blob: 4da9a85cf73e7a54d63d744276b13df65bfcd4d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Command makemac manages MacService instances for LUCI.
// It performs several different operations:
// - Detects MacService leases that MacService thinks are running, but never
// connected to LUCI (failed to boot?) and destroys them.
// - Detects MacService leases that MacService thinks are running, but LUCI
// thinks are dead (froze/crashed?) and destoys them.
// - Renews MacService leases that both MacService and LUCI agree are healthy
// to ensure they don't expire.
// - Destroys MacService leases with images that are not requested by the
// configuration in config.go.
// - Launches new MacService leases to ensure that there are the at least as
// many leases of each type as specified in the configuration in config.go.
package main
import (
spb ""
var (
apiKey = secret.Flag("macservice-api-key", "MacService API key")
period = flag.Duration("period", 1*time.Hour, "How often to check bots and leases. As a special case, -period=0 checks exactly once and then exits")
dryRun = flag.Bool("dry-run", false, "Print the actions that would be taken without actually performing them")
const (
createExpirationDuration = 24 * time.Hour
createExpirationDurationString = "86400s"
// Shorter renew expiration is a workaround to detect newly-created
// leases. See comment in handleMissingBots.
renewExpirationDuration = 23 * time.Hour
renewExpirationDurationString = "82800s" // 23h
const (
macServiceCustomer = "golang"
// Leases managed by makemac have ProjectName "makemac/SWARMING_HOST",
// indicating that it is managed by makemac, and which swarming host it
// belongs to. Leases without this project prefix will not be touched.
// Note that we track the swarming host directly in the lease project
// name because new leases may not have yet connected to the swarming
// server, but we still need to know which host to count them towards.
managedProjectPrefix = "makemac"
func main() {
if err := run(); err != nil {
func run() error {
ctx := context.Background()
var mc macServiceClient
mc = macservice.NewClient(*apiKey)
if *dryRun {
mc = readOnlyMacServiceClient{mc: mc}
// Use service account / application default credentials for swarming
// authentication.
ac, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating authenticated client: %w", err)
// Initialize each swarming client.
for sc, ic := range prodImageConfig {
c, err := swarming.NewClient(ctx, swarming.ClientOptions{
ServiceURL: "https://" + sc.Host,
AuthenticatedClient: ac,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating swarming client for %s: %w", sc.Host, err)
sc.client = c
logImageConfig(sc, ic)
// Always run once at startup.
runOnce(ctx, prodImageConfig, mc)
if *period == 0 {
// User only wants a single check. We're done.
return nil
t := time.NewTicker(*period)
for range t.C {
runOnce(ctx, prodImageConfig, mc)
return nil
func runOnce(ctx context.Context, config map[*swarmingConfig][]imageConfig, mc macServiceClient) {
bots, err := swarmingBots(ctx, config)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error looking up swarming bots: %v", err)
leases, err := macServiceLeases(mc)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error looking up MacService leases: %v", err)
logSummary(bots, leases)
// These directly correspond to the operation described in the package
// comment above.
handleMissingBots(mc, bots, leases)
handleDeadBots(mc, bots, leases)
renewLeases(mc, leases)
handleObsoleteLeases(mc, config, leases)
addNewLeases(mc, config, leases)
// leaseSwarmingHost returns the swarming host a managed lease belongs to.
// Returns "" if this isn't a managed lease.
func leaseSwarmingHost(l macservice.Lease) string {
prefix, host, ok := strings.Cut(l.VMResourceNamespace.ProjectName, "/")
if !ok {
// Malformed project name, must not be managed.
return ""
if prefix != managedProjectPrefix {
// Some other prefix. Not managed.
return ""
return host
func leaseIsManaged(l macservice.Lease) bool {
return leaseSwarmingHost(l) != ""
func logSummary(bots map[string]*spb.BotInfo, leases map[string]macservice.Instance) {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(bots))
for k := range bots {
keys = append(keys, k)
log.Printf("Swarming bots:")
for _, k := range keys {
b := bots[k]
alive := true
if b.GetIsDead() {
alive = false
os := "<unknown OS version>"
dimensions := b.GetDimensions()
for _, d := range dimensions {
if d.Key != "os" {
if len(d.Value) == 0 {
os = d.Value[len(d.Value)-1] // most specific value last.
