blob: 90140f5beaea823a86391d2bffa5f2b0c6df8aa8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import (
wf ""
goversion ""
// MilestoneTasks contains the tasks used to check and modify GitHub issues' milestones.
type MilestoneTasks struct {
Client GitHubClientInterface
RepoOwner, RepoName string
ApproveAction func(*wf.TaskContext) error
// ReleaseKind is the type of release being run.
type ReleaseKind int
const (
KindUnknown ReleaseKind = iota
func (k ReleaseKind) GoString() string {
switch k {
case KindUnknown:
return "KindUnknown"
case KindBeta:
return "KindBeta"
case KindRC:
return "KindRC"
case KindMajor:
return "KindMajor"
case KindMinor:
return "KindMinor"
return fmt.Sprintf("ReleaseKind(%d)", k)
type ReleaseMilestones struct {
// Current is the GitHub milestone number for the current Go release.
// For example, 279 for the "Go1.21" milestone (
Current int
// Next is the GitHub milestone number for the next Go release of the same kind.
Next int
// FetchMilestones returns the milestone numbers for the version currently being
// released, and the next version that outstanding issues should be moved to.
// If this is a major release, it also creates its first minor release
// milestone.
func (m *MilestoneTasks) FetchMilestones(ctx *wf.TaskContext, currentVersion string, kind ReleaseKind) (ReleaseMilestones, error) {
x, ok := goversion.Go1PointX(currentVersion)
if !ok {
return ReleaseMilestones{}, fmt.Errorf("could not parse %q as a Go version", currentVersion)
majorVersion := fmt.Sprintf("go1.%d", x)
// Betas, RCs, and major releases use the major version's milestone.
if kind == KindBeta || kind == KindRC || kind == KindMajor {
currentVersion = majorVersion
currentMilestone, err := m.Client.FetchMilestone(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, uppercaseVersion(currentVersion), false)
if err != nil {
return ReleaseMilestones{}, err
nextV, err := nextVersion(currentVersion)
if err != nil {
return ReleaseMilestones{}, err
nextMilestone, err := m.Client.FetchMilestone(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, uppercaseVersion(nextV), true)
if err != nil {
return ReleaseMilestones{}, err
if kind == KindMajor {
// Create the first minor release milestone too.
firstMinor := majorVersion + ".1"
if err != nil {
return ReleaseMilestones{}, err
_, err = m.Client.FetchMilestone(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, uppercaseVersion(firstMinor), true)
if err != nil {
return ReleaseMilestones{}, err
return ReleaseMilestones{Current: currentMilestone, Next: nextMilestone}, nil
func uppercaseVersion(version string) string {
return strings.Replace(version, "go", "Go", 1)
// CheckBlockers returns an error if there are open release blockers in
// the current milestone.
func (m *MilestoneTasks) CheckBlockers(ctx *wf.TaskContext, milestones ReleaseMilestones, version string, kind ReleaseKind) error {
issues, err := m.Client.FetchMilestoneIssues(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, milestones.Current)
if err != nil {
return err
var blockers []string
for number, labels := range issues {
releaseBlocker := labels["release-blocker"]
switch {
case kind == KindBeta && strings.HasSuffix(version, "beta1") && labels["okay-after-beta1"],
kind == KindRC && strings.HasSuffix(version, "rc1") && labels["okay-after-rc1"]:
releaseBlocker = false
if releaseBlocker {
blockers = append(blockers, fmt.Sprintf("", number))
if len(blockers) == 0 {
return nil
ctx.Printf("There are open release blockers in Check that they're expected and approve this task:\n%v",
milestones.Current, strings.Join(blockers, "\n"))
return m.ApproveAction(ctx)
// PushIssues updates issues to reflect a finished release.
// For major and minor releases, it moves issues to the next milestone and closes the current milestone.
