blob: 0f313d7cf691dcf51d6b378de3788bfe0d2be41b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The relnote command summarizes the Go changes in Gerrit marked with
// RELNOTE annotations for the release notes.
package main
import (
var (
htmlMode = flag.Bool("html", false, "write HTML output")
exclFile = flag.String("exclude-from", "", "optional path to release notes HTML file. If specified, any 'CL NNNN' occurrence in the content will cause that CL to be excluded from this tool's output.")
// change is a change that was noted via a RELNOTE= comment.
type change struct {
CL *maintner.GerritCL
Note string // the part after RELNOTE=
func (c change) TextLine() string {
subj := c.CL.Subject()
if c.Note != "yes" && c.Note != "y" {
subj = c.Note + ": " + subj
return fmt.Sprintf(" %s", c.CL.Number, subj)
func main() {
// Releases are every 6 months. Walk forward by 6 month increments to next release.
cutoff := time.Date(2016, time.August, 1, 00, 00, 00, 0, time.UTC)
now := time.Now()
for cutoff.Before(now) {
cutoff = cutoff.AddDate(0, 6, 0)
// Previous release was 6 months earlier.
cutoff = cutoff.AddDate(0, -6, 0)
// The maintner corpus doesn't track inline comments. See
// So we need to use a Gerrit API client to fetch them instead. If maintner starts
// tracking inline comments in the future, this extra complexity can be dropped.
gerritClient := gerrit.NewClient("", gerrit.NoAuth)
matchedCLs, err := findCLsWithRelNote(gerritClient, cutoff)
if err != nil {
var existingHTML []byte
if *exclFile != "" {
var err error
existingHTML, err = ioutil.ReadFile(*exclFile)
if err != nil {
corpus, err := godata.Get(context.Background())
if err != nil {
changes := map[string][]change{} // keyed by pkg
corpus.Gerrit().ForeachProjectUnsorted(func(gp *maintner.GerritProject) error {
if gp.Server() != "" {
return nil
gp.ForeachCLUnsorted(func(cl *maintner.GerritCL) error {
if cl.Status != "merged" {
return nil
if cl.Branch() != "master" {
// Ignore CLs sent to development or release branches.
return nil
if cl.Commit.CommitTime.Before(cutoff) {
// Was in a previous release; not for this one.
return nil
_, ok := matchedCLs[int(cl.Number)]
if !ok {
// Wasn't matched by the Gerrit API search query.
// Return before making further Gerrit API calls.
return nil
comments, err := gerritClient.ListChangeComments(context.Background(), fmt.Sprint(cl.Number))
if err != nil {
return err
relnote := clRelNote(cl, comments)
if relnote == "" ||
bytes.Contains(existingHTML, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("CL %d", cl.Number))) {
return nil
pkg := clPackage(cl)
changes[pkg] = append(changes[pkg], change{
Note: relnote,
CL: cl,
return nil
return nil
var pkgs []string
for pkg, changes := range changes {
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
sort.Slice(changes, func(i, j int) bool {
return changes[i].CL.Number < changes[j].CL.Number
if *htmlMode {
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if !strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "cmd/") {
for _, change := range changes[pkg] {
fmt.Printf("<!-- CL %d: %s -->\n", change.CL.Number, change.TextLine())
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "cmd/") {
fmt.Printf("\n<dl id=%q><dt><a href=%q>%s</a></dt>\n <dd>",
pkg, "/pkg/"+pkg+"/", pkg)
for _, change := range changes[pkg] {
changeURL := fmt.Sprintf("", change.CL.Number)
subj := change.CL.Subject()
subj = strings.TrimPrefix(subj, pkg+": ")
fmt.Printf("\n <p><!-- CL %d -->\n TODO: <a href=%q>%s</a>: %s\n </p>\n",
change.CL.Number, changeURL, changeURL, html.EscapeString(subj))
fmt.Printf(" </dd>\n</dl><!-- %s -->\n", pkg)
} else {
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", pkg)
for _, change := range changes[pkg] {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", change.TextLine())
// findCLsWithRelNote finds CLs that contain a RELNOTE marker by
// using a Gerrit API client. Returned map is keyed by CL number.
func findCLsWithRelNote(client *gerrit.Client, since time.Time) (map[int]*gerrit.ChangeInfo, error) {
// Gerrit search operators are documented at
query := fmt.Sprintf(`status:merged branch:master since:%s (comment:"RELNOTE" OR comment:"RELNOTES")`,
cs, err := client.QueryChanges(context.Background(), query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[int]*gerrit.ChangeInfo) // CL Number → CL.
for _, c := range cs {
m[c.ChangeNumber] = c
return m, nil
// clPackage returns the package import path from the CL's commit message,
// or "??" if it's formatted unconventionally.
func clPackage(cl *maintner.GerritCL) string {
var pkg string
if i := strings.Index(cl.Subject(), ":"); i == -1 {
return "??"
} else {
pkg = cl.Subject()[:i]
if r := repos.ByGerritProject[cl.Project.Project()]; r == nil {
return "??"
} else {
pkg = path.Join(r.ImportPath, pkg)
return pkg
// clRelNote extracts a RELNOTE note from a Gerrit CL commit
// message and any inline comments. If there isn't a RELNOTE
// note, it returns the empty string.
func clRelNote(cl *maintner.GerritCL, comments map[string][]gerrit.CommentInfo) string {
msg := cl.Commit.Msg
if strings.Contains(msg, "RELNOTE") {
return parseRelNote(msg)
// Since July 2020, Gerrit UI has replaced top-level comments
// with patchset-level inline comments, so don't bother looking
// for RELNOTE= in cl.Messages—there won't be any. Instead, do
// look through all inline comments that we got via Gerrit API.
for _, cs := range comments {
for _, c := range cs {
if strings.Contains(c.Message, "RELNOTE") {
return parseRelNote(c.Message)
return ""
// parseRelNote parses a RELNOTE annotation from the string s.
// It returns the empty string if no such annotation exists.
func parseRelNote(s string) string {
m := relNoteRx.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if m == nil {
return ""
return m[1]
var relNoteRx = regexp.MustCompile(`RELNOTES?=(.+)`)