log.Printf("\t%s: alive=%t\tos=%s", k, alive, os)
keys = make([]string, 0, len(leases))
for k := range leases {
keys = append(keys, k)
log.Printf("MacService leases:")
for _, k := range keys {
inst := leases[k]
swarming := leaseSwarmingHost(inst.Lease)
if swarming == "" {
swarming = "<unmanaged>"
image := inst.InstanceSpecification.DiskSelection.ImageHashes.BootSHA256
log.Printf("\t%s: image=%s\tswarming=%s", k, image, swarming)
// e.g.,
var botIDRe = regexp.MustCompile(`.*--([0-9a-f-]+)\.golang\..*\$`)
// swarmingBots returns set of bots backed by MacService, as seen by swarming.
// The map key is the MacService lease ID.
// Bots may be dead.
func swarmingBots(ctx context.Context, config map[*swarmingConfig][]imageConfig) (map[string]*spb.BotInfo, error) {
m := make(map[string]*spb.BotInfo)
scs := sortedSwarmingConfigs(config)
for _, sc := range scs {
dimensions := []*spb.StringPair{
Key: "pool",
Value: sc.Pool,
Key: "os",
Value: "Mac",
bb, err := sc.client.ListBots(ctx, dimensions)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error listing bots: %w", err)
for _, b := range bb {
id := b.GetBotId()
match := botIDRe.FindStringSubmatch(id)
if match == nil {
log.Printf("Swarming bot %s is not a MacService bot, skipping...", id)
lease := match[1]
m[lease] = b
return m, nil
// macServiceLeases returns the set of active MacService leases.
func macServiceLeases(mc macServiceClient) (map[string]macservice.Instance, error) {
resp, err := mc.Find(macservice.FindRequest{
VMResourceNamespace: macservice.Namespace{
CustomerName: "golang",
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding leases: %v", err)
m := make(map[string]macservice.Instance)
for _, i := range resp.Instances {
m[i.Lease.LeaseID] = i
return m, nil
// handleMissingBots detects MacService leases that MacService thinks are
// running, but never connected to LUCI (i.e., missing completely from LUCI)
// and destroys them.
// These are bots that perhaps never successfully booted?
func handleMissingBots(mc macServiceClient, bots map[string]*spb.BotInfo, leases map[string]macservice.Instance) {
log.Printf("Checking for missing bots...")
var missing []string
for id := range leases {
if _, ok := bots[id]; !ok {
missing = append(missing, id)
// Sort to make the logs easier to follow when comparing vs a bot/lease
// list.
for _, id := range missing {
lease := leases[id]
if !leaseIsManaged(lease.Lease) {
log.Printf("Lease %s missing from LUCI, but not managed by makemac; skipping", id)
// There is a race window here: if this lease was created in
// the last few minutes, the initial boot may still be ongoing,
// and thus being missing from LUCI is expected. We don't want
// to destroy these leases.
// Unfortunately MacService doesn't report lease creation time,
// so we can't trivially check for this case. It does report
// expiration time. As a workaround, we create new leases with
// a 24h expiration time, but renew leases with a 23h
// expiration. Thus if we see expiration is >23h from now then
// this lease must have been created in the last hour.
untilExpiration := time.Until(lease.Lease.Expires)
if untilExpiration > renewExpirationDuration {
log.Printf("Lease %s missing from LUCI, but created in the last hour (still booting?); skipping", id)
log.Printf("Lease %s missing from LUCI; failed initial boot?", id)
log.Printf("Vacating lease %s...", id)
if err := mc.Vacate(macservice.VacateRequest{LeaseID: id}); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error vacating lease %s: %v", id, err)
delete(leases, id) // Drop from map so future calls know it is gone.
