| buckets: { |
| name: "ci" |
| swarming: { |
| builders: { |
| name: "go1.20-darwin-amd64" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"coord_mode\": { \"build_builder\": \"golang/ci/go1.20-darwin-amd64-build_go\", \"builders_to_trigger_after_toolchain_build\": [ \"golang/ci/x_arch-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_benchmarks-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_build-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_crypto-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_debug-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_exp-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_image-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_mod-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_net-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_oauth2-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_perf-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_pkgsite-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_pkgsite-metrics-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_review-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_sync-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_sys-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_telemetry-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_term-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_text-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_time-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_tools-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_vuln-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_vulndb-go1.20-darwin-amd64\", \"golang/ci/x_website-go1.20-darwin-amd64\" ], \"num_test_shards\": 1, \"test_builder\": \"golang/ci/go1.20-darwin-amd64-test_only\" }, \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 1, \"project\": \"go\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\", \"xcode_version\": \"12e5244e\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci" |
| dimensions: "cipd_platform:linux-amd64" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.20.6\", \"coord_mode\": { \"build_builder\": \"golang/ci/gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto-build_go\", \"builders_to_trigger_after_toolchain_build\": [ \"golang/ci/x_arch-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_benchmarks-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_build-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_crypto-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_debug-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_exp-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_image-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_mobile-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_mod-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_net-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_oauth2-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_perf-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_pkgsite-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_pkgsite-metrics-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_review-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_sync-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_sys-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_telemetry-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_term-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_text-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_time-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_tools-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_vuln-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_vulndb-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\", \"golang/ci/x_website-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto\" ], \"num_test_shards\": 4, \"test_builder\": \"golang/ci/gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto-test_only\" }, \"env\": { \"GOEXPERIMENT\": \"boringcrypto\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"master\", \"mode\": 1, \"project\": \"go\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_benchmarks-go1.21-linux-amd64-longtest" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": { \"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE\": \"5\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.21\", \"long_test\": true, \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"benchmarks\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_debug-go1.20-darwin-amd64" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Mac" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.shared-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"debug\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\", \"xcode_version\": \"12e5244e\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_image-go1.20-linux-ppc64le" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:ppc64le" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.shared-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.21.0\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"image\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "luci.best_effort_platform" |
| value: 100 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_net-go1.20-linux-386-longtest" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": { \"GOARCH\": \"386\", \"GOHOSTARCH\": \"386\", \"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE\": \"5\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"long_test\": true, \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"net\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_perf-go1.21-linux-amd64-boringcrypto" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": { \"GOEXPERIMENT\": \"boringcrypto\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.21\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"perf\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_review-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.20.6\", \"env\": { \"GOEXPERIMENT\": \"boringcrypto\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"master\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"review\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_telemetry-go1.20-linux-amd64-boringcrypto" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": { \"GOEXPERIMENT\": \"boringcrypto\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"telemetry\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_text-go1.21-windows-amd64" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Windows" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.ci-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.21\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"text\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| buckets: { |
| name: "prod" |
| swarming: { |
| builders: { |
| name: "recipe-bundler" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Ubuntu" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.prod" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/recipe_bundles/chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra" |
| cipd_version: "git_revision:910dab144e53063038e4e67a7d7bac729203f43c" |
| cmd: "luciexe" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"package_name_internal_prefix\": \"golang/recipe_bundles\", \"package_name_prefix\": \"golang/recipe_bundles\", \"recipe\": \"recipe_bundler\", \"recipe_bundler_vers\": \"git_revision:910dab144e53063038e4e67a7d7bac729203f43c\", \"repo_specs\": [ \"go.googlesource.com/build=FETCH_HEAD,refs/heads/luci-config\" ]}" |
| priority: 20 |
| execution_timeout_secs: 600 |
| expiration_secs: 900 |
| service_account: "recipe-bundler@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "luci.recipes.use_python3" |
| value: 100 |
| } |
| description_html: "Builder to bundle recipe changes and upload bundled recipe package to CIPD." |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| buckets: { |
| name: "try" |
| swarming: { |
| builders: { |
| name: "go1.20-darwin-amd64" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"coord_mode\": { \"build_builder\": \"golang/try/go1.20-darwin-amd64-build_go\", \"builders_to_trigger_after_toolchain_build\": [], \"num_test_shards\": 1, \"test_builder\": \"golang/try/go1.20-darwin-amd64-test_only\" }, \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 1, \"project\": \"go\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\", \"xcode_version\": \"12e5244e\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "go1.21-internal-linux-386-longtest-test_only" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": { \"GOARCH\": \"386\", \"GOHOSTARCH\": \"386\", \"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE\": \"5\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.21\", \"long_test\": true, \"mode\": 3, \"project\": \"go\", \"test_mode\": {}, \"test_shard\": { \"num_shards\": 1, \"shard_id\": 0 }, \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| allowed_property_overrides: "test_shard" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "gotip-internal-linux-amd64-longtest-race-build_go" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.20.6\", \"build_mode\": {}, \"env\": { \"GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE\": \"5\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"master\", \"long_test\": true, \"mode\": 2, \"project\": \"go\", \"race_mode\": true, \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_arch-go1.21-windows-amd64-race" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Windows" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.21\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"arch\", \"race_mode\": true, \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_build-gotip-linux-arm64" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:arm64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.20.6\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"master\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"build\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_exp-go1.20-linux-amd64-boringcrypto" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": { \"GOEXPERIMENT\": \"boringcrypto\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"exp\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_mobile-go1.20-windows-amd64-race" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Windows" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.20\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"mobile\", \"race_mode\": true, \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_net-go1.21-linux-arm64" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:arm64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.17.13\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"release-branch.go1.21\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"net\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_perf-gotip-linux-amd64-boringcrypto" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Linux" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.20.6\", \"env\": { \"GOEXPERIMENT\": \"boringcrypto\" }, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"master\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"perf\", \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| builders: { |
| name: "x_pkgsite-metrics-gotip-windows-amd64-race" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Windows" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.golang.try-workers" |
| exe: { |
| cipd_package: "infra/experimental/golangbuild/${platform}" |
| cipd_version: "latest" |
| cmd: "golangbuild" |
| } |
| properties: "{ \"bootstrap_version\": \"1.20.6\", \"env\": {}, \"git_cache\": \"git\", \"go_branch\": \"master\", \"mode\": 0, \"project\": \"pkgsite-metrics\", \"race_mode\": true, \"tools_cache\": \"tools\"}" |
| caches: { |
| name: "git" |
| path: "git" |
| } |
| caches: { |
| name: "tools" |
| path: "tools" |
| } |
| service_account: "luci-task@golang-ci-luci.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| experiments: { |
| key: "golang.parallel_compile_only_ports_maxprocs" |
| value: 50 |
| } |
| resultdb: { |
| enable: true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |