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+Using Subtests and Sub-benchmarks
+23 Aug 2016
+Tags: testing, hierarchy, table-driven, subtests, sub-benchmarks
+Marcel van Lohuizen
+* Introduction
+In Go 1.7, the `testing` package introduces a Run method on the
+[[][`T`]] and
+[[][`B`]] types
+that allows for the creation of subtests and sub-benchmarks.
+The introduction of subtests and sub-benchmarks enables better handling of
+failures, fine-grained control of which tests to run from the command line,
+control of parallelism, and often results in simpler and more maintainable code.
+* Table-driven tests basics
+Before digging into the details, let's first discuss a common
+way of writing tests in Go.
+A series of related checks can be implemented by looping over a slice of test
+	func TestTime(t *testing.T) {
+		testCases := []struct {
+			gmt  string
+			loc  string
+			want string
+		}{
+			{"12:31", "Europe/Zuri", "13:31"},     // incorrect location name
+			{"12:31", "America/New_York", "7:31"}, // should be 07:31
+			{"08:08", "Australia/Sydney", "18:08"},
+		}
+		for _, tc := range testCases {
+			loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tc.loc)
+			if err != nil {
+				t.Fatalf("could not load location %q", tc.loc)
+			}
+			gmt, _ := time.Parse("15:04", tc.gmt)
+			if got := gmt.In(loc).Format("15:04"); got != tc.want {
+				t.Errorf("In(%s, %s) = %s; want %s", tc.gmt, tc.loc, got, tc.want)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+This approach, commonly referred to as table-driven tests, reduces the amount
+of repetitive code compared to repeating the same code for each test
+and makes it straightforward to add more test cases.
+* Table-driven benchmarks
+Before Go 1.7 it was not possible to use the same table-driven approach for
+A benchmark tests the performance of an entire function, so iterating over
+benchmarks would just measure all of them as a single benchmark.
+A common workaround was to define separate top-level benchmarks
+that each call a common function with different parameters.
+For instance, before 1.7 the `strconv` package's benchmarks for `AppendFloat`
+looked something like this:
+	func benchmarkAppendFloat(b *testing.B, f float64, fmt byte, prec, bitSize int) {
+		dst := make([]byte, 30)
+		b.ResetTimer() // Overkill here, but for illustrative purposes.
+		for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+			AppendFloat(dst[:0], f, fmt, prec, bitSize)
+		}
+	}
+	func BenchmarkAppendFloatDecimal(b *testing.B) { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, 33909, 'g', -1, 64) }
+	func BenchmarkAppendFloat(b *testing.B)        { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, 339.7784, 'g', -1, 64) }
+	func BenchmarkAppendFloatExp(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, -5.09e75, 'g', -1, 64) }
+	func BenchmarkAppendFloatNegExp(b *testing.B)  { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, -5.11e-95, 'g', -1, 64) }
+	func BenchmarkAppendFloatBig(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, 123456789123456789123456789, 'g', -1, 64) }
+	...
+Using the `Run` method available in Go 1.7, the same set of benchmarks is now
+expressed as a single top-level benchmark:
+	func BenchmarkAppendFloat(b *testing.B) {
+		benchmarks := []struct{
+			name    string
+			float   float64
+			fmt     byte
+			prec    int
+			bitSize int
+		}{
+			{"Decimal", 33909, 'g', -1, 64},
+			{"Float", 339.7784, 'g', -1, 64},
+			{"Exp", -5.09e75, 'g', -1, 64},
+			{"NegExp", -5.11e-95, 'g', -1, 64},
+			{"Big", 123456789123456789123456789, 'g', -1, 64},
+			...
+		}
+		dst := make([]byte, 30)
+		for _, bm := range benchmarks {
+			b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
+				for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+					AppendFloat(dst[:0], bm.float, bm.fmt, bm.prec, bm.bitSize)
+				}
+			})
+		}
+	}
+Each invocation of the `Run` method creates a separate benchmark.
