| # Package names |
| 4 Feb 2015 |
| Tags: package, names, style |
| Summary: How to name your packages. |
| |
| Sameer Ajmani |
| |
| ## Introduction |
| |
| Go code is organized into packages. |
| Within a package, code can refer to any identifier (name) defined within, while |
| clients of the package may only reference the package's exported types, |
| functions, constants, and variables. |
| Such references always include the package name as a prefix: `foo.Bar` refers to |
| the exported name `Bar` in the imported package named `foo`. |
| |
| Good package names make code better. |
| A package's name provides context for its contents, making it easier for clients |
| to understand what the package is for and how to use it. |
| The name also helps package maintainers determine what does and does not belong |
| in the package as it evolves. |
| Well-named packages make it easier to find the code you need. |
| |
| Effective Go provides |
| [guidelines](https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#names) for naming |
| packages, types, functions, and variables. |
| This article expands on that discussion and surveys names found in the standard |
| library. |
| It also discusses bad package names and how to fix them. |
| |
| ## Package names |
| |
| Good package names are short and clear. |
| They are lower case, with no `under_scores` or `mixedCaps`. |
| They are often simple nouns, such as: |
| |
| - `time` (provides functionality for measuring and displaying time) |
| - `list` (implements a doubly linked list) |
| - `http` (provides HTTP client and server implementations) |
| |
| The style of names typical of another language might not be idiomatic in a Go |
| program. |
| Here are two examples of names that might be good style in other languages but |
| do not fit well in Go: |
| |
| - `computeServiceClient` |
| - `priority_queue` |
| |
| A Go package may export several types and functions. |
| For example, a `compute` package could export a `Client` type with methods for |
| using the service as well as functions for partitioning a compute task across |
| several clients. |
| |
| **Abbreviate judiciously.** |
| Package names may be abbreviated when the abbreviation is familiar to the |
| programmer. |
| Widely-used packages often have compressed names: |
| |
| - `strconv` (string conversion) |
| - `syscall` (system call) |
| - `fmt` (formatted I/O) |
| |
| On the other hand, if abbreviating a package name makes it ambiguous or unclear, |
| don't do it. |
| |
| **Don't steal good names from the user.** |
| Avoid giving a package a name that is commonly used in client code. |
| For example, the buffered I/O package is called `bufio`, not `buf`, since `buf` |
| is a good variable name for a buffer. |
| |
| ## Naming package contents |
| |
| A package name and its contents' names are coupled, since client code uses them |
| together. |
| When designing a package, take the client's point of view. |
| |
| **Avoid stutter.** |
| Since client code uses the package name as a prefix when referring to the |
| package contents, the names for those contents need not repeat the package name. |
| The HTTP server provided by the `http` package is called `Server`, not |
| `HTTPServer`. |
| Client code refers to this type as `http.Server`, so there is no ambiguity. |
| |
| **Simplify function names.** |
| When a function in package pkg returns a value of type `pkg.Pkg` (or |
| `*pkg.Pkg`), the function name can often omit the type name without confusion: |
| |
| start := time.Now() // start is a time.Time |
| t, err := time.Parse(time.Kitchen, "6:06PM") // t is a time.Time |
| ctx = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Millisecond) // ctx is a context.Context |
| ip, ok := userip.FromContext(ctx) // ip is a net.IP |
| |
| A function named `New` in package `pkg` returns a value of type `pkg.Pkg`. |
| This is a standard entry point for client code using that type: |
| |
| q := list.New() // q is a *list.List |
| |
| When a function returns a value of type `pkg.T`, where `T` is not `Pkg`, the |
| function name may include `T` to make client code easier to understand. |
| A common situation is a package with multiple New-like functions: |
| |
| d, err := time.ParseDuration("10s") // d is a time.Duration |
| elapsed := time.Since(start) // elapsed is a time.Duration |
| ticker := time.NewTicker(d) // ticker is a *time.Ticker |
| timer := time.NewTimer(d) // timer is a *time.Timer |
| |
| Types in different packages can have the same name, because from the client's |
| point of view such names are discriminated by the package name. |
| For example, the standard library includes several types named `Reader`, |
| including `jpeg.Reader`, `bufio.Reader`, and `csv.Reader`. |
| Each package name fits with `Reader` to yield a good type name. |
| |
| If you cannot come up with a package name that's a meaningful prefix for the |
| package's contents, the package abstraction boundary may be wrong. |
| Write code that uses your package as a client would, and restructure your |
| packages if the result seems poor. |
| This approach will yield packages that are easier for clients to understand and |
| for the package developers to maintain. |
| |
| ## Package paths |
| |
| A Go package has both a name and a path. |
| The package name is specified in the package statement of its source files; |
| client code uses it as the prefix for the package's exported names. |
| Client code uses the package path when importing the package. |
| By convention, the last element of the package path is the package name: |
