blob: 6b39a04e0ce49ae8514a5099ee8610cd255b89eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var gerritClient *gerrit.Client
func loadGerritAuth() {
gerritClient = gerrit.NewClient("", gerrit.GitCookiesAuth())
func changeIDLine(bigID string) string {
return bigID[strings.LastIndex(bigID, "~")+1:]
func (w *Work) gerritQuery(q string) []*gerrit.ChangeInfo {
for failures := 0; ; {
changes, err := gerritClient.QueryChanges(context.TODO(), q, gerrit.QueryChangesOpt{Fields: []string{"LABELS", "DETAILED_LABELS", "CURRENT_REVISION", "DETAILED_ACCOUNTS"}})
if err == nil {
return changes
w.log.Printf("gerritQuery: %v", err)
if failures++; failures >= 5 || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "HTTP status 500") {
// queryGerritCLs fills in Gerrit information for each CL in w.CLs.
func (w *Work) queryGerritCLs() {
q := ""
sep := ""
for _, cl := range w.CLs {
q += sep + fmt.Sprintf("change:%d", cl.Num)
sep = " OR "
changes := w.gerritQuery(q)
q = ""
sep = ""
for _, change := range changes {
for _, cl := range w.CLs {
if cl.Num == change.ChangeNumber {
if change.Branch == w.ReleaseBranch {
cl.ReleaseBranchGerrit = change
} else {
q += sep + fmt.Sprintf("change:go~%s~%s", w.ReleaseBranch, changeIDLine(change.ID))
sep = " OR "
cl.Gerrit = change
cl.Title = cl.Gerrit.Subject
want := ""
if cl.Gerrit.Branch == w.ReleaseBranch {
want = "NEW"
} else {
want = "MERGED"
if cl.Gerrit.Status != want {
w.logError(cl, fmt.Sprintf("bad Gerrit status: %s (not %s)", cl.Gerrit.Status, want))
rev := cl.Gerrit.Revisions[cl.Gerrit.CurrentRevision]
cl.Ref = rev.Ref
cl.Commit = cl.Gerrit.CurrentRevision
if q != "" {
changes := w.gerritQuery(q)
log.Printf("GERRIT %d\n", len(changes))
for _, change := range changes {
for _, cl := range w.CLs {
if cl.Gerrit != nil && changeIDLine(cl.Gerrit.ID) == changeIDLine(change.ID) {
log.Printf("found GERRIT %s\n", change.ID)
cl.ReleaseBranchGerrit = change
// findGerritChangeForReleaseBranch finds and returns
// the pending release-branch Gerrit CL with the given Change-Id,
// if any.
func (w *Work) findGerritChangeForReleaseBranch(changeID string) *gerrit.ChangeInfo {
q := "change:" + changeID + " branch:" + w.ReleaseBranch
changes, _ := gerritClient.QueryChanges(context.TODO(), q, gerrit.QueryChangesOpt{Fields: []string{"LABELS", "DETAILED_LABELS", "CURRENT_REVISION", "DETAILED_ACCOUNTS"}})
if len(changes) == 1 {
return changes[0]
return nil
// labelValue returns the effective value of the named label
// on the given CL.
func labelValue(change *gerrit.ChangeInfo, name string) int {
v := 0
for _, ai := range change.Labels[name].All {
if ai.Value == -2 {
v = -2
if ai.Value > v && v != -2 {
v = ai.Value
return v