blob: 1858a0ec605c6dbc5049044ee67738600b096cbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build linux || darwin
// +build linux darwin
// Code interacting with Google Compute Engine (GCE) and
// a GCE implementation of the BuildletPool interface.
package pool
import (
func init() {
buildlet.GCEGate = gceAPIGate
// apiCallTicker ticks regularly, preventing us from accidentally making
// GCE API calls too quickly. Our quota is 20 QPS, but we temporarily
// limit ourselves to less than that.
var apiCallTicker = time.NewTicker(time.Second / 10)
func gceAPIGate() {
// Initialized by InitGCE:
// TODO( These should be moved into a struct as
// part of the effort to reduce package level variables.
var (
buildEnv *buildenv.Environment
// dsClient is a datastore client for the build project (symbolic-datum-552), where build progress is stored.
dsClient *datastore.Client
// goDSClient is a datastore client for golang-org, where build status is stored.
goDSClient *datastore.Client
// oAuthHTTPClient is the OAuth2 HTTP client used to make API calls to Google Cloud APIs.
oAuthHTTPClient *http.Client
computeService *compute.Service
gcpCreds *google.Credentials
errTryDeps error // non-nil if try bots are disabled
gerritClient *gerrit.Client
storageClient *storage.Client
inStaging bool // are we running in the staging project? (named -dev)
errorsClient *errorreporting.Client // Stackdriver errors client
gkeNodeHostname string
// values created due to separating the buildlet pools into a separate package
gceMode string
deleteTimeout time.Duration
testFiles map[string]string
basePinErr *atomic.Value
isGCERemoteBuildlet IsRemoteBuildletFunc
// InitGCE initializes the GCE buildlet pool.
func InitGCE(sc *secret.Client, vmDeleteTimeout time.Duration, tFiles map[string]string, basePin *atomic.Value, fn IsRemoteBuildletFunc, buildEnvName, mode string) error {
gceMode = mode
deleteTimeout = vmDeleteTimeout
testFiles = tFiles
basePinErr = basePin
isGCERemoteBuildlet = fn
ctx := context.Background()
var err error
// If the coordinator is running on a GCE instance and a
// buildEnv was not specified with the env flag, set the
// buildEnvName to the project ID
if buildEnvName == "" {
if mode == "dev" {
buildEnvName = "dev"
} else if metadata.OnGCE() {
buildEnvName, err = metadata.ProjectID()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("metadata.ProjectID: %v", err)
buildEnv = buildenv.ByProjectID(buildEnvName)
inStaging = buildEnv == buildenv.Staging
// If running on GCE, override the zone and static IP, and check service account permissions.
if metadata.OnGCE() {
gkeNodeHostname, err = metadata.Get("instance/hostname")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get current instance hostname: %v", err)
if buildEnv.KubeBuild.Zone == "" {
projectZone, err := metadata.Get("instance/zone")
if err != nil || projectZone == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get current GCE zone: %v", err)
// Convert the zone from "projects/1234/zones/us-central1-a" to "us-central1-a".
projectZone = path.Base(projectZone)
buildEnv.KubeBuild.Zone = projectZone
if buildEnv.StaticIP == "" {
buildEnv.StaticIP, err = metadata.ExternalIP()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ExternalIP: %v", err)
if !hasComputeScope() {
return errors.New("coordinator is not running with access to read and write Compute resources. VM support disabled")
cfgDump, _ := json.MarshalIndent(buildEnv, "", " ")
log.Printf("Loaded configuration %q for project %q:\n%s", buildEnvName, buildEnv.ProjectName, cfgDump)
if mode != "dev" {
storageClient, err = storage.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)
dsClient, err = datastore.NewClient(ctx, buildEnv.ProjectName)
if err != nil {
if mode == "dev" {
log.Printf("Error creating datastore client for %q: %v", buildEnv.ProjectName, err)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Error creating datastore client for %q: %v", buildEnv.ProjectName, err)
goDSClient, err = datastore.NewClient(ctx, buildEnv.GoProjectName)
if err != nil {
if mode == "dev" {
log.Printf("Error creating datastore client for %q: %v", buildEnv.GoProjectName, err)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Error creating datastore client for %q: %v", buildEnv.GoProjectName, err)
// don't send dev errors to Stackdriver.
