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# GopherCon 2015 Roundup
28 Jul 2015
Tags: conference, report, gopher
Summary: Reporting from GopherCon 2015.
Andrew Gerrand
A few weeks ago, Go programmers from around the world descended on Denver,
Colorado for GopherCon 2015. The two-day, single-track conference attracted
more than 1,250 attendees—nearly double last year's number—and featured 22
talks presented by Go community members.
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Today the organizers have posted the videos online so you can now enjoy the
conference from afar:
[Day 1](
- Go, Open Source, Community — Russ Cox ([video](
- Go kit: A Standard Library for Distributed Programming — Peter Bourgon
([video]( ([slides](
- Delve Into Go — Derek Parker ([video](
- How a complete beginner learned Go as her first backend language in 5
weeks — Audrey Lim ([video](
- A Practical Guide to Preventing Deadlocks and Leaks in Go — Richard
Fliam ([video](
- Go GC: Solving the Latency Problem — Rick Hudson ([video](
- Simplicity and Go — Katherine Cox-Buday ([video](
- Rebuilding in Go - an opinionated rewrite — Abhishek Kona
([video]( ([slides](
- Prometheus: Designing and Implementing a Modern Monitoring Solution in
Go — Björn Rabenstein ([video](
- What Could Go Wrong? — Kevin Cantwell ([video](
- The Roots of Go — Baishampayan Ghose ([video](
[Day 2](
- The Evolution of Go — Robert Griesemer ([video](
- Static Code Analysis Using SSA — Ben Johnson ([video](
- Go on Mobile — Hana Kim ([video](
- Go Dynamic Tools — Dmitry Vyukov ([video](
- Embrace the Interface — Tomás Senart ([video](
- Uptime: Building Resilient Services with Go — Blake Caldwell ([video](
- Cayley: Building a Graph Database — Barak Michener ([video](
- Code Generation For The Sake Of Consistency — Sarah Adams ([video](
- The Many Faces of Struct Tags — Sam Helman and Kyle Erf ([video](
- Betting the Company on Go and Winning — Kelsey Hightower ([video](
- How Go Was Made — Andrew Gerrand ([video](
The [hack day]( was also a ton of fun,
with hours of [lightning talks](
and a range of activities from programming robots
to a Magic: the Gathering tournament.
Huge thanks to the event organizers Brian Ketelsen and Eric St. Martin and
their production team, the sponsors, the speakers, and the attendees for making
this such a fun and action-packed conference. Hope to see you there next year!