blob: 0a3028e668b46c11929c35a8a9b8e188bcfd5c2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package buildlet
import (
// GCEGate optionally specifies a function to run before any GCE API call.
// It's intended to be used to bound QPS rate to GCE.
var GCEGate func()
func apiGate() {
if GCEGate != nil {
// ErrQuotaExceeded matches errors.Is when VM creation fails with a
// quota error. Currently, it only supports GCE quota errors.
var ErrQuotaExceeded = errors.New("quota exceeded")
type GCEError struct {
OpErrors []*compute.OperationErrorErrors
func (q *GCEError) Error() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d GCE operation errors: ", len(q.OpErrors))
for i, e := range q.OpErrors {
if i != 0 {
buf.WriteString("; ")
b, err := json.Marshal(e)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "json.Marshal(OpErrors[%d]): %v", i, err)
return buf.String()
func (q *GCEError) Is(target error) bool {
for _, err := range q.OpErrors {
if target == ErrQuotaExceeded && err.Code == "QUOTA_EXCEEDED" {
return true
return false
// StartNewVM boots a new VM on GCE and returns a buildlet client
// configured to speak to it.
func StartNewVM(creds *google.Credentials, buildEnv *buildenv.Environment, instName, hostType string, opts VMOpts) (Client, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
computeService, _ := compute.New(oauth2.NewClient(ctx, creds.TokenSource))
if opts.Description == "" {
opts.Description = fmt.Sprintf("Go Builder for %s", hostType)
if opts.ProjectID == "" {
opts.ProjectID = buildEnv.ProjectName
if opts.Zone == "" {
opts.Zone = buildEnv.RandomVMZone()
zone := opts.Zone
if opts.DeleteIn == 0 {
opts.DeleteIn = 30 * time.Minute
hconf, ok := dashboard.Hosts[hostType]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid host type %q", hostType)
if !hconf.IsVM() && !hconf.IsContainer() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("host %q is type %q; want either a VM or container type", hostType, hconf.PoolName())
projectID := opts.ProjectID
if projectID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("buildlet: missing required ProjectID option")
prefix := "" + projectID
machType := prefix + "/zones/" + zone + "/machineTypes/" + hconf.MachineType()
diskType := "" + projectID + "/zones/" + zone + "/diskTypes/pd-ssd"
if hconf.RegularDisk {
diskType = "" // a spinning disk
srcImage := "" + projectID + "/global/images/" + hconf.VMImage
minCPU := hconf.MinCPUPlatform
if hconf.IsContainer() {
if hconf.NestedVirt {
minCPU = "Intel Cascade Lake" // n2 vms (which support NestedVirtualization) are either Ice Lake or Cascade Lake.
if vm := hconf.ContainerVMImage(); vm != "" {
srcImage = "" + projectID + "/global/images/" + vm
} else {
var err error
srcImage, err = cosImage(ctx, computeService, hconf.CosArchitecture())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error find Container-Optimized OS image: %v", err)
instance := &compute.Instance{
Name: instName,
Description: opts.Description,
MachineType: machType,
MinCpuPlatform: minCPU,
Disks: []*compute.AttachedDisk{
AutoDelete: true,
Boot: true,
InitializeParams: &compute.AttachedDiskInitializeParams{
DiskName: instName,
SourceImage: srcImage,
DiskType: diskType,
Tags: &compute.Tags{
// Warning: do NOT list "http-server" or "allow-ssh" (our
// project's custom tag to allow ssh access) here; the
// buildlet provides full remote code execution.
// The https-server is authenticated, though.
Items: []string{"https-server"},
Metadata: &compute.Metadata{},
NetworkInterfaces: []*compute.NetworkInterface{{
Network: prefix + "/global/networks/default-vpc",
// Prior to git rev 1b1e086fd, we used preemptible
// instances, as we were helping test the feature. It was
// removed after git rev a23395d because we hadn't been
// using it for some time. Our VMs are so short-lived that
// the feature doesn't really help anyway. But if we ever
// find we want it again, this comment is here to point to
// code that might be useful to partially resurrect.
Scheduling: &compute.Scheduling{Preemptible: false},
// Container builders use the COS image, which defaults to logging to Cloud Logging.