// For pre-releases, it cleans up any "okay-after-..." labels in the current milestone that are done serving their purpose.
func (m *MilestoneTasks) PushIssues(ctx *wf.TaskContext, milestones ReleaseMilestones, version string, kind ReleaseKind) error {
issues, err := m.Client.FetchMilestoneIssues(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, milestones.Current)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("Processing %d open issues in milestone %d.", len(issues), milestones.Current)
for issueNumber, labels := range issues {
var newLabels *[]string
var newMilestone *int
var actions []string // A short description of actions taken, for the log line.
removeLabel := func(name string) {
if !labels[name] {
newLabels = new([]string)
for label := range labels {
if label == name {
*newLabels = append(*newLabels, label)
actions = append(actions, fmt.Sprintf("removed label %q", name))
if kind == KindBeta && strings.HasSuffix(version, "beta1") {
} else if kind == KindRC && strings.HasSuffix(version, "rc1") {
} else if kind == KindMajor || kind == KindMinor {
newMilestone = &milestones.Next
actions = append(actions, fmt.Sprintf("pushed to milestone %d", milestones.Next))
if newMilestone == nil && newLabels == nil {
ctx.Printf("Nothing to do for issue %d.", issueNumber)
_, _, err := m.Client.EditIssue(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, issueNumber, &github.IssueRequest{
Milestone: newMilestone,
Labels: newLabels,
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("Updated issue %d: %s.", issueNumber, strings.Join(actions, ", "))
if kind == KindMajor || kind == KindMinor {
_, _, err := m.Client.EditMilestone(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, milestones.Current, &github.Milestone{
State: github.String("closed"),
if err != nil {
return err
ctx.Printf("Closed milestone %d.", milestones.Current)
return nil
// PingEarlyIssues pings early-in-cycle issues in the development major release milestone.
// This is done once at the opening of a release cycle, currently via a standalone workflow.
// develVersion is a value like 22 representing that Go 1.22 is the major version whose
// development has recently started, and whose early-in-cycle issues are to be pinged.
func (m *MilestoneTasks) PingEarlyIssues(ctx *wf.TaskContext, develVersion int, openTreeURL string) (result struct{}, _ error) {
milestoneName := fmt.Sprintf("Go1.%d", develVersion)
gh, ok := m.Client.(*GitHubClient)
if !ok || gh.V4 == nil {
// TODO( Decide if it's worth moving the GraphQL query/mutation
// into GitHubClientInterface. That kinda harms readability because GraphQL code is
// basically a flexible API call, so it's most readable when close to where they're
// used. This also depends on what kind of tests we'll want to use for this.
return struct{}{}, fmt.Errorf("no GitHub API v4 client")
// Find all open early-in-cycle issues in the development major release milestone.
type issue struct {
ID githubv4.ID
Number int
Title string
TimelineItems struct {
Nodes []struct {
IssueComment struct {
Author struct{ Login string }
Body string
} `graphql:"...on IssueComment"`
} `graphql:"timelineItems(since: $avoidDupSince, itemTypes: ISSUE_COMMENT, last: 100)"`
var earlyIssues []issue
milestoneNumber, err := m.Client.FetchMilestone(ctx, m.RepoOwner, m.RepoName, milestoneName, false)
if err != nil {
return struct{}{}, err
variables := map[string]interface{}{
"repoOwner": githubv4.String(m.RepoOwner),
"repoName": githubv4.String(m.RepoName),
"avoidDupSince": githubv4.DateTime{Time: time.Now().Add(-30 * 24 * time.Hour)},
"milestoneNumber": githubv4.String(fmt.Sprint(milestoneNumber)), // For some reason GitHub API v4 uses string type for milestone numbers.
