| // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // updatestd is an experimental program that has been used to update |
| // the standard library modules as part of golang.org/issue/36905 in |
| // CL 255860 and CL 266898. It's expected to be modified to meet the |
| // ongoing needs of that recurring maintenance work. |
| package main |
| |
| import ( |
| "bytes" |
| "context" |
| "encoding/json" |
| "flag" |
| "fmt" |
| "go/ast" |
| "go/parser" |
| "go/token" |
| "io" |
| "log" |
| "os" |
| "os/exec" |
| "path/filepath" |
| "strconv" |
| "strings" |
| |
| "golang.org/x/build/gerrit" |
| "golang.org/x/build/internal/envutil" |
| ) |
| |
| func main() { |
| log.SetFlags(0) |
| |
| flag.Usage = func() { |
| fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Usage: updatestd -goroot=<goroot> -branch=<branch>") |
| flag.PrintDefaults() |
| } |
| goroot := flag.String("goroot", "", "path to a working copy of https://go.googlesource.com/go (required)") |
| branch := flag.String("branch", "", "branch to target, such as master or release-branch.go1.Y (required)") |
| flag.Parse() |
| if flag.NArg() != 0 || *goroot == "" || *branch == "" { |
| flag.Usage() |
| os.Exit(2) |
| } |
| |
| // Determine the Go version from the GOROOT source tree. |
| goVersion, err := gorootVersion(*goroot) |
| if err != nil { |
| log.Fatalln(err) |
| } |
| |
| // Confirm that bundle is in PATH. |
| // It's needed for a go generate step later. |
| bundlePath, err := exec.LookPath("bundle") |
| if err != nil { |
| log.Fatalln("can't find bundle in PATH; did you run 'go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/bundle@latest' and add it to PATH?") |
| } |
| |
| // Fetch latest hashes of Go projects from Gerrit, |
| // using the specified branch name. |
| // |
| // This gives us a consistent snapshot of all golang.org/x module versions |
| // at a given point in time. This ensures selection of latest available |
| // pseudo-versions is done without being subject to module mirror caching, |
| // and that selected pseudo-versions can be re-used across multiple modules. |
| // |
| // TODO: Consider a future enhancement of fetching build status for all |
| // commits that are selected and reporting if any of them have a failure. |
| // |
| cl := gerrit.NewClient("https://go-review.googlesource.com", gerrit.NoAuth) |
| projs, err := cl.GetProjects(context.Background(), *branch) |
| if err != nil { |
| log.Fatalln("failed to get a list of Gerrit projects:", err) |
| } |
| hashes := map[string]string{} |
| for name, p := range projs { |
| if p.State != "ACTIVE" { |
| continue |
| } |
| if hash, ok := p.Branches[*branch]; ok { |
| hashes[name] = hash |
| } |
| } |
| |
| w := Work{ |
| Branch: *branch, |
| GoVersion: fmt.Sprintf("1.%d", goVersion), |
| ProjectHashes: hashes, |
| } |
| |
| // Print environment information. |
| r := runner{filepath.Join(*goroot, "src")} |
| r.run("go", "version") |
| r.run("go", "env", "GOROOT") |
| r.run("go", "version", "-m", bundlePath) |
| log.Println() |
| |
| // Walk the standard library source tree (GOROOT/src), |
| // skipping directories that the Go command ignores (see go help packages) |
| // and update modules that are found. |
| err = filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(*goroot, "src"), func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error { |
| if err != nil { |
| return err |
| } |
| if fi.IsDir() && (strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), ".") || strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), "_") || fi.Name() == "testdata" || fi.Name() == "vendor") { |
| return filepath.SkipDir |
| } |
| goModFile := fi.Name() == "go.mod" && !fi.IsDir() |
| if goModFile { |
| moduleDir := filepath.Dir(path) |
| err := w.UpdateModule(moduleDir) |
| if err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("failed to update module in %s: %v", moduleDir, err) |
| } |
| return filepath.SkipDir // Skip the remaining files in this directory. |
| } |
| return nil |
| }) |
| if err != nil { |
| log.Fatalln(err) |
| } |
| |
| // Re-bundle packages in the standard library. |
| // |
| // TODO: Maybe do GOBIN=$(mktemp -d) go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/bundle@version or so, |
| // and add it to PATH to eliminate variance in bundle tool version. Can be considered later. |
| // |
| log.Println("updating bundles in", r.dir) |
| r.run("go", "generate", "-run=bundle", "std", "cmd") |
| } |
| |
| type Work struct { |
| Branch string // Target branch name. |
| GoVersion string // Major Go version, like "1.x". |
| ProjectHashes map[string]string // Gerrit project name → commit hash. |
| } |
| |
| // UpdateModule updates the standard library module found in dir: |
| // |
| // 1. Set the expected Go version in go.mod file to w.GoVersion. |
| // 2. For modules in the build list with "golang.org/x/" prefix, |
| // update to pseudo-version corresponding to w.ProjectHashes. |