if mode != "dev" {
errorsClient, err = errorreporting.NewClient(ctx, buildEnv.ProjectName, errorreporting.Config{
ServiceName: "coordinator",
if err != nil {
// don't exit, we still want to run coordinator
log.Printf("Error creating errors client: %v", err)
gcpCreds, err = buildEnv.Credentials(ctx)
if err != nil {
if mode == "dev" {
// don't try to do anything else with GCE, as it will likely fail
return nil
log.Fatalf("failed to get a token source: %v", err)
oAuthHTTPClient = oauth2.NewClient(ctx, gcpCreds.TokenSource)
computeService, _ = compute.New(oAuthHTTPClient)
errTryDeps = checkTryBuildDeps(ctx, sc)
if errTryDeps != nil {
log.Printf("TryBot builders disabled due to error: %v", errTryDeps)
} else {
log.Printf("TryBot builders enabled.")
if mode != "dev" && metadata.OnGCE() && (buildEnv == buildenv.Production || buildEnv == buildenv.Staging) {
go syncBuildStatsLoop(buildEnv)
go gcePool.pollQuotaLoop()
go createBasepinDisks(ctx)
return nil
// TODO( These should be moved into a struct as
// part of the effort to reduce package level variables.
// GCEConfiguration manages and contains all of the GCE configuration.
type GCEConfiguration struct{}
// NewGCEConfiguration creates a new GCEConfiguration.
func NewGCEConfiguration() *GCEConfiguration { return &GCEConfiguration{} }
// StorageClient retrieves the GCE storage client.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) StorageClient() *storage.Client {
return storageClient
// BuildEnv retrieves the GCE build env.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) BuildEnv() *buildenv.Environment {
return buildEnv
// SetBuildEnv sets the GCE build env. This is primarily reserved for
// testing purposes.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) SetBuildEnv(b *buildenv.Environment) {
buildEnv = b
// BuildletPool retrieves the GCE buildlet pool.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) BuildletPool() *GCEBuildlet {
return gcePool
// InStaging returns a boolean denoting if the environment is staging.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) InStaging() bool {
return inStaging
// GerritClient retrieves a gerrit client.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) GerritClient() *gerrit.Client {
return gerritClient
// GKENodeHostname retrieves the GKE node hostname.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) GKENodeHostname() string {
return gkeNodeHostname
// DSClient retrieves the datastore client.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) DSClient() *datastore.Client {
return dsClient
// GoDSClient retrieves the datastore client for project.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) GoDSClient() *datastore.Client {
return goDSClient
// TryDepsErr retrives any Trybot dependency error.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) TryDepsErr() error {
return errTryDeps
// ErrorsClient retrieves the stackdriver errors client.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) ErrorsClient() *errorreporting.Client {
return errorsClient
// OAuthHTTPClient retrieves an OAuth2 HTTP client used to make API calls to GCP.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) OAuthHTTPClient() *http.Client {
return oAuthHTTPClient
// GCPCredentials retrieves the GCP credentials.
func (c *GCEConfiguration) GCPCredentials() *google.Credentials {
return gcpCreds
func checkTryBuildDeps(ctx context.Context, sc *secret.Client) error {
if !hasStorageScope() {
return errors.New("coordinator's GCE instance lacks the storage service scope")
if gceMode == "dev" {
return errors.New("running in dev mode")
wr := storageClient.Bucket(buildEnv.LogBucket).Object("hello.txt").NewWriter(context.Background())
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "Hello, world! Coordinator start-up at %v", time.Now())
if err := wr.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("test write of a GCS object to bucket %q failed: %v", buildEnv.LogBucket, err)
if inStaging {
// Don't expect to write to Gerrit in staging mode.
