blob: b2a81d057417efc18cf9e2da5a1674abd7f21a66 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Go Development Dashboard</title>
<a href="/release">Go release dashboard</a>
<b>About the Dashboards</b>
These dashboards are generated by <a href=""></a>.
Issue information comes directly from GitHub.
To change something about an issue here, go to GitHub.
CL information comes directly from Gerrit.
To change something about a CL here, go to Gerrit.
The dashboard refreshes periodically.
<b>Release Dashboard</b>
The Go release dashboard shows
all open issues in the milestones for the upcoming release,
plus all open CLs mentioning those issues,
plus any other open CLs in the main repository.
The release dashboard is ordered primarily around issues in the
release milestone and the release-maybe milestone (for example,
Go1.5 and Go1.5Maybe). The maybe issues are shown in gray and
have [maybe] tags.
If a CL refers to a release issue in its description, the CL is shown on the
dashboard below that issue, with an arrow prefix (&#x2937;).
If a CL refers to multiple release issues, the CL is shown under each issue.
If a CL refers to no release issues, it is shown on its own, without an arrow.