| // 3. Run go mod tidy. |
| // 4. Run go mod vendor. |
| // |
| // The logic in this method needs to serve the dependency update |
| // policy for the purpose of golang.org/issue/36905, although it |
| // does not directly define said policy. |
| // |
| func (w Work) UpdateModule(dir string) error { |
| // Determine the build list. |
| main, deps := buildList(dir) |
| |
| // Determine module versions to get. |
| goGet := []string{"go", "get", "-d"} |
| for _, m := range deps { |
| if !strings.HasPrefix(m.Path, "golang.org/x/") { |
| log.Printf("skipping %s (out of scope, it's not a golang.org/x dependency)\n", m.Path) |
| continue |
| } |
| gerritProj := m.Path[len("golang.org/x/"):] |
| hash, ok := w.ProjectHashes[gerritProj] |
| if !ok { |
| if m.Indirect { |
| log.Printf("skipping %s because branch %s doesn't exist and it's indirect\n", m.Path, w.Branch) |
| continue |
| } |
| return fmt.Errorf("no hash for Gerrit project %q", gerritProj) |
| } |
| goGet = append(goGet, m.Path+"@"+hash) |
| } |
| |
| // Run all the commands. |
| log.Println("updating module", main.Path, "in", dir) |
| r := runner{dir} |
| r.run("go", "mod", "edit", "-go="+w.GoVersion) |
| r.run(goGet...) |
| r.run("go", "mod", "tidy") |
| r.run("go", "mod", "vendor") |
| log.Println() |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // buildList determines the build list in the directory dir |
| // by invoking the go command. It uses -mod=readonly mode. |
| // It returns the main module and other modules separately |
| // for convenience to the UpdateModule caller. |
| // |
| // See https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-The_main_module_and_the_build_list |
| // and https://golang.org/ref/mod#glos-build-list. |
| func buildList(dir string) (main module, deps []module) { |
| out := runner{dir}.runOut("go", "list", "-mod=readonly", "-m", "-json", "all") |
| for dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(out)); ; { |
| var m module |
| err := dec.Decode(&m) |
| if err == io.EOF { |
| break |
| } else if err != nil { |
| log.Fatalf("internal error: unexpected problem decoding JSON returned by go list -json: %v", err) |
| } |
| if m.Main { |
| main = m |
| continue |
| } |
| deps = append(deps, m) |
| } |
| return main, deps |
| } |
| |
| type module struct { |
| Path string // Module path. |
| Main bool // Is this the main module? |
| Indirect bool // Is this module only an indirect dependency of main module? |
| } |
| |
| // gorootVersion reads the GOROOT/src/internal/goversion/goversion.go |
| // file and reports the Version declaration value found therein. |
| func gorootVersion(goroot string) (int, error) { |
| // Parse the goversion.go file, extract the declaration from the AST. |
| // |
| // This is a pragmatic approach that relies on the trajectory of the |
| // internal/goversion package being predictable and unlikely to change. |
| // If that stops being true, this small helper is easy to re-write. |
| // |
| fset := token.NewFileSet() |
| f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filepath.Join(goroot, "src", "internal", "goversion", "goversion.go"), nil, 0) |
| if os.IsNotExist(err) { |
| return 0, fmt.Errorf("did not find goversion.go file (%v); wrong goroot or did internal/goversion package change?", err) |
| } else if err != nil { |
| return 0, err |
| } |
| for _, d := range f.Decls { |
| g, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl) |
| if !ok { |
| continue |
| } |
| for _, s := range g.Specs { |
| v, ok := s.(*ast.ValueSpec) |
| if !ok || len(v.Names) != 1 || v.Names[0].String() != "Version" || len(v.Values) != 1 { |
| continue |
| } |
| l, ok := v.Values[0].(*ast.BasicLit) |
| if !ok || l.Kind != token.INT { |
| continue |
| } |
| return strconv.Atoi(l.Value) |
| } |
| } |
| return 0, fmt.Errorf("did not find Version declaration in %s; wrong goroot or did internal/goversion package change?", fset.File(f.Pos()).Name()) |
| } |
| |
| type runner struct{ dir string } |
| |
| // run runs the command and requires that it succeeds. |
| // It logs the command's combined output. |
| func (r runner) run(args ...string) { |
| log.Printf("> %s\n", strings.Join(args, " ")) |
| cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...) |
| envutil.SetDir(cmd, r.dir) |
| out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| if err != nil { |
| log.Fatalf("command failed: %s\n%s", err, out) |
| } |
| if len(out) != 0 { |
| log.Print(string(out)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // runOut runs the command, requires that it succeeds, |
| // and returns the command's standard output. |
| func (r runner) runOut(args ...string) []byte { |
| cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...) |
| envutil.SetDir(cmd, r.dir) |
| out, err := cmd.Output() |
| if err != nil { |
| log.Printf("> %s\n", strings.Join(args, " ")) |
| log.Fatalf("command failed: %s\n%s", err, out) |
| } |
| return out |
| } |