+An enclosing benchmark function that calls a `Run` method is only run once and
+is not measured.
+The new code has more lines of code, but is more maintainable, more readable,
+and consistent with the table-driven approach commonly used for testing.
+Moreover, common setup code is now shared between runs while eliminating the
+need to reset the timer.
+* Table-driven tests using subtests
+Go 1.7 also introduces a `Run` method for creating subtests.
+This test is a rewritten version of our earlier example using subtests:
+	func TestTime(t *testing.T) {
+		testCases := []struct {
+			gmt  string
+			loc  string
+			want string
+		}{
+			{"12:31", "Europe/Zuri", "13:31"},
+			{"12:31", "America/New_York", "7:31"},
+			{"08:08", "Australia/Sydney", "18:08"},
+		}
+		for _, tc := range testCases {
+			t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s in %s", tc.gmt, tc.loc), func(t *testing.T) {
+				loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tc.loc)
+				if err != nil {
+					t.Fatal("could not load location")
+				}
+				gmt, _ := time.Parse("15:04", tc.gmt)
+				if got := gmt.In(loc).Format("15:04"); got != tc.want {
+					t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", got, tc.want)
+				}
+			})
+		}
+	}
+The first thing to note is the difference in output from the two implementations.
+The original implementation prints:
+	--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
+		time_test.go:62: could not load location "Europe/Zuri"
+Even though there are two errors, execution of the test halts on the call to
+`Fatalf` and the second test never runs.
+The implementation using `Run` prints both:
+	--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
+	    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri (0.00s)
+	    	time_test.go:84: could not load location
+	    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York (0.00s)
+	    	time_test.go:88: got 07:31; want 7:31
+`Fatal` and its siblings causes a subtest to be skipped but not its parent or
+subsequent subtests.
+Another thing to note is the shorter error messages in the new implementation.
+Since the subtest name uniquely identifies the subtest there is no need to
+identify the test again within the error messages.
+There are several other benefits to using subtests or sub-benchmarks,
+as clarified by the following sections.
+* Running specific tests or benchmarks
+Both subtests and sub-benchmarks can be singled out on the command line using
+the [[][`-run` or `-bench` flag]].
+Both flags take a slash-separated list of regular expressions that match the
+corresponding parts of the full name of the subtest or sub-benchmark.
+The full name of a subtest or sub-benchmark is a slash-separated list of
+its name and the names of all of its parents, starting with the top-level.
+The name is the corresponding function name for top-level tests and benchmarks,
+and the first argument to `Run` otherwise.
+To avoid display and parsing issues, a name is sanitized by replacing spaces
+with underscores and escaping non-printable characters.
+The same sanitizing is applied to the regular expressions passed to
+the `-run` or `-bench` flags.
+A few examples:
+Run tests that use a timezone in Europe:
+	$ go test -run=TestTime/"in Europe"
+	--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
+	    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri (0.00s)
+	    	time_test.go:85: could not load location
+Run only tests for times after noon:
+	$ go test -run=Time/12:[0-9] -v
+	=== RUN   TestTime
+	=== RUN   TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri
+	=== RUN   TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York
+	--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
+	    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri (0.00s)
+	    	time_test.go:85: could not load location
+	    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York (0.00s)
+	    	time_test.go:89: got 07:31; want 7:31
+Perhaps a bit surprising, using `-run=TestTime/New_York` won't match any tests.
+This is because the slash present in the location names is treated as
+a separator as well.
+Instead use:
+	$ go test -run=Time//New_York
+	--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
+	    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York (0.00s)
+	    	time_test.go:88: got 07:31; want 7:31
+Note the `//` in the string passed to `-run`.
+The `/` in time zone name `America/New_York` is handled as if it were
+a separator resulting from a subtest.
+The first regular expression of the pattern (`TestTime`) matches the top-level
+The second regular expression (the empty string) matches anything, in this case
+the time and the continent part of the location.
+The third regular expression (`New_York`) matches the city part of the location.
+Treating slashes in names as separators allows the user to refactor
+hierarchies of tests without the need to change the naming.
+It also simplifies the escaping rules.
+The user should escape slashes in names, for instance by replacing them with
+backslashes, if this poses a problem.
+A unique sequence number is appended to test names that are not unique.
+So one could just pass an empty string to `Run`
+if there is no obvious naming scheme for subtests and the subtests
+can easily be identified by their sequence number.
+* Setup and Tear-down
+Subtests and sub-benchmarks can be used to manage common setup and tear-down code:
+	func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
+		// <setup code>
+		t.Run("A=1", func(t *testing.T) { ... })
+		t.Run("A=2", func(t *testing.T) { ... })
+		t.Run("B=1", func(t *testing.T) {
+			if !test(foo{B:1}) {
+				t.Fail()
+			}
+		})
+		// <tear-down code>
+	}
+The setup and tear-down code will run if any of the enclosed subtests are run
+and will run at most once.
+This applies even if any of the subtests calls `Skip`, `Fail`, or `Fatal`.
+* Control of Parallelism
+Subtests allow fine-grained control over parallelism.
+To understand how to use subtests in the way
+it is important to understand the semantics of parallel tests.
+Each test is associated with a test function.
+A test is called a parallel test if its test function calls the Parallel
+method on its instance of `testing.T`.
+A parallel test never runs concurrently with a sequential test and its execution
+is suspended until its calling test function, that of the parent test,
+has returned.
+The `-parallel` flag defines the maximum number of parallel tests that can run
+in parallel.
+A test blocks until its test function returns and all of its subtests
+have completed.
+This means that the parallel tests that are run by a sequential test will
+complete before any other consecutive sequential test is run.
+This behavior is identical for tests created by `Run` and top-level tests.
+In fact, under the hood top-level tests are implemented as subtests of
+a hidden master test.
+** Run a group of tests in parallel
+The above semantics allows for running a group of tests in parallel with
+each other but not with other parallel tests:
+	func TestGroupedParallel(t *testing.T) {
+		for _, tc := range testCases {
+			tc := tc // capture range variable
+			t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+				t.Parallel()
+				if got := foo(; got != tc.out {
+					t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.out)
+				}
+				...
+			})
+		}
+	}
+The outer test will not complete until all parallel tests started by `Run`
+have completed.
+As a result, no other parallel tests can run in parallel to these parallel tests.
+Note that we need to capture the range variable to ensure that `tc` gets bound to
+the correct instance.
+** Cleaning up after a group of parallel tests
+In the previous example we used the semantics to wait on a group of parallel
+tests to complete before commencing other tests.
+The same technique can be used to clean up after a group of parallel tests
+that share common resources:
+	func TestTeardownParallel(t *testing.T) {
+		// <setup code>
+		// This Run will not return until its parallel subtests complete.
+		t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) {
+			t.Run("Test1", parallelTest1)
+			t.Run("Test2", parallelTest2)
+			t.Run("Test3", parallelTest3)
+		})
+		// <tear-down code>
+	}
+The behavior of waiting on a group of parallel tests is identical to that
+of the previous example.
+* Conclusion
+Go 1.7's addition of subtests and sub-benchmarks allows you to write structured
+tests and benchmarks in a natural way that blends nicely into the existing
+One way to think about this is that earlier versions of the testing package had
+a 1-level hierarchy: the package-level test was structured as a set of
+individual tests and benchmarks.
+Now that structure has been extended to those individual tests and benchmarks,
+In fact, in the implementation, the top-level tests and benchmarks are tracked
+as if they were subtests and sub-benchmarks of an implicit master test and
+benchmark: the treatment really is the same at all levels.
+The ability for tests to define this structure enables fine-grained execution of
+specific test cases, shared setup and teardown, and better control over test
+We are excited to see what other uses people find. Enjoy.