blob: d565c244011e043421a4b94111c82aa117658faf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package sign
import (
var _ Service = (*SigningServer)(nil)
// SigningServer is a GRPC signing server used to send signing requests and
// signing status requests to a client.
type SigningServer struct {
callback *responseCallback
requests chan *protos.SigningRequest
// NewServer creates a GRPC signing server used to send signing requests and
// signing status requests to a client.
func NewServer() *SigningServer {
return &SigningServer{
requests: make(chan *protos.SigningRequest, 1),
callback: &responseCallback{
registry: make(map[string]func(*signResponse)),
// UpdateSigningStatus uses a bidirectional streaming connection to send signing requests to the client and
// and receive status updates on signing requests. There is no specific order which the requests or responses
// need to occur in. The connection returns an error once the context is canceled or an error is encountered.
func (rs *SigningServer) UpdateSigningStatus(stream protos.ReleaseService_UpdateSigningStatusServer) error {
_, err := access.IAPFromContext(stream.Context())
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "request does not contain the required authentication")
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(stream.Context())
g.Go(func() error {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case request := <-rs.requests:
if err := stream.Send(request); err != nil {
err: err,
messageID: request.GetMessageId(),
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "sending request failed")
g.Go(func() error {
for {
in, err := stream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
messageID: in.GetMessageId(),
status: in,
if err := g.Wait(); err == nil {
log.Printf("SigningServer: UpdateSigningStatus=%s", err)
return err
return nil
// send is called when sending a request to the client calling the server. This will return either the response or a
// timeout error when the context has been canceled.
func (rs *SigningServer) send(ctx context.Context, req *protos.SigningRequest) (*protos.SigningStatus, error) {
respCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var resp *signResponse
rs.callback.register(req.GetMessageId(), func(r *signResponse) {
resp = r
// send message
select {
case rs.requests <- req:
log.Printf("SigningServer: sent signing request with message=%q", req.GetMessageId())
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
return resp.status, resp.err
// SignArtifact implements Service.
func (rs *SigningServer) SignArtifact(ctx context.Context, bt BuildType, objectURI []string) (jobID string, _ error) {
resp, err := rs.send(ctx, &protos.SigningRequest{
MessageId: uuid.NewString(),
RequestOneof: &protos.SigningRequest_Sign{
Sign: &protos.SignArtifactRequest{
BuildType: bt.proto(),
GcsUri: objectURI,
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch t := resp.StatusOneof.(type) {
case *protos.SigningStatus_Started:
return t.Started.JobId, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected response type %T for a sign request", t)
// ArtifactSigningStatus implements Service.
func (rs *SigningServer) ArtifactSigningStatus(ctx context.Context, jobID string) (status Status, objectURI []string, err error) {
resp, err := rs.send(ctx, &protos.SigningRequest{
MessageId: uuid.NewString(),
RequestOneof: &protos.SigningRequest_Status{
Status: &protos.SignArtifactStatusRequest{JobId: jobID},
if err != nil {
return StatusUnknown, nil, err
switch t := resp.StatusOneof.(type) {
case *protos.SigningStatus_Completed:
status = StatusCompleted
objectURI = t.Completed.GetGcsUri()
case *protos.SigningStatus_Failed:
status = StatusFailed
case *protos.SigningStatus_NotFound:
status = StatusNotFound
err = fmt.Errorf("signing request not found for message=%q", resp.GetMessageId())
case *protos.SigningStatus_Running:
status = StatusRunning
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response type %T for a status request", t)
return status, objectURI, err
// CancelSigning implements Service.
func (rs *SigningServer) CancelSigning(ctx context.Context, jobID string) error {
_, err := rs.send(ctx, &protos.SigningRequest{
MessageId: uuid.NewString(),
RequestOneof: &protos.SigningRequest_Cancel{
Cancel: &protos.SignArtifactCancelRequest{
JobId: jobID,
return err
// signResponse contains the response and error from a signing request.
type signResponse struct {
err error
messageID string
status *protos.SigningStatus
// responseCallback manages the message ID to callback association used to
// respond to previously created requests to a channel.
type responseCallback struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// registry is a map of message_id -> callback
registry map[string]func(*signResponse)
// register creates a message ID to channel association.
func (c *responseCallback) register(messageID string, f func(*signResponse)) {
c.registry[messageID] = f
// deregister removes the channel to message ID association.
func (c *responseCallback) deregister(messageID string) {
delete(c.registry, messageID)
// callAndDeregister calls the callback associated with the message ID. If no
// callback is registered for the message ID, the response is dropped. The callback
// registration is always removed if it exists.
func (c *responseCallback) callAndDeregister(resp *signResponse) {
respFunc, ok := c.registry[resp.status.GetMessageId()]
if ok {
delete(c.registry, resp.status.GetMessageId())
if !ok {
// drop the message
log.Printf("SigningServer: caller not found for message=%q", resp.status.GetMessageId())