// handleDeadBots detects MacService leases that MacService thinks are running,
// but LUCI thinks are dead (froze/crashed?) and destoys them.
// These are bots that perhaps froze/crashed at some point after starting.
func handleDeadBots(mc macServiceClient, bots map[string]*spb.BotInfo, leases map[string]macservice.Instance) {
log.Printf("Checking for dead bots...")
var dead []string
for id, b := range bots {
if b.GetIsDead() {
dead = append(dead, id)
// Sort to make the logs easier to follow when comparing vs a bot/lease
// list.
for _, id := range dead {
lease, ok := leases[id]
if !ok {
// Dead bot already gone from MacService; nothing to do.
if !leaseIsManaged(lease.Lease) {
log.Printf("Lease %s is dead on LUCI, but still present on MacService, but not managed by makemac; skipping", id)
// No need to check for newly created leases like we do in
// handleMissingBots. If a bot appears as dead on LUCI then it
// must have successfully connected at some point.
log.Printf("Lease %s is dead on LUCI, but still present on MacService; VM froze/crashed?", id)
log.Printf("Vacating lease %s...", id)
if err := mc.Vacate(macservice.VacateRequest{LeaseID: id}); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error vacating lease %s: %v", id, err)
delete(leases, id) // Drop from map so future calls know it is gone.
// renewLeases renews lease expiration on all makemac-managed leases. Note that
// this may renew leases that will later be removed because their image is no
// longer required. This is harmless.
func renewLeases(mc macServiceClient, leases map[string]macservice.Instance) {
log.Printf("Renewing leases...")
var ids []string
for id := range leases {
ids = append(ids, id)
// Sort to make the logs easier to follow when comparing vs a bot/lease
// list.
for _, id := range ids {
lease := leases[id]
if !leaseIsManaged(lease.Lease) {
log.Printf("Lease %s is not managed by makemac; skipping renew", id)
// Extra spaces to make expiration line up with the renewal message below.
log.Printf("Lease ID: %s currently expires: %v", lease.Lease.LeaseID, lease.Lease.Expires)
// Newly created leases have a longer expiration duration than
// our renewal expiration duration. Don't renew these, which
// would would unintentionally shorten their expiration. See
// comment in handleMissingBots.
until := time.Until(lease.Lease.Expires)
if until > renewExpirationDuration {
log.Printf("Lease ID: %s skip renew, current expiration further out than renew expiration", lease.Lease.LeaseID)
rr, err := mc.Renew(macservice.RenewRequest{
LeaseID: lease.Lease.LeaseID,
Duration: renewExpirationDurationString,
if err == nil {
log.Printf("Lease ID: %s renewed, now expires: %v", lease.Lease.LeaseID, rr.Expires)
} else {
log.Printf("Lease ID: %s error renewing %v", lease.Lease.LeaseID, err)
// handleObsoleteLeases vacates any makemac-managed leases with images that are
// not requested by imageConfigs. This typically occurs when updating makemac
// to roll out a new image version.
func handleObsoleteLeases(mc macServiceClient, config map[*swarmingConfig][]imageConfig, leases map[string]macservice.Instance) {
log.Printf("Checking for leases with obsolete images...")
// swarming host -> image sha -> image config
swarmingImages := make(map[string]map[string]*imageConfig)
for sc, ic := range config {
swarmingImages[sc.Host] = imageConfigMap(ic)
var ids []string
for id := range leases {
ids = append(ids, id)
// Sort to make the logs easier to follow when comparing vs a bot/lease
// list.
for _, id := range ids {
lease := leases[id]
swarming := leaseSwarmingHost(lease.Lease)
if swarming == "" {
log.Printf("Lease %s is not managed by makemac; skipping image check", id)
images, ok := swarmingImages[swarming]
if !ok {
log.Printf("Lease %s belongs to unknown swarming host %s; skipping image check", id, swarming)
image := lease.InstanceSpecification.DiskSelection.ImageHashes.BootSHA256
if _, ok := images[image]; ok {
// Config doesn't want instances with this image. Vacate.
