blob: da0ebc285cad9655827f35736d7dcbac6484f00f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16
package main
import (
// Configuration is a structure that holds all the variables necessary to
// initiate a bent run. These structures are read from a .toml file at
// boot-time.
type Configuration struct {
Name string // Short name used for binary names, mention on command line
Root string // Specific Go root to use for this trial
PgoGen string // Name of sub-directory to put profiles for later loading
PgoUse string // Name of sub-directory to take generated profile files
BuildFlags []string // BuildFlags supplied to 'go test -c' for building (e.g., "-p 1")
AfterBuild []string // Array of commands to run, output of all commands for a configuration (across binaries) is collected in <runstamp>.<config>.<cmd>
GcFlags string // GcFlags supplied to 'go test -c' for building
LdFlags string // LdFlags supplied to 'go test -c' for building
GcEnv []string // Environment variables supplied to 'go test -c' for building
RunFlags []string // Extra flags passed to the test binary
RunEnv []string // Extra environment variables passed to the test binary
RunWrapper []string // (Outermost) Command and args to precede whatever the operation is; may fail in the sandbox.
Disabled bool // True if this configuration is temporarily disabled
benchWriter *os.File
rootCopy string // The contents of GOROOT are copied here to allow benchmarking of just the test compilation.
var dirs *directories // constant across all configurations, useful in other contexts.
func (c *Configuration) buildBenchName() string {
return c.thingBenchName("build")
func (c *Configuration) thingBenchName(suffix string) string {
if len(suffix) != 0 {
suffix = path.Base(suffix)
return path.Join(dirs.benchDir, runstamp+"."+c.Name+"."+suffix)
func (c *Configuration) benchName(b *Benchmark, count int, randomizingBinaries bool) string {
n := b.Name + "_" + c.Name
if randomizingBinaries {
n += "_" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(count), 10)
return n
func (c *Configuration) goCommandCopy() string {
gocmd := "go"
if c.rootCopy != "" {
gocmd = path.Join(c.rootCopy, "bin", gocmd)
return gocmd
func (config *Configuration) createFilesForLater() {
if config.Disabled {
f, err := os.Create(config.buildBenchName())
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error creating build benchmark file ", config.buildBenchName(), ", err=", err)
config.Disabled = true
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "goos: %s\n", runtime.GOOS)
fmt.Fprintf(f, "goarch: %s\n", runtime.GOARCH)
f.Close() // will be appending later
for _, cmd := range config.AfterBuild {
tbn := config.thingBenchName(cmd)
f, err := os.Create(tbn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error creating %s benchmark file %s, err=%v\n", cmd, config.thingBenchName(cmd), err)
} else {
f.Close() // will be appending later
func (config *Configuration) runOtherBenchmarks(b *Benchmark, cwd string, cmdEnv []string, count int, randomizingBinaries bool) {
// Run various other "benchmark" commands on the built binaries, e.g., size, quality of debugging information.
if config.Disabled {
for _, cmd := range config.AfterBuild {
tbn := config.thingBenchName(cmd)
f, err := os.OpenFile(tbn, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("There was an error opening %s for append, error %v\n", tbn, err)
s := fmt.Sprintf("toolchain: %s\n", config.Name)
if verbose > 0 {
if !strings.ContainsAny(cmd, "/") {
cmd = path.Join(cwd, cmd)
if b.Disabled {
testBinaryName := config.benchName(b, count, randomizingBinaries)
c := exec.Command(cmd, path.Join(cwd, dirs.testBinDir, testBinaryName), strings.Title(b.Name))
c.Env = cmdEnv
if !b.NotSandboxed {
c.Env = replaceEnv(c.Env, "GOOS", "linux")
if verbose > 0 {
fmt.Println(asCommandLine(cwd, c))
output, err := c.CombinedOutput()
if verbose > 0 || err != nil {
} else {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error running %s\n", cmd)
func (config *Configuration) compileOne(bench *Benchmark, cwd string, count int, randomizingBinaries bool) string {
root := config.rootCopy
gocmd := config.goCommandCopy()
gopath := path.Join(cwd, "gopath")
cmd := exec.Command(gocmd, "test", "-vet=off", "-c")
compileTo := path.Join(dirs.wd, dirs.testBinDir, config.benchName(bench, count, randomizingBinaries))
cmd.Env = DefaultEnv()
if !bench.NotSandboxed {
cmd.Env = replaceEnv(cmd.Env, "GOOS", "linux")
if root != "" {
cmd.Env = replaceEnv(cmd.Env, "GOROOT", root)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "BENT_BENCH="+bench.Name)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "BENT_CONFIG="+config.Name)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "BENT_I="+fmt.Sprintf("%d", count))
cmd.Env = replaceEnvs(cmd.Env, sliceExpandEnv(bench.GcEnv, cmd.Env))
cmd.Env = replaceEnvs(cmd.Env, sliceExpandEnv(config.GcEnv, cmd.Env))
configGoArch := getenv(cmd.Env, "GOARCH")
cmdEnv := append([]string{}, cmd.Env...) // for after-build
if configGoArch == "" {
// inject a default, since the after-build may not be a go program
cmdEnv = append(cmdEnv, "GOARCH="+runtime.GOARCH)
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-o", compileTo)
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, sliceExpandEnv(bench.BuildFlags, cmd.Env)...)
