blob: 80e4be74b8c8ac3e291419e405c4f9afad97a8f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ppc64map constructs the ppc64 opcode map from the instruction set CSV file.
// Usage:
// ppc64map [-fmt=format] ppc64.csv
// The known output formats are:
// text (default) - print decoding tree in text form
// decoder - print decoding tables for the ppc64asm package
package main
import (
gofmt "go/format"
asm ""
var format = flag.String("fmt", "text", "output format: text, decoder")
var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "enable debugging output")
var inputFile string
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: ppc64map [-fmt=format] ppc64.csv\n")
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("ppc64map: ")
flag.Usage = usage
if flag.NArg() != 1 {
inputFile = flag.Arg(0)
var print func(*Prog)
switch *format {
log.Fatalf("unknown output format %q", *format)
case "text":
print = printText
case "decoder":
print = printDecoder
p, err := readCSV(flag.Arg(0))
log.Printf("Parsed %d instruction forms.", len(p.Insts))
if err != nil {
// readCSV reads the CSV file and returns the corresponding Prog.
// It may print details about problems to standard error using the log package.
func readCSV(file string) (*Prog, error) {
// Read input.
// Skip leading blank and # comment lines.
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b := bufio.NewReader(f)
for {
c, err := b.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
if c == '\n' {
if c == '#' {
table, err := csv.NewReader(b).ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing %s: %v", file, err)
if len(table) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty csv input")
if len(table[0]) < 4 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("csv too narrow: need at least four columns")
p := &Prog{}
for _, row := range table {
add(p, row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3])
return p, nil
type Prog struct {
Insts []Inst
OpRanges map[string]string
type Field struct {
Name string
BitFields asm.BitFields
Type asm.ArgType
Shift uint8
func (f Field) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%s%v)", f.Type, f.Name, f.BitFields)
type Inst struct {
Text string
Encoding string
Op string
Mask uint32
Value uint32
DontCare uint32
Fields []Field
func (i Inst) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) %08x/%08x[%08x] %v (%s)", i.Op, i.Encoding, i.Value, i.Mask, i.DontCare, i.Fields, i.Text)
type Arg struct {
Name string
Bits int8
Offs int8
func (a Arg) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d:%d]", a.Name, a.Offs, a.Offs+a.Bits-1)
func (a Arg) Maximum() int {
return 1<<uint8(a.Bits) - 1
func (a Arg) BitMask() uint32 {
return uint32(a.Maximum()) << a.Shift()
func (a Arg) Shift() uint8 {
return uint8(32 - a.Offs - a.Bits)
type Args []Arg
func (as Args) String() string {
ss := make([]string, len(as))
for i := range as {
ss[i] = as[i].String()
return strings.Join(ss, "|")
func (as Args) Find(name string) int {
for i := range as {
if as[i].Name == name {
return i
return -1
func (as *Args) Append(a Arg) {
*as = append(*as, a)
func (as *Args) Delete(i int) {
*as = append((*as)[:i], (*as)[i+1:]...)
func (as Args) Clone() Args {
return append(Args{}, as...)
func (a Arg) isDontCare() bool {
return a.Name[0] == '/' && a.Name == strings.Repeat("/", len(a.Name))
// add adds the entry from the CSV described by text, mnemonics, encoding, and tags
// to the program p.
func add(p *Prog, text, mnemonics, encoding, tags string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(mnemonics, "e_") || strings.HasPrefix(mnemonics, "se_") {
// TODO(minux): VLE instructions are ignored.
// Parse encoding, building size and offset of each field.
// The first field in the encoding is the smallest offset.
// And note the MSB is bit 0, not bit 31.
// Example: "31@0|RS@6|RA@11|///@16|26@21|Rc@31|"
var args Args
var err error
fields := strings.Split(encoding, "|")
for i, f := range fields {
name, off := "", -1
if f == "" {
off = 32
if i == 0 || i != len(fields)-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: wrong %d-th encoding field: %q\n", text, i, f)
} else {
j := strings.Index(f, "@")
if j < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: wrong %d-th encoding field: %q\n", text, i, f)
k := strings.Index(f[j+1:], " ")
if k >= 0 {
if strings.HasSuffix(f[j+1:], " 31") {
f = f[:len(f)-3]
off, err = strconv.Atoi(f[j+1:])
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "err for: %s has: %s for %s\n", f[:j], err, f[j+1:])
name = f[:j]
if len(args) > 0 {
args[len(args)-1].Bits += int8(off)
if name != "" {
arg := Arg{Name: name, Offs: int8(off), Bits: int8(-off)}
var mask, value, dontCare uint32
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
arg := args[i]
v, err := strconv.Atoi(arg.Name)
switch {
case err == nil: // is a numbered field
if v < 0 || v > arg.Maximum() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: field %s value (%d) is out of range (%d-bit)\n", text, arg, v, arg.Bits)
mask |= arg.BitMask()
value |= uint32(v) << arg.Shift()
case arg.Name[0] == '/': // is don't care
if arg.Name != strings.Repeat("/", len(arg.Name)) {
log.Fatalf("%s: arg %v named like a don't care bit, but it's not", text, arg)
dontCare |= arg.BitMask()
// rename duplicated fields (e.g. 30@0|RS@6|RA@11|sh@16|mb@21|0@27|sh@30|Rc@31|)
// but only support two duplicated fields
for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ {
if args[:i].Find(args[i].Name) >= 0 {
args[i].Name += "2"
if args[:i].Find(args[i].Name) >= 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: more than one duplicated fields: %s", text, args)
// sanity checks
if mask&dontCare != 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: mask (%08x) and don't care (%08x) collide", text, mask, dontCare)
if value&^mask != 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: value (%08x) out of range of mask (%08x)", text, value, mask)
var argMask uint32
for _, arg := range args {
if arg.Bits <= 0 || arg.Bits > 32 || arg.Offs > 31 || arg.Offs <= 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: arg %v has wrong bit field spec", text, arg)
if mask&arg.BitMask() != 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: mask (%08x) intersect with arg %v", text, mask, arg)
if argMask&arg.BitMask() != 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: arg %v overlap with other args %v", text, arg, args)
argMask |= arg.BitMask()
if 1<<32-1 != mask|dontCare|argMask {
log.Fatalf("%s: args %v fail to cover all 32 bits", text, args)
// split mnemonics into individual instructions
// example: "b target_addr (AA=0 LK=0)|ba target_addr (AA=1 LK=0)|bl target_addr (AA=0 LK=1)|bla target_addr (AA=1 LK=1)"
insts := strings.Split(categoryRe.ReplaceAllString(mnemonics, ""), "|")
for _, inst := range insts {
value, mask := value, mask
args := args.Clone()
if inst == "" {
// amend mask and value
parts := instRe.FindStringSubmatch(inst)
if parts == nil {
log.Fatalf("%v couldn't match %s", instRe, inst)
conds := condRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(parts[2], -1)
isPCRel := true
for _, cond := range conds {
i := args.Find(cond[1])
v, _ := strconv.ParseInt(cond[2], 16, 32) // the regular expression has checked the number format
if i < 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: %s don't contain arg %s used in %s", text, args, cond[1], inst)
if cond[1] == "AA" && v == 1 {
isPCRel = false
mask |= args[i].BitMask()
value |= uint32(v) << args[i].Shift()
inst := Inst{Text: text, Encoding: parts[1], Value: value, Mask: mask, DontCare: dontCare}
// order inst.Args according to mnemonics order
for i, opr := range operandRe.FindAllString(parts[1], -1) {
if i == 0 { // operation
inst.Op = opr
field := Field{Name: opr}
typ := asm.TypeUnknown
var shift uint8
opr2 := ""
switch opr {
case "target_addr":
shift = 2
if isPCRel {
typ = asm.TypePCRel
} else {
typ = asm.TypeLabel
if args.Find("LI") >= 0 {
opr = "LI"
} else {
opr = "BD"
case "UI", "BO", "BH", "TH", "LEV", "NB", "L", "TO", "FXM", "FC", "U", "W", "FLM", "UIM", "IMM8", "RIC", "PRS", "SHB", "SHW", "ST", "SIX", "PS", "DCM", "DCMX", "DGM", "RMC", "R", "SP", "S", "DM", "CT", "EH", "E", "MO", "WC", "A", "IH", "OC", "DUI", "DUIS", "CY":
typ = asm.TypeImmUnsigned
if i := args.Find(opr); i < 0 {
opr = "D"
case "SH":
typ = asm.TypeImmUnsigned
if args.Find("sh2") >= 0 { // sh2 || sh
opr = "sh2"
opr2 = "sh"
case "MB", "ME":
typ = asm.TypeImmUnsigned
if n := strings.ToLower(opr); args.Find(n) >= 0 {
opr = n // xx[5] || xx[0:4]
case "SI", "SIM", "TE":
typ = asm.TypeImmSigned
if i := args.Find(opr); i < 0 {
opr = "D"
case "DS":
typ = asm.TypeOffset
shift = 2
case "DQ":
typ = asm.TypeOffset
shift = 4
case "D":
if i := args.Find(opr); i >= 0 {
typ = asm.TypeOffset
if i := args.Find("UI"); i >= 0 {
typ = asm.TypeImmUnsigned
opr = "UI"
if i := args.Find("SI"); i >= 0 {
typ = asm.TypeImmSigned
opr = "SI"
case "RA", "RB", "RC", "RS", "RSp", "RT", "RTp":
typ = asm.TypeReg
case "BT", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BI":
typ = asm.TypeCondRegBit
case "BF", "BFA":
typ = asm.TypeCondRegField
case "FRA", "FRB", "FRBp", "FRC", "FRS", "FRSp", "FRT", "FRTp":
typ = asm.TypeFPReg
case "XA", "XB", "XC", "XS", "XT": // 5-bit, split field
typ = asm.TypeVecSReg
opr2 = opr[1:]
opr = opr[1:] + "X"
case "VRA", "VRB", "VRC", "VRS", "VRT":
typ = asm.TypeVecReg
case "SPR", "DCRN", "BHRBE", "TBR", "SR", "TMR", "PMRN": // Note: if you add to this list and the register field needs special handling, add it to switch statement below
typ = asm.TypeSpReg
switch opr {
case "DCRN":
opr = "DCR"
if n := strings.ToLower(opr); n != opr && args.Find(n) >= 0 {
opr = n // spr[5:9] || spr[0:4]
if typ == asm.TypeUnknown {
log.Fatalf("%s %s unknown type for opr %s", text, inst, opr)
field.Type = typ
field.Shift = shift
var f1, f2 asm.BitField
switch {
case opr2 != "":
ext := args.Find(opr)
if ext < 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: couldn't find extended field %s in %s", text, opr, args)
f1.Offs, f1.Bits = uint8(args[ext].Offs), uint8(args[ext].Bits)
base := args.Find(opr2)
if base < 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: couldn't find base field %s in %s", text, opr2, args)
f2.Offs, f2.Bits = uint8(args[base].Offs), uint8(args[base].Bits)
case opr == "mb", opr == "me": // xx[5] || xx[0:4]
i := args.Find(opr)
if i < 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: couldn't find special 'm[be]' field for %s in %s", text, opr, args)
f1.Offs, f1.Bits = uint8(args[i].Offs+args[i].Bits)-1, 1
f2.Offs, f2.Bits = uint8(args[i].Offs), uint8(args[i].Bits)-1
case opr == "spr", opr == "tbr", opr == "tmr", opr == "dcr": // spr[5:9] || spr[0:4]
i := args.Find(opr)
if i < 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: couldn't find special 'spr' field for %s in %s", text, opr, args)
if args[i].Bits != 10 {
log.Fatalf("%s: special 'spr' field is not 10-bit: %s", text, args)
f1.Offs, f1.Bits = uint8(args[i].Offs)+5, 5
f2.Offs, f2.Bits = uint8(args[i].Offs), 5
i := args.Find(opr)
if i < 0 {
log.Fatalf("%s: couldn't find %s in %s", text, opr, args)
f1.Offs, f1.Bits = uint8(args[i].Offs), uint8(args[i].Bits)
if f2.Bits > 0 {
inst.Fields = append(inst.Fields, field)
if *debug {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", inst)
p.Insts = append(p.Insts, inst)
// condRegexp is a regular expression that matches condition in mnemonics (e.g. "AA=1")
const condRegexp = `\s*([[:alpha:]]+)=([0-9a-f]+)\s*`
// condRe matches condition in mnemonics (e.g. "AA=1")
var condRe = regexp.MustCompile(condRegexp)
// instRe matches instruction with potentially multiple conditions in mnemonics
var instRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*?)\s?(\((` + condRegexp + `)+\))?$`)
// categoryRe matches intruction category notices in mnemonics
var categoryRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(\s*\[Category:[^]]*\]\s*)|(\s*\[Co-requisite[^]]*\]\s*)|(\s*\(\s*0[Xx][[0-9A-Fa-f_]{9}\s*\)\s*)`)
// operandRe matches each operand (including opcode) in instruction mnemonics
var operandRe = regexp.MustCompile(`([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\.?)`)
// printText implements the -fmt=text mode, which is not implemented (yet?).
func printText(p *Prog) {
log.Fatal("-fmt=text not implemented")
// opName translate an opcode to a valid Go identifier all-cap op name.
func opName(op string) string {
return strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(op, ".", "CC", 1))
// argFieldName constructs a name for the argField
func argFieldName(f Field) string {
ns := []string{"ap", f.Type.String()}
for _, b := range f.BitFields {
ns = append(ns, fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", b.Offs, b.Offs+b.Bits-1))
if f.Shift > 0 {
ns = append(ns, fmt.Sprintf("shift%d", f.Shift))
return strings.Join(ns, "_")
var funcBodyTmpl = template.Must(template.New("funcBody").Parse(``))
// printDecoder implements the -fmt=decoder mode.
// It emits the tables.go for package armasm's decoder.
func printDecoder(p *Prog) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "// DO NOT EDIT\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "// generated by: ppc64map -fmt=decoder %s\n", inputFile)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "package ppc64asm\n\n")
// Build list of opcodes, using the csv order (which corresponds to ISA docs order)
m := map[string]bool{}
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "const (\n\t_ Op = iota\n")
for _, inst := range p.Insts {
name := opName(inst.Op)
if ok := m[name]; ok {
m[name] = true
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%s\n", name)
fmt.Fprint(&buf, ")\n\n\n")
// Emit slice mapping opcode number to name string.
m = map[string]bool{}
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var opstr = [...]string{\n")
for _, inst := range p.Insts {
name := opName(inst.Op)
if ok := m[name]; ok {
m[name] = true
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%s: %q,\n", opName(inst.Op), inst.Op)
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "}\n\n\n")
// print out argFields
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var (\n")
m = map[string]bool{}
for _, inst := range p.Insts {
for _, f := range inst.Fields {
name := argFieldName(f)
if ok := m[name]; ok {
m[name] = true
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%s = &argField{Type: %#v, Shift: %d, BitFields: BitFields{", name, f.Type, f.Shift)
for _, b := range f.BitFields {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "{%d, %d},", b.Offs, b.Bits)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}}\n")
fmt.Fprint(&buf, ")\n\n\n")
// Emit decoding table.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var instFormats = [...]instFormat{\n")
for _, inst := range p.Insts {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t{ %s, %#x, %#x, %#x,", opName(inst.Op), inst.Mask, inst.Value, inst.DontCare)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " // %s (%s)\n\t\t[5]*argField{", inst.Text, inst.Encoding)
for _, f := range inst.Fields {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s, ", argFieldName(f))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}},\n")
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "}\n\n")
out, err := gofmt.Source(buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("gofmt error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("%s", buf.Bytes())
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s", out)