blob: 41c31f4c65363279f7699892937910f8fb90d064 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package message
// TODO: some types in this file will need to be made public at some time.
// Documentation and method names will reflect this by using the exported name.
import (
// DefaultCatalog is used by SetString.
var DefaultCatalog *Catalog = newCatalog()
// SetString calls SetString on the default Catalog.
func SetString(tag language.Tag, key string, msg string) error {
return DefaultCatalog.SetString(tag, key, msg)
// TODO:
// // SetSelect is a shorthand for DefaultCatalog.SetSelect.
// func SetSelect(tag language.Tag, key string, s ...format.Statement) error {
// return DefaultCatalog.SetSelect(tag, key, s...)
// }
type msgMap map[string]format.Statement
// A Catalog holds translations for messages for supported languages.
type Catalog struct {
index map[language.Tag]msgMap
mutex sync.Mutex // For locking all operations.
// Printer creates a Printer that uses c.
func (c *Catalog) Printer(tag language.Tag) *Printer {
// TODO: pre-create indexes for tag lookup.
return &Printer{
tag: tag,
cat: c,
// NewCatalog returns a new Catalog. If a message is not present in a Catalog,
// the fallback Catalogs will be used in order as an alternative source.
func newCatalog(fallback ...*Catalog) *Catalog {
// TODO: implement fallback.
return &Catalog{
index: map[language.Tag]msgMap{},
// Languages returns a slice of all languages for which the Catalog contains
// variants.
func (c *Catalog) Languages() []language.Tag {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
tags := []language.Tag{}
for t, _ := range c.index {
tags = append(tags, t)
return tags
// SetString sets the translation for the given language and key.
func (c *Catalog) SetString(tag language.Tag, key string, msg string) error {
return c.set(tag, key, format.String(msg))
func (c *Catalog) get(tag language.Tag, key string) (msg string, ok bool) {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
for ; ; tag = tag.Parent() {
if msgs, ok := c.index[tag]; ok {
if statement, ok := msgs[key]; ok {
// TODO: use type switches when we implement selecting.
msg := string(statement.(format.String))
return msg, true
if tag == language.Und {
return "", false
func (c *Catalog) set(tag language.Tag, key string, s ...format.Statement) error {
if len(s) != 1 {
// TODO: handle errors properly when we process statement sequences.
panic("statement sequence should be of length 1")
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
m := c.index[tag]
if m == nil {
m = map[string]format.Statement{}
c.index[tag] = m
m[key] = s[0]
return nil