blob: 6c25c5c327c4151d96ac2e719869ac2b4bc50939 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ppc64asm
import (
const debugDecode = false
const prefixOpcode = 1
// instFormat is a decoding rule for one specific instruction form.
// an instruction ins matches the rule if ins&Mask == Value
// DontCare bits should be zero, but the machine might not reject
// ones in those bits, they are mainly reserved for future expansion
// of the instruction set.
// The Args are stored in the same order as the instruction manual.
// Prefixed instructions are stored as:
// prefix << 32 | suffix,
// Regular instructions are:
// inst << 32
type instFormat struct {
Op Op
Mask uint64
Value uint64
DontCare uint64
Args [6]*argField
// argField indicate how to decode an argument to an instruction.
// First parse the value from the BitFields, shift it left by Shift
// bits to get the actual numerical value.
type argField struct {
Type ArgType
Shift uint8
// Parse parses the Arg out from the given binary instruction i.
func (a argField) Parse(i [2]uint32) Arg {
switch a.Type {
return nil
case TypeUnknown:
return nil
case TypeReg:
return R0 + Reg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeCondRegBit:
return Cond0LT + CondReg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeCondRegField:
return CR0 + CondReg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeFPReg:
return F0 + Reg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeVecReg:
return V0 + Reg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeVecSReg:
return VS0 + Reg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeVecSpReg:
return VS0 + Reg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))*2
case TypeMMAReg:
return A0 + Reg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeSpReg:
return SpReg(a.BitFields.Parse(i))
case TypeImmSigned:
return Imm(a.BitFields.ParseSigned(i) << a.Shift)
case TypeImmUnsigned:
return Imm(a.BitFields.Parse(i) << a.Shift)
case TypePCRel:
return PCRel(a.BitFields.ParseSigned(i) << a.Shift)
case TypeLabel:
return Label(a.BitFields.ParseSigned(i) << a.Shift)
case TypeOffset:
return Offset(a.BitFields.ParseSigned(i) << a.Shift)
case TypeNegOffset:
// An oddball encoding of offset for hashchk and similar.
// e.g hashchk offset is 0b1111111000000000 | DX << 8 | D << 3
off := a.BitFields.ParseSigned(i) << a.Shift
neg := int64(-1) << (int(a.Shift) + a.BitFields.NumBits())
return Offset(neg | off)
type ArgType int8
const (
TypeUnknown ArgType = iota
TypePCRel // PC-relative address
TypeLabel // absolute address
TypeReg // integer register
TypeCondRegBit // conditional register bit (0-31)
TypeCondRegField // conditional register field (0-7)
TypeFPReg // floating point register
TypeVecReg // vector register
TypeVecSReg // VSX register
TypeVecSpReg // VSX register pair (even only encoding)
TypeMMAReg // MMA register
TypeSpReg // special register (depends on Op)
TypeImmSigned // signed immediate
TypeImmUnsigned // unsigned immediate/flag/mask, this is the catch-all type
TypeOffset // signed offset in load/store
TypeNegOffset // A negative 16 bit value 0b1111111xxxxx000 encoded as 0bxxxxx (e.g in the hashchk instruction)
TypeLast // must be the last one
type InstMaskMap struct {
mask uint64
insn map[uint64]*instFormat
// Note, plxv/pstxv have a 5 bit opcode in the second instruction word. Only match the most significant 5 of 6 bits of the second primary opcode.
const lookupOpcodeMask = uint64(0xFC000000F8000000)
// Three level lookup for any instruction:
// 1. Primary opcode map to a list of secondary opcode maps.
// 2. A list of opcodes with distinct masks, sorted by largest to smallest mask.
// 3. A map to a specific opcodes with a given mask.
var getLookupMap = sync.OnceValue(func() map[uint64][]InstMaskMap {
lMap := make(map[uint64][]InstMaskMap)
for idx, _ := range instFormats {
i := &instFormats[idx]
pop := i.Value & lookupOpcodeMask
var me *InstMaskMap
masks := lMap[pop]
for im, m := range masks {
if m.mask == i.Mask {
me = &masks[im]
if me == nil {
me = &InstMaskMap{i.Mask, map[uint64]*instFormat{}}
masks = append(masks, *me)
me.insn[i.Value] = i
lMap[pop] = masks
// Reverse sort masks to ensure extended mnemonics match before more generic forms of an opcode (e.x nop over ori 0,0,0)
for _, v := range lMap {
sort.Slice(v, func(i, j int) bool {
return v[i].mask > v[j].mask
return lMap
func (t ArgType) String() string {
switch t {
return fmt.Sprintf("ArgType(%d)", int(t))
case TypeUnknown:
return "Unknown"
case TypeReg:
return "Reg"
case TypeCondRegBit:
return "CondRegBit"
case TypeCondRegField:
return "CondRegField"
case TypeFPReg:
return "FPReg"
case TypeVecReg:
return "VecReg"
case TypeVecSReg:
return "VecSReg"
case TypeVecSpReg:
return "VecSpReg"
case TypeMMAReg:
return "MMAReg"
case TypeSpReg:
return "SpReg"
case TypeImmSigned:
return "ImmSigned"
case TypeImmUnsigned:
return "ImmUnsigned"
case TypePCRel:
return "PCRel"
case TypeLabel:
return "Label"
case TypeOffset:
return "Offset"
case TypeNegOffset:
return "NegOffset"
func (t ArgType) GoString() string {
s := t.String()
if t > 0 && t < TypeLast {
return "Type" + s
return s
var (
// Errors
errShort = fmt.Errorf("truncated instruction")
errUnknown = fmt.Errorf("unknown instruction")
var decoderCover []bool
// Decode decodes the leading bytes in src as a single instruction using
// byte order ord.
func Decode(src []byte, ord binary.ByteOrder) (inst Inst, err error) {
if len(src) < 4 {
return inst, errShort
if decoderCover == nil {
decoderCover = make([]bool, len(instFormats))
inst.Len = 4
ui_extn := [2]uint32{ord.Uint32(src[:inst.Len]), 0}
ui := uint64(ui_extn[0]) << 32
inst.Enc = ui_extn[0]
opcode := inst.Enc >> 26
if opcode == prefixOpcode {
// This is a prefixed instruction
inst.Len = 8
if len(src) < 8 {
return inst, errShort
// Merge the suffixed word.
ui_extn[1] = ord.Uint32(src[4:inst.Len])
ui |= uint64(ui_extn[1])
inst.SuffixEnc = ui_extn[1]
fmts := getLookupMap()[ui&lookupOpcodeMask]
for i, masks := range fmts {
if _, fnd := masks.insn[masks.mask&ui]; !fnd {
iform := masks.insn[masks.mask&ui]
if ui&iform.DontCare != 0 {
if debugDecode {
log.Printf("Decode(%#x): unused bit is 1 for Op %s", ui, iform.Op)
// to match GNU objdump (libopcodes), we ignore don't care bits
for i, argfield := range iform.Args {
if argfield == nil {
inst.Args[i] = argfield.Parse(ui_extn)
inst.Op = iform.Op
if debugDecode {
log.Printf("%#x: search entry %d", ui, i)
if inst.Op == 0 && inst.Enc != 0 {
return inst, errUnknown
return inst, nil