log.Printf("Lease %s uses obsolete image %s", id, image)
log.Printf("Vacating lease %s...", id)
if err := mc.Vacate(macservice.VacateRequest{LeaseID: id}); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error vacating lease %s: %v", id, err)
delete(leases, id) // Drop from map so future calls know it is gone.
func makeLeaseRequest(sc *swarmingConfig, ic *imageConfig) (macservice.LeaseRequest, error) {
cert, err := secret.DefaultResolver.ResolveSecret(ic.Cert)
if err != nil {
return macservice.LeaseRequest{}, fmt.Errorf("error resolving certificate secret: %w", err)
key, err := secret.DefaultResolver.ResolveSecret(ic.Key)
if err != nil {
return macservice.LeaseRequest{}, fmt.Errorf("error resolving key secret: %w", err)
return macservice.LeaseRequest{
VMResourceNamespace: macservice.Namespace{
CustomerName: macServiceCustomer,
ProjectName: managedProjectPrefix + "/" + sc.Host,
InstanceSpecification: macservice.InstanceSpecification{
Profile: macservice.V1_MEDIUM_VM,
AccessLevel: macservice.GOLANG_OSS,
DiskSelection: macservice.DiskSelection{
ImageHashes: macservice.ImageHashes{
BootSHA256: ic.Image,
Metadata: []macservice.MetadataEntry{
Key: "golang.swarming",
Value: sc.Host,
Key: "golang.hostname",
Value: ic.Hostname,
Key: "golang.cert",
Value: cert,
Key: "golang.key",
Value: key,
Duration: createExpirationDurationString,
}, nil
// addNewLeases adds new MacService leases as needed to ensure that there are
// at least MinCount makemac-managed leases of each configured image type.
func addNewLeases(mc macServiceClient, config map[*swarmingConfig][]imageConfig, leases map[string]macservice.Instance) {
log.Printf("Checking if new leases are required...")
// Count images per swarming host. Each host gets a different
// configuration. Map of swarming host -> image sha -> count.
swarmingImageCount := make(map[string]map[string]int)
for _, lease := range leases {
swarming := leaseSwarmingHost(lease.Lease)
if swarming == "" {
// Don't count leases we don't manage.
if _, ok := swarmingImageCount[swarming]; !ok {
swarmingImageCount[swarming] = make(map[string]int)
image := lease.InstanceSpecification.DiskSelection.ImageHashes.BootSHA256
// Iterate through configs in swarming order, then image order.
swarmingOrder := sortedSwarmingConfigs(config)
imageMap := make([]map[string]*imageConfig, 0, len(swarmingOrder))
imageOrder := make([][]string, 0, len(swarmingOrder))
for _, sc := range swarmingOrder {
m := imageConfigMap(config[sc])
order := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for image := range m {
order = append(order, image)
imageMap = append(imageMap, m)
imageOrder = append(imageOrder, order)
log.Printf("Current image lease count:")
for i, sc := range swarmingOrder {
for _, image := range imageOrder[i] {
config := imageMap[i][image]
gotCount := swarmingImageCount[sc.Host][config.Image]
log.Printf("\tHost %s: image %s: have %d leases\twant %d leases", sc.Host, config.Image, gotCount, config.MinCount)
for i, sc := range swarmingOrder {
for _, image := range imageOrder[i] {
config := imageMap[i][image]
gotCount := swarmingImageCount[sc.Host][config.Image]
need := config.MinCount - gotCount
if need <= 0 {
log.Printf("Host %s: image %s: creating %d new leases", sc.Host, config.Image, need)
req, err := makeLeaseRequest(sc, config)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Host %s: image %s: creating lease request: error %v", sc.Host, config.Image, err)
for i := 0; i < need; i++ {
log.Printf("Host %s: image %s: creating lease %d...", sc.Host, config.Image, i)
resp, err := mc.Lease(req)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Host %s: image %s: creating lease %d: error %v", sc.Host, config.Image, i, err)
log.Printf("Host %s: image %s: created lease %s", sc.Host, config.Image, resp.PendingLease.LeaseID)