gerritClient = gerrit.NewClient("", gerrit.NoAuth)
} else {
ctxSec, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
gobotPass, err := sc.Retrieve(ctxSec, secret.NameGobotPassword)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get project metadata 'gobot-password': %v", err)
gerritClient = gerrit.NewClient("",
gerrit.BasicAuth("", strings.TrimSpace(string(gobotPass))))
return nil
var gcePool = &GCEBuildlet{}
var _ Buildlet = (*GCEBuildlet)(nil)
// GCEBuildlet manages a pool of GCE buildlets.
type GCEBuildlet struct {
mu sync.Mutex // guards all following
disabled bool
// CPU quota usage & limits. pollQuota updates quotas periodically.
// The values recorded here reflect the updates as well as our own
// bookkeeping of instances as they are created and destroyed.
cpuLeft int
instLeft int
c2cpuLeft int
n2cpuLeft int
n2dcpuLeft int
instUsage int
cpuUsage int
c2cpuUsage int
n2cpuUsage int
n2dcpuUsage int
inst map[string]time.Time // GCE VM instance name -> creationTime
func (p *GCEBuildlet) pollQuotaLoop() {
for {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
func (p *GCEBuildlet) pollQuota() {
reg, err := computeService.Regions.Get(buildEnv.ProjectName, buildEnv.KubeBuild.Region).Do()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to get quota for %s/%s: %v", buildEnv.ProjectName, buildEnv.KubeBuild.Region, err)
for _, quota := range reg.Quotas {
switch quota.Metric {
case "CPUS":
p.cpuLeft = int(quota.Limit) - int(quota.Usage)
p.cpuUsage = int(quota.Usage)
case "C2_CPUS":
p.c2cpuLeft = int(quota.Limit) - int(quota.Usage)
p.c2cpuUsage = int(quota.Usage)
case "N2_CPUS":
p.n2cpuLeft = int(quota.Limit) - int(quota.Usage)
p.n2cpuUsage = int(quota.Usage)
case "N2D_CPUS":
p.n2dcpuLeft = int(quota.Limit) - int(quota.Usage)
p.n2dcpuUsage = int(quota.Usage)
p.instLeft = int(quota.Limit) - int(quota.Usage)
p.instUsage = int(quota.Usage)
// SetEnabled marks the buildlet pool as enabled.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) SetEnabled(enabled bool) {
p.disabled = !enabled
// GetBuildlet retrieves a buildlet client for an available buildlet.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) GetBuildlet(ctx context.Context, hostType string, lg Logger) (bc buildlet.Client, err error) {
hconf, ok := dashboard.Hosts[hostType]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gcepool: unknown host type %q", hostType)
qsp := lg.CreateSpan("awaiting_gce_quota")
err = p.awaitVMCountQuota(ctx, hconf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
instName := instanceName(hostType, 7)
instName = strings.Replace(instName, "_", "-", -1) // Issue 22905; can't use underscores in GCE VMs
p.setInstanceUsed(instName, true)
gceBuildletSpan := lg.CreateSpan("create_gce_buildlet", instName)
defer func() { gceBuildletSpan.Done(err) }()
var (
needDelete bool
createSpan = lg.CreateSpan("create_gce_instance", instName)
waitBuildlet spanlog.Span // made after create is done
curSpan = createSpan // either instSpan or waitBuildlet
zone := buildEnv.RandomVMZone()
log.Printf("Creating GCE VM %q for %s at %s", instName, hostType, zone)
bc, err = buildlet.StartNewVM(gcpCreds, buildEnv, instName, hostType, buildlet.VMOpts{
DeleteIn: determineDeleteTimeout(hconf, deleteTimeout),
OnInstanceRequested: func() {
log.Printf("GCE VM %q now booting", instName)
OnInstanceCreated: func() {
needDelete = true
waitBuildlet = lg.CreateSpan("wait_buildlet_start", instName)
curSpan = waitBuildlet
OnGotInstanceInfo: func(*compute.Instance) {
lg.LogEventTime("got_instance_info", "waiting_for_buildlet...")