"issueCursor": (*githubv4.String)(nil),
for {
var q struct {
Repository struct {
Issues struct {
Nodes []issue
PageInfo struct {
EndCursor githubv4.String
HasNextPage bool
} `graphql:"issues(first: 100, after: $issueCursor, filterBy: {states: OPEN, labels: \"early-in-cycle\", milestoneNumber: $milestoneNumber}, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC})"`
} `graphql:"repository(owner: $repoOwner, name: $repoName)"`
err := gh.V4.Query(ctx, &q, variables)
if err != nil {
return struct{}{}, err
earlyIssues = append(earlyIssues, q.Repository.Issues.Nodes...)
if !q.Repository.Issues.PageInfo.HasNextPage {
variables["issueCursor"] = githubv4.NewString(q.Repository.Issues.PageInfo.EndCursor)
// Ping them.
ctx.Printf("Processing %d early-in-cycle issues in %s milestone (milestone number %d).", len(earlyIssues), milestoneName, milestoneNumber)
for _, i := range earlyIssues {
for _, n := range i.TimelineItems.Nodes {
if n.IssueComment.Author.Login == "gopherbot" && strings.Contains(n.IssueComment.Body, "friendly reminder") {
ctx.Printf("Skipping issue %d, it was already pinged.", i.Number)
continue EarlyIssuesLoop
// Post a comment.
const dryRun = false
if dryRun {
ctx.Printf("[dry run] Would've pinged issue %d (%.32s…).", i.Number, i.Title)
err := m.Client.PostComment(ctx, i.ID, fmt.Sprintf("This issue is currently labeled as early-in-cycle for Go 1.%d.\n"+
"That [time is now](%s), so a friendly reminder to look at it again.", develVersion, openTreeURL))
if err != nil {
return struct{}{}, err
ctx.Printf("Pinged issue %d (%.32s…).", i.Number, i.Title)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // Take a moment between pinging issues to avoid a high rate of addComment mutations.
return struct{}{}, nil
// GitHubClientInterface is a wrapper around the GitHub v3 and v4 APIs, for
// testing and dry-run support.
type GitHubClientInterface interface {
// FetchMilestone returns the number of the GitHub milestone with the specified name.
// If create is true, and the milestone doesn't exist, it will be created.
FetchMilestone(ctx context.Context, owner, repo, name string, create bool) (int, error)
// FetchMilestoneIssues returns all the open issues in the specified milestone
// and their labels.
FetchMilestoneIssues(ctx context.Context, owner, repo string, milestoneID int) (map[int]map[string]bool, error)
// See github.Client.Issues.Create.
CreateIssue(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, issue *github.IssueRequest) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error)
// See github.Client.Issues.Edit.
EditIssue(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int, issue *github.IssueRequest) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error)
// See github.Client.Issues.Get.
GetIssue(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error)
// See github.Client.Issues.EditMilestone.
EditMilestone(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int, milestone *github.Milestone) (*github.Milestone, *github.Response, error)
// PostComment creates a comment on a GitHub issue or pull request
// identified by the given GitHub Node ID.
PostComment(_ context.Context, id githubv4.ID, body string) error
type GitHubClient struct {
V3 *github.Client
V4 *githubv4.Client
func (c *GitHubClient) FetchMilestone(ctx context.Context, owner, repo, name string, create bool) (int, error) {
n, found, err := findMilestone(ctx, c.V4, owner, repo, name)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if found {
return n, nil
} else if !create {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no milestone named %q found, and creation was disabled", name)
m, _, createErr := c.V3.Issues.CreateMilestone(ctx, owner, repo, &github.Milestone{
Title: github.String(name),
if createErr != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not find an open milestone named %q and creating it failed: %v", name, createErr)
return *m.Number, nil
func findMilestone(ctx context.Context, client *githubv4.Client, owner, repo, name string) (int, bool, error) {
var query struct {
Repository struct {
Milestones struct {
Nodes []struct {
Title string
Number int
State string
} `graphql:"milestones(first:10, query: $milestoneName)"`
} `graphql:"repository(owner: $repoOwner, name: $repoName)"`
if err := client.Query(ctx, &query, map[string]interface{}{
"repoOwner": githubv4.String(owner),
"repoName": githubv4.String(repo),
"milestoneName": githubv4.String(name),
}); err != nil {
return 0, false, err
// The milestone query is case-insensitive and a partial match; we're okay
// with case variations but it needs to be a full match.
