blob: ea3bd6426b276d4e173896f6463742cadf88b499 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
projectOwner = "golang"
projectRepo = "go"
var githubClient *github.Client
// GitHub personal access token, from
var githubAuthToken string
var goRepo *maintner.GitHubRepo
func loadMaintner() {
corpus, err := godata.Get(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to load maintner data:", err)
goRepo = corpus.GitHub().Repo(projectOwner, projectRepo)
func loadGithubAuth() {
const short = ".github-issue-token"
filename := filepath.Clean(os.Getenv("HOME") + "/" + short)
shortFilename := filepath.Clean("$HOME/" + short)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("reading token: ", err, "\n\n"+
"Please create a personal access token at\n"+
"and write it to ", shortFilename, " to use this program.\n"+
"** The token only needs the public_repo scope. **\n"+
"The benefit of using a personal access token over using your GitHub\n"+
"password directly is that you can limit its use and revoke it at any time.\n\n")
fi, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("reading token:", err)
if fi.Mode()&0077 != 0 {
log.Fatalf("reading token: %s mode is %#o, want %#o", shortFilename, fi.Mode()&0777, fi.Mode()&0700)
githubAuthToken = strings.TrimSpace(string(data))
t := &oauth2.Transport{
Source: &tokenSource{AccessToken: githubAuthToken},
githubClient = github.NewClient(&http.Client{Transport: t})
// releaseStatusTitle returns the title of the release status issue
// for the given milestone.
// If you change this function, releasebot will not be able to find an
// existing tracking issue using the old name and will create a new one.
func (w *Work) releaseStatusTitle() string {
return "all: " + strings.Replace(w.Version, "go", "Go ", -1) + " release status"
type tokenSource oauth2.Token
func (t *tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
return (*oauth2.Token)(t), nil
func (w *Work) findOrCreateReleaseIssue() {
if w.Security {
// There is no release status issue for security releases
// to avoid the risk of leaking sensitive test failures.
w.log.Printf("Release status issue title: %q", w.releaseStatusTitle())
if dryRun {
if w.ReleaseIssue == 0 {
title := w.releaseStatusTitle()
body := fmt.Sprintf("Issue tracking the %s release by releasebot.", w.Version)
num, err := w.createGitHubIssue(title, body)
if err != nil {
w.ReleaseIssue = num
w.log.Printf("Release status issue:", num)
// createGitHubIssue creates an issue in the release milestone and returns its number.
func (w *Work) createGitHubIssue(title, msg string) (int, error) {
if dryRun {
return 0, errors.New("attempted write operation in dry-run mode")
var dup int
goRepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Title == title {
dup = int(gi.Number)
return errors.New("stop iteration")
return nil
if dup != 0 {
return dup, nil
opts := &github.IssueListByRepoOptions{
State: "all",
ListOptions: github.ListOptions{PerPage: 100},
if !w.BetaRelease && !w.RCRelease {
opts.Milestone = strconv.Itoa(int(w.Milestone.Number))
is, _, err := githubClient.Issues.ListByRepo(context.TODO(), "golang", "go", opts)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, i := range is {
if i.GetTitle() == title {
// Dup.
return i.GetNumber(), nil
copts := &github.IssueRequest{
Title: github.String(title),
Body: github.String(msg),
if !w.BetaRelease && !w.RCRelease {
copts.Milestone = github.Int(int(w.Milestone.Number))
i, _, err := githubClient.Issues.Create(context.TODO(), "golang", "go", copts)
return i.GetNumber(), err
// pushIssues moves open issues to the milestone of the next release of the same kind,
// creating the milestone if it doesn't already exist.
// For major releases, it's the milestone of the next major release (e.g., 1.14 → 1.15).
// For minor releases, it's the milestone of the next minor release (e.g., 1.14.1 → 1.14.2).
// For other release types, it does nothing.
// For major releases, it also creates the first minor release milestone if it doesn't already exist.
func (w *Work) pushIssues() {
if w.BetaRelease || w.RCRelease {
// Nothing to do.
