cmd/relui: join announcement mail and tweet tasks in one workflow

Now that both workflows and their tasks are ready, we can combine them
into one workflow. Keep the old separate ones a bit longer, until we
get some experience using the new ones.

This removes the need to manually copy the AnnouncementURL output from
the the mail workflow into the tweet workflow, since a unified workflow
can do that automatically for us.

Fixes golang/go#47406.

Change-Id: Ie929e5ee2927e74547c1ef4cccc370874420559c
Reviewed-by: Alex Rakoczy <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Auto-Submit: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
Run-TryBot: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
diff --git a/cmd/relui/main.go b/cmd/relui/main.go
index 934a3a9..2e4800c 100644
--- a/cmd/relui/main.go
+++ b/cmd/relui/main.go
@@ -108,8 +108,9 @@
 	dh := relui.NewDefinitionHolder()
 	relui.RegisterMailDLCLDefinition(dh, versionTasks)
-	relui.RegisterAnnounceDefinitions(dh, annMail)
-	relui.RegisterTweetDefinitions(dh, extCfg)
+	relui.RegisterCommunicationDefinitions(dh, annMail, extCfg)
+	relui.RegisterAnnounceMailOnlyDefinitions(dh, annMail)
+	relui.RegisterTweetOnlyDefinitions(dh, extCfg)
 	userPassAuth := buildlet.UserPass{
 		Username: "user-relui",
 		Password: key(*masterKey, "user-relui"),
diff --git a/internal/relui/workflows.go b/internal/relui/workflows.go
index 56ed742..6b29be5 100644
--- a/internal/relui/workflows.go
+++ b/internal/relui/workflows.go
@@ -100,9 +100,171 @@
 	h.RegisterDefinition("mail-dl-cl", wd)
-// RegisterAnnounceDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving announcing
+// RegisterCommunicationDefinitions registers workflow definitions
+// involving mailing announcements and posting tweets onto h.
+func RegisterCommunicationDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, tasks task.AnnounceMailTasks, e task.ExternalConfig) {
+	version := workflow.Parameter{
+		Name: "Version",
+		Doc: `Version is the Go version that has been released.
+The version string must use the same format as Go tags.`,
+	}
+	securitySummary := workflow.Parameter{
+		Name: "Security Summary (optional)",
+		Doc: `Security Summary is an optional sentence describing security fixes included in this release.
+It shows up in the release tweet.
+The empty string means there are no security fixes to highlight.
+Past examples:
+• "Includes a security fix for crypto/tls (CVE-2021-34558)."
+• "Includes a security fix for the Wasm port (CVE-2021-38297)."
+• "Includes security fixes for encoding/pem (CVE-2022-24675), crypto/elliptic (CVE-2022-28327), crypto/x509 (CVE-2022-27536)."`,
+	}
+	securityFixes := workflow.Parameter{
+		Name:          "Security Fixes (optional)",
+		ParameterType: workflow.SliceLong,
+		Doc: `Security Fixes is a list of descriptions, one for each distinct security fix included in this release, in Markdown format.
+It shows up in the announcement mail.
+The empty list means there are no security fixes included.
+Past examples:
+• "encoding/pem: fix stack overflow in Decode
+   A large (more than 5 MB) PEM input can cause a stack overflow in Decode,
+   leading the program to crash.
+   Thanks to Juho Nurminen of Mattermost who reported the error.
+   This is CVE-2022-24675 and Go issue"
+• "crypto/elliptic: tolerate all oversized scalars in generic P-256
+   A crafted scalar input longer than 32 bytes can cause P256().ScalarMult
+   or P256().ScalarBaseMult to panic. Indirect uses through crypto/ecdsa and
+   crypto/tls are unaffected. amd64, arm64, ppc64le, and s390x are unaffected.
+   This was discovered thanks to a Project Wycheproof test vector.
+   This is CVE-2022-28327 and Go issue"`,
+		Example: `encoding/pem: fix stack overflow in Decode
+A large (more than 5 MB) PEM input can cause a stack overflow in Decode,
+leading the program to crash.
+Thanks to Juho Nurminen of Mattermost who reported the error.
+This is CVE-2022-24675 and Go issue`,
+	}
+	names := workflow.Parameter{
+		Name:          "Names (optional)",
+		ParameterType: workflow.SliceShort,
+		Doc: `Names is an optional list of release coordinator names to include in the sign-off message.
+It shows up in the announcement mail.`,
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		minorVersion := version
+		minorVersion.Example = "go1.18.2"
+		v1 := wd.Parameter(minorVersion)
+		v2 := wd.Parameter(workflow.Parameter{
+			Name:    "Secondary Version",
+			Doc:     `Secondary Version is an older Go version that was also released.`,
+			Example: "go1.17.10",
+		})
+		securitySummary := wd.Parameter(securitySummary)
+		securityFixes := wd.Parameter(securityFixes)
+		names := wd.Parameter(names)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2 string, sec, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Names: names})
+		}, v1, v2, securityFixes, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v1, v2, sec, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetMinorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v1, SecondaryVersion: v2, Security: sec, Announcement: ann}, e)
+		}, v1, v2, securitySummary, announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-minor", wd)
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		betaVersion := version
+		betaVersion.Example = "go1.19beta1"
+		v := wd.Parameter(betaVersion)
+		names := wd.Parameter(names)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+		}, v, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetBetaRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, e)
+		}, v, announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-beta", wd)
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		rcVersion := version
+		rcVersion.Example = "go1.19rc1"
+		v := wd.Parameter(rcVersion)
+		names := wd.Parameter(names)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+		}, v, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v, ann string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetRCRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v, Announcement: ann}, e)
+		}, v, announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-rc", wd)
+	}
+	{
+		wd := workflow.New()
+		majorVersion := version
+		majorVersion.Example = "go1.19"
+		v := wd.Parameter(majorVersion)
+		names := wd.Parameter(names)
+		sentMail := wd.Task("mail-announcement", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string, names []string) (task.SentMail, error) {
+			return tasks.AnnounceMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseAnnouncement{Version: v, Names: names})
+		}, v, names)
+		announcementURL := wd.Task("await-announcement", tasks.AwaitAnnounceMail, sentMail)
+		tweetURL := wd.Task("post-tweet", func(ctx *workflow.TaskContext, v string) (string, error) {
+			return task.TweetMajorRelease(ctx, task.ReleaseTweet{Version: v}, e)
+		}, v)
+		wd.Output("AnnouncementURL", announcementURL)
+		wd.Output("TweetURL", tweetURL)
+		h.RegisterDefinition("announce-and-tweet-major", wd)
+	}
+// RegisterAnnounceMailOnlyDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving announcing
 // onto h.
-func RegisterAnnounceDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, tasks task.AnnounceMailTasks) {
+// This is superseded by RegisterCommunicationDefinitions and will be removed
+// after some time, when we confirm there's no need for separate workflows.
+func RegisterAnnounceMailOnlyDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, tasks task.AnnounceMailTasks) {
 	version := workflow.Parameter{
 		Name: "Version",
 		Doc: `Version is the Go version that has been released.
@@ -202,9 +364,12 @@
-// RegisterTweetDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving tweeting
+// RegisterTweetOnlyDefinitions registers workflow definitions involving tweeting
 // onto h, using e for the external service configuration.
-func RegisterTweetDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, e task.ExternalConfig) {
+// This is superseded by RegisterCommunicationDefinitions and will be removed
+// after some time, when we confirm there's no need for separate workflows.
+func RegisterTweetOnlyDefinitions(h *DefinitionHolder, e task.ExternalConfig) {
 	version := workflow.Parameter{
 		Name: "Version",
 		Doc: `Version is the Go version that has been released.
diff --git a/internal/task/announce.go b/internal/task/announce.go
index 0f3206b..468d15a 100644
--- a/internal/task/announce.go
+++ b/internal/task/announce.go
@@ -127,20 +127,27 @@
 		return SentMail{}, err
 	if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
-		log.Printf("announcement subject: %s\n", m.Subject)
-		log.Printf("\nannouncement body HTML:\n%s", m.BodyHTML)
-		log.Printf("\nannouncement body text:\n%s", m.BodyText)
+		log.Printf("announcement subject: %s\n\n", m.Subject)
+		log.Printf("announcement body HTML:\n%s\n", m.BodyHTML)
+		log.Printf("announcement body text:\n%s", m.BodyText)
-	// Confirm that this announcement doesn't already exist.
+	// Before sending, check to see if this announcement already exists.
 	if threadURL, err := findGoogleGroupsThread(ctx, m.Subject); err != nil {
 		// Proceeding would risk sending a duplicate email, so error out instead.
 		return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("stopping early due to error checking for an existing Google Groups thread: %v", err)
 	} else if threadURL != "" {
-		// TODO( Once this task is a part of a larger workflow (which may need
-		// to tolerate resuming, restarting, and so on), the case of the matching subject already
-		// being there should become considered as "success, keep going" rather than "error, stop".
-		return SentMail{}, fmt.Errorf("a Google Groups thread with matching subject %q already exists at %q, stopping", m.Subject, threadURL)
+		// This should never happen since this task runs once per release.
+		// It can happen under unusual circumstances, for example if the task crashes after
+		// mailing but before completion, or if parts of the release workflow are restarted,
+		// or if a human mails the announcement email manually out of band.
+		//
+		// So if we see that the email exists, consider it as "task completed successfully"
+		// and pretend we were the ones that sent it, so the high level workflow can keep going.
+		if log := ctx.Logger; log != nil {
+			log.Printf("a Google Groups thread with matching subject %q already exists at %q, so we'll consider that as it being sent successfully", m.Subject, threadURL)
+		}
+		return SentMail{m.Subject}, nil
 	// Send the announcement email to the destination mailing lists.