blob: 3ef4da78e7e392b8fb8a065d8ca937253e6059a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package workflow declaratively defines computation graphs that support
// automatic parallelization, persistence, and monitoring.
// Workflows are a set of tasks and actions that produce and consume Values.
// Tasks don't run until the workflow is started, so Values represent data that
// doesn't exist yet, and can't be used directly. Each value has a dynamic type,
// which must match its uses.
// To wrap an existing Go object in a Value, use Constant. To define a
// parameter that will be set when the workflow is started, use Parameter.
// To read a task's return value, register it as an Output, and it will be
// returned from Run. An arbitrary number of Values of the same type can
// be combined with Slice.
// Each Task has a set of input Values, and returns a single output Value.
// Calling Task defines a task that will run a Go function when it runs. That
// function must take a context.Context or *TaskContext, followed by arguments
// corresponding to the dynamic type of the Values passed to it. It must return
// a value of any type and an error. The TaskContext can be used as a normal
// Context, and also supports workflow features like unstructured logging.
// A task only runs once all of its input Values and Dependencies are ready.
// In addition to Tasks, a workflow can have Actions, which represent functions
// that don't produce an output. Their Go function must only return an error,
// and their definition results in a Dependency rather than a Value.
// Once a Definition is complete, call Start to set its parameters and
// instantiate it into a Workflow. Call Run to execute the workflow until
// completion.
package workflow
import (
// New creates a new workflow definition.
func New() *Definition {
return &Definition{
definitionState: &definitionState{
tasks: make(map[string]*taskDefinition),
outputs: make(map[string]*taskResult),
// A Definition defines the structure of a workflow.
type Definition struct {
namePrefix string // For sub-workflows, the prefix that will be prepended to various names.
func (d *Definition) Sub(name string) *Definition {
return &Definition{
namePrefix: name + ": " + d.namePrefix,
definitionState: d.definitionState,
func (d *Definition) name(name string) string {
return d.namePrefix + name
type definitionState struct {
parameters []Parameter // Ordered according to registration, unique parameter names.
tasks map[string]*taskDefinition
outputs map[string]*taskResult
// A TaskInput is any input to the definition of a task.
type TaskInput interface {
deps() []*taskDefinition
// A Value is a piece of data that will be produced or consumed when a task
// runs. It cannot be read directly.
type Value interface {
typ() reflect.Type
value(*Workflow) reflect.Value
// A Dependency represents a dependency on a prior task that does not produce
// any in-band Value.
type Dependency interface {
// Parameter describes a Value that is filled in at workflow creation time.
// It can be registered to a workflow with the Workflow.Parameter method.
type Parameter struct {
Name string // Name identifies the parameter within a workflow. Must be non-empty.
ParameterType // Parameter type. Defaults to BasicString if not specified.
Doc string // Doc documents the parameter. Optional.
Example string // Example is an example value. Optional.
// RequireNonZero reports whether parameter p is required to have a non-zero value.
func (p Parameter) RequireNonZero() bool {
return !strings.HasSuffix(p.Name, " (optional)")
// ParameterType defines the type of a workflow parameter.
// Since parameters are entered via an HTML form,
// there are some HTML-related knobs available.
type ParameterType struct {
Type reflect.Type // The Go type of the parameter.
// HTMLElement configures the HTML element for entering the parameter value.
// Supported values are "input" and "textarea".
HTMLElement string
// HTMLInputType optionally configures the <input> type attribute when HTMLElement is "input".
// If this attribute is not specified, <input> elements default to type="text".
// See
HTMLInputType string
var (
// String parameter types.
BasicString = ParameterType{
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
HTMLElement: "input",
URL = ParameterType{
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
HTMLElement: "input",
HTMLInputType: "url",
// Slice of string parameter types.
SliceShort = ParameterType{
Type: reflect.TypeOf([]string(nil)),
HTMLElement: "input",
SliceLong = ParameterType{
Type: reflect.TypeOf([]string(nil)),
HTMLElement: "textarea",
// Parameter registers a new parameter p that is filled in at
// workflow creation time and returns the corresponding Value.
// Parameter name must be non-empty and uniquely identify the
// parameter in the workflow definition.