// Get the milestone for the next release.
var nextMilestone *github.Milestone
nextV, err := nextVersion(w.Version)
if err != nil {
w.logError("error determining next version: %v", err)
nextMilestone, err = w.findOrCreateMilestone(nextV)
if err != nil {
w.logError("error finding or creating %s, the next GitHub milestone after release %s: %v", nextV, w.Version, err)
// For major releases (go1.X), also create the first minor release milestone (go1.X.1). See issue 44404.
if strings.Count(w.Version, ".") == 1 {
firstMinor := w.Version + ".1"
_, err := w.findOrCreateMilestone(firstMinor)
if err != nil {
// Log this error, but continue executing the rest of the task.
w.logError("error finding or creating %s, the first minor release GitHub milestone after major release %s: %v", firstMinor, w.Version, err)
if err := goRepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Milestone == nil || gi.Milestone.ID != w.Milestone.ID {
return nil
if gi.Number == int32(w.ReleaseIssue) {
return nil
// All issues are unrelated if this is a security release.
if gi.Closed && !w.Security {
return nil
w.log.Printf("changing milestone of issue %d to %s", gi.Number, nextMilestone.GetTitle())
if dryRun {
return nil
_, _, err := githubClient.Issues.Edit(context.TODO(), projectOwner, projectRepo, int(gi.Number), &github.IssueRequest{
Milestone: github.Int(nextMilestone.GetNumber()),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("#%d: %s", gi.Number, err)
return nil
}); err != nil {
w.logError("error moving issues to the next minor release: %v", err)
// findOrCreateMilestone finds or creates a GitHub milestone corresponding
// to the specified Go version. This is done via the GitHub API, using githubClient.
// If the milestone exists but isn't open, an error is returned.
func (w *Work) findOrCreateMilestone(version string) (*github.Milestone, error) {
// Look for an existing open milestone corresponding to version,
// and return it if found.
for opt := (&github.MilestoneListOptions{ListOptions: github.ListOptions{PerPage: 100}}); ; {
ms, resp, err := githubClient.Issues.ListMilestones(context.Background(), projectOwner, projectRepo, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, m := range ms {
if strings.ToLower(m.GetTitle()) == version {
// Found an existing milestone.
return m, nil
if resp.NextPage == 0 {
opt.Page = resp.NextPage
// Create a new milestone.
// For historical reasons, Go milestone titles use a capital "Go1.n" format,
// in contrast to go versions which are like "go1.n". Do the same here.
title := strings.Replace(version, "go", "Go", 1)
w.log.Printf("creating milestone titled %q", title)
if dryRun {
return &github.Milestone{Title: github.String(title)}, nil
m, _, err := githubClient.Issues.CreateMilestone(context.Background(), projectOwner, projectRepo, &github.Milestone{
Title: github.String(title),
if e := (*github.ErrorResponse)(nil); errors.As(err, &e) && e.Response != nil && e.Response.StatusCode == http.StatusUnprocessableEntity && len(e.Errors) == 1 && e.Errors[0].Code == "already_exists" {
// We'll run into an already_exists error here if the milestone exists,
// but it wasn't found in the loop above because the milestone isn't open.
// That shouldn't happen under normal circumstances, so if it does,
// let humans figure out how to best deal with it.
return nil, errors.New("a closed milestone with the same title already exists")
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
// closeMilestone closes the milestone for the current release.
func (w *Work) closeMilestone() {
w.log.Printf("closing milestone %s", w.Milestone.Title)
if dryRun {
closed := "closed"
_, _, err := githubClient.Issues.EditMilestone(context.TODO(), projectOwner, projectRepo, int(w.Milestone.Number), &github.Milestone{
State: &closed,
if err != nil {
w.logError("closing milestone: %v", err)
// removeOkayAfterBeta1 cleans up the okay-after-beta1 label after the beta1 release is out.
func (w *Work) removeOkayAfterBeta1() {
if !w.BetaRelease || !strings.HasSuffix(w.Version, "beta1") {
// Nothing to do.
if err := goRepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Milestone == nil || gi.Milestone.ID != w.Milestone.ID {
return nil
if gi.Number == int32(w.ReleaseIssue) {
return nil
if gi.Closed || !gi.HasLabel("okay-after-beta1") {
return nil
w.log.Printf("removing okay-after-beta1 label in issue %d", gi.Number)
if dryRun {
return nil
_, err := githubClient.Issues.RemoveLabelForIssue(context.Background(),
projectOwner, projectRepo, int(gi.Number), "okay-after-beta1")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("#%d: %s", gi.Number, err)
return nil
}); err != nil {
w.logError("error removing okay-after-beta1 label from issues in current milestone: %v", err)
const githubCommentCharacterLimit = 65536 // discovered in
func postGithubComment(number int, body string) error {
if dryRun {
return errors.New("attempted write operation in dry-run mode")
_, _, err := githubClient.Issues.CreateComment(context.TODO(), projectOwner, projectRepo, number, &github.IssueComment{
Body: &body,
return err