Zone: zone,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to create VM for %s at %s: %v", hostType, zone, err)
if needDelete {
deleteVM(zone, instName)
p.setInstanceUsed(instName, false)
return nil, err
bc.SetDescription("GCE VM: " + instName)
bc.SetOnHeartbeatFailure(func() {
p.putBuildlet(bc, hostType, zone, instName)
return bc, nil
func (p *GCEBuildlet) putBuildlet(bc buildlet.Client, hostType, zone, instName string) error {
// TODO(bradfitz): add the buildlet to a freelist (of max N
// items) for up to 10 minutes since when it got started if
// it's never seen a command execution failure, and we can
// wipe all its disk content? (perhaps wipe its disk content
// when it's retrieved, like the reverse buildlet pool) But
// this will require re-introducing a distinction in the
// buildlet client library between Close, Destroy/Halt, and
// tracking execution errors. That was all half-baked before
// and thus removed. Now Close always destroys everything.
deleteVM(zone, instName)
p.setInstanceUsed(instName, false)
hconf, ok := dashboard.Hosts[hostType]
if !ok {
panic("failed to lookup conf") // should've worked if we did it before
return nil
// WriteHTMLStatus writes the status of the buildlet pool to an io.Writer.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) WriteHTMLStatus(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<b>GCE pool</b> capacity: %s", p.capacityString())
const show = 6 // must be even
active := p.instancesActive()
if len(active) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<ul>")
for i, inst := range active {
if i < show/2 || i >= len(active)-(show/2) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<li>%v, %s</li>\n", inst.Name, friendlyDuration(time.Since(inst.Creation)))
} else if i == show/2 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<li>... %d of %d total omitted ...</li>\n", len(active)-show, len(active))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</ul>")
func (p *GCEBuildlet) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("GCE pool capacity: %s", p.capacityString())
func (p *GCEBuildlet) capacityString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d instances; %d/%d CPUs, %d/%d C2_CPUS, %d/%d N2_CPUS, %d/%d N2D_CPUS",
len(p.inst), p.instUsage+p.instLeft,
p.cpuUsage, p.cpuUsage+p.cpuLeft,
p.c2cpuUsage, p.c2cpuUsage+p.c2cpuLeft,
p.n2cpuUsage, p.n2cpuUsage+p.n2cpuLeft,
p.n2dcpuUsage, p.n2dcpuUsage+p.n2dcpuLeft)
// awaitVMCountQuota waits for numCPU CPUs of quota to become available,
// or returns ctx.Err.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) awaitVMCountQuota(ctx context.Context, hconf *dashboard.HostConfig) error {
// Poll every 2 seconds, which could be better, but works and
// is simple.
