cmd/compile/internal/liveness: enhance mergelocals for addr-taken candidates

It is possible to have situations where a given ir.Name is
non-address-taken at the source level, but whose address is
materialized in order to accommodate the needs of arch-dependent
memory ops. The issue here is that the SymAddr op will show up as
touching a variable of interest, but the subsequent memory op will
not. This is generally not an issue for computing whether something is
live across a call, but it is problematic for collecting the more
fine-grained live interval info that drives stack slot merging.

As an example, consider this Go code:

    package p
    type T struct {
	    x [10]int
	    f float64
    func ABC(i, j int) int {
	    var t T
	    t.x[i&3] = j
	    return t.x[j&3]

On amd64 the code sequences we'll see for accesses to "t" might look like

    v10 = VarDef <mem> {t} v1
    v5 = MOVOstoreconst <mem> {t} [val=0,off=0] v2 v10
    v23 = LEAQ <*T> {t} [8] v2 : DI
    v12 = DUFFZERO <mem> [80] v23 v5
    v14 = ANDQconst <int> [3] v7 : AX
    v19 = MOVQstoreidx8 <mem> {t} v2 v14 v8 v12
    v22 = ANDQconst <int> [3] v8 : BX
    v24 = MOVQloadidx8 <int> {t} v2 v22 v19 : AX
    v25 = MakeResult <int,mem> v24 v19 : <>

Note that the the loads and stores (ex: v19, v24) all refer directly
to "t", which means that regular live analysis will work fine for
identifying variable lifetimes. The DUFFZERO is (in effect) an
indirect write, but since there are accesses immediately after it we
wind up with the same live intervals.

Now the same code with GOARCH=ppc64:

    v10 = VarDef <mem> {t} v1
    v20 = MOVDaddr <*T> {t} v2 : R20
    v12 = LoweredZero <mem> [88] v20 v10
     v3 = CLRLSLDI <int> [212543] v7 : R5
    v15 = MOVDaddr <*T> {t} v2 : R6
    v19 = MOVDstoreidx <mem> v15 v3 v8 v12
    v29 = CLRLSLDI <int> [212543] v8 : R4
    v24 = MOVDloadidx <int> v15 v29 v19 : R3
    v25 = MakeResult <int,mem> v24 v19 : <>

Here instead of memory ops that refer directly to the symbol, we take
the address of "t" (ex: v15) and then pass the address to memory ops
(where the ops themselves no longer refer to the symbol).

This patch enhances the stack slot merging liveness analysis to handle
cases like the PPC64 one above. We add a new phase in candidate
selection that collects more precise use information for merge
candidates, and screens out candidates that are too difficult to
analyze. The phase make a forward pass over each basic block looking
for instructions of the form vK := SymAddr(N) where N is a raw
candidate. It then creates an entry in a map with key vK and value
holding name and the vK use count. As the walk continues, we check for
uses of of vK: when we see one, record it in a side table as an
upwards exposed use of N. At each vK use we also decrement the use
count in the map entry, and if we hit zero, remove the map entry. If
we hit the end of the basic block and we still have map entries, this
implies that the address in question "escapes" the block -- at that
point to be conservative we just evict the name in question from the
candidate set.

Although this CL fixes the issues that forced a revert of the original
merging CL, this CL doesn't enable stack slot merging by default; a
subsequent CL will do that.

Updates #62737.
Updates #65532.
Updates #65495.

Change-Id: Id41d359a677767a8e7ac1e962ae23f7becb4031f
Reviewed-by: Cherry Mui <>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <>
6 files changed
tree: 544e9567ab3f317505d232c5b35e6cc283da644d
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. codereview.cfg
  12. go.env

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