blob: 2fedd6c7c11030e5d20d13e887dabdcdd42e43e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
monitoring ""
container ""
googleapi ""
This file implements the Kubernetes-based buildlet pool.
// Initialized by initKube:
var (
containerService *container.Service
monService *monitoring.Service
tsService *monitoring.TimeseriesService
metricDescService *monitoring.MetricDescriptorsService
kubeClient *kubernetes.Client
kubeErr error
initKubeCalled bool
registryPrefix = ""
kubeCluster *container.Cluster
nodeCount int
const (
clusterName = "buildlets"
cpuUsedMetric = "" // % of available CPU in the cluster that is scheduled
memoryUsedMetric = "" // % of available memory in the cluster that is scheduled
serviceLabelKey = "" // allow selection of custom metric based on service name
clusterNameLabelKey = "" // allow selection of custom metric based on cluster name
// This is a conservative estimate of the amount of time required for a
// build to run, exclusive of scheduling time. It is used to calculate
// a worst-case estimate of the time for a build to complete, freeing
// up available resources for the next build to run. This would ideally
// be adjusted based on observed values during the lifetime of the
// coordinator process.
timePerBuild = 10 * time.Minute // estimated time in minutes to complete a build
timeToSchedule = 90 * time.Second // estimated time for pod to enter running state when cluster resources are available
clusterCPUOverhead = 2 // Number of CPUs per node required by the system
// initGCE must be called before initKube
func initKube() error {
initKubeCalled = true
// projectID was set by initGCE
registryPrefix += "/" + buildEnv.ProjectName
if !hasCloudPlatformScope() {
return errors.New("coordinator not running with access to the Cloud Platform scope.")
httpClient := oauth2.NewClient(oauth2.NoContext, tokenSource)
var err error
containerService, err = container.New(httpClient)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create client for Google Container Engine: %v", err)
monService, err = monitoring.New(httpClient)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create client for Google Cloud Monitoring: %v", err)
tsService = monitoring.NewTimeseriesService(monService)
metricDescService = monitoring.NewMetricDescriptorsService(monService)
kubeCluster, err = containerService.Projects.Zones.Clusters.Get(buildEnv.ProjectName, buildEnv.Zone, clusterName).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cluster %q could not be found in project %q, zone %q: %v", clusterName, buildEnv.ProjectName, buildEnv.Zone, err)
// Decode certs
decode := func(which string, cert string) []byte {
if err != nil {
return nil
s, decErr := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(cert)
if decErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error decoding %s cert: %v", which, decErr)
return []byte(s)
clientCert := decode("client cert", kubeCluster.MasterAuth.ClientCertificate)
clientKey := decode("client key", kubeCluster.MasterAuth.ClientKey)
caCert := decode("cluster cert", kubeCluster.MasterAuth.ClusterCaCertificate)
if err != nil {
return err
// HTTPS client
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(clientCert, clientKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("x509 client key pair could not be generated: %v", err)
// CA Cert from kube master
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
// Setup TLS config
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
RootCAs: caCertPool,
kubeHTTPClient := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
kubeClient, err = kubernetes.NewClient("https://"+kubeCluster.Endpoint, kubeHTTPClient)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("kubernetes HTTP client could not be created: %v", err)
// Create Google Cloud Monitoring metrics
go kubePool.pollCapacityLoop()
return nil
// kubeBuildletPool is the Kubernetes buildlet pool.
type kubeBuildletPool struct {
mu sync.Mutex // guards all following
pods map[string]podHistory // pod instance name -> podHistory
clusterResources *kubeResource // cpu and memory resources of the Kubernetes cluster
pendingResources *kubeResource // cpu and memory resources waiting to be scheduled
runningResources *kubeResource // cpu and memory resources already running (periodically updated from API)
var kubePool = &kubeBuildletPool{
clusterResources: &kubeResource{
cpu: api.NewQuantity(0, api.DecimalSI),
memory: api.NewQuantity(0, api.BinarySI),
pendingResources: &kubeResource{
cpu: api.NewQuantity(0, api.DecimalSI),
memory: api.NewQuantity(0, api.BinarySI),
runningResources: &kubeResource{
cpu: api.NewQuantity(0, api.DecimalSI),
memory: api.NewQuantity(0, api.BinarySI),
type kubeResource struct {
cpu *api.Quantity
memory *api.Quantity
type podHistory struct {
requestedAt time.Time
estReadyAt time.Time
actualReadyAt time.Time
deletedAt time.Time
func (p podHistory) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("requested at %v, estimated ready at %v, actual ready at %v, deleted at %v", p.requestedAt, p.estReadyAt, p.actualReadyAt, p.deletedAt)
func tryCreateMetrics() {
metric := &monitoring.MetricDescriptor{
Description: "Kubernetes Percent CPU Scheduled",
Name: cpuUsedMetric,
Labels: []*monitoring.MetricDescriptorLabelDescriptor{
{Key: clusterNameLabelKey},
{Key: serviceLabelKey},
Project: buildEnv.ProjectName,
TypeDescriptor: &monitoring.MetricDescriptorTypeDescriptor{
MetricType: "gauge",
ValueType: "double",
_, err := metricDescService.Create(buildEnv.ProjectName, metric).Do()
if err != nil {
if gerr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && gerr.Code == 403 {
log.Printf("Error creating CPU metric: could not authenticate to Google Cloud Monitoring. If you are running the coordinator on a local machine in dev mode, configure service account credentials for authentication as described at Error message: %v\n", err)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create CPU metric for project. Ensure the Google Cloud Monitoring API is enabled for project %v: %v.", buildEnv.ProjectName, err)
metric = &monitoring.MetricDescriptor{
Description: "Kubernetes Percent Memory Scheduled",
Name: memoryUsedMetric,
Labels: []*monitoring.MetricDescriptorLabelDescriptor{
{Key: clusterNameLabelKey},
{Key: serviceLabelKey},
Project: buildEnv.ProjectName,
TypeDescriptor: &monitoring.MetricDescriptorTypeDescriptor{
MetricType: "gauge",
ValueType: "double",
_, err = metricDescService.Create(buildEnv.ProjectName, metric).Do()
if err != nil {
if gerr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && gerr.Code == 403 {
log.Printf("Error creating memory metric: could not authenticate to Google Cloud Monitoring. If you are running the coordinator on a local machine in dev mode, configure service account credentials for authentication as described at Error message: %v\n", err)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create memory metric for project. Ensure the Google Cloud Monitoring API is enabled for project %v: %v.", buildEnv.ProjectName, err)
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) pollCapacityLoop() {
ctx := context.Background()
for {
time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
// Returns a worst-case estimate of the amount of time before a pod
// would enter the running state if it were scheduled now.
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) estTimeToStartPod(ctx context.Context) time.Duration {
scheduledCores := p.pendingResources.cpu.Value() + p.runningResources.cpu.Value() // Running or pending cores
clusterCores := p.clusterResources.cpu.Value() - int64(clusterCPUOverhead*nodeCount) // Cores in cluster less system requirements
if buildlet.BuildletCPU.Value()+scheduledCores < clusterCores {
return timeToSchedule
} else {
return time.Second * time.Duration(float64(scheduledCores)/float64(clusterCores)*timePerBuild.Seconds())
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) pollCapacity(ctx context.Context) {
nodes, err := kubeClient.GetNodes(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to retrieve nodes to calculate cluster capacity for %s/%s: %v", buildEnv.ProjectName, buildEnv.Region(), err)
pods, err := kubeClient.GetPods(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to retrieve pods to calculate cluster capacity for %s/%s: %v", buildEnv.ProjectName, buildEnv.Region(), err)
// Calculate the total provisioned, pending, and running CPU and memory
// in the cluster
provisioned := &kubeResource{
cpu: api.NewQuantity(0, api.DecimalSI),
memory: api.NewQuantity(0, api.BinarySI),
running := &kubeResource{
cpu: api.NewQuantity(0, api.DecimalSI),
memory: api.NewQuantity(0, api.BinarySI),
pending := &kubeResource{
cpu: api.NewQuantity(0, api.DecimalSI),
memory: api.NewQuantity(0, api.BinarySI),
// Resources used by running and pending pods
var resourceCounter *kubeResource
for _, pod := range pods {
switch pod.Status.Phase {
case api.PodPending:
resourceCounter = pending
case api.PodRunning:
resourceCounter = running
for _, c := range pod.Spec.Containers {
// The Kubernetes API rarely, but can, return a response
// with an empty Requests map. Check to be sure...
if _, ok := c.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceCPU]; ok {
if _, ok := c.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceMemory]; ok {
p.runningResources = running
p.pendingResources = pending
// Resources provisioned to the cluster
nodeCount = len(nodes)
for _, n := range nodes {
p.clusterResources = provisioned
// Estimate the time it would take for a build pod to be scheduled
// in the current resource environment
// Calculate requested CPU and memory (both running and pending pods) vs
// provisioned capacity in the cluster.
pctCPUWanted := float64(p.pendingResources.cpu.Value()+p.runningResources.cpu.Value()) / float64(p.clusterResources.cpu.Value())
pctMemoryWanted := float64(p.pendingResources.memory.Value()+p.runningResources.memory.Value()) / float64(p.clusterResources.memory.Value())
t := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
wtr := monitoring.WriteTimeseriesRequest{
Timeseries: []*monitoring.TimeseriesPoint{
Point: &monitoring.Point{
DoubleValue: &pctCPUWanted,
Start: t,
End: t,
TimeseriesDesc: &monitoring.TimeseriesDescriptor{
Metric: cpuUsedMetric,
Project: buildEnv.ProjectName,
Labels: map[string]string{
clusterNameLabelKey: clusterName,
serviceLabelKey: "container",
Point: &monitoring.Point{
DoubleValue: &pctMemoryWanted,
Start: t,
End: t,
TimeseriesDesc: &monitoring.TimeseriesDescriptor{
Metric: memoryUsedMetric,
Project: buildEnv.ProjectName,
Labels: map[string]string{
clusterNameLabelKey: clusterName,
serviceLabelKey: "container",
_, err = tsService.Write(buildEnv.ProjectName, &wtr).Do()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("custom cluster utilization metric could not be written to Google Cloud Monitoring: %v", err)
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) GetBuildlet(ctx context.Context, typ string, lg logger) (*buildlet.Client, error) {
conf, ok := dashboard.Builders[typ]
if !ok || conf.KubeImage == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("kubepool: invalid builder type %q", typ)
if kubeErr != nil {
return nil, kubeErr
if kubeClient == nil {
panic("expect non-nil kubeClient")
deleteIn, ok := ctx.Value(buildletTimeoutOpt{}).(time.Duration)
if !ok {
deleteIn = podDeleteTimeout
podName := "buildlet-" + typ + "-rn" + randHex(7)
// Get an estimate for when the pod will be started/running and set
// the context timeout based on that
estReady := p.estTimeToStartPod(ctx)
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, estReady)
var needDelete bool
lg.logEventTime("creating_kube_pod", podName)
log.Printf("Creating Kubernetes pod %q for %s", podName, typ)
bc, err := buildlet.StartPod(ctx, kubeClient, podName, typ, buildlet.PodOpts{
ProjectID: buildEnv.ProjectName,
ImageRegistry: registryPrefix,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Go Builder for %s at %s", typ),
DeleteIn: deleteIn,
OnPodCreating: func() {
p.setPodUsed(podName, true)
p.updatePodHistory(podName, podHistory{requestedAt: time.Now(), estReadyAt: time.Now().Add(estReady)})
needDelete = true
OnPodCreated: func() {
p.updatePodHistory(podName, podHistory{actualReadyAt: time.Now()})
OnGotPodInfo: func() {
lg.logEventTime("got_pod_info", "waiting_for_buildlet...")
if err != nil {
lg.logEventTime("kube_buildlet_create_failure", fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", podName, err))
if needDelete {
log.Printf("Deleting failed pod %q", podName)
if err := kubeClient.DeletePod(context.Background(), podName); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error deleting pod %q: %v", podName, err)
p.setPodUsed(podName, false)
return nil, err
bc.SetDescription("Kube Pod: " + podName)
// The build's context will be canceled when the build completes (successfully
// or not), or if the buildlet becomes unavailable. In any case, delete the pod
// running the buildlet.
go func() {
log.Printf("Deleting pod %q after build context completed", podName)
// Giving DeletePod a new context here as the build ctx has been canceled
kubeClient.DeletePod(context.Background(), podName)
p.setPodUsed(podName, false)
return bc, nil
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) WriteHTMLStatus(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<b>Kubernetes pool</b> capacity: %s", p.capacityString())
const show = 6 // must be even
active := p.podsActive()
if len(active) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<ul>")
for i, pod := range active {
if i < show/2 || i >= len(active)-(show/2) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<li>%v, %v</li>\n",, time.Since(pod.creation))
} else if i == show/2 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<li>... %d of %d total omitted ...</li>\n", len(active)-show, len(active))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</ul>")
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) capacityString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<ul><li>%v CPUs running, %v CPUs pending, %v total CPUs in cluster</li><li>%v memory running, %v memory pending, %v total memory in cluster</li></ul>",
p.runningResources.cpu, p.pendingResources.cpu, p.clusterResources.cpu,
p.runningResources.memory, p.pendingResources.memory, p.clusterResources.memory)
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) setPodUsed(podName string, used bool) {
if p.pods == nil {
p.pods = make(map[string]podHistory)
if used {
p.pods[podName] = podHistory{requestedAt: time.Now()}
} else {
p.pods[podName] = podHistory{deletedAt: time.Now()}
// TODO(evanbrown): log this podHistory data for analytics purposes before deleting
delete(p.pods, podName)
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) updatePodHistory(podName string, updatedHistory podHistory) error {
ph, ok := p.pods[podName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("pod %q does not exist", podName)
if !updatedHistory.actualReadyAt.IsZero() {
ph.actualReadyAt = updatedHistory.actualReadyAt
if !updatedHistory.estReadyAt.IsZero() {
ph.estReadyAt = updatedHistory.estReadyAt
if !updatedHistory.requestedAt.IsZero() {
ph.requestedAt = updatedHistory.requestedAt
if !updatedHistory.deletedAt.IsZero() {
ph.deletedAt = updatedHistory.deletedAt
p.pods[podName] = ph
return nil
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) podUsed(podName string) bool {
_, ok := p.pods[podName]
return ok
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) podsActive() (ret []resourceTime) {
for name, ph := range p.pods {
ret = append(ret, resourceTime{
name: name,
creation: ph.requestedAt,
return ret
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) String() string {
inUse := 0
total := 0
// ...
return fmt.Sprintf("Kubernetes pool capacity: %d/%d", inUse, total)
// cleanUpOldPods loops forever and periodically enumerates pods
// and deletes those which have expired.
// A Pod is considered expired if it has a "delete-at" metadata
// attribute having a unix timestamp before the current time.
// This is the safety mechanism to delete pods which stray from the
// normal deleting process. Pods are created to run a single build and
// should be shut down by a controlling process. Due to various types
// of failures, they might get stranded. To prevent them from getting
// stranded and wasting resources forever, we instead set the
// "delete-at" metadata attribute on them when created to some time
// that's well beyond their expected lifetime.
func (p *kubeBuildletPool) cleanUpOldPods(ctx context.Context) {
if containerService == nil {
for {
pods, err := kubeClient.GetPods(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error cleaning pods: %v", err)
for _, pod := range pods {
if pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil {
// Defensive. Not seen in practice.
sawDeleteAt := false
for k, v := range pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations {
if k == "delete-at" {
sawDeleteAt = true
if v == "" {
log.Printf("missing delete-at value; ignoring")
unixDeadline, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("invalid delete-at value %q seen; ignoring", v)
if err == nil && time.Now().Unix() > unixDeadline {
log.Printf("Deleting expired pod %q in zone %q ...", pod.Name)
err = kubeClient.DeletePod(ctx, pod.Name)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("problem deleting pod: %v", err)
// Delete buildlets (things we made) from previous
// generations. Only deleting things starting with "buildlet-"
// is a historical restriction, but still fine for paranoia.
if sawDeleteAt && strings.HasPrefix(pod.Name, "buildlet-") && !p.podUsed(pod.Name) {
log.Printf("Deleting pod %q from an earlier coordinator generation ...", pod.Name)
err = kubeClient.DeletePod(ctx, pod.Name)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("problem deleting pod: %v", err)
func hasCloudPlatformScope() bool {
return hasScope(container.CloudPlatformScope)