runtime: emit trace stacks for more goroutines in each generation

This change adds a new event, GoStatusStack, which is like GoStatus but
also carries a stack ID. The purpose of this event is to emit stacks in
more places, in particular for goroutines that may never emit a
stack-bearing event in a whole generation.

This CL targets one specific case: goroutines that were blocked or in a
syscall the entire generation. This particular case is handled at the
point that we scribble down the goroutine's status before the generation
transition. That way, when we're finishing up the generation and
emitting events for any goroutines we scribbled down, we have an
accurate stack for those goroutines ready to go, and we emit a
GoStatusStack instead of a GoStatus event. There's a small drawback with
the way we scribble down the stack though: we immediately register it in
the stack table instead of tracking the PCs. This means that if a
goroutine does run and emit a trace event in between when we scribbled
down its stack and the end of the generation, we will have recorded a
stack that never actually gets referenced in the trace. This case should
be rare.

There are two remaining cases where we could emit stacks for goroutines
but we don't.

One is goroutines that get unblocked but either never run, or run and
never block within a generation. We could take a stack trace at the
point of unblocking the goroutine, if we're emitting a GoStatus event
for it, but unfortunately we don't own the stack at that point. We could
obtain ownership by grabbing its _Gscan bit, but that seems a little
risky, since we could hold up the goroutine emitting the event for a
while. Something to consider for the future.

The other remaining case is a goroutine that was runnable when tracing
started and began running, but then ran until the end of the generation
without getting preempted or blocking. The main issue here is that
although the goroutine will have a GoStatus event, it'll only have a
GoStart event for it which doesn't emit a stack trace. This case is
rare, but still certainly possible. I believe the only way to resolve it
is to emit a GoStatusStack event instead of a GoStatus event for a
goroutine that we're emitting GoStart for. This case is a bit easier
than the last one because at the point of emitting GoStart, we have
ownership of the goroutine's stack.

We may consider dealing with these in the future, but for now, this CL
captures a fairly large class of goroutines, so is worth it on its own.

Fixes #65634.

Change-Id: Ief3b6df5848b426e7ee6794e98dc7ef5f37ab2d0
Auto-Submit: Michael Knyszek <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <>
10 files changed
tree: f8a80eccea161b6e710bd68b2940db7e901ee39e
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. codereview.cfg
  12. go.env

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