blob: 403c8fb7dad5e56e844ad85aaa2dda7a9e32fb99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package driver
import (
var (
coreDumpDir string
diag diagnostics.DriverConfig
func SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&coreDumpDir, "dump-cores", "", "dump a core file to the given directory after every benchmark run")
const (
StatPeakRSS = "peak-RSS-bytes"
StatPeakVM = "peak-VM-bytes"
StatAvgRSS = "average-RSS-bytes"
StatTime = "ns/op"
type RunOption func(*B)
func DoDefaultAvgRSS() RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.rssFunc = func() (uint64, error) {
return ReadRSS(
func DoAvgRSS(f func() (uint64, error)) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.rssFunc = f
func DoTime(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.doTime = v
func DoPeakRSS(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.doPeakRSS = v
func DoPeakVM(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.doPeakVM = v
func DoCoreDump(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.doCoreDump = v
func DoCPUProfile(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.CPUProfile] = v
func DoMemProfile(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.MemProfile] = v
func DoPerf(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.Perf] = v
func DoTrace(v bool) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.Trace] = v
func BenchmarkPID(pid int) RunOption {
return func(b *B) { = pid
if pid != os.Getpid() {
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.CPUProfile] = false
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.MemProfile] = false
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.Perf] = false
b.collectDiag[diagnostics.Trace] = false
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.ctx = ctx
func WriteResultsTo(wr io.Writer) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.resultsWriter = wr
func WithGOMAXPROCS(procs int) RunOption {
return func(b *B) {
b.gomaxprocs = procs
var InProcessMeasurementOptions = []RunOption{
type B struct {
ctx context.Context
pid int
name string
start time.Time
dur time.Duration
doTime bool
doPeakRSS bool
doPeakVM bool
doCoreDump bool
gomaxprocs int
collectDiag map[diagnostics.Type]bool
rssFunc func() (uint64, error)
statsMu sync.Mutex
stats map[string]uint64
ops int
wg sync.WaitGroup
resultsWriter io.Writer
diag *Diagnostics
diagFiles map[diagnostics.Type]*DiagnosticFile
perfProcess *os.Process
func newB(name string) *B {
b := &B{
pid: os.Getpid(),
name: name,
collectDiag: map[diagnostics.Type]bool{
diagnostics.CPUProfile: false,
diagnostics.MemProfile: false,
stats: make(map[string]uint64),
ops: 1,
diag: NewDiagnostics(name),
diagFiles: make(map[diagnostics.Type]*DiagnosticFile),
return b
func (b *B) setStat(name string, value uint64) {
defer b.statsMu.Unlock()
b.stats[name] = value
func (b *B) Name() string {
func (b *B) StartTimer() {
if typ := diagnostics.CPUProfile; b.collectDiag[typ] {
if df, err := b.diag.Create(typ); err != nil {
warningf("failed to create %s diagnostics: %s\n", typ, err)
} else if df != nil {
b.diagFiles[typ] = df
if typ := diagnostics.Perf; b.collectDiag[typ] {
if df, err := b.diag.Create(typ); err != nil {
warningf("failed to create %s diagnostics: %s\n", typ, err)
} else if df != nil {
if err := b.startPerf(df); err != nil {
warningf("failed to start perf: %v", err)
} else {
b.diagFiles[typ] = df
b.start = time.Now()
func (b *B) ResetTimer() {
if df := b.diagFiles[diagnostics.CPUProfile]; df != nil {
if err := b.truncateDiagnosticData(df); err != nil {
warningf("failed to truncate CPU profile: %v", err)
if df := b.diagFiles[diagnostics.Perf]; df != nil {
if err := b.stopPerf(); err != nil {
warningf("failed to stop perf: %v", err)
if err := b.truncateDiagnosticData(df); err != nil {
warningf("failed to truncate perf data file: %v", err)
if err := b.startPerf(df); err != nil {
warningf("failed to start perf: %v", err)
if !b.start.IsZero() {
b.start = time.Now()
b.dur = 0
func (b *B) truncateDiagnosticData(df *DiagnosticFile) error {
_, err := df.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return df.Truncate(0)
func (b *B) StopTimer() {
end := time.Now()
if b.start.IsZero() {
panic("stopping unstarted timer")
b.dur += end.Sub(b.start)
b.start = time.Time{}
if df := b.diagFiles[diagnostics.CPUProfile]; df != nil {
if df := b.diagFiles[diagnostics.Perf]; df != nil {
if err := b.stopPerf(); err != nil {
warningf("failed to stop perf: %v", err)
func (b *B) TimerRunning() bool {
return !b.start.IsZero()
func (b *B) Elapsed() time.Duration {
return b.dur
func (b *B) Report(name string, value uint64) {
b.stats[name] = value
func (b *B) Ops(ops int) {
b.ops = ops
func (b *B) Context() context.Context {
if b.ctx != nil {
return b.ctx
return context.Background()
func (b *B) startRSSSampler() chan<- struct{} {
if b.rssFunc == nil {
return nil
stop := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer b.wg.Done()
rssSamples := make([]uint64, 0, 1024)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
b.setStat(StatAvgRSS, avg(rssSamples))
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
r, err := b.rssFunc()
if err != nil {
warningf("failed to read RSS: %v", err)
if r == 0 {
rssSamples = append(rssSamples, r)
return stop
func splitName(s string) []string {
var comps []string
last := 0
for i, r := range s {
if r == '-' || r == '*' || r == '/' {
comps = append(comps, s[last:i])
last = i + 1
if len(comps) == 0 {
comps = []string{s}
return comps
func (b *B) report() {
defer b.statsMu.Unlock()
// Collect all names of non-zero stats.
names := make([]string, 0, len(b.stats))
for name, value := range b.stats {
if value != 0 {
names = append(names, name)
if len(names) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "# No benchmark results found for this run.")
namesToComps := make(map[string][]string)
for _, n := range names {
namesToComps[n] = splitName(n)
sort.Slice(names, func(i, j int) bool {
// Let's make sure StatTime always ends up first.
if names[i] == StatTime {
return true
} else if names[j] == StatTime {
return false
ci := namesToComps[names[i]]
cj := namesToComps[names[j]]
min := len(ci)
if len(ci) > len(cj) {
min = len(cj)
for i := 0; i < min; i++ {
k := strings.Compare(ci[len(ci)-1-i], cj[len(cj)-1-i])
if k < 0 {
return true
} else if k > 0 {
return false
return len(ci) < len(cj)
// Write out stats.
var out io.Writer = os.Stdout
if b.resultsWriter != nil {
out = b.resultsWriter
suffix := ""
if b.gomaxprocs > 1 {
suffix = fmt.Sprintf("-%d", b.gomaxprocs)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Benchmark%s%s %d",, suffix, b.ops)
for _, name := range names {
value := b.stats[name]
if value != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, " %d %s", value, name)
func warningf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
s = strings.Join(strings.Split(s, "\n"), "\n# ")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "# warning: %s\n", s)
func avg(s []uint64) uint64 {
avg := uint64(0)
lo := uint64(0)
l := uint64(len(s))
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
avg += s[i] / l
mod := s[i] % l
if lo >= l-mod {
avg += 1
lo -= l - mod
} else {
lo += mod
return avg
func (b *B) startPerf(df *DiagnosticFile) error {
if b.perfProcess != nil {
panic("perf process already started")
args := []string{"record", "-o", df.Name(), "-p", strconv.Itoa(}
args = append(args, PerfFlags()...)
cmd := exec.Command("perf", args...)
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err
b.perfProcess = cmd.Process
return nil
func (b *B) stopPerf() error {
if b.perfProcess == nil {
panic("perf process not started")
proc := b.perfProcess
b.perfProcess = nil
if err := proc.Signal(os.Interrupt); err != nil {
return err
_, err := proc.Wait()
return err
func RunBenchmark(name string, f func(*B) error, opts ...RunOption) error {
// Create a B and populate it with options.
b := newB(name)
for _, opt := range opts {
// Make sure gomaxprocs is set.
if b.gomaxprocs == 0 {
b.gomaxprocs = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
// Start the RSS sampler and start the timer.
stop := b.startRSSSampler()
// Collect trace diagnostics regardless of the timer state.
if typ := diagnostics.Trace; b.collectDiag[typ] {
if df, err := b.diag.Create(typ); err != nil {
warningf("failed to create %s diagnostics: %s", typ, err)
} else if df != nil {
if err := trace.Start(df); err != nil {
return err
b.diagFiles[typ] = df
defer trace.Stop()
// Run the benchmark itself.
if err := f(b); err != nil {
return err
if b.TimerRunning() {
// Stop the RSS sampler.
if stop != nil {
stop <- struct{}{}
if b.doPeakRSS {
v, err := ReadPeakRSS(
if err != nil {
warningf("failed to read RSS peak: %v", err)
} else if v != 0 {
b.setStat(StatPeakRSS, v)
if b.doPeakVM {
v, err := ReadPeakVM(
if err != nil {
warningf("failed to read VM peak: %v", err)
} else if v != 0 {
b.setStat(StatPeakVM, v)
if b.doTime {
if b.dur == 0 {
panic("timer never stopped")
} else if b.dur < 0 {
panic("negative duration encountered")
if b.ops == 0 {
panic("zero ops reported")
} else if b.ops < 0 {
panic("negative ops encountered")
b.setStat(StatTime, uint64(b.dur.Nanoseconds())/uint64(b.ops))
if b.doCoreDump && coreDumpDir != "" {
// Use gcore to dump the core of the benchmark process.
cmd := exec.Command(
"gcore", "-o", filepath.Join(coreDumpDir, name), strconv.Itoa(,
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
// Just print a warning; this isn't a fatal error.
warningf("failed to dump core: %v\n%s", err, string(out))
// Collect memory profile.
if typ := diagnostics.MemProfile; b.collectDiag[typ] {
if df, err := b.diag.Create(typ); err != nil {
warningf("failed to create %s diagnostics: %s", typ, err)
} else if df != nil {
if err := pprof.Lookup("heap").WriteTo(df, 0); err != nil {
return err
b.diagFiles[typ] = df
// Finalize all diagnostics.
for typ, df := range b.diagFiles {
if typ == diagnostics.Trace {
// Report the results.
return nil
func DiagnosticEnabled(typ diagnostics.Type) bool {
_, ok := diag.ConfigSet.Get(typ)
return ok
func PerfFlags() []string {
cfg, ok := diag.ConfigSet.Get(diagnostics.Perf)
if !ok {
panic("perf not enabled")
return strings.Split(cfg.Flags, " ")