// Permission is granted to this service account.
if hconf.IsContainer() && buildEnv.COSServiceAccount != "" {
instance.ServiceAccounts = []*compute.ServiceAccount{
Email: buildEnv.COSServiceAccount,
Scopes: []string{compute.CloudPlatformScope},
addMeta := func(key, value string) {
instance.Metadata.Items = append(instance.Metadata.Items, &compute.MetadataItems{
Key: key,
Value: &value,
// The buildlet-binary-url is the URL of the buildlet binary
// which the VMs are configured to download at boot and run.
// This lets us/ update the buildlet more easily than
// rebuilding the whole VM image.
addMeta("buildlet-binary-url", hconf.BuildletBinaryURL(buildenv.ByProjectID(opts.ProjectID)))
addMeta("buildlet-host-type", hostType)
if !opts.TLS.IsZero() {
addMeta("tls-cert", opts.TLS.CertPEM)
addMeta("tls-key", opts.TLS.KeyPEM)
addMeta("password", opts.TLS.Password())
if hconf.IsContainer() && hconf.CosArchitecture() == dashboard.CosArchAMD64 {
addMeta("gce-container-declaration", fmt.Sprintf(`spec:
- name: buildlet
image: ''
- name: tmpfs-0
mountPath: /workdir
privileged: true
stdin: false
tty: false
restartPolicy: Always
- name: tmpfs-0
medium: Memory
`, opts.ProjectID, hconf.ContainerImage))
} else if hconf.IsContainer() && hconf.CosArchitecture() == dashboard.CosArchARM64 {
addMeta("user-data", fmt.Sprintf(`#cloud-config
- path: /etc/systemd/system/buildlet.service
permissions: 0644
owner: root:root
content: |
Description=Start buildlet container
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name=buildlet --privileged -p 80:80
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop buildlet
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/docker rm buildlet
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl start buildlet.service
`, opts.ProjectID, hconf.ContainerImage))
if opts.DeleteIn > 0 {
// In case the VM gets away from us (generally: if the
// coordinator dies while a build is running), then we
// set this attribute of when it should be killed so
// we can kill it later when the coordinator is
// restarted. The cleanUpOldVMs goroutine loop handles
// that killing.
addMeta("delete-at", fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Add(opts.DeleteIn).Unix()))
for k, v := range opts.Meta {
addMeta(k, v)
op, err := computeService.Instances.Insert(projectID, zone, instance).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create instance: %v", err)
createOp := op.Name
// Wait for instance create operation to succeed.
for {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
op, err := computeService.ZoneOperations.Get(projectID, zone, createOp).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get op %s: %v", createOp, err)
switch op.Status {
case "DONE":
if op.Error != nil {
err := &GCEError{OpErrors: make([]*compute.OperationErrorErrors, len(op.Error.Errors))}
copy(err.OpErrors, op.Error.Errors)
return nil, err
break OpLoop
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown create status %q: %+v", op.Status, op)
inst, err := computeService.Instances.Get(projectID, zone, instName).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting instance %s details after creation: %v", instName, err)
// Finds its internal and/or external IP addresses.
intIP, extIP := instanceIPs(inst)
// Wait for it to boot and its buildlet to come up.
var buildletURL string
var ipPort string
if !opts.TLS.IsZero() {
if extIP == "" {
return nil, errors.New("didn't find its external IP address")
buildletURL = "https://" + extIP
ipPort = extIP + ":443"
} else {
if intIP == "" {
return nil, errors.New("didn't find its internal IP address")
buildletURL = "http://" + intIP
ipPort = intIP + ":80"
if opts.OnGotInstanceInfo != nil {
var closeFunc func()
if opts.UseIAPTunnel {
var localPort string
var err error
localPort, closeFunc, err = createIAPTunnel(ctx, inst)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating IAP tunnel: %v", err)
buildletURL = "http://localhost:" + localPort
ipPort = "" + localPort
client, err := buildletClient(ctx, buildletURL, ipPort, &opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if closeFunc != nil {
return &extraCloseClient{client, closeFunc}, nil
return client, nil
type extraCloseClient struct {
close func()
func (e *extraCloseClient) Close() error {
defer e.close()
return e.Close()
func createIAPTunnel(ctx context.Context, inst *compute.Instance) (string, func(), error) {
// Allocate a local listening port.
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
localAddr := ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
// Start the gcloud command. For some reason, when gcloud is run with a
// pipe for stdout, it doesn't log the success message, so we can only
// check for success empirically.
m := regexp.MustCompile(`/projects/([^/]+)/zones/([^/]+)`).FindStringSubmatch(inst.Zone)
if m == nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected inst.Zone: %q", inst.Zone)
project, zone := m[1], m[2]
tunnelCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx,
"gcloud", "compute", "start-iap-tunnel", "--iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check",
"--project", project, "--zone", zone, inst.Name, "80", "--local-host-port", localAddr.String())
// hideWriter hides the underlying io.Writer from os/exec, bypassing the
// special case where os/exec will let a subprocess share the fd to an
// *os.File. Using hideWriter will result in goroutines that copy from a
// fresh pipe and write to the writer in the parent Go program.
// That guarantees that if the subprocess
// leaves background processes lying around, they will not keep lingering
// references to the parent Go program's stdout and stderr.
// Prior to this, it was common for ./debugnewvm | cat to never finish,
// because debugnewvm left some gcloud helper processes behind, and cat
// (or any other program) would never observe EOF on its input pipe.
// We now try to shut gcloud down more carefully with os.Interrupt below,
// but hideWriter guarantees that lingering processes won't hang
// pipelines.
type hideWriter struct{ io.Writer }
tunnelCmd.Stderr = hideWriter{os.Stderr}
tunnelCmd.Stdout = hideWriter{os.Stdout}
if err := tunnelCmd.Start(); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// Start the process. Either it's going to fail to start after a bit, or
// it'll start listening on its port. Because we told it not to check the
// connection above, the connections won't be functional, but we can dial.
errc := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { errc <- tunnelCmd.Wait() }()
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < 60*time.Second; time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) {
// Check if the server crashed.
select {
case err := <-errc:
return "", nil, err
// Check if it's healthy.
conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, localAddr)
if err == nil {
kill := func() {
// gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel is a group of Python processes,
// so send an interrupt to try for an orderly shutdown of the process tree
// before killing the process outright.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
return fmt.Sprint(localAddr.Port), kill, nil
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("iap tunnel startup timed out")
type VM struct {
// Name is the name of the GCE VM instance.
// For example, it's of the form "mote-bradfitz-plan9-386-foo",
// and not "plan9-386-foo".
Name string
IPPort string
TLS KeyPair
Type string // buildlet type
func instanceIPs(inst *compute.Instance) (intIP, extIP string) {
for _, iface := range inst.NetworkInterfaces {
if strings.HasPrefix(iface.NetworkIP, "10.") {
intIP = iface.NetworkIP
for _, accessConfig := range iface.AccessConfigs {
if accessConfig.Type == "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT" {
extIP = accessConfig.NatIP
var (
cosListMu sync.Mutex
cosCachedTime time.Time
cosCache = map[dashboard.CosArch]*cosCacheEntry{}
type cosCacheEntry struct {
cachedTime time.Time
cachedImage string
// cosImage returns the GCP VM image name of the latest stable
// Container-Optimized OS image. It caches results for 15 minutes.
func cosImage(ctx context.Context, svc *compute.Service, arch dashboard.CosArch) (string, error) {
const cacheDuration = 15 * time.Minute
defer cosListMu.Unlock()
cosQuery := func(a dashboard.CosArch) (string, error) {
imList, err := svc.Images.List("cos-cloud").Filter(fmt.Sprintf("(family eq %q)", string(arch))).Context(ctx).Do()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if imList.NextPageToken != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("too many images; pagination not supported")
ims := imList.Items
if len(ims) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("no image found")
sort.Slice(ims, func(i, j int) bool {
if ims[i].Deprecated == nil && ims[j].Deprecated != nil {
return true
return ims[i].CreationTimestamp > ims[j].CreationTimestamp
return ims[0].SelfLink, nil
c, ok := cosCache[arch]
if !ok {
image, err := cosQuery(arch)
if err != nil {
return "", err
cosCache[arch] = &cosCacheEntry{
cachedTime: time.Now(),
cachedImage: image,
return image, nil
if c.cachedImage != "" && c.cachedTime.After(time.Now().Add(-cacheDuration)) {
return c.cachedImage, nil
image, err := cosQuery(arch)
if err != nil {
return "", err
c.cachedImage = image
c.cachedTime = time.Now()
return image, nil