| |
| import ( |
| "context" // package context |
| "fmt" // package fmt |
| "golang.org/x/time/rate" // package rate |
| "os/exec" // package exec |
| ) |
| |
| Build tools map package paths onto directories. |
| The go tool uses the [GOPATH](https://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH) |
| environment variable to find the source files for path `"github.com/user/hello"` |
| in directory `$GOPATH/src/github.com/user/hello`. |
| (This situation should be familiar, of course, but it's important to be clear |
| about the terminology and structure of packages.) |
| |
| **Directories.** |
| The standard library uses directories like `crypto`, `container`, `encoding`, |
| and `image` to group packages for related protocols and algorithms. |
| There is no actual relationship among the packages in one of these directories; |
| a directory just provides a way to arrange the files. |
| Any package can import any other package provided the import does not create a |
| cycle. |
| |
| Just as types in different packages can have the same name without ambiguity, |
| packages in different directories can have the same name. |
| For example, |
| [runtime/pprof](https://golang.org/pkg/runtime/pprof) provides profiling data |
| in the format expected by the [pprof](https://github.com/google/pprof) |
| profiling tool, while [net/http/pprof](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/pprof) |
| provides HTTP endpoints to present profiling data in this format. |
| Client code uses the package path to import the package, so there is no |
| confusion. |
| If a source file needs to import both `pprof` packages, it can |
| [rename](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Import_declarations) one or both locally. |
| When renaming an imported package, the local name should follow the same |
| guidelines as package names (lower case, no `under_scores` or `mixedCaps`). |
| |
| ## Bad package names |
| |
| Bad package names make code harder to navigate and maintain. |
| Here are some guidelines for recognizing and fixing bad names. |
| |
| **Avoid meaningless package names.** |
| Packages named `util`, `common`, or `misc` provide clients with no sense of what |
| the package contains. |
| This makes it harder for clients to use the package and makes it harder for |
| maintainers to keep the package focused. |
| Over time, they accumulate dependencies that can make compilation significantly |
| and unnecessarily slower, especially in large programs. |
| And since such package names are generic, they are more likely to collide with |
| other packages imported by client code, forcing clients to invent names to |
| distinguish them. |
| |
| **Break up generic packages.** |
| To fix such packages, look for types and functions with common name elements and |
| pull them into their own package. |
| For example, if you have |
| |
| package util |
| func NewStringSet(...string) map[string]bool {...} |
| func SortStringSet(map[string]bool) []string {...} |
| |
| then client code looks like |
| |
| set := util.NewStringSet("c", "a", "b") |
| fmt.Println(util.SortStringSet(set)) |
| |
| Pull these functions out of `util` into a new package, choosing a name that fits |
| the contents: |
| |
| package stringset |
| func New(...string) map[string]bool {...} |
| func Sort(map[string]bool) []string {...} |
| |
| then the client code becomes |
| |
| set := stringset.New("c", "a", "b") |
| fmt.Println(stringset.Sort(set)) |
| |
| Once you've made this change, its easier to see how to improve the new package: |
| |
| package stringset |
| type Set map[string]bool |
| func New(...string) Set {...} |
| func (s Set) Sort() []string {...} |
| |
| which yields even simpler client code: |
| |
| set := stringset.New("c", "a", "b") |
| fmt.Println(set.Sort()) |
| |
| The name of the package is a critical piece of its design. |
| Work to eliminate meaningless package names from your projects. |
| |
| **Don't use a single package for all your APIs.** |
| Many well-intentioned programmers put all the interfaces exposed by their |
| program into a single package named `api`, `types`, or `interfaces`, thinking it |
| makes it easier to find the entry points to their code base. |
| This is a mistake. |
| Such packages suffer from the same problems as those named `util` or `common`, |
| growing without bound, providing no guidance to users, accumulating |
| dependencies, and colliding with other imports. |
| Break them up, perhaps using directories to separate public packages from |
| implementation. |
| |
| **Avoid unnecessary package name collisions.** |
| While packages in different directories may have the same name, packages that |
| are frequently used together should have distinct names. |
| This reduces confusion and the need for local renaming in client code. |
| For the same reason, avoid using the same name as popular standard packages like |
| `io` or `http`. |
| |
| ## Conclusion |
| |
| Package names are central to good naming in Go programs. |
| Take the time to choose good package names and organize your code well. |
| This helps clients understand and use your packages and helps maintainers to |
| grow them gracefully. |
| |
| ## Further reading |
| |
| - [Effective Go](https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html) |
| - [How to Write Go Code](https://golang.org/doc/code.html) |
| - [Organizing Go Code (2012 blog post)](https://blog.golang.org/organizing-go-code) |
| - [Organizing Go Code (2014 Google I/O talk)](https://talks.golang.org/2014/organizeio.slide) |