| -- Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| -- license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| -- name: Workflows :many |
| SELECT * |
| FROM workflows |
| ORDER BY created_at DESC; |
| |
| -- name: WorkflowsByName :many |
| SELECT * |
| FROM workflows |
| WHERE name = $1 |
| ORDER BY created_at DESC; |
| |
| -- name: WorkflowsByNames :many |
| SELECT * |
| FROM workflows |
| WHERE name = ANY(@names::text[]) |
| ORDER BY created_at DESC; |
| |
| -- name: WorkflowNames :many |
| SELECT DISTINCT name::text |
| FROM workflows; |
| |
| -- name: Workflow :one |
| SELECT * |
| FROM workflows |
| WHERE id = $1; |
| |
| -- name: WorkflowCount :one |
| FROM workflows; |
| |
| -- name: WorkflowSidebar :many |
| SELECT name, COUNT(*) |
| FROM workflows |
| GROUP BY name |
| ORDER BY name; |
| |
| -- name: CreateWorkflow :one |
| INSERT INTO workflows (id, params, name, schedule_id, created_at, updated_at) |
| VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) |
| |
| -- name: CreateTask :one |
| INSERT INTO tasks (workflow_id, name, finished, result, error, created_at, updated_at, approved_at, |
| ready_for_approval) |
| VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) |
| |
| -- name: UpsertTask :one |
| INSERT INTO tasks (workflow_id, name, started, finished, result, error, created_at, updated_at, |
| retry_count) |
| VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) |
| ON CONFLICT (workflow_id, name) DO UPDATE |
| SET workflow_id = excluded.workflow_id, |
| name = excluded.name, |
| started = excluded.started, |
| finished = excluded.finished, |
| result = excluded.result, |
| error = excluded.error, |
| updated_at = excluded.updated_at, |
| retry_count = excluded.retry_count |
| |
| -- name: Tasks :many |
| WITH most_recent_logs AS ( |
| SELECT workflow_id, task_name, MAX(updated_at) AS updated_at |
| FROM task_logs |
| GROUP BY workflow_id, task_name |
| ) |
| SELECT tasks.*, |
| GREATEST(most_recent_logs.updated_at, tasks.updated_at)::timestamptz AS most_recent_update |
| FROM tasks |
| LEFT JOIN most_recent_logs ON tasks.workflow_id = most_recent_logs.workflow_id AND |
| tasks.name = most_recent_logs.task_name |
| ORDER BY most_recent_update DESC; |
| |
| -- name: TasksForWorkflowSorted :many |
| WITH most_recent_logs AS ( |
| SELECT workflow_id, task_name, MAX(updated_at) AS updated_at |
| FROM task_logs |
| GROUP BY workflow_id, task_name |
| ) |
| SELECT tasks.*, |
| GREATEST(most_recent_logs.updated_at, tasks.updated_at)::timestamptz AS most_recent_update |
| FROM tasks |
| LEFT JOIN most_recent_logs ON tasks.workflow_id = most_recent_logs.workflow_id AND |
| tasks.name = most_recent_logs.task_name |
| WHERE tasks.workflow_id = $1 |
| ORDER BY most_recent_update DESC; |
| |
| -- name: TasksForWorkflow :many |
| SELECT tasks.* |
| FROM tasks |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 |
| ORDER BY created_at; |
| |
| -- name: Task :one |
| SELECT tasks.* |
| FROM tasks |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 |
| AND name = $2 |
| LIMIT 1; |
| |
| -- name: CreateTaskLog :one |
| INSERT INTO task_logs (workflow_id, task_name, body) |
| VALUES ($1, $2, $3) |
| |
| -- name: TaskLogsForTask :many |
| SELECT task_logs.* |
| FROM task_logs |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 |
| AND task_name = $2 |
| ORDER BY created_at; |
| |
| -- name: TaskLogsForWorkflow :many |
| SELECT task_logs.* |
| FROM task_logs |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 |
| ORDER BY created_at; |
| |
| -- name: TaskLogs :many |
| SELECT task_logs.* |
| FROM task_logs |
| ORDER BY created_at; |
| |
| -- name: UnfinishedWorkflows :many |
| SELECT workflows.* |
| FROM workflows |
| WHERE workflows.finished = FALSE; |
| |
| -- name: FailUnfinishedTasks :exec |
| UPDATE tasks |
| SET finished = TRUE, |
| started = TRUE, |
| error = 'task interrupted before completion', |
| updated_at = $2 |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 and started and not finished; |
| |
| -- name: WorkflowFinished :one |
| UPDATE workflows |
| SET finished = $2, |
| output = $3, |
| error = $4, |
| updated_at = $5 |
| WHERE workflows.id = $1 |
| |
| -- name: ApproveTask :one |
| UPDATE tasks |
| SET approved_at = $3, |
| updated_at = $3 |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 |
| AND name = $2 |
| |
| -- name: UpdateTaskReadyForApproval :one |
| UPDATE tasks |
| SET ready_for_approval = $3 |
| WHERE workflow_id = $1 |
| AND name = $2 |
| |
| -- name: Schedules :many |
| SELECT * |
| FROM schedules |
| ORDER BY id; |
| |
| -- name: CreateSchedule :one |
| INSERT INTO schedules (workflow_name, workflow_params, spec, once, interval_minutes, created_at, updated_at) |
| VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) |
| |
| -- name: DeleteSchedule :one |
| FROM schedules |
| WHERE id = $1 |
| |
| -- name: ClearWorkflowSchedule :many |
| UPDATE workflows |
| SET schedule_id = NULL |
| WHERE schedule_id = $1::int |
| |
| -- name: SchedulesLastRun :many |
| WITH last_scheduled_run AS ( |
| SELECT DISTINCT ON (schedule_id) schedule_id, id, created_at, workflows.error, finished |
| FROM workflows |
| ORDER BY schedule_id, workflows.created_at DESC |
| ) |
| SELECT schedules.id, |
| last_scheduled_run.id AS workflow_id, |
| last_scheduled_run.created_at AS workflow_created_at, |
| last_scheduled_run.error AS workflow_error, |
| last_scheduled_run.finished AS workflow_finished |
| FROM schedules |
| LEFT OUTER JOIN last_scheduled_run ON last_scheduled_run.schedule_id = schedules.id; |