// If the parameter type is unspecified, BasicString is used.
func (d *Definition) Parameter(p Parameter) Value {
if p.Name == "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("parameter name must be non-empty"))
p.Name =
if p.ParameterType == (ParameterType{}) {
p.ParameterType = BasicString
for _, old := range d.parameters {
if p.Name == old.Name {
panic(fmt.Errorf("parameter with name %q was already registered with this workflow definition", p.Name))
d.parameters = append(d.parameters, p)
return parameter(p)
// parameter implements Value for a workflow parameter.
type parameter Parameter
func (p parameter) typ() reflect.Type { return p.Type }
func (p parameter) value(w *Workflow) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(w.params[p.Name]) }
func (p parameter) deps() []*taskDefinition { return nil }
// Parameters returns parameters associated with the Definition
// in the same order that they were registered.
func (d *Definition) Parameters() []Parameter {
return d.parameters
// Constant creates a Value from an existing object.
func (d *Definition) Constant(value interface{}) Value {
return &constant{reflect.ValueOf(value)}
type constant struct {
v reflect.Value
func (c *constant) typ() reflect.Type { return c.v.Type() }
func (c *constant) value(_ *Workflow) reflect.Value { return c.v }
func (c *constant) deps() []*taskDefinition { return nil }
// Slice combines multiple Values of the same type into a Value containing
// a slice of that type.
func (d *Definition) Slice(vs []Value) Value {
if len(vs) == 0 {
return &slice{}
typ := vs[0].typ()
for _, v := range vs[1:] {
if v.typ() != typ {
panic(fmt.Errorf("mismatched value types in Slice: %v vs. %v", v.typ(), typ))
return &slice{elt: typ, vals: vs}
type slice struct {
elt reflect.Type
vals []Value
func (s *slice) typ() reflect.Type {
return reflect.SliceOf(s.elt)
func (s *slice) value(w *Workflow) reflect.Value {
value := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(s.elt), len(s.vals), len(s.vals))
for i, v := range s.vals {
return value
func (s *slice) deps() []*taskDefinition {
var result []*taskDefinition
for _, v := range s.vals {
result = append(result, v.deps()...)
return result
// Output registers a Value as a workflow output which will be returned when
// the workflow finishes.
func (d *Definition) Output(name string, v Value) {
tr, ok := v.(*taskResult)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("output must be a task result"))
d.outputs[] = tr
// Task adds a task to the workflow definition. It can take any number of
// inputs, and returns one output. name must uniquely identify the task in
// the workflow.
// f must be a function that takes a context.Context or *TaskContext argument,
// followed by one argument for each Value in inputs, corresponding to the
// Value's dynamic type. It must return two values, the first of which will
// be returned as its Value, and an error that will be used by the workflow
// engine. See the package documentation for examples.
func (d *Definition) Task(name string, f interface{}, inputs ...TaskInput) Value {
td := d.addTask(true, name, f, inputs...)
return &taskResult{td}
func (d *Definition) addTask(hasResult bool, name string, f interface{}, inputs ...TaskInput) *taskDefinition {
name =
var args []Value
for _, arg := range inputs {
val, ok := arg.(Value)
if ok {
args = append(args, val)
if d.tasks[name] != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("task %q already exists in the workflow", name))
ftyp := reflect.ValueOf(f).Type()
if ftyp.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v is not a function", f))
if ftyp.NumIn()-1 != len(args) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v takes %v non-Context arguments, but was passed %v", f, ftyp.NumIn()-1, len(args)))
if !reflect.TypeOf((*TaskContext)(nil)).AssignableTo(ftyp.In(0)) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("the first argument of %v must be a context.Context or *TaskContext, is %v", f, ftyp.In(0)))
for i, val := range args {
if !val.typ().AssignableTo(ftyp.In(i + 1)) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("argument %v to %v is %v, but was passed %v", i, f, ftyp.In(i+1), val.typ()))
wantOuts := 2
if !hasResult {
wantOuts = 1
if ftyp.NumOut() != wantOuts {
panic(fmt.Errorf("function for task %v returns %v values, must return %v", name, ftyp.NumOut(), wantOuts))
if ftyp.Out(wantOuts-1) != reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v's last return value must be error, is %v", f, ftyp.Out(wantOuts-1)))
td := &taskDefinition{name: name, inputs: inputs, f: f}
d.tasks[name] = td
return td
// Action adds an Action to the workflow definition. Its behavior and
// requirements are the same as Task, except that f must only return an error,
// and the result of the definition is a Dependency.
