blob: 40b9b6f36729ccb1abdb0dd886c5c23a6e2e449e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package apipb;
message HasAncestorRequest {
string commit = 1; // full git commit hash (subject of query)
string ancestor = 2; // full git commit hash of sought ancestor
message HasAncestorResponse {
// has_ancestor is whether ancestor appears in commit's history.
bool has_ancestor = 1;
// unknown_commit is true if the provided commit was unknown.
bool unknown_commit = 2;
message GetRefRequest {
string ref = 1; // "HEAD", "refs/heads/master", etc.
// Either gerrit_server & gerrit_project must be specified, or
// github. Currently only Gerrit is supported.
string gerrit_server = 2; // ""
string gerrit_project = 3; // "go"
// TODO: github, if/when needed.
message GetRefResponse {
string value = 1; // git commit, or empty string on miss
message GoFindTryWorkRequest {
// for_staging says whether this is a trybot request for the staging
// cluster. When using staging, the comment "Run-StagingTryBot"
// is used instead of label:Run-TryBot=1.
bool for_staging = 1;
message GoFindTryWorkResponse {
// waiting are the Gerrit CLs wanting a trybot run and not yet with results.
// These might already be running.
repeated GerritTryWorkItem waiting = 1;
message GerritTryWorkItem {
string project = 1; // "go", "net", etc. (Gerrit Project)
string branch = 2; // "master"
string change_id = 3; // "I1a27695838409259d1586a0adfa9f92bccf7ceba"
string commit = 4; // "ecf3dffc81dc21408fb02159af352651882a8383"
// go_commit is set for subrepos and is the Go commit(s) to test against.
// go_branch is a branch name of go_commit, for showing to users when
// a try set fails.
repeated string go_commit = 5; // "4833e920c1d7f6b23458e6ff3c73951fcf754219"
repeated string go_branch = 6; // "master", "release-branch.go1.8", etc
service MaintnerService {
// HasAncestor reports whether one commit contains another commit
// in its git history.
rpc HasAncestor(HasAncestorRequest) returns (HasAncestorResponse);
// GetRef returns information about a git ref.
rpc GetRef(GetRefRequest) returns (GetRefResponse);
// Go-specific methods:
// GoFindTryWork finds trybot work for the coordinator to build & test.
rpc GoFindTryWork(GoFindTryWorkRequest) returns (GoFindTryWorkResponse);