for {
if p.tryAllocateQuota(hconf) {
return nil
select {
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
func (p *GCEBuildlet) tryAllocateQuota(hconf *dashboard.HostConfig) bool {
if p.disabled {
return false
if p.instLeft < 1 {
return false
numCPU := hconf.GCENumCPU()
mt := hconf.MachineType()
if strings.HasPrefix(mt, "n2-") {
if p.n2cpuLeft < numCPU {
return false
p.n2cpuUsage += numCPU
p.n2cpuLeft -= numCPU
} else if strings.HasPrefix(mt, "n2d-") {
if p.n2dcpuLeft < numCPU {
return false
p.n2dcpuUsage += numCPU
p.n2dcpuLeft -= numCPU
} else if strings.HasPrefix(mt, "c2-") {
if p.c2cpuLeft < numCPU {
return false
p.c2cpuUsage += numCPU
p.c2cpuLeft -= numCPU
} else {
// E2 and N1 instances are counted here. We do not use M1, M2,
// or A2 quotas. See
if p.cpuLeft < numCPU {
return false
p.cpuUsage += numCPU
p.cpuLeft -= numCPU
return true
// putVMCountQuota adjusts the dead-reckoning of our quota usage by
// one instance and cpu CPUs.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) putVMCountQuota(hconf *dashboard.HostConfig) {
mt := hconf.MachineType()
numCPU := hconf.GCENumCPU()
if strings.HasPrefix(mt, "n2-") {
p.n2cpuUsage -= numCPU
p.n2cpuLeft += numCPU
} else if strings.HasPrefix(mt, "n2d-") {
p.n2dcpuUsage -= numCPU
p.n2dcpuLeft += numCPU
} else if strings.HasPrefix(mt, "c2-") {
p.c2cpuUsage -= numCPU
p.c2cpuLeft += numCPU
} else {
// E2 and N1 instances are counted here. We do not use M1, M2,
// or A2 quotas. See
p.cpuUsage -= numCPU
p.cpuLeft += numCPU
func (p *GCEBuildlet) setInstanceUsed(instName string, used bool) {
if p.inst == nil {
p.inst = make(map[string]time.Time)
if used {
p.inst[instName] = time.Now()
} else {
delete(p.inst, instName)
func (p *GCEBuildlet) instanceUsed(instName string) bool {
_, ok := p.inst[instName]
return ok
func (p *GCEBuildlet) instancesActive() (ret []ResourceTime) {
for name, create := range p.inst {
ret = append(ret, ResourceTime{
Name: name,
Creation: create,
return ret
// ResourceTime is a GCE instance or Kube pod name and its creation time.
type ResourceTime struct {
Name string
Creation time.Time
// ByCreationTime provides the functionality to sort resource times by
// the time of creation.
type ByCreationTime []ResourceTime
func (s ByCreationTime) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s ByCreationTime) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Creation.Before(s[j].Creation) }
func (s ByCreationTime) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
// CleanUpOldVMs loops forever and periodically enumerates virtual
// machines and deletes those which have expired.
// A VM is considered expired if it has a "delete-at" metadata
// attribute having a unix timestamp before the current time.
// This is the safety mechanism to delete VMs which stray from the
// normal deleting process. VMs are created to run a single build and
// should be shut down by a controlling process. Due to various types
// of failures, they might get stranded. To prevent them from getting
// stranded and wasting resources forever, we instead set the
// "delete-at" metadata attribute on them when created to some time
// that's well beyond their expected lifetime.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) CleanUpOldVMs() {
if gceMode == "dev" {
if computeService == nil {
// TODO(bradfitz): remove this list and just query it from the compute API?
// and Region.Zones:
for {
for _, zone := range buildEnv.VMZones {
if err := p.cleanZoneVMs(zone); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error cleaning VMs in zone %q: %v", zone, err)
// cleanZoneVMs is part of cleanUpOldVMs, operating on a single zone.
func (p *GCEBuildlet) cleanZoneVMs(zone string) error {
// Fetch the first 500 (default) running instances and clean
// those. We expect that we'll be running many fewer than
// that. Even if we have more, eventually the first 500 will
// either end or be cleaned, and then the next call will get a
// partially-different 500.
// TODO(bradfitz): revisit this code if we ever start running
// thousands of VMs.
list, err := computeService.Instances.List(buildEnv.ProjectName, zone).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("listing instances: %v", err)
for _, inst := range list.Items {
if inst.Metadata == nil {
// Defensive. Not seen in practice.
if isGCERemoteBuildlet(inst.Name) {
// Remote buildlets have their own expiration mechanism that respects active SSH sessions.