func (d *Definition) Action(name string, f interface{}, inputs ...TaskInput) Dependency {
td := d.addTask(false, name, f, inputs...)
return &dependency{td}
type dependency struct {
task *taskDefinition
func (d *dependency) dependencyOnly() {}
func (d *dependency) deps() []*taskDefinition {
return []*taskDefinition{d.task}
// A TaskContext is a context.Context, plus workflow-related features.
type TaskContext struct {
WorkflowID uuid.UUID
// A Listener is used to notify the workflow host of state changes, for display
// and persistence.
type Listener interface {
// TaskStateChanged is called when the state of a task changes.
// state is safe to store or modify.
TaskStateChanged(workflowID uuid.UUID, taskID string, state *TaskState) error
// Logger is called to obtain a Logger for a particular task.
Logger(workflowID uuid.UUID, taskID string) Logger
// TaskState contains the state of a task in a running workflow. Once Finished
// is true, either Result or Error will be populated.
type TaskState struct {
Name string
Finished bool
Result interface{}
SerializedResult []byte
Error string
// WorkflowState contains the shallow state of a running workflow.
type WorkflowState struct {
ID uuid.UUID
Params map[string]interface{}
// A Logger is a debug logger passed to a task implementation.
type Logger interface {
Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
type taskDefinition struct {
name string
inputs []TaskInput
f interface{}
type taskResult struct {
task *taskDefinition
func (tr *taskResult) typ() reflect.Type {
return reflect.ValueOf(tr.task.f).Type().Out(0)
func (tr *taskResult) value(w *Workflow) reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(w.tasks[tr.task].result)
func (tr *taskResult) deps() []*taskDefinition {
return []*taskDefinition{tr.task}
// A Workflow is an instantiated workflow instance, ready to run.
type Workflow struct {
ID uuid.UUID
def *Definition
params map[string]interface{}
tasks map[*taskDefinition]*taskState
type taskState struct {
def *taskDefinition
w *Workflow
started bool
finished bool
result interface{}
serializedResult []byte
err error
func (t *taskState) args() ([]reflect.Value, bool) {
var args []reflect.Value
for _, arg := range t.def.inputs {
for _, dep := range arg.deps() {
if depState, ok := t.w.tasks[dep]; !ok || !depState.finished || depState.err != nil {
return nil, false
if v, ok := arg.(Value); ok {
args = append(args, v.value(t.w))
return args, true
func (t *taskState) toExported() *TaskState {
state := &TaskState{
Finished: t.finished,
Result: t.result,
SerializedResult: append([]byte(nil), t.serializedResult...),
if t.err != nil {
state.Error = t.err.Error()
return state
// Start instantiates a workflow with the given parameters.
func Start(def *Definition, params map[string]interface{}) (*Workflow, error) {
w := &Workflow{
ID: uuid.New(),
def: def,
params: params,
tasks: map[*taskDefinition]*taskState{},
if err := w.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, taskDef := range def.tasks {
w.tasks[taskDef] = &taskState{def: taskDef, w: w}
return w, nil
func (w *Workflow) validate() error {
// Validate tasks.
used := map[*taskDefinition]bool{}
for _, taskDef := range w.def.tasks {
for _, arg := range taskDef.inputs {
for _, argDep := range arg.deps() {
used[argDep] = true
for _, output := range w.def.outputs {
used[output.task] = true
for _, task := range w.def.tasks {
if !used[task] {
return fmt.Errorf("task %v is not referenced and should be deleted",
// Validate parameters.
if got, want := len(w.params), len(w.def.parameters); got != want {
return fmt.Errorf("parameter count mismatch: workflow instance has %d, but definition has %d", got, want)
paramDefs := map[string]Value{} // Key is parameter name.
for _, p := range w.def.parameters {
if _, ok := w.params[p.Name]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("parameter name mismatch: workflow instance doesn't have %q, but definition requires it", p.Name)
paramDefs[p.Name] = parameter(p)
for name, v := range w.params {
if v == nil {
w.params[name] = reflect.New(paramDefs[name].typ()).Elem().Interface()
if !paramDefs[name].typ().AssignableTo(reflect.TypeOf(v)) {
return fmt.Errorf("parameter type mismatch: value of parameter %q has type %v, but definition specifies %v", name, reflect.TypeOf(v), paramDefs[name].typ())
return nil
// Resume restores a workflow from stored state. Tasks that had not finished
// will be restarted, but tasks that finished in errors will not be retried.