// Instead of cleaning the cache, specify -a; cache use changed with 1.20, which made builds take much longer.
if !randomizingBinaries {
// For now, not interesting in benchmarking speed build speed when randomizing
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-a")
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, sliceExpandEnv(config.BuildFlags, cmd.Env)...)
if config.PgoUse != "" {
// We want to use pprof file for pgo
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-pgo="+path.Join(dirs.wd, config.PgoUse, bench.Name+".prof"))
if config.GcFlags != "" {
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-gcflags="+expandEnv(config.GcFlags, cmd.Env))
if config.LdFlags != "" {
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-ldflags="+expandEnv(config.LdFlags, cmd.Env))
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, bench.Repo)
cmd.Dir = bench.BuildDir // use module-mode
if verbose > 0 {
fmt.Println(asCommandLine(cwd, cmd))
} else {
defer cleanup(gopath)
start := time.Now()
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
realTime := time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
s := ""
switch e := err.(type) {
case *exec.ExitError:
s = fmt.Sprintf("There was an error running 'go test', output = %s", output)
s = fmt.Sprintf("There was an error running 'go test', output = %s, error = %v", output, e)
fmt.Println(s + "DISABLING benchmark " + bench.Name)
bench.Disabled = true // if it won't compile, it won't run, either.
return s + "(" + bench.Name + ")\n"
if reportBuildTime {
// Report and record build stats to testbin
bs := BenchStat{
Name: bench.Name,
RealTime: realTime,
UserTime: cmd.ProcessState.UserTime(),
SysTime: cmd.ProcessState.SystemTime(),
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
var goarchVal string
if configGoArch != runtime.GOARCH && configGoArch != "" {
goarchVal = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", runtime.GOARCH, configGoArch)
} else {
goarchVal = runtime.GOARCH
var s string
s += fmt.Sprintf("goarch: %s\n", goarchVal)
s += fmt.Sprintf("toolchain: %s\n", config.Name)
if verbose > 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf("Benchmark%s 1 %d build-real-ns/op %d build-user-ns/op %d build-sys-ns/op\n",
strings.Title(bench.Name), bs.RealTime.Nanoseconds(), bs.UserTime.Nanoseconds(), bs.SysTime.Nanoseconds())
if verbose > 0 {
f, err := os.OpenFile(config.buildBenchName(), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("There was an error opening %s for append, error %v\n", config.buildBenchName(), err)
// Trim /usr/bin/time info from soutput, it's ugly
if verbose > 0 {
soutput := string(output)
i := strings.LastIndex(soutput, "real")
if i >= 0 {
soutput = soutput[:i]
// Do this here before any cleanup.
if count == 0 {
config.runOtherBenchmarks(bench, cwd, cmdEnv, count, randomizingBinaries)
return ""
// say writes s to c's benchmark output file
func (c *Configuration) say(s string) {
b := []byte(s)
nw, err := c.benchWriter.Write(b)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error writing, err = %v, nwritten = %d, nrequested = %d\n", err, nw, len(b))
// runBinary runs cmd and displays the output.
// If the command returns an error, returns an error string.
func (c *Configuration) runBinary(cwd string, cmd *exec.Cmd, printWorkingDot bool) (string, int) {
line := asCommandLine(cwd, cmd)
if verbose > 0 {
} else {
if printWorkingDot {
rc := 0
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error [stdoutpipe] running '%s', %v", line, err), rc
stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error [stderrpipe] running '%s', %v", line, err), rc
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error [command start] running '%s', %v", line, err), rc
var mu = &sync.Mutex{}
f := func(r *bufio.Reader, done chan error) {
for {
bytes, err := r.ReadBytes('\n')
n := len(bytes)
if n > 0 {
nw, err := c.benchWriter.Write(bytes[0:n])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error writing, err = %v, nwritten = %d, nrequested = %d\n", err, nw, n)
if err == io.EOF || n == 0 {
if err != nil {
done <- err
done <- nil
doneS := make(chan error)
doneE := make(chan error)
go f(bufio.NewReader(stdout), doneS)
go f(bufio.NewReader(stderr), doneE)
errS := <-doneS
errE := <-doneE
err = cmd.Wait()
rc = cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()
if err != nil {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *exec.ExitError:
return fmt.Sprintf("Error running '%s', stderr = %s, rc = %d", line, e.Stderr, rc), rc
return fmt.Sprintf("Error running '%s', %v, rc = %d", line, e, rc), rc
if errS != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error [read stdout] running '%s', %v, rc = %d", line, errS, rc), rc
if errE != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error [read stderr] running '%s', %v, rc = %d", line, errE, rc), rc
return "", rc