blob: f8ccd4ed334415300cc694670afb4275ab4cc263 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package maintapi exposes a gRPC maintner service for a given corpus.
package maintapi
import (
// NewAPIService creates a gRPC Server that serves the Maintner API for the given corpus.
func NewAPIService(corpus *maintner.Corpus) apipb.MaintnerServiceServer {
return apiService{corpus}
// apiService implements apipb.MaintnerServiceServer using the Corpus c.
type apiService struct {
c *maintner.Corpus
// There really shouldn't be any more fields here.
// All state should be in c.
// A bool like "in staging" should just be a global flag.
func (s apiService) HasAncestor(ctx context.Context, req *apipb.HasAncestorRequest) (*apipb.HasAncestorResponse, error) {
if len(req.Commit) != 40 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid Commit")
if len(req.Ancestor) != 40 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid Ancestor")
defer s.c.RUnlock()
commit := s.c.GitCommit(req.Commit)
res := new(apipb.HasAncestorResponse)
if commit == nil {
// TODO: wait for it? kick off a fetch of it and then answer?
// optional?
res.UnknownCommit = true
return res, nil
if a := s.c.GitCommit(req.Ancestor); a != nil {
res.HasAncestor = commit.HasAncestor(a)
return res, nil
func isStagingCommit(cl *maintner.GerritCL) bool {
return cl.Commit != nil &&
strings.Contains(cl.Commit.Msg, "DO NOT SUBMIT") &&
strings.Contains(cl.Commit.Msg, "STAGING")
func tryBotStatus(cl *maintner.GerritCL, forStaging bool) (try, done bool) {
if cl.Commit == nil {
return // shouldn't happen
if forStaging != isStagingCommit(cl) {
for _, msg := range cl.Messages {
if msg.Version != cl.Version {
firstLine := msg.Message
if nl := strings.IndexByte(firstLine, '\n'); nl != -1 {
firstLine = firstLine[:nl]
if !strings.Contains(firstLine, "TryBot") {
if strings.Contains(firstLine, "Run-TryBot+1") {
try = true
if strings.Contains(firstLine, "-Run-TryBot") {
try = false
if strings.Contains(firstLine, "TryBot-Result") {
done = true
func tryWorkItem(cl *maintner.GerritCL) *apipb.GerritTryWorkItem {
return &apipb.GerritTryWorkItem{
Project: cl.Project.Project(),
Branch: strings.TrimPrefix(cl.Branch(), "refs/heads/"),
ChangeId: cl.ChangeID(),
Commit: cl.Commit.Hash.String(),
func (s apiService) GetRef(ctx context.Context, req *apipb.GetRefRequest) (*apipb.GetRefResponse, error) {
defer s.c.RUnlock()
gp := s.c.Gerrit().Project(req.GerritServer, req.GerritProject)
if gp == nil {
return nil, errors.New("unknown gerrit project")
res := new(apipb.GetRefResponse)
hash := gp.Ref(req.Ref)
if hash != "" {
res.Value = hash.String()
return res, nil
var tryCache struct {
forNumChanges int // number of label changes in project val is valid for
lastPoll time.Time // of gerrit
val *apipb.GoFindTryWorkResponse
var tryBotGerrit = gerrit.NewClient("", gerrit.NoAuth)
func (s apiService) GoFindTryWork(ctx context.Context, req *apipb.GoFindTryWorkRequest) (*apipb.GoFindTryWorkResponse, error) {
defer tryCache.Unlock()
defer s.c.RUnlock()
// Count the number of vote label changes over time. If it's
// the same as the last query, return a cached result without
// hitting Gerrit.
var sumChanges int
s.c.Gerrit().ForeachProjectUnsorted(func(gp *maintner.GerritProject) error {
if gp.Server() != "" {
return nil
sumChanges += gp.NumLabelChanges()
return nil
now := time.Now()
const maxPollInterval = 15 * time.Second
if tryCache.val != nil &&
(tryCache.forNumChanges == sumChanges ||
tryCache.lastPoll.After(now.Add(-maxPollInterval))) {
return tryCache.val, nil
tryCache.lastPoll = now
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
const query = "label:Run-TryBot=1 label:TryBot-Result=0 status:open"
cis, err := tryBotGerrit.QueryChanges(ctx, query, gerrit.QueryChangesOpt{
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tryCache.forNumChanges = sumChanges
res := new(apipb.GoFindTryWorkResponse)
goProj := s.c.Gerrit().Project("", "go")
supportedReleases, err := supportedGoReleases(goProj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, ci := range cis {
cl := s.c.Gerrit().Project("", ci.Project).CL(int32(ci.ChangeNumber))
if cl == nil {
log.Printf("nil Gerrit CL %v", ci.ChangeNumber)
work := tryWorkItem(cl)
if ci.CurrentRevision != "" {
// In case maintner is behind.
work.Commit = ci.CurrentRevision
if work.Project != "go" {
// Trybot on a subrepo. Set the Go fields to master and the supported releases.
work.GoBranch = []string{"master"}
work.GoCommit = []string{goProj.Ref("refs/heads/master").String()}
for _, r := range supportedReleases {
work.GoBranch = append(work.GoBranch, r.BranchName)
work.GoCommit = append(work.GoCommit, r.BranchCommit)
res.Waiting = append(res.Waiting, work)
// Sort in some stable order.