// The host must create the WorkflowState. TaskStates should be saved from
// listener callbacks, but for ease of storage, their Result field does not
// need to be populated.
func Resume(def *Definition, state *WorkflowState, taskStates map[string]*TaskState) (*Workflow, error) {
w := &Workflow{
ID: state.ID,
def: def,
params: state.Params,
tasks: map[*taskDefinition]*taskState{},
if err := w.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, taskDef := range def.tasks {
tState, ok := taskStates[]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("task state for %q not found",
state := &taskState{
def: taskDef,
w: w,
started: tState.Finished, // Can't resume tasks, so either it's new or done.
finished: tState.Finished,
serializedResult: tState.SerializedResult,
if state.serializedResult != nil {
result, err := unmarshalNew(reflect.ValueOf(taskDef.f).Type().Out(0), tState.SerializedResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal result of %v: %v",, err)
state.result = result
if tState.Error != "" {
state.err = fmt.Errorf("serialized error: %v", tState.Error) // untyped, but hopefully that doesn't matter.
w.tasks[taskDef] = state
return w, nil
func unmarshalNew(t reflect.Type, data []byte) (interface{}, error) {
ptr := reflect.New(t)
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, ptr.Interface()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ptr.Elem().Interface(), nil
// Run runs a workflow to completion or quiescence and returns its outputs.
// listener.TaskStateChanged will be called immediately, when each task starts,
// and when they finish. It should be used only for monitoring and persistence
// purposes. Register Outputs to read task results.
func (w *Workflow) Run(ctx context.Context, listener Listener) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if listener == nil {
listener = &defaultListener{}
for _, task := range w.tasks {
listener.TaskStateChanged(w.ID,, task.toExported())
stateChan := make(chan taskState, 2*len(w.def.tasks))
for {
// If we have all the outputs, the workflow is done.
outValues := map[string]interface{}{}
for outName, outDef := range w.def.outputs {
if task := w.tasks[outDef.task]; task.finished && task.err == nil {
outValues[outName] = task.result
if len(outValues) == len(w.def.outputs) {
return outValues, nil
running := 0
for _, task := range w.tasks {
if task.started && !task.finished {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
// Start any idle tasks whose dependencies are all done.
for _, task := range w.tasks {
if task.started {
in, ready := task.args()
if !ready {
task.started = true
listener.TaskStateChanged(w.ID,, task.toExported())
go func(task taskState) {
stateChan <- w.runTask(ctx, listener, task, in)
// Exit if we've run everything we can given errors.
if running == 0 {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("workflow has progressed as far as it can")
state := <-stateChan
w.tasks[state.def] = &state
if state.err != nil && ctx.Err() != nil {
// Don't report failures that occur after cancellation has begun.
// They may be due to the cancellation itself.
listener.TaskStateChanged(w.ID,, state.toExported())
func (w *Workflow) runTask(ctx context.Context, listener Listener, state taskState, args []reflect.Value) taskState {
tctx := &TaskContext{
Context: ctx,
Logger: listener.Logger(w.ID,,
WorkflowID: w.ID,
in := append([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(tctx)}, args...)
fv := reflect.ValueOf(state.def.f)
out := fv.Call(in)
if errIdx := len(out) - 1; !out[errIdx].IsNil() {
state.err = out[errIdx].Interface().(error)
state.finished = true
if len(out) == 2 && state.err == nil {
state.serializedResult, state.err = json.Marshal(out[0].Interface())
if state.err == nil {
state.result, state.err = unmarshalNew(fv.Type().Out(0), state.serializedResult)
if state.err == nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(out[0].Interface(), state.result) {
state.err = fmt.Errorf("JSON marshaling changed result from %#v to %#v", out[0].Interface(), state.result)
return state
type defaultListener struct{}
func (s *defaultListener) TaskStateChanged(_ uuid.UUID, _ string, _ *TaskState) error {
return nil
func (s *defaultListener) Logger(_ uuid.UUID, task string) Logger {
return &defaultLogger{}
type defaultLogger struct{}
func (l *defaultLogger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {}