blob: 71a69b7762279febf1c7597cd0d7dce608180fee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Logic for the /gophercon endpoint which shows a semi-realtime dashboard of
// contribution activity. Users add their Gerrit user IDs to a hard-coded GitHub
// issue to provide a mapping of Gerrit ID to GitHub user, which allows any
// activity from the user across GitHub and Gerrit to be associated with a
// single GitHub user object. Points are awarded depending on the type of
// activity performed and an aggregated total for all participants is displayed.
package main
import (
const issueNumGerritUserMapping = 21017 // Special sign-up issue.
// intFromStr returns the first integer within s, allowing for non-numeric
// characters to be present.
func intFromStr(s string) (int, bool) {
var (
foundNum bool
r int
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9' {
foundNum = true
r = r*10 + int(s[i]-'0')
} else if foundNum {
return r, true
if foundNum {
return r, true
return 0, false
// Keep these in sync with the frontend JS.
const (
activityTypeRegister = "REGISTER"
activityTypeCreateChange = "CREATE_CHANGE"
activityTypeAmendChange = "AMEND_CHANGE"
activityTypeMergeChange = "MERGE_CHANGE"
var pointsPerActivity = map[string]int{
activityTypeRegister: 1,
activityTypeCreateChange: 2,
activityTypeAmendChange: 2,
activityTypeMergeChange: 3,
// An activity represents something a contributor has done. e.g. register on
// the GitHub issue, create a change, amend a change, etc.
type activity struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
User string `json:"gitHubUser"`
Points int `json:"points"`
func (s *server) updateActivities() {
defer s.cMu.Unlock()
repo := s.corpus.GitHub().Repo("golang", "go")
if repo == nil {
log.Println(`s.corpus.GitHub().Repo("golang", "go") = nil`)
issue := repo.Issue(issueNumGerritUserMapping)
if issue == nil {
log.Printf("repo.Issue(%d) = nil", issueNumGerritUserMapping)
latest := issue.Created
if len(s.activities) > 0 {
latest = s.activities[len(s.activities)-1].Created
var newActivities []activity
issue.ForeachComment(func(c *maintner.GitHubComment) error {
if !c.Created.After(latest) {
return nil
id, ok := intFromStr(c.Body)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("intFromStr(%q) = %v", c.Body, ok)
s.userMapping[id] = c.User
newActivities = append(newActivities, activity{
Type: activityTypeRegister,
Created: c.Created,
User: c.User.Login,
Points: pointsPerActivity[activityTypeRegister],
s.totalPoints += pointsPerActivity[activityTypeRegister]
return nil
s.corpus.Gerrit().ForeachProjectUnsorted(func(p *maintner.GerritProject) error {
p.ForeachCLUnsorted(func(cl *maintner.GerritCL) error {
// TODO(
if cl.Commit == nil {
log.Printf("Got CL with nil Commit field: %+v", cl)
return nil
if !cl.Commit.CommitTime.After(latest) {
return nil
user := s.userMapping[cl.OwnerID()]
if user == nil {
return nil
newActivities = append(newActivities, activity{
Type: activityTypeCreateChange,
Created: cl.Created,
User: user.Login,
Points: pointsPerActivity[activityTypeCreateChange],
s.totalPoints += pointsPerActivity[activityTypeCreateChange]
if cl.Version > 1 {
newActivities = append(newActivities, activity{
Type: activityTypeAmendChange,
Created: cl.Commit.CommitTime,
User: user.Login,
Points: pointsPerActivity[activityTypeAmendChange],
s.totalPoints += pointsPerActivity[activityTypeAmendChange]
if cl.Status == "merged" {
newActivities = append(newActivities, activity{
Type: activityTypeMergeChange,
Created: cl.Commit.CommitTime,
User: user.Login,
Points: pointsPerActivity[activityTypeMergeChange],
s.totalPoints += pointsPerActivity[activityTypeMergeChange]
return nil
return nil
s.activities = append(s.activities, newActivities...)
type byCreated []activity
func (a byCreated) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byCreated) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byCreated) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Created.Before(a[j].Created) }
func (s *server) handleActivities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("since"))
since := time.Unix(int64(i)/1000, 0)
recentActivity := []activity{}
for _, a := range s.activities {
if a.Created.After(since) {
recentActivity = append(recentActivity, a)
defer s.cMu.RUnlock()
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
result := struct {
Activities []activity `json:"activities"`
TotalPoints int `json:"totalPoints"`
Activities: recentActivity,
TotalPoints: s.totalPoints,
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(result); err != nil {
log.Printf("Encode(%+v) = %v", result, err)