| The New Go Developer Network |
| 14 Mar 2019 |
| Tags: Community |
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| GoBridge Leadership Team |
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| * Introduction |
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| A sense of community flourishes when we come together in person. As handles become names |
| and avatars become faces, the smiles are real and true friendship can grow. There is joy |
| in the sharing of knowledge and celebrating the accomplishments of our friends, colleagues, |
| and neighbors. In our rapidly growing Go community this critical role is played by the |
| Go user groups. |
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| To better support our Go user groups worldwide, the Go community leaders at [[https://gobridge.org][GoBridge]] |
| and Google have joined forces to create a new program called the Go Developer Network |
| (GDN). The GDN is a collection of Go user groups working together with a shared mission |
| to empower developer communities with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom to build |
| the next generation of software in Go. |
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| We have partnered with Meetup to create our own [[https://meetup.com/pro/go][Pro Network of Go Developers]] |
| providing Go developers a single place to search for local user groups, events, and |
| see what other Gophers are doing around the world. |
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| User groups that join the GDN will be recognized by GoBridge as the official user group |
| for that city and be provided with the latest news, information, conduct policies, and |
| procedures. GDN groups will have Meetup fees paid by the GDN and will have access to |
| special swag and other fun items. Each organizer of a GDN local group will continue to |
| own the group and maintain full admin rights. *If*you*currently*run*a*user*group*, |
| please fill out this [[https://j.mp/gdn-form][application]] to request to join the GDN. |
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| We hope you are as excited about the GDN as we are. |