log.Printf("cleanZoneVMs: skipping remote buildlet %q", inst.Name)
var sawDeleteAt bool
var deleteReason string
for _, it := range inst.Metadata.Items {
if it.Key == "delete-at" {
if it.Value == nil {
log.Printf("missing delete-at value; ignoring")
unixDeadline, err := strconv.ParseInt(*it.Value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("invalid delete-at value %q seen; ignoring", *it.Value)
sawDeleteAt = true
if time.Now().Unix() > unixDeadline {
deleteReason = "delete-at expiration"
isBuildlet := isBuildlet(inst.Name)
if isBuildlet && !sawDeleteAt && !p.instanceUsed(inst.Name) {
createdAt, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, inst.CreationTimestamp)
if createdAt.Before(time.Now().Add(-3 * time.Hour)) {
deleteReason = fmt.Sprintf("no delete-at, created at %s", inst.CreationTimestamp)
// Delete buildlets (things we made) from previous
// generations. Only deleting things starting with "buildlet-"
// is a historical restriction, but still fine for paranoia.
if deleteReason == "" && sawDeleteAt && isBuildlet && !p.instanceUsed(inst.Name) {
if _, ok := deletedVMCache.Get(inst.Name); !ok {
deleteReason = "from earlier coordinator generation"
if deleteReason != "" {
log.Printf("deleting VM %q in zone %q; %s ...", inst.Name, zone, deleteReason)
deleteVM(zone, inst.Name)
return nil
var deletedVMCache = lru.New(100) // keyed by instName
type token struct{}
// deleteVM starts a delete of an instance in a given zone.
// It either returns an operation name (if delete is pending) or the
// empty string if the instance didn't exist.
func deleteVM(zone, instName string) (operation string, err error) {
deletedVMCache.Add(instName, token{})
op, err := computeService.Instances.Delete(buildEnv.ProjectName, zone, instName).Do()
apiErr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error)
if ok {
if apiErr.Code == 404 {
return "", nil
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to delete instance %q in zone %q: %v", instName, zone, err)
return "", err
log.Printf("Sent request to delete instance %q in zone %q. Operation ID, Name: %v, %v", instName, zone, op.Id, op.Name)
return op.Name, nil
// HasScope returns true if the GCE metadata contains the default scopes.
func HasScope(want string) bool {
// If not on GCE, assume full access
if !metadata.OnGCE() {
return true
scopes, err := metadata.Scopes("default")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to query metadata default scopes: %v", err)
return false
for _, v := range scopes {
if v == want {
return true
return false
func hasComputeScope() bool {
return HasScope(compute.ComputeScope) || HasScope(compute.CloudPlatformScope)
func hasStorageScope() bool {
return HasScope(storage.ScopeReadWrite) || HasScope(storage.ScopeFullControl) || HasScope(compute.CloudPlatformScope)
// ReadGCSFile reads the named file from the GCS bucket.
func ReadGCSFile(name string) ([]byte, error) {
if gceMode == "dev" {
b, ok := testFiles[name]
if !ok {
return nil, &os.PathError{
Op: "open",
Path: name,
Err: os.ErrNotExist,
return []byte(b), nil
r, err := storageClient.Bucket(buildEnv.BuildletBucket).Object(name).NewReader(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer r.Close()
return ioutil.ReadAll(r)
// syncBuildStatsLoop runs forever in its own goroutine and syncs the
// coordinator's datastore Build & Span entities to BigQuery
// periodically.
func syncBuildStatsLoop(env *buildenv.Environment) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute)
for {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute)
if err := buildstats.SyncBuilds(ctx, env); err != nil {
log.Printf("buildstats: SyncBuilds: %v", err)
if err := buildstats.SyncSpans(ctx, env); err != nil {
log.Printf("buildstats: SyncSpans: %v", err)
// createBasepinDisks creates zone-local copies of VM disk images, to
// speed up VM creations in the future.
// Other than a list call, this a no-op unless new VM images were
// added or updated recently.
func createBasepinDisks(ctx context.Context) {
for {
t0 := time.Now()
bgc, err := buildgo.NewClient(ctx, buildEnv)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("basepin: NewClient: %v", err)
log.Printf("basepin: creating basepin disks...")
err = bgc.MakeBasepinDisks(ctx)
d := time.Since(t0).Round(time.Second / 10)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("basepin: error creating basepin disks, after %v: %v", d, err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
log.Printf("basepin: created basepin disks after %v", d)