blob: d9bbea7663f5e89d20d9f3d1172a790f82251fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package sign
import (
// Service is an interface for a release artifact signing service.
// Each call blocks until either the request has been acknowledged or the passed in context has been canceled.
// Setting a timeout on the context is recommended.
type Service interface {
// SignArtifact creates a request to sign a release artifact.
// The object URI must be URIs for file(s) on the service private GCS.
SignArtifact(ctx context.Context, bt BuildType, objectURI []string) (jobID string, _ error)
// ArtifactSigningStatus requests the status of an existing signing request message.
// If the message is at the status of completed then the objectURI will be populated with the URIs for signed files in GCS.
ArtifactSigningStatus(ctx context.Context, jobID string) (status Status, objectURI []string, err error)
// CancelSigning marks a previous signing request as no longer needed,
// possibly allowing resources to be freed sooner than otherwise.
CancelSigning(ctx context.Context, jobID string) error
// Status of the signing request.
type Status int
const (
StatusUnknown Status = iota
// String is the string representation for the signing request status.
func (bs Status) String() string {
switch bs {
case StatusRunning:
return "Running"
case StatusFailed:
return "Failed"
case StatusCompleted:
return "Completed"
case StatusNotFound:
return "NotFound"
return "Unknown"
// BuildType is the type of build the signing request is for.
type BuildType int
const (
BuildUnspecified BuildType = iota
// proto is the corresponding protobuf definition for the signing request build type.
func (bt BuildType) proto() protos.SignArtifactRequest_BuildType {
switch bt {
case BuildUnspecified:
return protos.SignArtifactRequest_BUILD_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED
case BuildMacOS:
return protos.SignArtifactRequest_BUILD_TYPE_MACOS
case BuildWindows:
return protos.SignArtifactRequest_BUILD_TYPE_WINDOWS
case BuildGPG:
return protos.SignArtifactRequest_BUILD_TYPE_GPG
return protos.SignArtifactRequest_BUILD_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED