[release-branch.go1.21] all: merge master (a7b1793) into release-branch.go1.21

Merge List:

+ 2023-06-20 a7b1793701 cmd/go: do not index std as a module in modcache
+ 2023-06-20 3d279283a4 cmd/go: restore go.mod files during toolchain selection
+ 2023-06-20 3b4b7b84de cmd/distpack: rename go.mod to _go.mod in toolchain modules
+ 2023-06-20 6459494014 cmd/go: disable sumdb less often for toolchain downloads
+ 2023-06-20 02789816c4 internal/bisect: add 'q' hash option for quiet hash behavior switching
+ 2023-06-20 98617fd23f runtime/trace: add godoc links
+ 2023-06-19 bc21d6a4fc cmd/go/internal/modfetch: fix retractions slice initial length not zero
+ 2023-06-17 261e267618 os/exec: document a method to check if a process is alive
+ 2023-06-16 dbf9bf2c39 cmd/internal/moddeps: allow the "misc" module to be missing from GOROOT
+ 2023-06-16 0183c1aa02 cmd/compile/internal/syntax: skip GOROOT/misc in TestStdLib if it doesn't exist
+ 2023-06-16 199fbd4b59 cmd/internal/testdir: skip Test if GOROOT/test does not exist
+ 2023-06-16 a48f9c26d5 go/types: skip tests that require GOROOT/test if it is not present
+ 2023-06-16 3891ecbd35 go/internal/gcimporter: skip TestImportTypeparamTests if GOROOT/test is missing
+ 2023-06-16 60876717b4 cmd/go/internal/test: don't wait for previous test actions when interrupted
+ 2023-06-16 c1bc44642d path/filepath: avoid assuming that GOROOT/test is present
+ 2023-06-16 9ece9a7ac9 cmd/cgo/internal/testshared: disable gccgo tests on PPC64
+ 2023-06-16 23c5e48c4a cmd/cgo/internal/testshared: strip newline from gccgo -dumpversion
+ 2023-06-16 cf7ae4f136 compress/bzip2: fix typo
+ 2023-06-16 3c8b7a9551 net/http: check RemoteAddr isn't nil before dereferencing
+ 2023-06-16 548790e64a net/http: close req.Body only when it's non-nil on js
+ 2023-06-16 6dc2d2aa6b testing/fstest: fix the Glob test when dir entries are out of order
+ 2023-06-16 2b0ff4b629 reflect: fix ArenaNew to match documentation
+ 2023-06-16 4eceefa338 cmd/distpack: make go_$GOOS_$GOARCH_exec programs executable
+ 2023-06-16 1a7709d6af runtime: use 1-byte load for address checking in racecallatomic
+ 2023-06-15 3e7ec13166 cmd/go: fix build config for 'go list -cover'
+ 2023-06-15 30b17f4f97 net/http: only disable Fetch API in tests
+ 2023-06-15 65db95d0ed math: document that Min/Max differ from min/max
+ 2023-06-15 60e6afb689 cmd/compile: do not report division by error during typecheck
+ 2023-06-15 f6e0dcc474 slices: add sort benchmark for sorted strings

Change-Id: If342a000b719335fbbb421f027a8b253b07c1cab
tree: 3946ab04bca39c829797bda4b0d989083cfda23c
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. codereview.cfg
  12. go.env
  15. README.md
  16. SECURITY.md

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