// TODO: better would be sorting by time the trybot was
// requested, or the time of the CL. But we don't return that
// (yet?) because the coordinator has never needed it
// historically. But if we do a proper scheduler (Issue
// 19178), perhaps it would be good data to have in the
// coordinator.
sort.Slice(res.Waiting, func(i, j int) bool {
return res.Waiting[i].Commit < res.Waiting[j].Commit
tryCache.val = res
log.Printf("maintnerd: GetTryWork: for label changes of %d, cached %d trywork items.",
sumChanges, len(res.Waiting))
return res, nil
// ListGoReleases lists Go releases. A release is considered to exist
// if a tag for it exists.
func (s apiService) ListGoReleases(ctx context.Context, req *apipb.ListGoReleasesRequest) (*apipb.ListGoReleasesResponse, error) {
defer s.c.RUnlock()
goProj := s.c.Gerrit().Project("", "go")
releases, err := supportedGoReleases(goProj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &apipb.ListGoReleasesResponse{
Releases: releases,
}, nil
// nonChangeRefLister is implemented by *maintner.GerritProject,
// or something that acts like it for testing.
type nonChangeRefLister interface {
// ForeachNonChangeRef calls fn for each git ref on the server that is
// not a change (code review) ref. In general, these correspond to
// submitted changes. fn is called serially with sorted ref names.
// Iteration stops with the first non-nil error returned by fn.
ForeachNonChangeRef(fn func(ref string, hash maintner.GitHash) error) error
// releaseBranchRx matches things of the form "release-branch.go1.5" or "release-branch.go2",
// but not things like "release-branch.go1.10-security".
var releaseBranchRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^release-branch\.go(\d{1,2})(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?$`)
// supportedGoReleases returns the latest patches of releases
// that are considered supported per policy.
func supportedGoReleases(goProj nonChangeRefLister) ([]*apipb.GoRelease, error) {
type majorMinor struct {
Major, Minor int32
type tag struct {
Patch int32
Name string
Commit maintner.GitHash
type branch struct {
Name string
Commit maintner.GitHash
tags := make(map[majorMinor]tag)
branches := make(map[majorMinor]branch)
// Iterate over Go tags and release branches. Find the latest patch
// for each major-minor pair, and fill in the appropriate fields.
err := goProj.ForeachNonChangeRef(func(ref string, hash maintner.GitHash) error {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(ref, "refs/tags/go"):
// Tag.
tagName := ref[len("refs/tags/"):]
var major, minor, patch int32
_, err := fmt.Sscanf(tagName, "go%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch)
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
// Do nothing.
} else if err != nil {
return nil
if t, ok := tags[majorMinor{major, minor}]; ok && patch <= t.Patch {
// This patch version is not newer than what we've already seen, skip it.
return nil
tags[majorMinor{major, minor}] = tag{
Patch: patch,
Name: tagName,
Commit: hash,
case strings.HasPrefix(ref, "refs/heads/release-branch.go"):
// Release branch.
branchName := ref[len("refs/heads/"):]
m := releaseBranchRx.FindStringSubmatch(branchName)
if m == nil {
return nil
var major, minor int
major, _ = strconv.Atoi(m[1])
if len(m) > 2 {
minor, _ = strconv.Atoi(m[2])
branches[majorMinor{int32(major), int32(minor)}] = branch{
Name: branchName,
Commit: hash,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// A release is considered to exist for each git tag named "goX", "goX.Y", or "goX.Y.Z",
// as long as it has a corresponding "release-branch.goX" or "release-branch.goX.Y" release branch.
var rs []*apipb.GoRelease
for v, t := range tags {
b, ok := branches[v]
if !ok {
// In the unlikely case a tag exists but there's no release branch for it,
// don't consider it a release. This way, callers won't have to do this work.
rs = append(rs, &apipb.GoRelease{
Major: v.Major,
Minor: v.Minor,
Patch: t.Patch,
TagName: t.Name,
TagCommit: t.Commit.String(),
BranchName: b.Name,
BranchCommit: b.Commit.String(),
// Sort by version. Latest first.
sort.Slice(rs, func(i, j int) bool {
x1, y1, z1 := rs[i].Major, rs[i].Minor, rs[i].Patch
x2, y2, z2 := rs[j].Major, rs[j].Minor, rs[j].Patch
if x1 != x2 {
return x1 > x2
if y1 != y2 {
return y1 > y2
return z1 > z2
// Per policy, only the latest two releases are considered supported.
if len(rs) > 2 {
rs = rs[:2]
return rs, nil