAnnounceMail waits for an announcement email with the specified subject
// to show up on Google Groups, and returns its canonical URL.
func (t AnnounceMailTasks) AwaitAnnounceMail(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, m SentMail) (announcementURL string, _ error) {
// Find the URL for the announcement while giving the email a chance to be received and moderated.
started := time.Now()
poll := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
defer poll.Stop()
updateLog := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
defer updateLog.Stop()
for {
// Wait a bit, updating the log periodically.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return "", ctx.Err()
case <-poll.C:
case t := <-updateLog.C:
if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
log.Printf("... still waiting for %q to appear after %v ...\n", m.Subject, t.Sub(started))
// See if our email is available by now.
threadURL, err := findGoogleGroupsThread(ctx, m.Subject)
if err != nil {
if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
log.Printf("findGoogleGroupsThread: %v", err)
} else if threadURL == "" {
// Our email hasn't yet shown up. Wait more and try again.
return threadURL, nil
// findGoogleGroupsThread fetches the first page of threads from the golang-announce
// Google Groups mailing list, and looks for a thread with the matching subject line.
// It returns its URL if found or the empty string if not found.
func findGoogleGroupsThread(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, subject string) (threadURL string, _ error) {
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, "", nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
body, _ := io.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, 4<<10))
return "", fmt.Errorf("did not get acceptable status code: %v body: %q", resp.Status, body)
if ct, want := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "text/html; charset=utf-8"; ct != want {
if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
log.Printf("findGoogleGroupsThread: got response with non-'text/html; charset=utf-8' Content-Type header %q\n", ct)
if mediaType, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(ct); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("bad Content-Type header %q: %v", ct, err)
} else if mediaType != "text/html" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("got media type %q, want %q", mediaType, "text/html")
doc, err := html.Parse(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, 5<<20))
if err != nil {
return "", err
var baseHref string
var linkHref string
var found bool
var f func(*html.Node)
f = func(n *html.Node) {
if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "base" {
baseHref = href(n)
} else if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {
linkHref = href(n)
} else if n.Type == html.TextNode && n.Data == subject {
// Found our link. Break out.
found = true
for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil && !found; c = c.NextSibling {
if !found {
// Thread not found on the first page.
return "", nil
base, err := url.Parse(baseHref)
if err != nil {
return "", err
link, err := url.Parse(linkHref)
if err != nil {
return "", err
threadURL = base.ResolveReference(link).String()
if !strings.HasPrefix(threadURL, announcementPrefix) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("found URL %q, but it doesn't have the expected prefix %q", threadURL, announcementPrefix)
return threadURL, nil
func href(n *html.Node) string {
for _, a := range n.Attr {
if a.Key == "href" {
return a.Val
return ""
// renderMarkdown parses Markdown source
// and renders it to HTML and plain text.
// The Markdown specification and its various extensions are vast.
// Here we support a small, simple set of Markdown features
// that satisfies the needs of the announcement mail tasks.
func renderMarkdown(r io.Reader) (html, text string, _ error) {
source, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Configure a Markdown parser and HTML renderer fairly closely
// to how it's done in x/website, just without raw HTML support
// and other extensions we don't need for announcement emails.
md := goldmark.New(
doc := md.Parser().Parse(goldmarktext.NewReader(source))
var htmlBuf, textBuf bytes.Buffer
err = md.Renderer().Render(&htmlBuf, source, doc)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
err = (markdownToTextRenderer{}).Render(&textBuf, source, doc)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return htmlBuf.String(), textBuf.String(), nil
// markdownToTextRenderer is a simple goldmark/renderer.Renderer implementation
// that renders Markdown to plain text for the needs of announcement mail tasks.
// It produces an output suitable for email clients that cannot (or choose not to)
// display the HTML version of the email. (It also helps a bit with the readability
// of our test data, since without a browser plain text is more readable than HTML.)
// The output is mostly plain text that doesn't preserve Markdown syntax (for example,
// `code` is rendered without backticks), though there is very lightweight formatting
// applied (links are written as "text <URL>").
// We can in theory choose to delete this renderer at any time if its maintenance costs
// start to outweight its benefits, since Markdown by definition is designed to be human
// readable and can be used as plain text without any processing.
type markdownToTextRenderer struct{}
func (markdownToTextRenderer) Render(w io.Writer, source []byte, n ast.Node) error {
const debug = false
if debug {
n.Dump(source, 0)
var (
markers []byte // Stack of list markers, from outermost to innermost.
walk := func(n ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error) {
if entering {
if n.Type() == ast.TypeBlock && n.PreviousSibling() != nil {
// Print a blank line between block nodes.
switch n.PreviousSibling().Kind() {
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n\n")
case ast.KindCodeBlock:
// A code block always ends with a newline, so only need one more.
// If we're in a list, indent accordingly.
if n.Kind() != ast.KindListItem {
fmt.Fprint(w, strings.Repeat("\t", len(markers)))
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Text:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", n.Text(source))
// Print a line break.
if n.SoftLineBreak() || n.HardLineBreak() {
// If we're in a list, indent accordingly.
fmt.Fprint(w, strings.Repeat("\t", len(markers)))
case *ast.CodeBlock:
indent := strings.Repeat("\t", len(markers)+1) // Indent if in a list, plus one more since it's a code block.
for i := 0; i < n.Lines().Len(); i++ {
s := n.Lines().At(i)
fmt.Fprint(w, indent, string(source[s.Start:s.Stop]))
case *ast.AutoLink:
// Auto-links are printed as is in plain text.
// For example, the Markdown ""
// is rendered as plain text "".
fmt.Fprint(w, string(n.Label(source)))
case *ast.List:
// Push list marker on the stack.
markers = append(markers, n.Marker)
case *ast.ListItem:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%c\t", strings.Repeat("\t", len(markers)-1), markers[len(markers)-1])
} else {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Link:
// Append the link's URL after its text.
// For example, the Markdown "[security policy]("
// is rendered as plain text "security policy <>".
fmt.Fprintf(w, " <%s>", n.Destination)
case *ast.List:
// Pop list marker off the stack.
markers = markers[:len(markers)-1]
if n.Type() == ast.TypeDocument && n.ChildCount() != 0 {
// Print a newline at the end of the document, if it's not empty.
return ast.WalkContinue, nil
return ast.Walk(n, walk)
func (markdownToTextRenderer) AddOptions(...renderer.Option) {}