var open, closed []string
milestoneNumber := 0
for _, m := range query.Repository.Milestones.Nodes {
if strings.ToLower(name) != strings.ToLower(m.Title) {
if m.State == "OPEN" {
open = append(open, m.Title)
milestoneNumber = m.Number
} else {
closed = append(closed, m.Title)
// GitHub allows "go" and "Go" to exist at the same time.
// If there's any confusion, fail: we expect either one open milestone,
// or no matching milestones at all.
switch {
case len(open) == 1:
return milestoneNumber, true, nil
case len(open) > 1:
return 0, false, fmt.Errorf("multiple open milestones matching %q: %q", name, open)
// No open milestones.
case len(closed) == 0:
return 0, false, nil
case len(closed) > 0:
return 0, false, fmt.Errorf("no open milestones matching %q, but some closed: %q (re-open or delete?)", name, closed)
// The switch above is exhaustive.
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled case: open: %q closed: %q", open, closed))
func (c *GitHubClient) FetchMilestoneIssues(ctx context.Context, owner, repo string, milestoneID int) (map[int]map[string]bool, error) {
issues := map[int]map[string]bool{}
var query struct {
Repository struct {
Issues struct {
PageInfo struct {
EndCursor githubv4.String
HasNextPage bool
Nodes []struct {
Number int
ID githubv4.ID
Title string
Labels struct {
PageInfo struct {
HasNextPage bool
Nodes []struct {
Name string
} `graphql:"labels(first:10)"`
} `graphql:"issues(first:100, after:$afterToken, filterBy:{states:OPEN, milestoneNumber:$milestoneNumber})"`
} `graphql:"repository(owner: $repoOwner, name: $repoName)"`
var afterToken *githubv4.String
if err := c.V4.Query(ctx, &query, map[string]interface{}{
"repoOwner": githubv4.String(owner),
"repoName": githubv4.String(repo),
"milestoneNumber": githubv4.String(fmt.Sprint(milestoneID)),
"afterToken": afterToken,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, issue := range query.Repository.Issues.Nodes {
if issue.Labels.PageInfo.HasNextPage {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("issue %v (#%v) has more than 10 labels", issue.Title, issue.Number)
labels := map[string]bool{}
for _, label := range issue.Labels.Nodes {
labels[label.Name] = true
issues[issue.Number] = labels
if query.Repository.Issues.PageInfo.HasNextPage {
afterToken = &query.Repository.Issues.PageInfo.EndCursor
goto more
return issues, nil
func (c *GitHubClient) EditIssue(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int, issue *github.IssueRequest) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error) {
return c.V3.Issues.Edit(ctx, owner, repo, number, issue)
func (c *GitHubClient) CreateIssue(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, issue *github.IssueRequest) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error) {
return c.V3.Issues.Create(ctx, owner, repo, issue)
func (c *GitHubClient) GetIssue(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int) (*github.Issue, *github.Response, error) {
return c.V3.Issues.Get(ctx, owner, repo, number)
func (c *GitHubClient) EditMilestone(ctx context.Context, owner string, repo string, number int, milestone *github.Milestone) (*github.Milestone, *github.Response, error) {
return c.V3.Issues.EditMilestone(ctx, owner, repo, number, milestone)
func (c *GitHubClient) PostComment(ctx context.Context, id githubv4.ID, body string) error {
return c.V4.Mutate(ctx, new(struct {
AddComment struct {
ClientMutationID string // Unused; GraphQL doesn't allow for mutations to return nothing.
} `graphql:"addComment(input: $input)"`
}), githubv4.AddCommentInput{
SubjectID: id,
Body: githubv4.String(body),
}, nil)